I spent Thursday and Friday last week with my VLGA Board colleagues on our annual Board Retreat. We had an extremely productive ‘strategic overview’ session talking about the key issues for the local government and community sectors. We exchanged views about the October 2012 Local Government Elections and how candidates become effective councillors and a voice for their local communities. I take this opportunity to remind you about the tools and resources the VLGA has to support you as a candidate right now. You can go to our special web page – your one stop shop for the 2012 Elections – to find materials for your upcoming campaign. We held the second in our series of successful candidate training sessions on Saturday at the VLGA and this was a useful reminder about preparing early for the election and campaigning strategically. Speaking of training, it’s still not too late to register for Thursday’s Pokies Assessments: a ‘how to’ short course at the VLGA – everything you ever wanted to know about assessing the social and other impacts of pokies, and the context and history of pokies. This is the most comprehensive training program ever put together in Victoria on the topic and includes a ‘step by step’ Training Manual. Please don’t hesitate to give me a call on 0407 364 509, or drop me a line via email. Cheers.
Cr Samantha Dunn, President
Keeping you up to date
Victorian Budget 2012
This week is State Budget week, and with many of us attending Budget briefings in the next few days there will be lots of analysis of the key issues affecting the State. The VLGA will provide a brief to members later this week, and more analysis in next week’s eNews, of the Budget impacts for local governments and the community. In the VLGA’s Budget Submission earlier this year we called for:
* a ‘Securing Local Business in the Regions’ program – based on our Leading Edge Forum discussions in Ballarat last year and comments from members before and since
* skills development opportunities, especially for rural councillors – based on many discussions with you over time
* a ‘Building Local Government Capacity to Deliver Affordable Housing’ project
* funding to support the further development of municipal food security scanning tools and food sensitive urban design – further to the Government’s Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2011-2015
* a specific project focused on food security in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in the metropolitan area
* supported the Regional Cities Victoria call for a ‘Planning for Growth’ Gap Analysis project
* supported the One Million Homes alliances’ proposal for retrofitting Victorian homes for sustainability
A picture of Victoria’s future?
Last Tuesday, Planning Minister Matthew Guy released Victoria in Future 2012, an update to Victoria’s official population and household projections. Victoria in Future 2012 shows that Victoria’s population is expected to grow from 5.6 million to 7.3 million, an average annual growth rate of 1.3 per cent, between 2011 and 2031. The Minister also reiterated the Government’s commitment to a new metropolitan planning strategy for Melbourne to properly manage growth and change, which will consider all aspects of planning. The Minister said, “There will be strong linkages between the new metropolitan planning strategy, Growth Corridor Plans and Regional Growth Plans already underway.”
Carbon price and council landfill national forum
Last week, about 120 delegates from more than 40 councils with landfills that will be affected by carbon pricing met in Canberra to discuss their responsibilities under the Australian Government’s Clean Energy Act with Commonwealth officials. The Carbon Price and Council Landfill National Forum was convened by ALGA, in partnership with the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency and the Clean Energy Regulator, to help local governments understand the obligations and opportunities associated with the Carbon Pricing Mechanism (CPM).
Organics and biomass – major projects announced
On Thursday, Minister for Environment and Climate Change Ryan Smith announced the Metropolitan Organics Plan and funding package – an investment of $3.8 million from the Landfill Levy to support and develop organics recycling across the city. The Minister said that the development of a new facility at Bulla, as the first stage in the process will enable tonnes of food and garden waste from eleven local governments councils in Melbourne's north to be processed into compost. This will be supported by additional facilities in the south-east and east of Melbourne. On the same day, $4.5 million funding was announced by Energy and Resources Minister Michael O'Brien for a biomass plant turning organic waste into a clean new source of electricity.
Melbourne City Council’s carbon plan
Melbourne City Council has voted to retrospectively achieve zero net emissions for the 2010/11 financial year. Melbourne expects to be the first Victorian local government to be carbon neutral. Melbourne has cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 34 per cent since 1996/97, with energy efficient new council buildings and retrofits. See the full article in the Melbourne Leader.
KABV calls for applications for local recycling projects
Keep Australia Beautiful is calling for grant applications from local communities to implement local beverage container recycling projects. The Keep Australia Beautiful grants, funded by The Coca-Cola Foundation, are open to all communities across Australia and range from $3,000 to $10,000 for projects that will result in a measurable increase in beverage container recycling within the local communities. Applications are open to community groups, local associations, schools, small to medium enterprises and local government authorities and close on Friday 15 June, with successful applicants confirmed at the end of July. Further information and application forms are available from www.kab.org.au/what-we-do/beverage-container-recycling-grants/ and in Victoria you can contact Gary Mogford via phone (03) 8626 8794 or email.
Domestic building reforms
Many VLGA members will already be aware that community input is being sought on domestic building reform options. Minister for Finance Robert Clark, in conjunction with the Minister for Planning and the Minister for Consumer Affairs, announced that the Victorian Government is seeking feedback from consumers, builders and other interested parties on both the current system and reform options. The consultation paper and further information on the submission process are available at www.dtf.vic.gov.au. Submissions will be open until 29 June 2012.
Go Red for Women
Go Red for Women is the Heart Foundation’s campaign to raise awareness of heart disease as the number-one killer of Australian women. As part of the campaign, women are encouraged to join the Heart Foundation’s Healthy Heart Challenge – a free six-week challenge to encourage women to make small yet realistic lifestyle changes. Participants can select one of four goals:
* Be active everyday
* Improve everyday nutrition
* Lower high blood pressure
* Lower high cholesterol levels
Barriers to Effective Climate Change Adaptation: draft report released
The Productivity Commission released its draft report on Barriers to Effective Climate Change Adaptation on 27 April, and invites written submissions in response to the draft report. If you intend to present your submission at any of the public hearings, please register online. Information on how to prepare and submit a submission is available online. Events for your diary
VLGA Events
Pokies Assessments: a ‘how to’ short course
Thursday 3 May, 9.30am-4pm
60L meeting rooms, 60 Leicester St, Carlton
Everything you ever wanted to know about assessing the social and other impacts of pokies, and the context and history of pokies. This is the most comprehensive training program ever put together in Victoria and includes:
* Practical case studies, tools and guides
* Local Government Initiatives Marketplace – talk to people who’ve achieved results
* Gaming and planning processes
* Understanding community wellbeing
Leading Edge Forum – Adapting to new environments: opportunities to improve food security, agriculture and jobs growth in a region
Thursday 3 May, 6-9pmNambur Wariga Meeting Room, Latrobe City Council HQ, 141 Commercial Road, Morwell
We invite you to join us in the City of Latrobe to learn how the Gippsland region is generating employment in the food industry, feeding the nation, and forecasting for the future. Hear from speakers including Dr Robert Faggian, Future Farming Research Division, DPI; Derek Robertson, Traralgon Factory Manager, Brancourts P/L; and Howard Vella, Manufacturing Manager – Morwell, from Lion. RSVP online by Monday 30 April or phone (03) 9349 7999.
Other Events
City Planning for the Long Term: Recommendations of the COAG Reform Council Review
Friday 4 May, 11.30am-2pmHilton on the Park, 192 Wellington Pde, Melbourne
Australia’s capital cities account for over 80% of the nation’s economic activity and are where the bulk of our population reside. But how are our capital cities placed to meet future challenges and growth? The COAG Reform Council was asked to review the whole strategic planning system of each Australian capital city against criteria agreed by COAG. CEDA and the COAG Reform Council invite participation at a series of forums to discuss the recommendations with members of the council, the review’s expert advisory panel and important stakeholders. More information and register online.
Friends of Aileu 12th Anniversary Dinner
4 May, 7pm
Hume Global Learning Centre, 1093 Pascoe Vale Rd, Broadmeadows
In association with the Melbourne East Timor Activity Centre, the Friends of Alieu invite you to join them for their 12th Anniversary Dinner with a traditional East Timorese banquet. Entry is by donation. For more information and to book contact Richard brown on 0407 091 004.
4th Annual Victorian Transport Infrastructure Conference
28-29 May
Melbourne Convention Exhibition Centre
Victoria is experiencing an infrastructure backlog to meet growing economic and community needs. The State Government has begun planning and investment to address the backlog and realise Victoria's potential. This conference will discuss the prioritisation, planning and delivery of critical transport infrastructure in Victoria.
IAP2 in Victoria – ‘Engagement without borders’
Tuesday 29 May, 9.30am-4.30pm
Abbotsford Convent
‘Engagement without Borders’ is an inclusive engagement feast being held at Melbourne’s renowned Abbotsford Convent. Internationally regarded community engagement specialist Wendy Sarkissian will be hosting the day. Wendy will guide you on a whole day SpeakOut! session to help extend your reach and attract diverse people from all corners of the community to the conversation. Bookings are essential.