Beyond the State Election
It’s too premature to be making any definitive analysis about the outcomes of Saturday’s State Election, so watch this space in future editions of my eNews for this analysis. During the State Election the VLGA campaigned on a number of issues of concern to our members. Central to this was the importance and role of local governments, and our call for a new approach to a partnership which was supported by all major parties and discussed in last week’s eNews. Whoever is declared the winner, we feel we have built a strong base to pursue these concerns. Other concerns included assisting local communities cope with change; funding for physical and community infrastructure; affordable housing; and giving local communities more say about pokies. As we said during the campaign, we believe there is a clear case for the next State Government to build a stronger partnership with local governments and communities across these and other policy areas. This is definitely the case in the planning, population and change debates we need to have together. It is becoming clear that more councillors will be elected to the State Parliament this time around, and this can only bode well for a new partnership with local government. We congratulate you all, including those who were not successful, and we applaud your preparedness to continue to serve your local communities in so many ways. The VLGA will ensure that a future partnership is built on equal participation and respect, and that our member’s interests are protected.
VCAT Red Dot Decision: just who has standing to be heard as an objector?
This Red Dot Decision is an important one, due to the finding of who has standing to be heard under Sections 33B(1) and 33B(2) of the Environment Protection Act 1970. In a landmark case, VCAT’s Deputy President Helen Gibson has clarified the circumstances under which objectors can claim to have standing to be heard on an application before it. While the merits of whether somebody will have standing will still be assessed on an individual basis, this Red Dot Decision provides some clarification of interest not only to local governments but also local communities. For more information and to read the decision, go here.
Australian Centre for Excellence in Local Government newsletter now online
The VLGA have been meeting with the ACELG on a range of issues, and we are delighted to inform members that they are now providing updates on their activities via their new newsletter, Excellence in Brief.
Food for All – influencing land use and the built environment to improve access to healthy food
You may not have seen one of VicHealth’s Food for All micro-movies in this eNews recently, so it is timely to re-start them given the focus of the last week or so on the link between land use planning, population growth and sustainable agricultural land. Local governments have a number of mechanisms available to support food security initiatives by influencing the local, built and natural environments. Strong community consultation including awareness-raising of the local barriers to accessing healthy food will also result in the obvious link between land use planning and food security being drawn. Zoning of land, walking and cycling, infrastructure planning, health and social impact assessment, and the preservation of arable farm land are all examples of strategies identified during the Food for All programs that you can explore. This latest micro-movie of only three minutes outlines the importance of adopting this approach. Please note that when you use this link there is now also an opportunity to give feedback about the micro-movies and to see Food for All information sheets. If you would like further information about the Food for All Project please contact our Project Officer, Leah Galvin, via email or call (03) 9349 7999.
Check out Day 5: taking one simple action during the ‘16 days of action to prevent violence against women’
Watch the changing flag on our website front page over the ‘16 days of action’. Between White Ribbon Day on 25 November featuring events that focused on the need to prevent violence against women, to International Human Rights Day on 10 December, our website features a new daily local government action you could take to make a difference for your community. For more information email Linda Bennett or call (03) 9349 7904.
VLGA events for your diary
VLGA Members’ End-of-Year Function
Thursday 2 December, 6.30-8.30pm
More information and register here or call (03) 9349 7999.
Other events
2010 Kemsley Oration
Thursday 2 December, 6pm
Melbourne, Kelvin Club
Vision of Planning for an Achievable, Sustainable and Liveable Melbourne
The 2010 Oration will be delivered by Mr Paul Ramadge, Editor-in-Chief at The Age. Supported by Deakin University. For more information, go here.
2010 Human Rights Week panel discussion: shining a light on human rights – the charter in action
Wednesday 8 December 2010, 12-1pm
Melbourne, Telstra Theatrette
Julian Burnside AO QC and James Farrell, Manager of the Public Interest Law Clearing House Homeless Persons’ Legal Clinic. For more information go here.
Cr Heinz Kreutz
0438 006 656 or email