Monday 26 July, 2010

It’s been a frantic couple of weeks at work for me trying to get things organised for the beginning of semester. I have been engaged in an interesting debate with some of my students whom I challenged because they chose to watch MasterChef rather than the leadership debate on Sunday night. As is often the case, their response was disarming, when they explained that it was quite normal to prefer a show like MasterChef because it offered more entertainment and substance than the leadership debate. It’s a difficult argument to rebut. Once again I am reminded of the expectation that our communities have for local government to lead on some policy debates when there appears to be an absence of leadership elsewhere. This is particularly relevant for the issue of sustainable population growth and climate change. Local communities experience the gap of investment from other levels for much-needed physical and social infrastructure in local communities, and we must continue to fight for a fairer share of revenue. On the other election, the VLGA is currently fine-tuning the State election advocacy campaign you have asked us to develop. I would encourage you to continue your dialogue with us so that we can continue to represent your needs, ideas and expectations.

Thursday 5 August REMINDER: stay home, warm, and log on to our next webcast Leading Edge Forum from 7pm
As discussed in last week’s eNews, we will not be following the usual LEF format on Thursday week (5 August). Instead, we will webcast ‘an audience with’ our CEO Maree McPherson and me about our plans for the next year. You can make comments and ask questions online while enjoying the comforts of your home. So rug up, save the following link to your desktop – and off we go. If you have comments or questions in advance feel free to email me.

Sticking up for councillors
It is unsurprising, yet disappointing, that the myth that councillors enjoy ‘fat-cat’ salaries and perks is alive and well. In response to a recent letter to the editor in Port Phillip Leader, I sent the following facts. If you see the same myth trotted out in your local media, let us know so we can support you! Following is my published reply:
“Unfortunately many myths still exist concerning councillor allowances. Many believe councillors receive full-time salaries. Others think we can award ourselves increases without any scrutiny. Councillor allowances are adjusted by independent reviews conducted by the State Services Authority. Councillors have only received a modest 2.5 % increase since these independent reviews were conducted earlier this year. None of Victoria’s 79 local governments has the discretion to go higher. The VLGA’s councillor remuneration campaigns of 2007-2008 revealed the average councillor received an allowance equivalent to around 15 hours per week for similarly complex roles in the workforce. Yet 80% of mayors and councillors commit over 33 hours to their elected representative duties. A staggering 54% commit over 50 hours a week. Port Phillip Councillors are no exception, and work hard for their local communities.”

Why not share your resources with your local government colleagues?
One of the highest areas for requests we receive in the office each working week are for policy and other resources that may be useful for local governments and communities. Did you know that local government officers and elected councillors can submit resources to be included on the VLGA’s website? If you have access to resources you believe would be valued by the sector, you can contribute your documents or links. All you need to do is complete a resources contribution form on our website here.

Watch this space

Do we have the vision of sustainable places and design in our own backyards?
Often we hear frustrations from communities and elected councillors that policies and programs at other levels of government make locally-owned planning outcomes hard to achieve. I am more of an optimist than this, and feel there is a growing demand – indeed a growing expectation – that planning must involve local communities while at the same time embracing solutions that meet the social, economic and environmental needs of a specific location. I will share some good practice examples with you from time to time. For this week, I encourage you to take a look at Vision: Broadmeadows 2032 and also at the City of Greater Dandenong’s Imagine 2030 Community Plan. The first is a good example of partnerships that Hume City Council has had with Melbourne University, RMIT, Monash University and Swinburne University architecture, landscape design, industrial design, communication design and service design students. These ideas will be further developed and carried forward by Hume City Council in new and emerging strategic planning. Vision Broadmeadows 2032 is part of Victoria’s State of Design Festival which is currently underway, highlighting the important place that good design plays in sustainable, people-friendly spaces. Greater Dandenong’s Imagine 2030 is a good example of the widespread communication and community involvement including the use of online surveys and Facebook to get broader views from the Greater Dandenong communities.

VLGA events for your diary

Active Communities, Active Democracy: Everything you need to know about increasing voter participation in the 2010 November State Election
Wednesday 11 August 2010, 10am – 2.30pm
VLGA Office, 60 Leicester St Carlton
Hosted by the VLGA, in partnership with the VEC. This forum is for councillors, council officers and community organisations working with CALD, Aboriginal, disability, youth and homeless communities. Join us for an overview of VEC resources and outreach services including CALD, Aboriginal, disability, youth, homeless and electronically assisted voting. Hear from people with experience in utilising the VEC’s outreach service. Participate in a panel discussion with New Hope Foundation Director Ross Buscemi; Professor of Victorian Parliamentary Democracy Swinburne University and Director Democratic Audit of Australia, Prof Brian Costar; VEC Aboriginal Engagement Officer Daryl Naylor; and VEC Senior Information & Research Officer Paul Thornton-Smith, and an interactive workshop for local government and community sector workers. Councillors and council officers are welcome to invite their local community organisations, including Migrant Resource Centres and the like, to attend. Go here for more information.

Other events

The world's most creative thinkers are coming to Melbourne
The VLGA promotes conferences, especially if they add to the leadership, strategic thinking and other skill sets of elected councillors, community leaders and local government staff. This conference from 8-10 September is one such event, because it will bring together some of the world’s best creative thinkers including Edward De Bono, Peter Shergold, Professor Patrick McGorry, Andrew MacLeod, Cathy and many others. Our world faces incredible challenges. Each of us needs to find new ways to re-invent our future. So, imagine being part of a conference that was out of the ordinary...that pushed the boundaries. Imagine sharing thoughts with amazing people, bringing the latest thinking on creativity and innovation. Creative Innovation 2010 is the place to learn from world changing innovators, futurists, inspired thinkers and curious souls gathered together in an interactive community. It’s a place to learn techniques and strategies, unlock and share ideas and gain empowering experiences. A place to imagine the future, attend concerts and masterclasses, and have the best networking experience of the year! For further information on the program go here, on speakers go here, or to reserve your place, go here.

8th Annual Victorian Transport Infrastructure Summit 2010
13-14 October 2010
Rendezvous Hotel, 328 Flinders St, Melbourne
VLGA members are eligible for a 50% discount on the cost of the 8th Annual Victorian Infrastructure Summit 2010. Hosted by Informa and endorsed by the VLGA, the conference theme is 'Integration for a World Class Transport Network' and will include the latest industry outlook and case studies from expert speakers, including: Jim Betts, Secretary, Department of Transport Victoria; Lachlan McDonald, Director of Intergovernmental Relations, Department of Transport Victoria; and Andrew Wall, Manager of Network Operations, VicRoads. Go here for more information, and to benefit from this special discount.

Local government leaders preventing violence against women conference
Thursday 26 August, 10am – 4.30pm
MCG, Melbourne
Local government leaders will come together to discuss how local governments can prevent violence against women and foster safe and inclusive environments for all. Mayors, their delegated councillors and other senior decision makers and officers who are critical contributors to actions on strategic plans are especially welcome. For further information or to register go here.

Action Learning and Action Research Association World Congress
6-9 September 2010
Bayview Eden Hotel, Queens Road Melbourne
The VLGA has for many years promoted participatory action research and action learning principles which underpin many approaches to social and community planning activities in local communities. Those interested in these issues will no doubt want to know about the next ALARA World Congress, to be held in Melbourne. The Congress is entitled Appreciating our Diverse Pasts, Comprehending our Complex Presents, Prefiguring our Possible Futures. For more information on the Congress, go to our Events Calendar or the ALARA website. To also find out about pre-Congress workshops go here.

Cr Heinz Kreutz
0438 006 656 or

Monday 19 July, 2010

Were you as surprised as I was at the mention of local governments along with two themes featuring on the first day of the Federal Election campaign yesterday – affordable housing and sustainable population? Some thought that local governments and local communities would be forgotten in this Federal Election. Yet the issue of adequate social and physical infrastructure and liveability is front and centre already, as is the role that we can play locally. Federal politicians on all sides are now listening, and the calls of the VLGA and others for a more genuine partnership with local governments and local communities as the best way to deliver liveability benefits seems to be gaining greater acceptance. Let’s hope this is not the last time we hear about what can be done locally, when funding and policy support comes from the Federal Government.

8th Annual Victorian Transport Infrastructure Summit 2010
VLGA members are eligible for a 50% discount on the cost of the 8th Annual Victorian Infrastructure Summit 2010, hosted by Informa and endorsed by the VLGA. Being held on 13-14 October 2010 at the Rendezvous Hotel in Melbourne, the conference theme is 'Integration for a World Class Transport Network' and will include the latest industry outlook and case studies from expert speakers, including: Jim Betts, Secretary, Department of Transport Victoria; Lachlan McDonald, Director of Intergovernmental Relations, Department of Transport Victoria; and Andrew Wall, Manager of Network Operations, VicRoads. Go here for more information and to benefit from this special discount.

VLGA response to VCEC draft report on streamlining local government regulation
Following consultations with our local government and community members, the VLGA has drafted its response to the Victorian Competition and Efficiency Commission’s Draft Report on Streamlining Local Government Regulation. We believe the Commission’s draft report and recommendations highlight important issues for further consideration on the costs, benefits and impacts of reporting and regulatory requirements, not only for planning but more widely. For this reason we particularly embrace draft recommendations that address specific and long-held concerns of both the VLGA’s local government and local community members, and underpin the need for improved, systemic responses by both State and local governments to the costs, benefits and impacts of reporting and regulatory requirements. Go here to see the VLGA’s full response.

Final draft on the proposed guideline on accessible bus stops
The Australian Human Rights Commission has now made available a final draft of a proposed guideline on accessible bus stops which can be accessed here, and is calling for comments by 2 August 2010.
For further information, or to provide your feedback, please email Michael Small at or phone (03) 9284 9763.

An Australian first – Melbourne Place Making Series (MPMS)
Village Well, VicUrban, City of Melbourne, Department of Planning and Community Development (Vic) and Fed Square have created the inaugural Melbourne Place Making Series (MPMS) to stimulate significant conversation about the role and value of Place Making as a tool for Urban Development. MPMS is about connecting to a larger global movement and all are welcome to attend upcoming events listed in the ‘other events’ section of this eNews. To find out more about the Melbourne Place Making Series go here.

Watch this space

Pokies and VCGR timelines
The VLGA still retains some hope that non-government parties will move to amend the adopted period of only 37 days for local governments to notify the Victorian Commission for Gambling Regulation (VCGR) if they wish to make a submission in respect of any application or amended application for pokies. We have made our position known to both government and non-government parties that we want to see this 37 days extended, as it does not take account of the needs of local governments to properly consider their positions. We will let you know how this issue pans out in the next week or so as the Parliament further considers the Gambling Regulation Amendment (Licensing) Bill 2010.

VLGA events for your diary

Stay home and warm in August as the VLGA comes to you via webcast and the phone
In response to the feedback we get about the difficulty for members to get to winter events, our staff have come up with two creative ideas to gather your views in August. So instead of coming to us on Thursday 5 August, stay put in the warmth of your home as we webcast ‘an audience with’ our CEO Maree McPherson and me about our plans for the next year. We will also be making direct contact with all of our VLGA delegates to discuss our progress report of the last year, which we will email to delegates shortly. Rather than asking you to get your feedback into us, we will be telephoning you at a convenient time and taking down your comments and feedback over the telephone. So sit back, stay warm and please participate in the webcast on 5 August by saving the following link to your desktop now - Please let me know by return email if you are going to be able to join us for the webcast. If other members would like to receive a copy and be consulted on our plans for the next year, let us know by emailing us at

Ensuring higher participation by voters in elections
Wednesday 11 August 2010, 10am-2.30pm,
VLGA Office, 60 Leicester St, Carlton
Facilitated by the VLGA for councillors, council officers and community organisations who want to learn more about partnership opportunities with the VEC to ensure all communities, regardless of background, age or ability have the opportunity to vote. Save the date and invite others in your local government and community to do the same.

Other events

Melbourne Place Making Series (MPMS) upcoming events

Financing Great Places: reducing risk, increasing profit and generating more value over the long term
Tuesday 27 July, 7.30am-9.30am
VicUrban – 710 Collins St, Docklands
This is a free event, spaces are limited.
To register, RSVP to Casey Ryder at

Community Conversation and Workshop Events
Unleashing the Power of Place in Community: from consultation to community Conversation
Monday 16 August, 5.45pm-7.30pm
BMW Edge, Federation Square, Melbourne
This is a free event.
To register RSVP to Village Well at

Tuesday 17 August, 8.30am-1.00pm
BMW Edge, Federation Square, Melbourne
A fee of $75 for registration and a summarising paper applies.
Online registration for this event is via the Village Well website here.

To find out more about the Melbourne Place Making Series go here.

Local government leaders preventing violence against women conference
Thurs day 26 August, 10am–4.30pm
MCG, Melbourne
Local government leaders will come together to discuss how local governments can prevent violence against women and foster safe and inclusive environments for all. Mayors, their delegated councilors, and other senior decision makers and officers who are critical contributors to actions on strategic plans are especially welcome. For further information or to register go here.

Action Learning and Action Research Association World Congress
6-9 September 2010
Bayview Eden Hotel, Queens Road, Melbourne
The VLGA has for many years promoted participatory action research and action learning principles which underpin many approaches to social and community planning activities in local communities. Those interested in these issues will no doubt want to know about the next ALARA World Congress, to be held in Melbourne. The Congress is entitled Appreciating our Diverse Pasts, Comprehending our Complex Presents, Prefiguring our Possible Futures. For more information on the Congress, go to our Events Calendar or the ALARA website. To also find out about pre-Congress workshops go here.

Cr Heinz Kreutz
0438 006 656 or

Monday 12 July, 2010

Issues covered in this 12 July edition include:
• NAIDOC Week a success
• More flexible federal funding of community infrastructure
• Climate proofing 1 Million Homes with a focus on middle to low income households
• Auditor General’s inquiry into Transport Connections Program
• Run Melbourne Challenge
• Watch this space - ensuring higher participation of voters in elections
• VLGA Events for your diary:
Ensuring higher participation by voters in elections
• Other events:
Local government leaders preventing violence against women conference

For many, the main focus of last week was on human rights, both federally and at the local level. While nationally the discussion was precipitated by the Prime Minister’s comments about asylum seekers and boat people, locally the VLGA was instrumental in organising a human rights symposium and launching a resource kit for local government. The topic of human rights has always intrigued me, and I share this interest with many of our members who feel strongly about issues such as respect, social inclusion, equality, dignity and freedom, the central ingredients of human rights. While some communities and local governments are real leaders, others still need to catch up and accept that the level of government closest to the community has a key role to play in the implementation and monitoring of human rights. I felt privileged when last Wednesday I was able to open the ‘human rights implementation in local government’ symposium, jointly hosted by the VLGA and the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC). The symposium was attended by an enthusiastic and passionate group of over 90 participants including mayors, councillors, local government officers, and representatives from government and non-government organisations. It was an opportunity to hear about and share some of the strategies, successes, opportunities and challenges in the development of a culture of human rights through the work of local government. I also launched the Human Rights Matter Locally toolkit. This toolkit offers step by step guidelines to ensure your local government’s policies comply with the legal obligations of the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities. The toolkit also helps your council go beyond mere compliance to build a culture of human rights in the community. Participants at the symposium were provided with a hard copy of the toolkit and it is now available for you to download from the VLGA website here. As a result of a request at yesterday’s symposium, the VLGA will form a Local Government Human Rights Network so that information on human rights and local government can be shared across the sector. I would also urge councillors to ask their CEO to provide them with a copy of your response to the annual VEOHRC survey of local governments. I believe it is important for as many councillors as possible to see your response and progress.

NAIDOC Week a success
Last week many local governments and community organisations marked NAIDOC Week with celebrations and events held across Victoria to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It is encouraging to see that NAIDOC is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities, but by Australians from all walks of life. The week was a great opportunity to participate in a range of activities and to support local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. NAIDOC originally stood for 'National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee'. This committee was once responsible for organising national activities during NAIDOC Week and its acronym has since become the name of the week itself. To find out more about the origins of NAIDOC Week, visit
NAIDOC history. The VLGA is currently assisting the Community and Social Planners Network (CASPN) to hold a special conference for local governments entitled After Sorry What Next, and we will provide further details to you shortly. For more information on our indigenous work, contact our CEO Maree McPherson via email at or via telephone at (03) 9349 7901.

More flexible federal funding of community infrastructure
The Federal Government has opened applications and released funding amounts for all local governments under Round Three of the Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program (RLCIP). This round will provide $100 million to be shared between all local governments across Australia for local community infrastructure priorities. As advocated by the VLGA, Round Three provides greater flexibility to local communities, with changes made to allow city councils and shires to nominate:
• projects on behalf of local community organisations
• projects as part of a group of councils; and
• environmental protection and climate change infrastructure projects.
Local governments can submit eligible local priorities until Friday July 30 2010, so if you are an elected councillor or community member make sure this opportunity is made known to your local government. The new Guidelines and other supporting information for Round Three of the Program are available

Climate proofing 1 Million Homes with a focus on middle to low income households
It would be great to see some members at the launch of Environment Victoria’s
One Million Homes Campaign this coming Wednesday! The VLGA Board has endorsed the VLGA as a partner, joining an impressive alliance of environmental and social welfare organizations. We are coming together to call on all political parties at this state election year to commit to climate-proof One Million Homes – half of Victoria’s existing homes – with a comprehensive and flexible package of energy and water efficiency measures over the next five years aimed at middle to low income households. This is a key interest for the VLGA, as our focus is on the social and equity impacts of climate change. This Wednesday’s launch will be a very quick one, so you can arrive at 8am for an 8.30am start and the launch will finish at 9.30am. It is in the Rear Meeting Room, 60 Leicester Street, Carlton. To find out more about the proposed program and how your organisation can join the alliance, please come along to our breakfast briefing. RSVP to Josie Lee via email at or via telephone at (03) 9341 8118.

Auditor General’s inquiry into Transport Connections Program
Last week we met with staff from the Auditor General’s Office to provide feedback from the sector on the Transport Connections Program. This Program has been universally welcomed by local governments and has led to on the ground improvements in transport options – especially in rural areas. We passed on the desire of our members that this Program continue and funding be offered by the State Government on a much longer term basis, as improvements take time to achieve. For more information on our feedback to the Auditor General’s office or if you need more information on the VLGA’s Local Government Transport Project, contact Gordon Young via email at or via telephone at (03) 9349 7943.

Run Melbourne Challenge
VLGA CEO Maree McPherson is participating in the Run Melbourne Challenge this Sunday to raise funds for the Leukaemia Foundation, the only national not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the care and cure of patients and families living with leukaemias, lymphomas, myeloma and related blood disorders. To support Maree’s efforts to raise money for this great cause, please make your online tax deductible donation on her webpage
here. Good luck Maree!

Watch this space
Ensuring higher participation of voters in elections

Last week’s eNews explained the Victorian Electoral Commission’s (VEC) new CALD outreach services and how these will ensure eligible Victorians have the opportunity to vote regardless of background, age or ability by providing a range of in-language and easy English materials and free services. The VLGA supports this work and will facilitate a forum with the VEC on August 11 to discuss how your local government and community can participate in a range of programs with the VEC to help your CALD communities understand how democracy works and assist your local CALD residents to enrol to vote. This forum is appropriate for councillors, relevant council officers and your local outreach agencies and organisations that work with your CALD communities. Save the date and extend the invitation to others in your local government and community who could benefit from this forum. Details for your diary are as follows - Thursday August 11, 10am to 2.30pm at the VLGA 60 Leicester St Carlton. Stay tuned for more details.

VLGA events for your diary
Ensuring higher participation by voters in elections
Thursday 11 August 2010, 10am – 2.30pm, VLGA Office, 60 Leicester St Carlton.
Facilitated by the VLGA for councillors, council officers and community organisations who want to learn more about partnership opportunities with the VEC to ensure all communities, regardless of background, age or ability have the opportunity to vote. Save the date and invite others in your council and community to do the same.

Other events
Local government leaders preventing violence against women conference
26 August from 10am – 4.30pm, MCG, Melbourne.

Local government leaders will come together to discuss how local governments can prevent violence against women and foster safe and inclusive environments for all. Mayors, their delegated councillors and other senior decision makers and officers who are critical contributors to actions on strategic plans are especially welcome. For further information or to register go

Cr Heinz Kreutz
0438 006 656 or

Wednesday 7 July, 2010

Issues covered in this 7 July edition include:
• Welcome new board members
• Latest VLGA Good Governance Grab - councillors as state or federal candidates - a conflict?

The Transport Integration Act now ‘live’
• Workcover for councillors ‘guideline’ gazetted
• Ensure your CALD communities have the opportunity to vote
• Local governments embrace Women’s Charter Project 2010
• Australia’s first community owned wind farm
• Local government leaders preventing violence against women conference
• Disability Rights Forum 2010

Cr Heinz Kreutz
0438 006 656 or


In recent editions of my eNews, I’ve talked a lot about a key area of VLGA work valued by our members – our advocacy on behalf of elected councillors and local governments. Part of this work has involved extending and improving councilor working conditions. The need for us to stand up for the role, independence and resourcing of local governments is by no means over, despite the VLGA's landmark advocacy and research in our
Councillor Remuneration Campaign. As discussed in the last eNews, our fight for Workcover coverage has been successful, and the State Government has also listened to our feedback prior to gazetting its Municipal Councillors Ministerial Guideline 2010 (see below). We see a direct link between your ongoing support for the VLGA’s work, your direct input into the advocacy positions we take, and ultimately the preparedness of other levels of government to listen to our voice. In the end, winners will be greater diversity of representation, and more supported elected councillors working closely with communities.

Welcome new board members
In accordance with the VLGA constitution, two casual vacancies for ordinary board members were created following the resignation of the former President and Vice-President and subsequent appointments of interim President and Vice-President by the board. I am delighted to announce that the board has co-opted
Cr Rachel Powning (Port Phillip) and Cr Tim Rodgers (Mornington Peninsula) to fill these vacancies. These appointments, and those of interim President and Vice-President, are for the period of time up to the next VLGA Board elections which will take place in February 2011. For more information contact our CEO Maree McPherson at the VLGA via email or (03) 9349 7901.

Latest VLGA Good Governance Grab – councillors as state or federal election candidates – a conflict?

We are releasing our sixth Good Governance Grab on the above topic due to the number of member inquiries we have received over the last month or so. Please find the time to read it here. If you have any inquiries about this Good Governance Grab or other governance inquiries, contact Ron Exiner at the VLGA via email at or via telephone at 0417 392 078.

The Transport Integration Act now ‘live’
From 1 July the
Transport Integration Act became Victoria’s primary transport statute. It brings together the transport portfolio, including ports and marine and sets out a vision, objectives and principles for transport that includes the integration and sustainability of the transport system economically, environmentally and socially - establishing transport as a triple bottom line issue. The Act will require all Victorian transport agencies to work together towards an integrated and sustainable transport system and land use agencies, including local governments, to take account of the new Act when making decisions that impact on the transport system.

Councillors as State or Federal candidates - a conflict?

The VLGA's latest Good Governance Grab deals with the timely issue of whether councillors have a conflict as a result of their candidature at the upcoming state and federal elections. There are a lot of views out there, so this Good Governance Grab addresses some of these views and the sorts of issues councillors should take into consideration.

Workcover for councillors ‘guideline’ gazetted
In my last eNews, I mentioned that we would send to all CEOs and councillors a copy of the Municipal Councillors Ministerial Guideline 2010 which outlines the circumstances in which a councillor is considered to be carrying out duties. This Guideline has now been gazetted, and along with the Fact Sheet circulated last week can be found on our website
here. We would like to thank all our members who gave us input into the Draft Guideline a few months ago, and happily note that all of our feedback has been included.

Ensure your CALD communities have the opportunity to vote
The Victorian Electoral Commission’s (VEC) new CALD outreach services will ensure eligible Victorians have the opportunity to vote at the upcoming state and federal elections. This access will be regardless of background, age or ability. VEC will provide a range of in-language and easy English materials and free services including: worker information sessions; community information sessions; and enrolment outreach. For further information or to arrange for the VEC to visit your community book early by contacting Kate Higgins, CALD Outreach Officer on (03) 9299-0553 or or Carolyn Favier, Community Engagement Officer on (03) 9299-0507 or

Local governments embrace Women’s Charter Project 2010
As a key signatory to the charter, the VLGA is very pleased to see more and more local governments responding to the invitation to endorse the
Victorian Local Government Women’s Charter and create an action plan identifying three actions for each of the three principles of the charter – gender equity, diversity and active citizenship. Email project consultant Jenny Ashby on for more information about how the project can support your local government to adopt and act on the Charter in 2010 and beyond.

Watch this space
Australia’s first community owned wind farm
Australia’s first community owned wind farm, at Leonards Hill, just south of Daylesford is well on its way, with a $750,000 State Government grant to assist with the connection of the wind farm to the electricity grid and help reduce connection costs for similar future projects. Construction is scheduled to begin on-site in October and the two turbines are expected to be operational in the first half of 2011. The VLGA is glad to see the State Government providing funding for sustainable energy projects, and we hope that this continues for other projects.

Upcoming events
Local government leaders preventing violence against women conference
Local government leaders will come together on 26 August from 10am to 4.30pm to discuss how local governments can prevent violence against women and foster safe and inclusive environments for all. Mayors, their delegated councillors and other senior decision makers and officers who are critical contributors to actions on strategic plans are especially welcome. For further information or to register
go here.

Disability Rights Forum 2010
This Friday
Jasper Hotel, 489 Elizabeth St, Melbourne

The Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission will facilitate a group discussion for people actively working in disability areas on how the Victorian Charter of Human Rights is working to protect the rights of people with a disability, and how it could be improved. For more information go here or email Stephanie Cauchi at or call (03) 9032 3408.