As we elect new mayors, appoint councillors to committees, attend AGMs and festive occasions and look forward to school holidays, it is not altogether surprising that there are a number of calls for submissions requiring attention. Like you, we are working to meet deadlines and consult with as many of you as possible to ensure consultation processes are meaningful.
Please feel free to contact us regarding any of the submission processes currently underway: Essential Services Commission – Performance Monitoring; Electoral Representation Review; and Conflict of Interest Review (the Minister announced at VLGA drinks last week that a Discussion Paper is about to be released).
This is the last e-news for 2009.
As the year draws to a close, I take this opportunity to wish all of you our very best for a happy and safe festive season and thank you all for your support of the VLGA in our work.
It has been a busy year and as the Copenhagen summit commences and bushfire season continues, I hope we can make the changes required to keep communities safe in 2010.
VLGA and Minister Wynne End-of-Year Celebrations
The VLGA community enjoyed a wonderful end-of-year celebration event with The Hon Richard Wynne, Minister for Local Government, last Thursday. The event was well attended, with mayors, councillors and community members travelling from all over the state especially for this event.
The Board took the opportunity to formally introduce and welcome our new CEO Maree McPherson, and we joined with the Minister to acknowledge the contribution of the interim management team, Darren Ray and Liana Thompson, as well as all of the wonderful staff at the VLGA who deliver services to our members.
John Jago Memorial Award for Governance
At last Thursday's event, Minister Wynne launched the VLGA’s ‘John Jago Memorial Award for Governance' and we will provide more information about this award for councillors in the new year.
John Jago was a tireless and dedicated worker in the fields of indigenous issues, social justice and local government. John became involved with the VLGA in 1994 and was the Association’s President from 1998 to 2000.
John led the VLGA with integrity and grace. His ability to engage with a wide range of people was inspirational, as was his commitment to social justice and good governance. John plunged in at the local level to put himself forward for election to council, becoming one of the early Wellington Shire Mayors.
His local involvement was distinguished and dignified and marked by his determination to allow all his colleagues, even those with whom he had political differences, to be effective in their representative roles.
(Source: Mike Hill, Tribute to John Jago.)
In 2008 John passed away. We lost a friend, a respected leader and fierce local government advocate. This Memorial Award is but a small legacy to a life well lived and an opportunity to celebrate democratic participation. From 2010, the recipient of this award will encapsulate the values and principles of good governance.
For more information about the award please feel free to contact Darren Ray, Director Policy & Public Affairs at the VLGA on 03 9349 7902 or
Essential Services Commission Inquiry into Local Government Performance Monitoring
Thank you to the many councils and community organisations for sending us your thoughts on this inquiry. When we meet with the ESC and finalise our submission, I am confident that the widespread criticism of a generic 'one-size-fits-all' model will be heard loudly and clearly. There is also widespread concern about the prospect of unnecessary duplication of data collection and a clear view that information collected must be meaningful to councils and communities.
While we all support accountability, transparency and improvement, councils across Victoria face complex challenges, so simply adding to our workloads for the sake of it will not be welcomed by the VLGA. Performance monitoring must be capable of leading directly to improvements in areas that matter to communities.
New member – Moira Shire Council
I am pleased to welcome yet another rural council member, Moira Shire Council, bringing us to 58 council members.
Moira Shire Council is home to approximately 29,000 residents. The municipality has four major towns (Cobram, Nathalia, Numurkah and Yarrawonga) as well as 18 smaller communities. It is strategically positioned just 2.5 hours’ drive from Melbourne and close to other regional centres such as Shepparton and Wodonga. Located on the majestic Murray River with access to affordable rural and urban housing, good education facilities, excellent sporting and recreation opportunities, award-winning health services, clean, fresh air and an active and friendly community, it is no surprise to those who live there that the area is experiencing strong residential and commercial growth.
Attractions include wineries, historic homesteads, galleries, craft shops, licensed clubs, water sports, fishing, beaches, forests, lakes, rivers and wetlands. This all adds up to what the locals call “the Moira advantage".
For more information on Moira, see their website.
We look forward to continuing to work closely with Moira and all our other member councils to represent your needs.
Human Rights Day – Thursday 10 December
Human Rights Day will be celebrated around Australia on 10 December. This special day allows us to reflect on both the advances that have been made in our communities as well as reflect on the disappointments. Have you ever thought about how many of your local government activities can be counted under the banner of complying with the Human Rights Charter?
One recent example has been the opportunities taken by many local governments (at last count 42 of you and rising!) to recognise White Ribbon Day (UN International Day for the elimination of Violence against Women) on 25 November. Well over one third of those see this as part of a year-round effort to reduce and prevent violence within our communities. The 16 days of action connected with White Ribbon Day link to UN International Human Rights Day on 10 December.
Reminder – VLGA Human Rights ‘Toolkit’
A reminder to all local governments that the VLGA has developed a 'toolkit' to assist councils in meeting their requirements under the Victorian Human Rights Charter.
You can download this toolkit from the VLGA website. For information on the toolkit please contact Gary Jungwirth, Human Rights Policy and Project Officer at the VLGA
Gary would also welcome contact from council officers responsible for completing the annual Human Rights survey.
Summary Offences and Control of Weapons Acts Amendment Bill
The Board last Thursday agreed to join with other peak bodies to oppose the extreme powers proposed for Victorian Police contained in the Summary Offences and Control of Weapons Acts Amendment Bill.
Police powers are proposed to include the searching of children of any age and many other powers. As well as opposing the legislation in its current form, the VLGA and other peak bodies are requesting that the Bill be deferred pending a public review of alternative approaches that deal with alcohol, crime and violence issues.
The VLGA is of the strong view that any efforts to deal with alcohol, crime and violence must be consistent with the State Government’s obligations to comply with the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities.
Premier's Sustainability Awards
The Premier's Sustainability Awards recognise innovation and reward outstanding achievement in the sustainable use of our natural resources for the benefit of all Victorians, now and for the future. Details of eligibility and a copy of the entry kit can be found here
2010 categories for submission are:
* Large Business
* Small Business
* Built Environment
* Community
* Products and Services
* Local Government *new
* State Government *new
* Tertiary Education *new
Information sessions will be held at Sustainability Victoria, Level 28, 50 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne on the following dates:
* This coming Friday 11 December 2009, 10am-11am
* Thursday 28 January 2010, 2.30pm-3.30pm
Victorian Transport Plan Report
12 months on…the state government reports on progress on delivering the Victorian Transport Plan
On 8 December 2008, the state government released the $38 billion Victorian Transport Plan, promising action on more than 20 transport priorities. Twelve months on, the state government has released a report card to provide you with an update on progress against the VTP.
The report card can be accessed from the VLGA’s Thinking Transport website or read online from the Victorian Transport Plan website.
Free seminar TODAY: Making Roads Motorcycle Friendly
Monday 7 December, 4.30-6pm
VicRoads Theatrette, Ground Floor, 60 Denmark St, Kew
Making Roads Motorcycle Friendly is a free, multi-media, interactive seminar designed to target all those involved in road design/construction and maintenance/reinstatement, including engineers, managers and field staff from VicRoads, local government, contractors and utility providers.
The final seminar is being held TODAY from 4.30pm to 6.00pm. Light refreshments will be provided at the conclusion of the seminar.
For more information, visit the VLGA’s Thinking Transport website.
And some event reminders…
VLGA Women’s Policy Working Group meeting
Thursday 10 December, 12-2pm at the VLGA
A focus will be on considering the 2010 Year of Women in Local Government. All are welcome. Please RSVP by Tuesday 8 December to Linda Bennett at or on 03 9349 7904.
Romsey pokies decision: Special Interest Forum
Friday 11 December, 2pm-3.30pm at the VLGA
RSVP by Tuesday 8 December to or 03 9349 7999.
Walk Against Warming
Saturday 12 December, 11.30am for a 12pm start
Join VLGA Board and staff, councillors and community members at the VLGA Offices at 11.30am. Then walk to State Library for a 12-noon start.
The timing of this event is significant as the aim is to beam a human sign from Princes Bridge across the world for the morning news of the day as leaders continue to meet in Copenhagen for climate change talks. Please consider joining us at the VLGA this coming Saturday at 11.30am! For more information go to our website
If you’d like to join the VLGA contingent let us know at or call us on 03 9349 7999.
Cr Rose Iser
VLGA President
0414 959 427
Monday 30 November, 2009
In federal politics last week, we saw debate on climate change hijacked by debate on leadership. Both climate change and leadership matter to local government – particularly this week as Mayoral votes are taken and local government leaders prepare for Copenhagen discussions.
Local leadership is not always easy – as a Mayor put it to me over the weekend, “good governance is good relationships and good decisions” and maintaining both in the swirling waters of divisive debate requires a calm head, steady hand and a good sense of humour.
Leadership on climate change also requires the capacity to work with all stakeholders so that strong relationships and sound decisions lead to effective outcomes – and as scientists increase their warnings about climate impacts, we need to be smart about making transitions and leading the creation of sustainable communities.
Well done to all outgoing Mayors. Congratulations to you as you have led the way through Bushfire recovery efforts, difficult local issues, changes to planning and new rules for councillors. The VLGA Board and staff wish all outgoing and incoming Mayors well. Let’s see what 2010 brings!
End of year drinks this Thursday 3 December
Please join Minister Wynne and the VLGA Board and staff for end-of-year drinks. The format will be quite informal with light refreshments being served. I do hope you are available and able to attend.
Thursday 3 December, 6.30-8.30pm
VLGA Rear Meeting Room
60 Leicester Street, Carlton
Please RSVP for catering purposes by 1 December to or 03 9349 7999
Consultation paper on electoral representation reviews – submissions due 23 December
Local Government Victoria has released a consultation paper about electoral representation reviews. The closing date for submissions is 23 December. See
This Discussion Paper considers options for the conduct of local government electoral representation reviews. It is noted that there is no intention to return to the old system of councils undertaking their own reviews.
In reviews undertaken over the past few years, in 45 municipalities there was no change in the number of councillors. There was a significant change in the move away from single member wards.
The Victorian Electoral Commission published a report in October 2009 that detailed review processes in relation to all electoral representation and subdivision reviews conducted by the Commission. Access the report at the VEC website.
The consultation paper looks at review criteria (for number of councillors, electoral structure, ward boundaries) and process options.
Essential Services Commission – Local Government Performance Monitoring Framework
Along with CEOs, officers and councillors, I attended the ESC session last week at which various views were canvassed. Submissions to the discussion paper are due this week. Some of the key issues identified include:
* Important to recognise and rationalise existing reporting and minimise duplication
* Important to minimise additional cost impost
* There is variability in core businesses and generic areas for measurement and benchmarking
* There are difficulties in separating operational outputs and areas that intersect with policy
* Indicators need to be meaningful, specific, relevant, measurable and verifiable
* Needs to be able to achieve improvements in performance in areas that matter to community to be of public value
* What are the particular areas of concern that are not already measured and reported on?
The VLGA is looking at how we can be sure that any further performance measurement provides councillors, communities and council organisations with useful information that can lead to improved performance in areas of priority to match reasonable expectations of local government – particularly where resources are already stretched. And we look forward to the ESC monitoring other levels of government too!
We welcome your input as we provide ongoing feedback to the ESC over the next few months.
Romsey pokies decision: Special Interest Forum
We invite you to join us at a Special Interest Forum focussing on the Romsey pokies decision and its implications for communities and local governments. Speakers will include representatives from Macedon Ranges Shire Council and Maddocks Lawyers.
Forum details:
Friday 11 December
VLGA rear meeting rooms
60 Leicester St, Carlton
RSVPs should be made to or 03 9349 7999 by Tuesday 8 December.
Presentation on State Transport Legislation
The MTF is hosting a presentation by the Department of Transport (DOT) on the Transport Integration Bill 2009 and Major Projects Facilitation Act 2009 on Wednesday 2 December 2009, 4.30-5.50pm at the MAV, Meeting Room 1, Level 12, 60 Collins Street, Melbourne.
The Major Projects Facilitation Act 2009, recently enacted, and the Transport Integration Bill 2009 to be introduced into the State Parliament imminently, make fundamental changes to Victoria's transport system.
For information and registration, contact Cr Jackie Fristacky, Chair, Metropolitan Transport Forum at
Social Housing
As part of an ongoing program of research to support affordable housing, the City of Port Phillip has completed two studies that aim to support affordable housing projects both within Port Phillip and outside Port Phillip.
* Social Housing Car Parking Rates
* Community Engagement & Community Housing
Information about these two studies can be found via our website, or contact Gary Spivak, Housing Development Officer, City of Port Phillip at
Launch of the CSHC Alcohol-related Harms Data Inventory Toolkit
The Alcohol-related Harms Data Inventory Toolkit, for councils participating in Cities for Safe and Healthy Communities, was launched by Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore MP at a meeting of the Council of Capital City Lord Mayors on 6 November.
The Data Inventory Toolkit outlines the indicators and datasets that can assist councils in planning, reporting and monitoring alcohol-related issues at the municipal level. Access the toolkit via our website.
Thinking transport – check out the link
Detailed information on how Victorians travel, to where, by what method and for what purpose is now available on-line as a result of a detailed study by the Victorian Government. See the Thinking Transport website.
Events in December
Zero Emissions CERES, Community Forum
Tuesday 1 December, 5-8pm
CERES Education Centre, Lee Street, East Brunswick
CERES has embarked upon becoming zero emissions by 2012. Hear about innovations in green technology and behaviour change which are the keystones to the Zero Emissions CERES program; see how these projects will address current and future energy demands and respond meaningfully to climate change; take a tour of the newly renovated EcoHouse; and get the chance to create partnerships with CERES and explore research opportunities.
Enquiries and RSVP to or see the flyer for further information.
MAV, ICLEI & PIA present a Planners Master Class on writing integrated, best practice licensed premises policy
Wednesday 2 December, 10am-4pm
MAV, Level 12, 60 Collins Street, Melbourne
For more information and to register please email for a registration form. Bookings including payment must be received by Monday 30 November 2009.
Join the Dalai Lama for breakfast
Thursday 10 December (International Human Rights Day)
On International Human Rights Day, and the 20th anniversary of the Dalai Lama winning the Nobel Peace Prize, you can attend a special breakfast featuring His Holiness the Dalai Lama and 2009 NAIDOC person of the year Larissa Behrendt.
For further information please contact the Australia Tibet Council on (02) 9283 3466 or see their website.
Parliament of the World’s Religions
3-9 December 2009
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
For further program information, please consult the website or contact Alex Butler on 03 8622 4815 or
Walk Against Warming Melbourne 2009
Saturday 12 December 2009, 12pm
State Library, Swanston St, Melbourne, walking to Princes Bridge.
We need YOU! Join tens of thousands of people at this year’s Walk Against Warming, and help us send an urgent message to world leaders that we want action for a safe climate future for our kids.
The Walk Against Warming is Australia’s biggest day of community action on climate change. Over the last four years, over 100,000 Victoria’s have joined this family friendly event to call for real action on climate change.
As world leaders gather at the global climate meeting in Copenhagen in December, we’ll be walking down Swanston St, and then forming a giant Human Sign across Princes Bridge to send them a safe climate message they can’t ignore.
Cr Rose Iser
VLGA President
0414 959 427
Local leadership is not always easy – as a Mayor put it to me over the weekend, “good governance is good relationships and good decisions” and maintaining both in the swirling waters of divisive debate requires a calm head, steady hand and a good sense of humour.
Leadership on climate change also requires the capacity to work with all stakeholders so that strong relationships and sound decisions lead to effective outcomes – and as scientists increase their warnings about climate impacts, we need to be smart about making transitions and leading the creation of sustainable communities.
Well done to all outgoing Mayors. Congratulations to you as you have led the way through Bushfire recovery efforts, difficult local issues, changes to planning and new rules for councillors. The VLGA Board and staff wish all outgoing and incoming Mayors well. Let’s see what 2010 brings!
End of year drinks this Thursday 3 December
Please join Minister Wynne and the VLGA Board and staff for end-of-year drinks. The format will be quite informal with light refreshments being served. I do hope you are available and able to attend.
Thursday 3 December, 6.30-8.30pm
VLGA Rear Meeting Room
60 Leicester Street, Carlton
Please RSVP for catering purposes by 1 December to or 03 9349 7999
Consultation paper on electoral representation reviews – submissions due 23 December
Local Government Victoria has released a consultation paper about electoral representation reviews. The closing date for submissions is 23 December. See
This Discussion Paper considers options for the conduct of local government electoral representation reviews. It is noted that there is no intention to return to the old system of councils undertaking their own reviews.
In reviews undertaken over the past few years, in 45 municipalities there was no change in the number of councillors. There was a significant change in the move away from single member wards.
The Victorian Electoral Commission published a report in October 2009 that detailed review processes in relation to all electoral representation and subdivision reviews conducted by the Commission. Access the report at the VEC website.
The consultation paper looks at review criteria (for number of councillors, electoral structure, ward boundaries) and process options.
Essential Services Commission – Local Government Performance Monitoring Framework
Along with CEOs, officers and councillors, I attended the ESC session last week at which various views were canvassed. Submissions to the discussion paper are due this week. Some of the key issues identified include:
* Important to recognise and rationalise existing reporting and minimise duplication
* Important to minimise additional cost impost
* There is variability in core businesses and generic areas for measurement and benchmarking
* There are difficulties in separating operational outputs and areas that intersect with policy
* Indicators need to be meaningful, specific, relevant, measurable and verifiable
* Needs to be able to achieve improvements in performance in areas that matter to community to be of public value
* What are the particular areas of concern that are not already measured and reported on?
The VLGA is looking at how we can be sure that any further performance measurement provides councillors, communities and council organisations with useful information that can lead to improved performance in areas of priority to match reasonable expectations of local government – particularly where resources are already stretched. And we look forward to the ESC monitoring other levels of government too!
We welcome your input as we provide ongoing feedback to the ESC over the next few months.
Romsey pokies decision: Special Interest Forum
We invite you to join us at a Special Interest Forum focussing on the Romsey pokies decision and its implications for communities and local governments. Speakers will include representatives from Macedon Ranges Shire Council and Maddocks Lawyers.
Forum details:
Friday 11 December
VLGA rear meeting rooms
60 Leicester St, Carlton
RSVPs should be made to or 03 9349 7999 by Tuesday 8 December.
Presentation on State Transport Legislation
The MTF is hosting a presentation by the Department of Transport (DOT) on the Transport Integration Bill 2009 and Major Projects Facilitation Act 2009 on Wednesday 2 December 2009, 4.30-5.50pm at the MAV, Meeting Room 1, Level 12, 60 Collins Street, Melbourne.
The Major Projects Facilitation Act 2009, recently enacted, and the Transport Integration Bill 2009 to be introduced into the State Parliament imminently, make fundamental changes to Victoria's transport system.
For information and registration, contact Cr Jackie Fristacky, Chair, Metropolitan Transport Forum at
Social Housing
As part of an ongoing program of research to support affordable housing, the City of Port Phillip has completed two studies that aim to support affordable housing projects both within Port Phillip and outside Port Phillip.
* Social Housing Car Parking Rates
* Community Engagement & Community Housing
Information about these two studies can be found via our website, or contact Gary Spivak, Housing Development Officer, City of Port Phillip at
Launch of the CSHC Alcohol-related Harms Data Inventory Toolkit
The Alcohol-related Harms Data Inventory Toolkit, for councils participating in Cities for Safe and Healthy Communities, was launched by Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore MP at a meeting of the Council of Capital City Lord Mayors on 6 November.
The Data Inventory Toolkit outlines the indicators and datasets that can assist councils in planning, reporting and monitoring alcohol-related issues at the municipal level. Access the toolkit via our website.
Thinking transport – check out the link
Detailed information on how Victorians travel, to where, by what method and for what purpose is now available on-line as a result of a detailed study by the Victorian Government. See the Thinking Transport website.
Events in December
Zero Emissions CERES, Community Forum
Tuesday 1 December, 5-8pm
CERES Education Centre, Lee Street, East Brunswick
CERES has embarked upon becoming zero emissions by 2012. Hear about innovations in green technology and behaviour change which are the keystones to the Zero Emissions CERES program; see how these projects will address current and future energy demands and respond meaningfully to climate change; take a tour of the newly renovated EcoHouse; and get the chance to create partnerships with CERES and explore research opportunities.
Enquiries and RSVP to or see the flyer for further information.
MAV, ICLEI & PIA present a Planners Master Class on writing integrated, best practice licensed premises policy
Wednesday 2 December, 10am-4pm
MAV, Level 12, 60 Collins Street, Melbourne
For more information and to register please email for a registration form. Bookings including payment must be received by Monday 30 November 2009.
Join the Dalai Lama for breakfast
Thursday 10 December (International Human Rights Day)
On International Human Rights Day, and the 20th anniversary of the Dalai Lama winning the Nobel Peace Prize, you can attend a special breakfast featuring His Holiness the Dalai Lama and 2009 NAIDOC person of the year Larissa Behrendt.
For further information please contact the Australia Tibet Council on (02) 9283 3466 or see their website.
Parliament of the World’s Religions
3-9 December 2009
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
For further program information, please consult the website or contact Alex Butler on 03 8622 4815 or
Walk Against Warming Melbourne 2009
Saturday 12 December 2009, 12pm
State Library, Swanston St, Melbourne, walking to Princes Bridge.
We need YOU! Join tens of thousands of people at this year’s Walk Against Warming, and help us send an urgent message to world leaders that we want action for a safe climate future for our kids.
The Walk Against Warming is Australia’s biggest day of community action on climate change. Over the last four years, over 100,000 Victoria’s have joined this family friendly event to call for real action on climate change.
As world leaders gather at the global climate meeting in Copenhagen in December, we’ll be walking down Swanston St, and then forming a giant Human Sign across Princes Bridge to send them a safe climate message they can’t ignore.
Cr Rose Iser
VLGA President
0414 959 427
Monday 23 November, 2009
As we near the festive season for 2009, this is almost the last eNews for the year (one or two more!). I hope that our weekly update has kept you informed of political debate affecting the community and local government sector, interesting events and goings-on at VLGA.
We always value your input, updates, queries and feedback. Over the next few weeks, let us know any topics you would like to see discussed in 2010...and let us know who is Mayor for your community for 2010! Good luck to all contenders.
This week’s hot topic is heatwaves (pardon the pun). You will know that local governments have been handed the responsibility of developing heatwave plans.
In the summer of 2009, 374 additional deaths occurred during a state-wide heatwave with temperatures among the highest ever recorded.
Heat wave response plans are being developed across the world and are including such activities as:
* Promoting buddy systems
* Coordinating service providers
* Preparing cooling centres
* Identifying vulnerable individuals
* Disseminating information
* Checking building standards
* Rescheduling outdoor events
* Helping motorists in difficulty
* Relocating people
Has your council developed its heatwave plan? Would you like to see examples of completed plans? Let us know.
More staff news
In the appointment of our new CEO, many of you have asked me whether Darren Ray is still with us. I am very pleased to say that after 14 months acting in the CEO role, Darren will return to his former VLGA role as Director of Policy and Public Affairs.
The Board and the staff would like to extend our gratitude to Darren for capably steering the VLGA ship for the past 14 months. We know the sector has been very grateful for Darren's work and will be glad to hear he is staying with the VLGA.
VLGA End-of-Year Drinks, Thursday 3 December
Please join Minister Wynne and the VLGA Board and staff for end-of-year drinks. The format will be quite informal with refreshments and a light meal being served. I do hope you are available and able to attend.
Details: Thursday 3 December, 6.30-8.30pm
VLGA Rear Meeting Room
60 Leicester Street, Carlton
Please RSVP for catering purposes by 27 November to or 03 9349 7999
Don’t forget – responses to Essential Services Commission Discussion Paper due by 30 November
You can obtain the discussion paper at the Commission's website
VLGA website feedback
The new VLGA website has been up and running for a week now – we’d love to hear your feedback about the site. Staff are busily loading library documents from the old website, so that all the resources you are familiar with will still be available as well.
Missed the Children & Active Transport Forum?
Not to worry… the forum papers and outcomes from each workshop are now available for download. Simply visit the Thinking Transport library.
The Children & Active Transport Forum, held on Tues 6 October 2009, focused on how to get more children actively moving more often. Attendees gained an understanding of the need to better engage children and their families in walking and riding in their local community, as well as understanding the actions required, and the strategies needed, to address the issue locally.
Not violent; not silent
The Minister for Women’s Affairs launches Victoria’s Plan for Prevention of Violence against Women on Tuesday 24 November. The VLGA looks forward to new local government partnerships with the Victorian Government to implement the Plan.
And remember White Ribbon Day November 25: the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. It marks the start of 16 days of international action to prevent violence leading to International Human Rights Day on 10 December (White Ribbon Foundation website).
Loads of events during November and December...
Asbestos Disease Society of Victoria Annual Commemoration Ceremony
Friday 27 November, 11am
BMW Edge Theatre, Federation Square
The Committee of Management of the Asbestos Disease Society of Victoria (ADSVIC) is holding their annual Commemoration Ceremony. This event is held during Asbestos Awareness Week.
It is an interesting and at times moving ceremony. The combined Trades Union and Geelong Trades Hall choirs will sing extracts from DUST – a musical production of the story of asbestos and its impact on people’s lives. The Governor of Victoria will give the keynote address. He will be followed by Martin Kingham of the CFMEU and a number of people giving brief tributes to their loved ones who died from asbestos exposure.
ADSVIC writes, “Our members believe that public education will greatly reduce accidental exposure to domestic asbestos.”
Contact Tim Tolhurst, Executive Officer Asbestos Diseases Society of Victoria
“Are We There Yet?” Launching a Year of Re-commitment to Addressing the Unfinished Business of Reconciliation
Saturday 28 November, 4.30-6pm
New Council Chambers Room, Trades Hall, Lygon St, Carlton
ANTaR Victoria forum Sponsored by the Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission
Welcome to Country: Aunty Joy Murphy Wandin – an Aboriginal Elder of the Wurundjeri people.
Keynote Address: Tom Calma – retiring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, the Australian Human Rights Commission
Other speakers include: Muriel Bamblett – CEO the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency (VACCA) and former Chair of the Secretariat for National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care (SNAICC); Richard Frankland – Koorie Activist, Singer Songwriter, Author, Playwright and Film Director (credits include the recent Koorie Comedy feature film Stone Bros)
FREE ENTRY: Donations welcome at the door.
RSVP for tickets to Numbers are limited so get in quick.
Australia-East Timor Association Independence Day Dinner – Focus on the issue of justice for Timor-Leste
Saturday 28 November, 6pm
Treacy Conference Centre, 126 The Avenue, Parkville
28 November is the day in 1975 that the East Timorese liberation movement made the Universal Declaration of Independence to establish the Democratic Republic of East Timor. The military of the Republic of Indonesia launched their full scale invasion nine days later on 7 December 1975.
Guest speaker: Dr Clinton Fernandes – consulting historian to the film Balibo. The main task for those who support the people of East Timor in their quest for justice is to convert the legal consensus into a political consensus. Fernandes will outline how this consensus can be created.
For further information call (03) 9416 2960 or email
Zero Emissions CERES, Community Forum
Tuesday 1 December, 5-8pm
CERES Education Centre, Lee Street, East Brunswick
CERES has embarked upon becoming zero emissions by 2012.
Hear about innovations in green technology and behaviour change which are the keystones to the Zero Emissions CERES program; see how these projects will address current and future energy demands and respond meaningfully to climate change; take a tour of the newly renovated EcoHouse; and get the chance to create partnerships with CERES and explore research opportunities. Enquiries and RSVP to or see the flyer via our website for further information.
MAV, ICLEI & PIA present a Planners Master Class on writing integrated, best practice licensed premises policy
Wednesday 2 December, 10am-4pm
MAV, Level 12, 60 Collins Street, Melbourne
For more information and to register please email for a registration form. Bookings including payment must be received by Monday 30 November 2009
Join the Dalai Lama for breakfast
Thursday 10 December (International Human Rights Day)
On International Human Rights Day, and the 20th anniversary of the Dalai Lama winning the Nobel Peace Prize, you can attend a special breakfast featuring His Holiness the Dalai Lama and 2009 NAIDOC person of the year Larissa Behrendt.
For further information please contact the Australia Tibet Council on (02) 9283 3466 or see their website.
Parliament of the World’s Religions
3-9 December 2009
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
For further program information please see our website or contact Alex Butler on 03 8622 4815 or
His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Jacqueline Ogega – Director, Women’s Program, Religions for Peace
Pat Walsh, Senior Advisor, former Timor-Leste Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation
Building Cities of Harmony – A team of local government representatives, led by Rabbi Aviva Kipen
Tuesday 8 December, 2.30-4pm
In complex layers of accountability, elected Mayors and Councillors, paid employees of cities, and residents who pay local city taxes grapple with sometimes-conflicting agendas to deliver programs for the good of residents. Their tensions, successes and failures are the crux of this commentary session.
The session also narrates the process of the International Team Building Symposium’s creation and development, telling the story of the strategic partnering alliance formed with the Victorian Local Governance Association (VLGA), which has been the link to city municipalities in Victoria. The team includes local city officers in discussion about team building and policy development within their own municipalities, and Dr David Wilson, who will launch the structural legacy of this phase of preparation.
‘Achieving Sustainable Peace’
Friday 4 December, 11.30am-1.00pm
Stein Villumstad (former regional representative, Norwegian Church Aid, Eastern Africa), Pat Walsh, Dr Abdul Aziz Naderi (Program Manager, Sanayee Development Organization, Afghanistan), Fr Leonel Narvaez (Schools of Forgiveness and Reconciliation, Colombia).
'The Impact of Women in Conflict Resolution'
Sunday 6 December, 11.30am-1.00pm
Asatu Bah-Kenneth (Liberia National Police), Naree Charoenpolpiriya (nonviolence trainer, Thailand), Sande Harte (Spiritual and Religious Alliance for Hope (SARAH), United States), Jacqueline Ogega.
Individual Faith-based Peace Building Grassroots Teams from Afghanistan, Liberia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea and Thailand will be giving presentations during the Parliament – check full Parliament program for details.
‘Pray the Devil Back to Hell’
Tuesday 8 December, 4.30-6.00pm
A remarkable story of the courageous Liberian women who came together to end a bloody civil war and bring peace to their shattered country.
Walk Against Warming Melbourne 2009
Saturday 12 December 2009, 12pm
State Library, Swanston St, Melbourne, walking to Princes Bridge
We need YOU! Join tens of thousands of people at this year’s Walk Against Warming, and help us send an urgent message to world leaders that we want action for a safe climate future for our kids. The Walk Against Warming is Australia’s biggest day of community action on climate change. Over the last four years, over 100,000 Victoria’s have joined this family friendly event to call for real action on climate change. As world leaders gather at the global climate meeting in Copenhagen in December, we’ll be walking down Swanston St, and then forming a giant Human Sign across Princes Bridge to send them a safe climate message they can’t ignore.
Information and resources
The 5th Annual Rotary Club of Moreland – Australia Day Breakfast ‘My Australia: Environment, Landscape and Memory’
Tuesday 26 January, 2010, 7.30am
Brunswick Town Hall, Corner Sydney Rd & Dawson St, Brunswick
Dr Kate Auty - Victorian Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability
$40 per head (full breakfast served)
Cr Rose Iser
VLGA President
0414 959 427
We always value your input, updates, queries and feedback. Over the next few weeks, let us know any topics you would like to see discussed in 2010...and let us know who is Mayor for your community for 2010! Good luck to all contenders.
This week’s hot topic is heatwaves (pardon the pun). You will know that local governments have been handed the responsibility of developing heatwave plans.
In the summer of 2009, 374 additional deaths occurred during a state-wide heatwave with temperatures among the highest ever recorded.
Heat wave response plans are being developed across the world and are including such activities as:
* Promoting buddy systems
* Coordinating service providers
* Preparing cooling centres
* Identifying vulnerable individuals
* Disseminating information
* Checking building standards
* Rescheduling outdoor events
* Helping motorists in difficulty
* Relocating people
Has your council developed its heatwave plan? Would you like to see examples of completed plans? Let us know.
More staff news
In the appointment of our new CEO, many of you have asked me whether Darren Ray is still with us. I am very pleased to say that after 14 months acting in the CEO role, Darren will return to his former VLGA role as Director of Policy and Public Affairs.
The Board and the staff would like to extend our gratitude to Darren for capably steering the VLGA ship for the past 14 months. We know the sector has been very grateful for Darren's work and will be glad to hear he is staying with the VLGA.
VLGA End-of-Year Drinks, Thursday 3 December
Please join Minister Wynne and the VLGA Board and staff for end-of-year drinks. The format will be quite informal with refreshments and a light meal being served. I do hope you are available and able to attend.
Details: Thursday 3 December, 6.30-8.30pm
VLGA Rear Meeting Room
60 Leicester Street, Carlton
Please RSVP for catering purposes by 27 November to or 03 9349 7999
Don’t forget – responses to Essential Services Commission Discussion Paper due by 30 November
You can obtain the discussion paper at the Commission's website
VLGA website feedback
The new VLGA website has been up and running for a week now – we’d love to hear your feedback about the site. Staff are busily loading library documents from the old website, so that all the resources you are familiar with will still be available as well.
Missed the Children & Active Transport Forum?
Not to worry… the forum papers and outcomes from each workshop are now available for download. Simply visit the Thinking Transport library.
The Children & Active Transport Forum, held on Tues 6 October 2009, focused on how to get more children actively moving more often. Attendees gained an understanding of the need to better engage children and their families in walking and riding in their local community, as well as understanding the actions required, and the strategies needed, to address the issue locally.
Not violent; not silent
The Minister for Women’s Affairs launches Victoria’s Plan for Prevention of Violence against Women on Tuesday 24 November. The VLGA looks forward to new local government partnerships with the Victorian Government to implement the Plan.
And remember White Ribbon Day November 25: the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. It marks the start of 16 days of international action to prevent violence leading to International Human Rights Day on 10 December (White Ribbon Foundation website).
Loads of events during November and December...
Asbestos Disease Society of Victoria Annual Commemoration Ceremony
Friday 27 November, 11am
BMW Edge Theatre, Federation Square
The Committee of Management of the Asbestos Disease Society of Victoria (ADSVIC) is holding their annual Commemoration Ceremony. This event is held during Asbestos Awareness Week.
It is an interesting and at times moving ceremony. The combined Trades Union and Geelong Trades Hall choirs will sing extracts from DUST – a musical production of the story of asbestos and its impact on people’s lives. The Governor of Victoria will give the keynote address. He will be followed by Martin Kingham of the CFMEU and a number of people giving brief tributes to their loved ones who died from asbestos exposure.
ADSVIC writes, “Our members believe that public education will greatly reduce accidental exposure to domestic asbestos.”
Contact Tim Tolhurst, Executive Officer Asbestos Diseases Society of Victoria
“Are We There Yet?” Launching a Year of Re-commitment to Addressing the Unfinished Business of Reconciliation
Saturday 28 November, 4.30-6pm
New Council Chambers Room, Trades Hall, Lygon St, Carlton
ANTaR Victoria forum Sponsored by the Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission
Welcome to Country: Aunty Joy Murphy Wandin – an Aboriginal Elder of the Wurundjeri people.
Keynote Address: Tom Calma – retiring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, the Australian Human Rights Commission
Other speakers include: Muriel Bamblett – CEO the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency (VACCA) and former Chair of the Secretariat for National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care (SNAICC); Richard Frankland – Koorie Activist, Singer Songwriter, Author, Playwright and Film Director (credits include the recent Koorie Comedy feature film Stone Bros)
FREE ENTRY: Donations welcome at the door.
RSVP for tickets to Numbers are limited so get in quick.
Australia-East Timor Association Independence Day Dinner – Focus on the issue of justice for Timor-Leste
Saturday 28 November, 6pm
Treacy Conference Centre, 126 The Avenue, Parkville
28 November is the day in 1975 that the East Timorese liberation movement made the Universal Declaration of Independence to establish the Democratic Republic of East Timor. The military of the Republic of Indonesia launched their full scale invasion nine days later on 7 December 1975.
Guest speaker: Dr Clinton Fernandes – consulting historian to the film Balibo. The main task for those who support the people of East Timor in their quest for justice is to convert the legal consensus into a political consensus. Fernandes will outline how this consensus can be created.
For further information call (03) 9416 2960 or email
Zero Emissions CERES, Community Forum
Tuesday 1 December, 5-8pm
CERES Education Centre, Lee Street, East Brunswick
CERES has embarked upon becoming zero emissions by 2012.
Hear about innovations in green technology and behaviour change which are the keystones to the Zero Emissions CERES program; see how these projects will address current and future energy demands and respond meaningfully to climate change; take a tour of the newly renovated EcoHouse; and get the chance to create partnerships with CERES and explore research opportunities. Enquiries and RSVP to or see the flyer via our website for further information.
MAV, ICLEI & PIA present a Planners Master Class on writing integrated, best practice licensed premises policy
Wednesday 2 December, 10am-4pm
MAV, Level 12, 60 Collins Street, Melbourne
For more information and to register please email for a registration form. Bookings including payment must be received by Monday 30 November 2009
Join the Dalai Lama for breakfast
Thursday 10 December (International Human Rights Day)
On International Human Rights Day, and the 20th anniversary of the Dalai Lama winning the Nobel Peace Prize, you can attend a special breakfast featuring His Holiness the Dalai Lama and 2009 NAIDOC person of the year Larissa Behrendt.
For further information please contact the Australia Tibet Council on (02) 9283 3466 or see their website.
Parliament of the World’s Religions
3-9 December 2009
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
For further program information please see our website or contact Alex Butler on 03 8622 4815 or
His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Jacqueline Ogega – Director, Women’s Program, Religions for Peace
Pat Walsh, Senior Advisor, former Timor-Leste Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation
Building Cities of Harmony – A team of local government representatives, led by Rabbi Aviva Kipen
Tuesday 8 December, 2.30-4pm
In complex layers of accountability, elected Mayors and Councillors, paid employees of cities, and residents who pay local city taxes grapple with sometimes-conflicting agendas to deliver programs for the good of residents. Their tensions, successes and failures are the crux of this commentary session.
The session also narrates the process of the International Team Building Symposium’s creation and development, telling the story of the strategic partnering alliance formed with the Victorian Local Governance Association (VLGA), which has been the link to city municipalities in Victoria. The team includes local city officers in discussion about team building and policy development within their own municipalities, and Dr David Wilson, who will launch the structural legacy of this phase of preparation.
‘Achieving Sustainable Peace’
Friday 4 December, 11.30am-1.00pm
Stein Villumstad (former regional representative, Norwegian Church Aid, Eastern Africa), Pat Walsh, Dr Abdul Aziz Naderi (Program Manager, Sanayee Development Organization, Afghanistan), Fr Leonel Narvaez (Schools of Forgiveness and Reconciliation, Colombia).
'The Impact of Women in Conflict Resolution'
Sunday 6 December, 11.30am-1.00pm
Asatu Bah-Kenneth (Liberia National Police), Naree Charoenpolpiriya (nonviolence trainer, Thailand), Sande Harte (Spiritual and Religious Alliance for Hope (SARAH), United States), Jacqueline Ogega.
Individual Faith-based Peace Building Grassroots Teams from Afghanistan, Liberia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea and Thailand will be giving presentations during the Parliament – check full Parliament program for details.
‘Pray the Devil Back to Hell’
Tuesday 8 December, 4.30-6.00pm
A remarkable story of the courageous Liberian women who came together to end a bloody civil war and bring peace to their shattered country.
Walk Against Warming Melbourne 2009
Saturday 12 December 2009, 12pm
State Library, Swanston St, Melbourne, walking to Princes Bridge
We need YOU! Join tens of thousands of people at this year’s Walk Against Warming, and help us send an urgent message to world leaders that we want action for a safe climate future for our kids. The Walk Against Warming is Australia’s biggest day of community action on climate change. Over the last four years, over 100,000 Victoria’s have joined this family friendly event to call for real action on climate change. As world leaders gather at the global climate meeting in Copenhagen in December, we’ll be walking down Swanston St, and then forming a giant Human Sign across Princes Bridge to send them a safe climate message they can’t ignore.
Information and resources
The 5th Annual Rotary Club of Moreland – Australia Day Breakfast ‘My Australia: Environment, Landscape and Memory’
Tuesday 26 January, 2010, 7.30am
Brunswick Town Hall, Corner Sydney Rd & Dawson St, Brunswick
Dr Kate Auty - Victorian Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability
$40 per head (full breakfast served)
Cr Rose Iser
VLGA President
0414 959 427
Monday 16 November, 2009
A new CEO... a new website... Romsey decision... GAIC... WorkCover... there is never a dull moment in local government or at the VLGA! I hope you enjoy reading the updates below. If there are issues or events you would like me to discuss in eNews, please let me know.
New VLGA CEO starts today
Maree McPherson, the new CEO of the VLGA takes up her post on Monday 16 November. Maree brings a wealth of experience from all levels of government community and we very much look forward to her leadership over the next few years. You can contact Maree at or on 03 9349 7901.
Tribute to Liana Thompson
We would also like to pay tribute to Liana Thompson who is not with the organisation at present. Liana stepped into the breach to help the VLGA during the last challenging year and has made a wonderful contribution.
Liana is a founding member and inaugural President of the VLGA and we would not be where we are now without her participation. Liana is highly regarded by everyone who knows her and she will undoubtedly continue to make a major contribution to the local government sector in whatever role she chooses.
Launch of the new VLGA website
We are very excited to announce that the new and improved VLGA website goes live today. We look forward to providing members and the public with a contemporary, comprehensive gateway to relevant VLGA and sector information.
Specific features of the new site include:
* seven key menu items on the homepage, each with a drop-down menu for ease of navigation
* up-to-date information contained in PDF format
* a scrolling ‘latest news and events’ function on the homepage
* a breadcrumb mapping system so visitors know where they are in the site
* online membership and event registration forms
* online staff contact forms
We hope you find the new website intuitive with user-friendly navigation. Further developments to the new website are yet to come and your feedback is greatly welcomed.
I would like to thank Mintleaf Studio and the VLGA staff for their hard work in successfully completing this enormous project.
VCAT supports community view: No pokies for Romsey!
Romsey has put itself on the map of community action with a win by Macedon Ranges Shire Council at VCAT last week. Justice Bell refused an application to install 30 electronic gaming machines (EGMs) at the Romsey Hotel. This follows Macedon Ranges’ firm stance after their win in the Supreme Court last March and cements the ‘no detriment test’ as a threshold for approving EGMs.
Under that test, a venue must show the net economic and social impact of the EGMs would not be detrimental to the wellbeing of the community. Macedon Ranges Shire demonstrated detriment mainly through community surveys over many years where strong opposition from the community was clear.
VCAT also confirmed a clear role of local government in the decision making process because of the statutory responsibility local government has in planning for community wellbeing through the Health Act and the Public Health and Wellbeing Act under which councils must protect, improve and promote public health and wellbeing.
The ruling held ‘wellbeing’ to be a broad concept and included the social consequences of problem gambling as well as the fears and views of the local community. But Macedon Ranges Shire Council is now preparing for a High Court challenge to this win. The VLGA joins the many voices congratulating Macedon Ranges on their persistence. We will be supporting you all the way to the High Court.
We intend to hold a forum to let you know what this means for your council and community and will provide details shortly. You can find the VCAT decision link here
Planning: Coalition of Concerned Councillors
The Mayors of Stonnington, Yarra, Banyule, Bayside, Whitehorse, Glen Eira and Boroondara formed the Coalition earlier this year to defend, protect and restore people’s rights to have a say in how their communities develop where the rights of residents are being eroded and diminished.
Mayor Wegman of Boroondara writes: “The various pieces of recent legislation...take powers and, potentially, assets away from councils thereby reducing our capacity to effectively represent our residents. Consider for example the Priority Development Zones, the Development Assessment Committees, Amendment VC56 to the Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Scheme, Extended Clearway Times, the Land Valuation Amendment Bill, aspects of the Planning and Environment Act Review, the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Bill and Fast-tracking/Ministerial Call-ins of development applications. All have either negative or the potential for negative impacts on the community's right to have a say in how their community develops.”
If you would like to receive more information and/or join the CCC, you can contact Mayor Jack Wegman on
The Coalition of Concerned Councillors is also on Facebook – you can see their bulletin by adding the group as a ‘friend’.
Urban Growth Boundaries
Minister Madden introduced the legislation into Parliament last Wednesday along with maps showing transport links, grasslands and new outer suburbs. Legislation to introduce the Growth Areas Infrastructure Contribution (GAIC) was also introduced.
The extension area will include approximately 24,500 hectares of developable land – land to build at least 134,000 new homes. It also sets out the alignment for the Outer Metropolitan Ring/E6 Transport Corridor.
The VLGA continues to be concerned about boundary expansions. We would prefer to see a full exploration of undeveloped or under-developed areas within existing suburbs with existing infrastructure. Appropriate development on identified land within Melbourne promotes greater sustainability. Extensive changes to growth boundaries present many problems including displacement of agricultural land impacting our future food security.
Getting the balance right is the challenge – at the moment we are seeing boundary expansions as well as a non-consultative approach to over-development in inner Melbourne. Engaging communities in finding the right areas for greater density is the key.
While the Minister argues that the GAIC will apply to those who profit from subdividing and developing the land brought into the UGB, Taxed Out Inc. and many expert groups including the Housing Industry Association and the Planning Institute of Australia have concerns and problems with the GAIC. You can follow the issue on the Taxed Out Inc. website which also has links to all of the maps, media and legislation; or see
WorkCover for Councillors
We will soon know whether the WorkCover scheme will be extended to include councillors. Thank you for all of your feedback and many, many letters.
Thank you also to those who raised concerns and queries. We have compiled all concerns and have proposed ways of managing these. We have forwarded this to Minister Wynne on your behalf. If you would like any further information, please let me know:
White Ribbon Campaign - Darebin survey
A reminder that responses to Darebin’s ‘local government engagement in the White Ribbon Campaign’ survey need to be submitted by this coming Wednesday 18 November.
Please click on the survey link or copy and paste it into your browser:
You can also contact Kellie Nagle at or phone 03 8470 8552.
National Year of Women in Local Government
2010 is the National Year of Women in Local Government. VLGA fully supports the three principles of the Victorian Local Government Women’s Charter for gender equity, inviting diversity and encouraging the active citizenship of women.
We know that mayoral terms offer many opportunities to bring these principles to life in local governments and communities. Despite women making up more than 50% of our communities, less than 30% of councillors and 25% of mayors are female. In anticipation of the 2010 year, VLGA encourages women councillors who can help turn the Charter principles into reality in their communities to consider their own candidacy for Mayoralties, or support other colleagues in doing so.
So you want to be Mayor?
The VLGA offers member councillors the following confidential advice and support:
* One-on-one discussions concerning the factors to be taken into account when making your decision, and steps to take. These discussions can happen by telephone or in person.
* A two hour facilitated free workshop for all councillors in your council to independently facilitate a 'what we need in the next Mayor’ checklist.
Both of these free member services can also be provided to non-member councillors and councils, for a small fee.
If you are successful in being elected as Mayor, put the following weekend aside in your diary to attend our unique Essential Mayor's Weekend in Kalorama, midday Friday 29th to midday Sunday 31st January 2010.
Congratulations to Local Area Access Program Grant recipients
Congratulations to the ten Victorian councils who will share in a $2 million fund to improve access to walking, cycling and public transport through the state government's TravelSmart and Local Area Access Program (LAAP). These grant programs are designed to assist local governments in implementing projects that encourage residents to think twice before using their car. One project recipient, the Murrindindi Shire Council, will see an investment in two shared paths in Kinglake and Flowerdale, providing vital bushfire recovery support. For more information, visit the grant page on the DOT website.
VicHealth launches Victoria Walks!
Victoria Walks promotes a vision of vibrant, supportive and strong neighbourhoods where people can and do choose to walk wherever possible.
VicHealth has a series of quirky, online videos to inspire people to walk for everyday purposes:
* check out the first quirky 90-second video here
* and register to receive the next 4 episodes (you can win a 3G iPhone or other great prizes)
For more information about Victoria Walks contact Charmaine Chew on or see the Victoria Walks website
Bicycle Victoria releases its annual BiXIE report
BiXIE is Bicycle Victoria’s annual index of bike infrastructure spending by local government authorities. It shows which local governments are meeting the desired threshold expenditure on bike facilities, and which are falling short. See the report at the Thinking Transport website.
Essential Services Commission
The Commission has released its first newsletter for the Local Government Performance Monitoring Framework. This newsletter is part of the Commission’s extensive consultative program, and aims to keep stakeholders up to date with key issues and milestones relevant to the development of the framework. The newsletter will appear on the Commission's website tomorrow.
VLGA End-of-Year Drinks – 3 December
Please join Minister Wynne and the VLGA Board and staff for end-of-year drinks. The format will be quite informal with refreshments and a light meal being served. I do hope you are available and able to attend.
Thursday 3 December
VLGA Rear Meeting Room
60 Leicester Street, Carlton
Please RSVP for catering purposes to or 03 9349 7999
What will we leave behind? Sustainable living now and forever
Tuesday 17 November, 6.00-7.30pm (doors open 5.30pm)
BMW Edge, Federation Square, Cnr Swanston & Flinders Sts, Melbourne
The speakers will discuss economic, social, cultural and environmental developments for present generations whilst securing and strengthening the life chances of future generations.
Speakers: Professor Peter Doherty AC, Professor Spencer Zifcak, Professor Larissa Behrendt, Ms Larissa Brown
Moderator: Mr Peter Mares
Future Leaders in partnership with Melbourne Conversations is presenting this event. Melbourne Conversations is the City of Melbourne's program of free talks. This event is supported by Readings.
Hamer Oration in Good Government – Fiddling While Australia Burns: Will this be History’s Judgement of Our Governments’ Response to Climate Change?
Tuesday 24 November, 6.00pm for 6.30pm start
Copland Theatre, the Economics and Commerce Building at the University of Melbourne
Speakers include David Karoly, Amanda McKenzie and Tim Colebatch
See the University of Melbourne website for more details.
“Are we there yet?”
Saturday 28 November, 4.30-6pm
New Council Chambers Room, Trades Hall, Lygon St, Carlton
Launching a Year of Re-commitment to Addressing the Unfinished Business of Reconciliation
Speakers: Tom Calma, Muriel Bamblett, Richard Frankland
Free entry, donations welcome at the door
RSVP for tickets to
ANTaR Victoria forum Sponsored by the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC)
Cr Rose Iser
VLGA President
0414 959 427
New VLGA CEO starts today
Maree McPherson, the new CEO of the VLGA takes up her post on Monday 16 November. Maree brings a wealth of experience from all levels of government community and we very much look forward to her leadership over the next few years. You can contact Maree at or on 03 9349 7901.
Tribute to Liana Thompson
We would also like to pay tribute to Liana Thompson who is not with the organisation at present. Liana stepped into the breach to help the VLGA during the last challenging year and has made a wonderful contribution.
Liana is a founding member and inaugural President of the VLGA and we would not be where we are now without her participation. Liana is highly regarded by everyone who knows her and she will undoubtedly continue to make a major contribution to the local government sector in whatever role she chooses.
Launch of the new VLGA website
We are very excited to announce that the new and improved VLGA website goes live today. We look forward to providing members and the public with a contemporary, comprehensive gateway to relevant VLGA and sector information.
Specific features of the new site include:
* seven key menu items on the homepage, each with a drop-down menu for ease of navigation
* up-to-date information contained in PDF format
* a scrolling ‘latest news and events’ function on the homepage
* a breadcrumb mapping system so visitors know where they are in the site
* online membership and event registration forms
* online staff contact forms
We hope you find the new website intuitive with user-friendly navigation. Further developments to the new website are yet to come and your feedback is greatly welcomed.
I would like to thank Mintleaf Studio and the VLGA staff for their hard work in successfully completing this enormous project.
VCAT supports community view: No pokies for Romsey!
Romsey has put itself on the map of community action with a win by Macedon Ranges Shire Council at VCAT last week. Justice Bell refused an application to install 30 electronic gaming machines (EGMs) at the Romsey Hotel. This follows Macedon Ranges’ firm stance after their win in the Supreme Court last March and cements the ‘no detriment test’ as a threshold for approving EGMs.
Under that test, a venue must show the net economic and social impact of the EGMs would not be detrimental to the wellbeing of the community. Macedon Ranges Shire demonstrated detriment mainly through community surveys over many years where strong opposition from the community was clear.
VCAT also confirmed a clear role of local government in the decision making process because of the statutory responsibility local government has in planning for community wellbeing through the Health Act and the Public Health and Wellbeing Act under which councils must protect, improve and promote public health and wellbeing.
The ruling held ‘wellbeing’ to be a broad concept and included the social consequences of problem gambling as well as the fears and views of the local community. But Macedon Ranges Shire Council is now preparing for a High Court challenge to this win. The VLGA joins the many voices congratulating Macedon Ranges on their persistence. We will be supporting you all the way to the High Court.
We intend to hold a forum to let you know what this means for your council and community and will provide details shortly. You can find the VCAT decision link here
Planning: Coalition of Concerned Councillors
The Mayors of Stonnington, Yarra, Banyule, Bayside, Whitehorse, Glen Eira and Boroondara formed the Coalition earlier this year to defend, protect and restore people’s rights to have a say in how their communities develop where the rights of residents are being eroded and diminished.
Mayor Wegman of Boroondara writes: “The various pieces of recent legislation...take powers and, potentially, assets away from councils thereby reducing our capacity to effectively represent our residents. Consider for example the Priority Development Zones, the Development Assessment Committees, Amendment VC56 to the Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Scheme, Extended Clearway Times, the Land Valuation Amendment Bill, aspects of the Planning and Environment Act Review, the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Bill and Fast-tracking/Ministerial Call-ins of development applications. All have either negative or the potential for negative impacts on the community's right to have a say in how their community develops.”
If you would like to receive more information and/or join the CCC, you can contact Mayor Jack Wegman on
The Coalition of Concerned Councillors is also on Facebook – you can see their bulletin by adding the group as a ‘friend’.
Urban Growth Boundaries
Minister Madden introduced the legislation into Parliament last Wednesday along with maps showing transport links, grasslands and new outer suburbs. Legislation to introduce the Growth Areas Infrastructure Contribution (GAIC) was also introduced.
The extension area will include approximately 24,500 hectares of developable land – land to build at least 134,000 new homes. It also sets out the alignment for the Outer Metropolitan Ring/E6 Transport Corridor.
The VLGA continues to be concerned about boundary expansions. We would prefer to see a full exploration of undeveloped or under-developed areas within existing suburbs with existing infrastructure. Appropriate development on identified land within Melbourne promotes greater sustainability. Extensive changes to growth boundaries present many problems including displacement of agricultural land impacting our future food security.
Getting the balance right is the challenge – at the moment we are seeing boundary expansions as well as a non-consultative approach to over-development in inner Melbourne. Engaging communities in finding the right areas for greater density is the key.
While the Minister argues that the GAIC will apply to those who profit from subdividing and developing the land brought into the UGB, Taxed Out Inc. and many expert groups including the Housing Industry Association and the Planning Institute of Australia have concerns and problems with the GAIC. You can follow the issue on the Taxed Out Inc. website which also has links to all of the maps, media and legislation; or see
WorkCover for Councillors
We will soon know whether the WorkCover scheme will be extended to include councillors. Thank you for all of your feedback and many, many letters.
Thank you also to those who raised concerns and queries. We have compiled all concerns and have proposed ways of managing these. We have forwarded this to Minister Wynne on your behalf. If you would like any further information, please let me know:
White Ribbon Campaign - Darebin survey
A reminder that responses to Darebin’s ‘local government engagement in the White Ribbon Campaign’ survey need to be submitted by this coming Wednesday 18 November.
Please click on the survey link or copy and paste it into your browser:
You can also contact Kellie Nagle at or phone 03 8470 8552.
National Year of Women in Local Government
2010 is the National Year of Women in Local Government. VLGA fully supports the three principles of the Victorian Local Government Women’s Charter for gender equity, inviting diversity and encouraging the active citizenship of women.
We know that mayoral terms offer many opportunities to bring these principles to life in local governments and communities. Despite women making up more than 50% of our communities, less than 30% of councillors and 25% of mayors are female. In anticipation of the 2010 year, VLGA encourages women councillors who can help turn the Charter principles into reality in their communities to consider their own candidacy for Mayoralties, or support other colleagues in doing so.
So you want to be Mayor?
The VLGA offers member councillors the following confidential advice and support:
* One-on-one discussions concerning the factors to be taken into account when making your decision, and steps to take. These discussions can happen by telephone or in person.
* A two hour facilitated free workshop for all councillors in your council to independently facilitate a 'what we need in the next Mayor’ checklist.
Both of these free member services can also be provided to non-member councillors and councils, for a small fee.
If you are successful in being elected as Mayor, put the following weekend aside in your diary to attend our unique Essential Mayor's Weekend in Kalorama, midday Friday 29th to midday Sunday 31st January 2010.
Congratulations to Local Area Access Program Grant recipients
Congratulations to the ten Victorian councils who will share in a $2 million fund to improve access to walking, cycling and public transport through the state government's TravelSmart and Local Area Access Program (LAAP). These grant programs are designed to assist local governments in implementing projects that encourage residents to think twice before using their car. One project recipient, the Murrindindi Shire Council, will see an investment in two shared paths in Kinglake and Flowerdale, providing vital bushfire recovery support. For more information, visit the grant page on the DOT website.
VicHealth launches Victoria Walks!
Victoria Walks promotes a vision of vibrant, supportive and strong neighbourhoods where people can and do choose to walk wherever possible.
VicHealth has a series of quirky, online videos to inspire people to walk for everyday purposes:
* check out the first quirky 90-second video here
* and register to receive the next 4 episodes (you can win a 3G iPhone or other great prizes)
For more information about Victoria Walks contact Charmaine Chew on or see the Victoria Walks website
Bicycle Victoria releases its annual BiXIE report
BiXIE is Bicycle Victoria’s annual index of bike infrastructure spending by local government authorities. It shows which local governments are meeting the desired threshold expenditure on bike facilities, and which are falling short. See the report at the Thinking Transport website.
Essential Services Commission
The Commission has released its first newsletter for the Local Government Performance Monitoring Framework. This newsletter is part of the Commission’s extensive consultative program, and aims to keep stakeholders up to date with key issues and milestones relevant to the development of the framework. The newsletter will appear on the Commission's website tomorrow.
VLGA End-of-Year Drinks – 3 December
Please join Minister Wynne and the VLGA Board and staff for end-of-year drinks. The format will be quite informal with refreshments and a light meal being served. I do hope you are available and able to attend.
Thursday 3 December
VLGA Rear Meeting Room
60 Leicester Street, Carlton
Please RSVP for catering purposes to or 03 9349 7999
What will we leave behind? Sustainable living now and forever
Tuesday 17 November, 6.00-7.30pm (doors open 5.30pm)
BMW Edge, Federation Square, Cnr Swanston & Flinders Sts, Melbourne
The speakers will discuss economic, social, cultural and environmental developments for present generations whilst securing and strengthening the life chances of future generations.
Speakers: Professor Peter Doherty AC, Professor Spencer Zifcak, Professor Larissa Behrendt, Ms Larissa Brown
Moderator: Mr Peter Mares
Future Leaders in partnership with Melbourne Conversations is presenting this event. Melbourne Conversations is the City of Melbourne's program of free talks. This event is supported by Readings.
Hamer Oration in Good Government – Fiddling While Australia Burns: Will this be History’s Judgement of Our Governments’ Response to Climate Change?
Tuesday 24 November, 6.00pm for 6.30pm start
Copland Theatre, the Economics and Commerce Building at the University of Melbourne
Speakers include David Karoly, Amanda McKenzie and Tim Colebatch
See the University of Melbourne website for more details.
“Are we there yet?”
Saturday 28 November, 4.30-6pm
New Council Chambers Room, Trades Hall, Lygon St, Carlton
Launching a Year of Re-commitment to Addressing the Unfinished Business of Reconciliation
Speakers: Tom Calma, Muriel Bamblett, Richard Frankland
Free entry, donations welcome at the door
RSVP for tickets to
ANTaR Victoria forum Sponsored by the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC)
Cr Rose Iser
VLGA President
0414 959 427
Monday 9 November, 2009
New VLGA CEO Appointed
We are delighted to announce the appointment of our new CEO, Maree McPherson. We thank Jo Fisher Executive for assisting the VLGA Board with our appointment. Introducing herself to you, Maree writes:
“I am delighted to be joining the VLGA team. The diverse range of issues on the VLGA’s agenda, and the organisation’s reputation, culture and ethics, have attracted me to the CEO role. I look forward to bringing a new set of perspectives to the VLGA, including my understanding of issues facing regional councils and members.
My twenty-five year career has predominantly been in community development and in management roles for a range of local, state and national organisations, including the water, health and finance sectors, family violence/homelessness services, and the adult and community education sector.
From December 2001 through July 2009, I was the Executive Officer of the Gippsland Area Consultative Committee. My work experience, especially seven years in the Commonwealth’s regional development delivery agency, has afforded me a strong operational understanding of the Australian, Victorian and regional political and social contexts.
I have tertiary qualifications in Social Welfare and Business and I am a Graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. I am also a member of Economic Development Australia, and of the Institute of Public Administration (Vic), and a former delegate to the South East Australia Transport Network (SEATS).
I live in Gippsland with my partner and two Labradors with whom I enjoy long walks on Gippsland’s magnificent beaches.”
We look forward to introducing Maree to you in person at our end of year drinks with Minister Wynne on Thursday 3 December at 6pm. We’d love to see you there and invite you to RSVP to or 03 9349 7999.
Annual Report and 2009 AGM
It was wonderful to see many of you at our AGM. The VLGA is in a good financial position, reporting a healthy surplus for 2008/09. We have a well-developed five year Strategic Plan developed in consultation with members and, as an organisation with a broad membership and wide brief, we are well poised for an active and productive year ahead.
Please take some time to look at our Annual Report – you can find it on our website.
Support for Councils to Implement Human Rights Charter
On 12 October, I mentioned the ground-breaking work that the VLGA has been doing to assist councils to implement the Human Rights Charter. Apparently, there is not widespread knowledge of this, so here are the details again.
The VLGA in partnership with the Australian Centre for Human Rights Education have worked together to develop a toolkit to support local governments to implement the Human Rights and Responsibilities Charter and to become ‘Human Rights Local Governments’.
The VLGA is being funded by the Victorian Government through the Department of Justice to deliver this support to councils. The toolkits and the final report are available on our website.
The next stage of the VLGA’s work is to work with five local governments in using the self-assessment and milestone tools and then to refine the tools so that all 79 local governments can benefit from the project and meet their responsibilities under the Victorian Human Rights Charter.
For further information, you can contact our Human Rights Policy & Project Officer, Gary Jungwirth on 9349 7986 or
Development Assessment Committees Bill
The Development Assessment Committees Bill is due in the Upper House this week. The Coalition of Concerned Councillors has communicated with many of you expressing ongoing concerns about the mechanisms that are contained in the revised Bill.
As pointed out in previous eNews, the DACs will operate in Activity Centre Zones which do not allow third party appeal rights unless councils specifically include notice and appeal rights.
The VLGA continues to express concerns about the mechanisms in the Bill and calls for commitment to enforcing local planning policies in call-ins and mechanisms such as DACs.
Brimbank Act
The legislation to dismiss the Brimbank Council is expected in the Upper House this week. The Bill sets the date for the next election as November 2012, with three administrators to be appointed for the interim three years. We understand that there will be no reporting on any progress in Council reforms during that time.
We have alerted Minister Wynne to our view that an election should be held within the next 12 months. The Local Government Act seems to specify that councillors can only be suspended for 12 months (an amendment in 2008), but arguably allows for councillors to be dismissed indefinitely. This is cause for concern and cause for further amendments to the Local Government Act.
Local Government Networking and Capacity Building Project to Prevent Violence Against Women
Darebin Council has been funded by VicHealth to build local government and community capacity across Victoria to prevent violence against women before it occurs and foster safe and inclusive environments in which women and men can participate on equal terms.
Darebin would like to get a snapshot of local government engagement in the White Ribbon Campaign through a quick survey. They are seeking your contribution by Wednesday 18 November 2009. The information will be collated and circulated to all local governments, enabling you to contact each other and replicate ideas.
Please click on the survey link or copy and paste it into your browser:
Contact Kellie Nagle at or phone 03 8470 8552.
It’s not too late to plan your local government action to highlight the message “Not violent; not silent” on and around White Ribbon Day November 25: the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.
White Ribbon Day marks the start of 16 days of international action leading to International Human Rights Day on 10 December.
White Ribbon Foundation website (including ideas and events NoticeBoard)
2010 National Year of Women in Local Government
The VLGA continues to support the Year in a variety of ways, including through the recent September LEF and latest activities of the Women’s Policy Working Group. We will keep you posted as details are finalised. In preparing for next year, we recognise the work of ALGWA in this initiative and look forward to collaborating with women in local governments across Australia during 2010.
You can also attend the Expert Forum of the Women’s Participation in Local Government Coalition – get inspired and gain ideas for your local activities on Thursday 12 November, 12-2pm at the MAV. Further details from Linda Bennett at VLGA on 03 9349 7904 or
Rooming Houses
Last week we talked about the VLGA's support for licensing of rooming house operators. The human side of this need was sensitively summarised in a confronting Opinion Piece by Paul Austin in last Thursday's Age.
Responsible Gambling: LGWGOG Meeting, Wednesday 11 November, 9am-12pm
Does your council or community have or want a Responsible Gambling Policy?
This Wednesday's Local Government Working Group On Gambling (LGWGOG) meeting will draw together the experiences of those who have tried to get better planning and social policies to reduce the harm that pokies cause to problem gamblers and local communities.
This meeting is an opportunity for concerned councillors, staff and community members to find out how to take more action locally in 2010. LGWGOG meets at the VLGA from 9am to midday this Wednesday (with a pause at 11am). Please RSVP to or 03 9349 7999.
Changes to the Community Support Fund (CSF) were announced recently. The Government has announced that it will sharpen the criteria for assessing funding applications for the CSF. The VLGA has called for greater transparency and focus for funding on problem gambling and disadvantaged communities in many previous submissions to the Government. This is welcome news.
For more information on the CSF visit the Community Support Fund web page
What will we leave behind? Sustainable living now and forever
Tuesday 17 November, 6.00-7.30pm (doors open 5.30pm)
BMW Edge, Federation Square, Cnr Swanston & Flinders Sts, Melbourne
The speakers will discuss economic, social, cultural and environmental developments for present generations whilst securing and strengthening the life chances of future generations.
Speakers: Professor Peter Doherty AC, Professor Spencer Zifcak, Professor Larissa Behrendt, Ms Larissa Brown
Moderator: Mr Peter Mares
Future Leaders in partnership with Melbourne Conversations is presenting this event. Melbourne Conversations is the City of Melbourne's program of free talks. This event is supported by Readings.
“Are we there yet?”
Saturday 28 November, 4.30-6pm
New Council Chambers Room, Trades Hall, Lygon St, Carlton
Launching a Year of Re-commitment to Addressing the Unfinished Business of Reconciliation
Speakers: Tom Calma, Muriel Bamblett, Richard Frankland
Free Entry: Donations welcome at the door
RSVP for tickets to
ANTaR Victoria forum Sponsored by the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC)
Hamer Oration in Good Government - Fiddling While Australia Burns: Will this be History’s Judgement of Our Governments’ Response to Climate Change?
Tuesday 24 November, 6.00pm for 6.30pm start
Copland Theatre, the Economics and Commerce Building at the University of Melbourne
Speakers include David Karoly, Amanda McKenzie and Tim Colebatch
See the University of Melbourne website for more details.
Planners Master Class on Writing an Integrated, Best Practice Licensed Premises Policy
Wednesday 2 December 2009, 10am-4pm
MAV, Level 12, 60 Collins St, Melbourne
This Planning Institute of Victoria (PIA) workshop will assist participants to identify opportunities to embed alcohol harms management in a variety of planning documents including Council Plans and their Municipal Public Health Plan. The workshop encourages Planners to proactively manage alcohol-related harms and builds confidence amongst councils to understand what is enforceable in the Liquor Licensing Tribunal and VCAT.
Facilitators: Mark Boyd is the Director of Cities for Safe and Healthy Communities at ICLEI Oceania. Bonnie Rosen is a planning consultant and lecturer in urban planning at the University of Melbourne. Participation in this workshop will attract 5 PIA professional development points.
Places are limited, so to register for this informative event please contact Mark Boyd on 0403 204 394 or by Monday 30 November. $250 for PIA Members, $300 for others.
I trust this eNews finds you well.
Cr Rose Iser
VLGA President
0414 959 427
Wednesday 4 November, 2009
As the glorious Spring carnival brings horses and glamour to my home suburb of Flemington, there is some unfortunate collateral damage by way of alcohol-induced, anti-social behaviour as patrons depart the racecourse.
Recently, the role of alcohol and its management in our communities has again been a topic of discussion: approvals of late liquor licenses by the Minister despite the introduction of measures to stem the tide of early hours alcohol induced violence in the CBD; debate over street drinking; and health experts warning of the impact of alcohol on young people.
At the MAV State Council last week, the matter of restricting early morning liquor licences (after 2am) was raised by Frankston City Council and prompted debate about the best way for local governments to address liquor licence issues. As we head into summer, these issues will become more pronounced and will require ongoing attention.
In September, the VLGA held a very successful forum on recent VCAT findings of accumulative impacts on residential amenity by large venues with late night liquor licences. We will continue to bring to your attention ways in which local governments can work with the State Government to address liquor related issues.
And as Melbourne shut down yesterday for ‘the race’, we look forward to a return to a flexible approach to determining public holidays for local communities as opposed to the blanket approach preventing localised public holidays in rural municipalities.
CEO Recruitment
The VLGA Board is currently working with Jo Fisher Executive on a thorough and extensive recruitment process for our new CEO. We hope to make an announcement very soon.
As more Councils write to tell us of their support for the introduction of measures to extend WorkCover to councillors, we are preparing a summary of issues raised and suggested ways forward. We will forward this to you, Ministers Wynne and Holding, and other stakeholders.
Planning and Environment Act Review
A reminder that feedback on the five response papers should be forwarded to the Department of Planning and Community Development soon ahead of the draft legislation being presented later this month. See Modernising Victoria’s Planning Act at the DPCD website
Progress on Rooming Houses and Universal Housing
It is very pleasing to see positive results to campaigns to improve regulations for housing in two important areas: a State Government commitment to improve the quality of rooming house accommodation and a Federal Government commitment to developing a national strategy to improve the design of houses for young families, people who may have an injury or illness, older Australians and people with disability (universal housing).
Rooming Houses
The State Government has responded to the Rooming House Standards Taskforce report by adopting all of the 32 recommendations made by the Taskforce and will now consult with the sector to determine the best way to implement the recommendations.
Registration of both rooming house operators and rooming house premises will be mandatory; new laws will improve safety and security in all Victorian rooming houses; the power of Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV) to act on rooming house operators who are in breach of their responsibilities will be increased; and there will be considerable investment into alternative housing for families needing crisis accommodation as well as alternative rental and public housing.
Universal Housing
Those who attended the VLGA Leading Edge Forum on Housing Affordability earlier this year will recall the work VCOSS and others have been doing to promote the need for developers and the housing industry to look closely at how we design and construct our homes to meet the changing needs of their occupants across their lifetimes.
Last week, leaders from the housing and community sector met and committed to developing a national strategy to improve the design of houses for lifetime use. See
For more information see: and
VLGA Advocacy
Our AGM will be an opportunity to stock-take on the advocacy undertaken this year:
* Conflict of Interest
* Development Assessment Committees, Ministerial call-ins, objectors’ fees at VCAT, consultation in planning reforms
* pokies and problem gambling
* sustainable transport
* human rights in local government
* affordable housing
* Reconciliation, and
* WorkCover, to name some of the key issues.
As we approach 2010, we are continuing advocacy in these areas as well as engaging in advocacy efforts on:
* the financial sustainability of rural shires
* climate change and its social impacts
* women in local government
* urban growth boundaries and inner planning issues
* the regulation of local government by the Essential Services Commission, and
* strengthening representative democracy for communities through councillor support and governance training.
To inform our campaigns, feedback from members is always welcome.
Remember 11/11/1869?
This Remembrance Day is the 140th anniversary of the Victorian Aboriginal Protection Act
11/11/2009 will be the 140th anniversary of the enactment of the Victorian Aboriginal Protection Act. It allowed government to prescribe where Indigenous Victorians lived, were employed, what they were paid and assume custody of all Indigenous children.
ANTaR Victoria is asking Victorians to support reconciliation and Indigenous rights advocacy by remembering the harm inflicted upon Indigenous people under the auspices of this ‘Protection’ Act.
Although 11 November is always a solemn day for Australians, this year ANTaR asks us to pay particular tribute to the service of Indigenous soldiers in times of war acknowledging that under this Act, some Indigenous soldiers were never paid their wages, and many were paid at much lower rates than their non-Indigenous comrades. See the ANTaR website
Delegates and Mayoral Chain Dinner a great success
It was wonderful to see many of you at our Delegates and Mayoral Chain dinner last week. This was an opportunity to update you on our recent activities and campaigns and introduce you to staff member Sarah Colgan who is a point of contact for VLGA delegates.
While all councillors receive our eNews and other updates, delegates can take an active role in providing the VLGA with feedback from your council to make sure our campaigns are informed by your views.
Conference papers available: Planning and Climate Change
The Monash Centre for Regulatory Studies has advised that the material from the Planning and Climate Change Conference is now available at their website
VLGA AGM – Thursday 5 November, 7pm
Delegates, members and others are welcome to attend our AGM tomorrow night. The Leading Edge Forum will follow featuring Adam Valvasori, Values Manager of Body Shop Australia.
At the VLGA Annual General Meeting, two proposed changes to the VLGA Constitution will be considered:
1. Removal of CEO’s ex-officio position on the Board
2. Co-option power for casual vacancy in Office Bearer position
Thursday 5 November, 2009
VLGA, 60 Leicester Street, Carlton
6.30pm Dinner and Drinks
7.00-8.05pm Annual General Meeting
8.05 pm Leading Edge Forum
Please RSVP to 03 9349 7999 or
Walk Against Warming
Thursday 12 December 2009, 12pm
State Library, Swanston St Melbourne
Contact Environment Victoria or to learn more about this year’s Walk Against Warming – this year coinciding with Copenhagen talks. The Walk Against Warming is Australia’s biggest day of community action on climate change. Over the last four years, 100,000 Victorians have walked against warming, and for a safe climate future.
Muriel Bamblett to deliver the Human Rights Oration
Tuesday 8 December 2009, 12.30-1.30pm; followed by a light lunch.
ZINC @ Federation Square, Birrarung Marr by the Yarra
The Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission invites you to hear Muriel Bamblett deliver this year’s Human Rights Oration. Muriel Bamblett, the CEO of the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency, will speak on Practical self-determination: The right(s) approach to addressing the unfinished business.
Reconciliation is still unfinished business. For many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, the right to self-determination is still out of reach, yet it is the most important social determinant of Aboriginal health and wellbeing.
The Oration is a free event marking United Nations Human Rights Day. The Attorney-General, the Hon Rob Hulls, will deliver an opening address. There will also be a special dance performance by the Gunditjmara Karweeyn group.
Registrations are required before Tuesday 1 December, 2009
RSVPs to Liam Fitzgerald -
Tel: (03) 9281 7167, TTY: (03) 9281 7110 or Toll-free: (1800) 13 41 42 (country callers)
Expert Forum of the Women’s Participation in Local Government Coalition
Thursday 12 November 2009, 12-2pm at the MAV
Get inspired and gain ideas for your local activities.
Further details from Linda Bennett at VLGA 03 9349 7983 or or see the flyer on the news section of our website
I trust this eNews finds you well!
Cr Rose Iser
0414 959 427 or
Recently, the role of alcohol and its management in our communities has again been a topic of discussion: approvals of late liquor licenses by the Minister despite the introduction of measures to stem the tide of early hours alcohol induced violence in the CBD; debate over street drinking; and health experts warning of the impact of alcohol on young people.
At the MAV State Council last week, the matter of restricting early morning liquor licences (after 2am) was raised by Frankston City Council and prompted debate about the best way for local governments to address liquor licence issues. As we head into summer, these issues will become more pronounced and will require ongoing attention.
In September, the VLGA held a very successful forum on recent VCAT findings of accumulative impacts on residential amenity by large venues with late night liquor licences. We will continue to bring to your attention ways in which local governments can work with the State Government to address liquor related issues.
And as Melbourne shut down yesterday for ‘the race’, we look forward to a return to a flexible approach to determining public holidays for local communities as opposed to the blanket approach preventing localised public holidays in rural municipalities.
CEO Recruitment
The VLGA Board is currently working with Jo Fisher Executive on a thorough and extensive recruitment process for our new CEO. We hope to make an announcement very soon.
As more Councils write to tell us of their support for the introduction of measures to extend WorkCover to councillors, we are preparing a summary of issues raised and suggested ways forward. We will forward this to you, Ministers Wynne and Holding, and other stakeholders.
Planning and Environment Act Review
A reminder that feedback on the five response papers should be forwarded to the Department of Planning and Community Development soon ahead of the draft legislation being presented later this month. See Modernising Victoria’s Planning Act at the DPCD website
Progress on Rooming Houses and Universal Housing
It is very pleasing to see positive results to campaigns to improve regulations for housing in two important areas: a State Government commitment to improve the quality of rooming house accommodation and a Federal Government commitment to developing a national strategy to improve the design of houses for young families, people who may have an injury or illness, older Australians and people with disability (universal housing).
Rooming Houses
The State Government has responded to the Rooming House Standards Taskforce report by adopting all of the 32 recommendations made by the Taskforce and will now consult with the sector to determine the best way to implement the recommendations.
Registration of both rooming house operators and rooming house premises will be mandatory; new laws will improve safety and security in all Victorian rooming houses; the power of Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV) to act on rooming house operators who are in breach of their responsibilities will be increased; and there will be considerable investment into alternative housing for families needing crisis accommodation as well as alternative rental and public housing.
Universal Housing
Those who attended the VLGA Leading Edge Forum on Housing Affordability earlier this year will recall the work VCOSS and others have been doing to promote the need for developers and the housing industry to look closely at how we design and construct our homes to meet the changing needs of their occupants across their lifetimes.
Last week, leaders from the housing and community sector met and committed to developing a national strategy to improve the design of houses for lifetime use. See
For more information see: and
VLGA Advocacy
Our AGM will be an opportunity to stock-take on the advocacy undertaken this year:
* Conflict of Interest
* Development Assessment Committees, Ministerial call-ins, objectors’ fees at VCAT, consultation in planning reforms
* pokies and problem gambling
* sustainable transport
* human rights in local government
* affordable housing
* Reconciliation, and
* WorkCover, to name some of the key issues.
As we approach 2010, we are continuing advocacy in these areas as well as engaging in advocacy efforts on:
* the financial sustainability of rural shires
* climate change and its social impacts
* women in local government
* urban growth boundaries and inner planning issues
* the regulation of local government by the Essential Services Commission, and
* strengthening representative democracy for communities through councillor support and governance training.
To inform our campaigns, feedback from members is always welcome.
Remember 11/11/1869?
This Remembrance Day is the 140th anniversary of the Victorian Aboriginal Protection Act
11/11/2009 will be the 140th anniversary of the enactment of the Victorian Aboriginal Protection Act. It allowed government to prescribe where Indigenous Victorians lived, were employed, what they were paid and assume custody of all Indigenous children.
ANTaR Victoria is asking Victorians to support reconciliation and Indigenous rights advocacy by remembering the harm inflicted upon Indigenous people under the auspices of this ‘Protection’ Act.
Although 11 November is always a solemn day for Australians, this year ANTaR asks us to pay particular tribute to the service of Indigenous soldiers in times of war acknowledging that under this Act, some Indigenous soldiers were never paid their wages, and many were paid at much lower rates than their non-Indigenous comrades. See the ANTaR website
Delegates and Mayoral Chain Dinner a great success
It was wonderful to see many of you at our Delegates and Mayoral Chain dinner last week. This was an opportunity to update you on our recent activities and campaigns and introduce you to staff member Sarah Colgan who is a point of contact for VLGA delegates.
While all councillors receive our eNews and other updates, delegates can take an active role in providing the VLGA with feedback from your council to make sure our campaigns are informed by your views.
Conference papers available: Planning and Climate Change
The Monash Centre for Regulatory Studies has advised that the material from the Planning and Climate Change Conference is now available at their website
VLGA AGM – Thursday 5 November, 7pm
Delegates, members and others are welcome to attend our AGM tomorrow night. The Leading Edge Forum will follow featuring Adam Valvasori, Values Manager of Body Shop Australia.
At the VLGA Annual General Meeting, two proposed changes to the VLGA Constitution will be considered:
1. Removal of CEO’s ex-officio position on the Board
2. Co-option power for casual vacancy in Office Bearer position
Thursday 5 November, 2009
VLGA, 60 Leicester Street, Carlton
6.30pm Dinner and Drinks
7.00-8.05pm Annual General Meeting
8.05 pm Leading Edge Forum
Please RSVP to 03 9349 7999 or
Walk Against Warming
Thursday 12 December 2009, 12pm
State Library, Swanston St Melbourne
Contact Environment Victoria or to learn more about this year’s Walk Against Warming – this year coinciding with Copenhagen talks. The Walk Against Warming is Australia’s biggest day of community action on climate change. Over the last four years, 100,000 Victorians have walked against warming, and for a safe climate future.
Muriel Bamblett to deliver the Human Rights Oration
Tuesday 8 December 2009, 12.30-1.30pm; followed by a light lunch.
ZINC @ Federation Square, Birrarung Marr by the Yarra
The Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission invites you to hear Muriel Bamblett deliver this year’s Human Rights Oration. Muriel Bamblett, the CEO of the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency, will speak on Practical self-determination: The right(s) approach to addressing the unfinished business.
Reconciliation is still unfinished business. For many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, the right to self-determination is still out of reach, yet it is the most important social determinant of Aboriginal health and wellbeing.
The Oration is a free event marking United Nations Human Rights Day. The Attorney-General, the Hon Rob Hulls, will deliver an opening address. There will also be a special dance performance by the Gunditjmara Karweeyn group.
Registrations are required before Tuesday 1 December, 2009
RSVPs to Liam Fitzgerald -
Tel: (03) 9281 7167, TTY: (03) 9281 7110 or Toll-free: (1800) 13 41 42 (country callers)
Expert Forum of the Women’s Participation in Local Government Coalition
Thursday 12 November 2009, 12-2pm at the MAV
Get inspired and gain ideas for your local activities.
Further details from Linda Bennett at VLGA 03 9349 7983 or or see the flyer on the news section of our website
I trust this eNews finds you well!
Cr Rose Iser
0414 959 427 or
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