30 April 2012

VLGA President’s Message
I spent Thursday and Friday last week with my VLGA Board colleagues on our annual Board Retreat.  We had an extremely productive ‘strategic overview’ session talking about the key issues for the local government and community sectors.  We exchanged views about the October 2012 Local Government Elections and how candidates become effective councillors and a voice for their local communities.  I take this opportunity to remind you about the tools and resources the VLGA has to support you as a candidate right now.  You can go to our special web page  – your one stop shop for the 2012 Elections – to find materials for your upcoming campaign.  We held the second in our series of successful candidate training sessions on Saturday at the VLGA and this was a useful reminder about preparing early for the election and campaigning strategically.  Speaking of training, it’s still not too late to register for Thursday’s Pokies Assessments: a ‘how to’ short course at the VLGA – everything you ever wanted to know about assessing the social and other impacts of pokies, and the context and history of pokies.  This is the most comprehensive training program ever put together in Victoria on the topic and includes a ‘step by step’ Training Manual.  Please don’t hesitate to give me a call on 0407 364 509, or drop me a line via email.  Cheers.
Cr Samantha Dunn, President

Keeping you up to date

Victorian Budget 2012
This week is State Budget week, and with many of us attending Budget briefings in the next few days there will be lots of analysis of the key issues affecting the State.  The VLGA will provide a brief to members later this week, and more analysis in next week’s eNews, of the Budget impacts for local governments and the community.  In the VLGA’s Budget Submission earlier this year we called for: 

* a ‘Securing Local Business in the Regions’ program – based on our Leading Edge Forum discussions in Ballarat last year and comments from members before and since  

* skills development opportunities, especially for rural councillors – based on many discussions with you over time 

* a ‘Building Local Government Capacity to Deliver Affordable Housing’ project  

* funding to support the further development of municipal food security scanning tools and food sensitive urban design – further to the Government’s Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2011-2015  

* a specific project focused on food security in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in the metropolitan area  

* supported the Regional Cities Victoria call for a ‘Planning for Growth’ Gap Analysis project  

* supported the One Million Homes alliances’ proposal for retrofitting Victorian homes for sustainability

A picture of Victoria’s future?
Last Tuesday, Planning Minister Matthew Guy released Victoria in Future 2012, an update to Victoria’s official population and household projections.  Victoria in Future 2012 shows that Victoria’s population is expected to grow from 5.6 million to 7.3 million, an average annual growth rate of 1.3 per cent, between 2011 and 2031.  The Minister also reiterated the Government’s commitment to a new metropolitan planning strategy for Melbourne to properly manage growth and change, which will consider all aspects of planning.  The Minister said, “There will be strong linkages between the new metropolitan planning strategy, Growth Corridor Plans and Regional Growth Plans already underway.” 

Carbon price and council landfill national forum
Last week, about 120 delegates from more than 40 councils with landfills that will be affected by carbon pricing met in Canberra to discuss their responsibilities under the Australian Government’s Clean Energy Act with Commonwealth officials.  The Carbon Price and Council Landfill National Forum was convened by ALGA, in partnership with the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency and the Clean Energy Regulator, to help local governments understand the obligations and opportunities associated with the Carbon Pricing Mechanism (CPM). 

Organics and biomass – major projects announced
On Thursday, Minister for Environment and Climate Change Ryan Smith announced the Metropolitan Organics Plan and funding package – an investment of $3.8 million from the Landfill Levy to support and develop organics recycling across the city.  The Minister said that the development of a new facility at Bulla, as the first stage in the process will enable tonnes of food and garden waste from eleven local governments councils in Melbourne's north to be processed into compost. This will be supported by additional facilities in the south-east and east of Melbourne.  On the same day, $4.5 million funding was announced by Energy and Resources Minister Michael O'Brien for a biomass plant turning organic waste into a clean new source of electricity.

Melbourne City Council’s carbon plan
Melbourne City Council has voted to retrospectively achieve zero net emissions for the 2010/11 financial year.  Melbourne expects to be the first Victorian local government to be carbon neutral.  Melbourne has cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 34 per cent since 1996/97, with energy efficient new council buildings and retrofits.  See the full article in the Melbourne Leader.

KABV calls for applications for local recycling projects
Keep Australia Beautiful is calling for grant applications from local communities to implement local beverage container recycling projects.  The Keep Australia Beautiful grants, funded by The Coca-Cola Foundation, are open to all communities across Australia and range from $3,000 to $10,000 for projects that will result in a measurable increase in beverage container recycling within the local communities.  Applications are open to community groups, local associations, schools, small to medium enterprises and local government authorities and close on Friday 15 June, with successful applicants confirmed at the end of July.  Further information and application forms are available from www.kab.org.au/what-we-do/beverage-container-recycling-grants/ and in Victoria you can contact Gary Mogford via phone (03) 8626 8794 or email.

Domestic building reforms
Many VLGA members will already be aware that community input is being sought on domestic building reform options.  Minister for Finance Robert Clark, in conjunction with the Minister for Planning and the Minister for Consumer Affairs, announced that the Victorian Government is seeking feedback from consumers, builders and other interested parties on both the current system and reform options.  The consultation paper and further information on the submission process are available at www.dtf.vic.gov.au.  Submissions will be open until 29 June 2012.

Go Red for Women
Go Red for Women is the Heart Foundation’s campaign to raise awareness of heart disease as the number-one killer of Australian women.  As part of the campaign, women are encouraged to join the Heart Foundation’s Healthy Heart Challenge – a free six-week challenge to encourage women to make small yet realistic lifestyle changes.  Participants can select one of four goals:  
* Be active everyday 
* Improve everyday nutrition  
* Lower high blood pressure    
* Lower high cholesterol levels
Participants will receive a link to personalised online tools to track their progress as well as weekly eNewsletters with tips, recipes, personal stories and information to help keep them motivated and achieve their goal.  Registrations for the 2012 Healthy Heart Challenge open on 1 May and the Challenge starts on Monday 4 June. 

Barriers to Effective Climate Change Adaptation: draft report released
The Productivity Commission released its draft report on Barriers to Effective Climate Change Adaptation on 27 April, and invites written submissions in response to the draft report.  If you intend to present your submission at any of the public hearings, please register online.  Information on how to prepare and submit a submission is available online

Events for your diary

VLGA Events

Pokies Assessments: a ‘how to’ short course
Thursday 3 May, 9.30am-4pm
60L meeting rooms, 60 Leicester St, Carlton

Everything you ever wanted to know about assessing the social and other impacts of pokies, and the context and history of pokies.  This is the most comprehensive training program ever put together in Victoria and includes:

* Practical case studies, tools and guides  
* Local Government Initiatives Marketplace – talk to people who’ve achieved results  
* Gaming and planning processes  
* Understanding community wellbeing
Designed for statutory and strategic planners, social and community planners, social researchers, health professionals and consultants, as well as councillors, this short course includes a comprehensive, ‘step by step’ Training Manual.  Download the flyer, program and registration form from the VLGA website.

Leading Edge Forum – Adapting to new environments: opportunities to improve food security, agriculture and jobs growth in a region
Thursday 3 May, 6-9pm
Nambur Wariga Meeting Room, Latrobe City Council HQ, 141 Commercial Road, Morwell

We invite you to join us in the City of Latrobe to learn how the Gippsland region is generating employment in the food industry, feeding the nation, and forecasting for the future.  Hear from speakers including Dr Robert Faggian, Future Farming Research Division, DPI; Derek Robertson, Traralgon Factory Manager, Brancourts P/L; and Howard Vella, Manufacturing Manager – Morwell, from Lion.  RSVP online by Monday 30 April or phone (03) 9349 7999.

Other Events

City Planning for the Long Term: Recommendations of the COAG Reform Council Review
Friday 4 May, 11.30am-2pm
Hilton on the Park, 192 Wellington Pde, Melbourne

Australia’s capital cities account for over 80% of the nation’s economic activity and are where the bulk of our population reside.  But how are our capital cities placed to meet future challenges and growth?  The COAG Reform Council was asked to review the whole strategic planning system of each Australian capital city against criteria agreed by COAG.  CEDA and the COAG Reform Council invite participation at a series of forums to discuss the recommendations with members of the council, the review’s expert advisory panel and important stakeholders.  More information and register online.

Friends of Aileu 12th Anniversary Dinner
4 May, 7pm
Hume Global Learning Centre, 1093 Pascoe Vale Rd, Broadmeadows

In association with the Melbourne East Timor Activity Centre, the Friends of Alieu invite you to join them for their 12th Anniversary Dinner with a traditional East Timorese banquet.  Entry is by donation.  For more information and to book contact Richard brown on 0407 091 004.

4th Annual Victorian Transport Infrastructure Conference
28-29 May
Melbourne Convention Exhibition Centre

Victoria is experiencing an infrastructure backlog to meet growing economic and community needs.  The State Government has begun planning and investment to address the backlog and realise Victoria's potential.  This conference will discuss the prioritisation, planning and delivery of critical transport infrastructure in Victoria.

IAP2 in Victoria – ‘Engagement without borders’
Tuesday 29 May, 9.30am-4.30pm
Abbotsford Convent

‘Engagement without Borders’ is an inclusive engagement feast being held at Melbourne’s renowned Abbotsford Convent.  Internationally regarded community engagement specialist Wendy Sarkissian will be hosting the day.  Wendy will guide you on a whole day SpeakOut! session to help extend your reach and attract diverse people from all corners of the community to the conversation.  Bookings are essential. 

23 April 2012

VLGA President’s Message
The VLGA held the first of our Campaign Training: Essential campaigning for local government elections sessions on Saturday and it was a fabulous day, with interactive discussion, great feedback and already some social media posts about the event. It’s not too late to register for next Saturday’s session on 28 April for everything you need to know about successful campaigning and what you need to do between now and Election Day. Congratulations to ALGWA (Vic) on their successful conference last week at Manningham. I really enjoyed seeing many of you there. Last week, the VLGA wrote to the Treasurer about the Fire Services Levy, seeking clarification on a number of matters that have been raised by our members directly with me or with our staff. The VLGA does not support collection of the Levy by local governments. In the event that local governments are directed to collect the Levy, we believe there are a range of issues which still need to be addressed, and you can see our letter here. I look forward to seeing you about the place this week. In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to give me a call on 0407 364 509, or drop me an email. Cheers.
Cr Samantha Dunn, President

Keeping you up to date

Adapting to new environments: opportunities to improve food security, agriculture and jobs growth in a region
On our recent regional tours a number of local governments have asked us for more information about growing regional employment in the food industry, especially in a changing climate. Our May Leading Edge Forum will be held in Morwell and we will hear from speakers including Dr Robert Faggian, Future Farming Research Division, DPI; Derek Robertson, Traralgon Factory Manager, Brancourts P/L; and Howard Vella, Manufacturing Manager – Morwell, from Lion. You can RSVP online by Monday 30 April or phone (03) 9349 7999, and you can see more details in the events section below.

Performance reporting in local government
Last Wednesday, Victoria’s Auditor-General tabled several reports in Parliament including a report on Performance Reporting in Local Government. The VLGA strongly supports the concept of accountability and the role that performance reporting plays in this context. As members know, we worked closely with the Essential Services Commission (ESC) in its development process and commended the ESC’s commitment to consultation with stakeholders and recognition that any new reporting system should involve a significant rationalisation of existing performance reporting requirements. We are pleased that the Auditor-General recognises the work undertaken by the ESC. In our view, performance reporting must take into account that local government is a level of democratic government accountable to its communities, not simply a service delivery agency. We feel that local government is generally doing a good job in maintaining and improving service delivery and significantly improving the identification and addressing of infrastructure maintenance in a climate of financial restraint and continued cost-shifting. The quality and variability of performance reporting will to some extent reflect that local governments have different goals and objectives and ever changing requirements from the State Government. There does need to be a continued recognition of the cost of performance reporting. It doesn’t seem to be a coincidence that two of the councils which are commended in the VAGO report as having made the most progress are large metropolitan, relatively well-resourced local governments. We look forward to working with the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office on the next stages of their performance reporting development process.

Category winners announced for 2012 National Awards for Local Government
Federal Minister for Local Government Simon Crean has announced the category winners of the 2012 National Awards for Local Government. The 27 category winners were judged by independent judging panels and include 11 winners from small local governments with fewer than 15,000 rateable properties. The VLGA congratulates Victorian local governments for their fabulous achievements – see the Minister’s website for details of award winners and commendations, including:
Cardinia, Frankston, Golden Plains, Indigo, Melbourne, Moreland, Northern Grampians, Stonnington, Towong, Wellington, and Yarra City.

City of Monash determined to change pokies legislation
The City of Monash has received a decision by the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Registration (VCGLR) in relation to a case for a further seven pokie machines to be introduced in Clayton. The additional machines are expected to extract an extra $1,719,694 per year from its residents of Clayton and surrounds. The City of Monash believes that if the Victorian Government is serious about protecting vulnerable communities, three changes to the Gambling Regulation Act 2003 are required. For more details, read the City of Monash media release.

Local Government Reform Fund projects – aligning capacity, strategy and sustainable outcomes
Across Victoria 20 local governments are actively participating in Local Government Victoria’s (LGV) Local Government Reform Fund projects. This Victorian State Government funded initiative (worth $1.5 million) is designed to assist local governments to improve their financial and resource management capabilities and business practices. The Local Government Reform Fund projects aim to deliver cost savings and process improvements to the sector and are overseen by a steering committee made up of LGV representatives, council CEOs and peak and professional associations.

Latest local government ABS information
The latest ABS statistics for local government were released on 12 April. The data includes regional population estimates and local government finance news in addition to other useful resources.

Scholarships now open – IWC Water Leadership Program
Scholarships for the 2012/13 round of the IWC Water Leadership Program are now open. Applications can be made online until 30 June 2012 and the next program will begin in December 2012. Designed for emerging water leaders at the project to middle management level, this program is customised for the water sector through sound research and collaboration with experienced industry practitioners. Several full, half and quarter merit-based scholarships are available in 2012 to Australian citizens and permanent residents of Australia.

Social Traders announces Round 3 of The Crunch
Social Traders is a not-for-profit organisation committed to the development and support of social enterprises in Australia, and they are pleased to announce that the third round of The Crunch, their flagship development initiative, will be held in 2012/13. In the previous rounds of The Crunch, Social Traders provided 15 early-stage social enterprises with support to undertake a feasibility assessment of their idea and develop a rigorous business plan, and the opportunity to access start-up funds.
Your organisation may be perfect for The Crunch if:
1. You have an idea that will achieve a social, environmental, cultural or economic community benefit for Victorians (and possibly others);
2. Achievement of the community-benefit purpose involves significant trading activity (selling goods or services to customers); and
3. Your plan is to direct the majority of any profits/surpluses back to your community-benefit purpose.
If you tick all three boxes, more information about The Crunch is available online. Applications close 3 July 2012.

Events for your diary

VLGA Events

Campaign Training: Essential campaigning for local government elections
Saturday 28 April, 9am-5pm
60L meeting rooms, 60 Leicester St, Carlton
This full-day training program has been specifically designed for anybody considering standing for election in October 2012. Everything you need to know about successful campaigning, including:
* Communications basics and beyond – strategies to assert your points of difference
* Media basics and beyond – what the media and voters want to know
* Preferences and voting
* Tips for 150-word candidate statements
* Street stalls and doorknocking
* What you need to do between now and Election Day
Registration form and program available on the VLGA website.

Pokies Assessments: a ‘how to’ short course
Monday 30 April or Thursday 3 May, 9.30am-4pm
60L meeting rooms, 60 Leicester St, Carlton
Everything you ever wanted to know about assessing the social and other impacts of pokies, and the context and history of pokies. This is the most comprehensive training program ever put together in Victoria and includes:
* Practical case studies, tools and guides
* Local Government Initiatives Marketplace – talk to people who’ve achieved results
* Gaming and planning processes
* Understanding community wellbeing
Designed for statutory and strategic planners, social and community planners, social researchers, health professionals and consultants, as well as councillors, this short course includes a comprehensive, ‘step by step’ Training Manual. There will be two opportunities to attend this full-day training program (please choose one) – either Monday 30 April or Thursday 3 May at the VLGA. Download the flyer, program and registration form from the VLGA website.

Leading Edge Forum – Adapting to new environments: opportunities to improve food security, agriculture and jobs growth in a region
Thursday 3 May, 6-9pm
Nambur Wariga Meeting Room, Latrobe City Council HQ, 141 Commercial Road, Morwell
We invite you to join us in the City of Latrobe to learn how the Gippsland region is generating employment in the food industry, feeding the nation, and forecasting for the future. Hear from speakers including Dr Robert Faggian, Future Farming Research Division, DPI; Derek Robertson, Traralgon Factory Manager, Brancourts P/L; and Howard Vella, Manufacturing Manager – Morwell, from Lion. RSVP online by Monday 30 April or phone (03) 9349 7999.

Other Events

Friends of Alieu 12th Anniversary Dinner
4 May, 7pm
Hume Global Learning Centre, 1093 Pascoe Vale Rd, Broadmeadows
In association with the Melbourne East Timor Activity Centre, the Friends of Aileu invite you to join them for their 12th Anniversary Dinner with a traditional East Timorese banquet. Entry is by donation. For more information and to book, contact Richard Brown on 0407 091 004.

4th Annual Victorian Transport Infrastructure Conference
28-29 May
Melbourne Convention Exhibition Centre
Victoria is experiencing an infrastructure backlog to meet growing economic and community needs. The State Government has begun planning and investment to address the backlog and realise Victoria's potential. This conference will discuss the prioritisation, planning and delivery of critical transport infrastructure in Victoria.

16 April 2012

VLGA President’s Message
People may be interested to read two VEC Representation Review reports that were released this week. They cover Hobsons Bay and Maribyrnong City Councils, and both recommend to the Minister that the ward structures be changed from single to multi-member. On the subject of electoral matters, for anyone considering standing for local government in October, there are still a few places left for the Campaign Training: Essential campaigning for local government elections workshops on 21 or 28 April. It
is not too late to register, however you will need to get your registration in as soon as possible. There are also still a couple of places left in the Pokies Assessments: a ‘how to’ short course on 30 April or 3 May. This course will tell you everything you want to know about assessing the social and other impacts of pokies and their context and history. See below in the Keeping you up to date and VLGA Events sections for program and registration details for both of these valuable training opportunities. I hope that those of you who had a school holiday break enjoyed a peaceful and restful time. Please don’t hesitate to give me a call on 0407 364 509, or drop me a line via email. Cheers.
Cr Samantha Dunn, President

Keeping you up to date

Campaign Training: Essential campaigning for local government elections

This full-day training program has been specifically designed for anybody considering standing for election in October 2012. Everything you need to know about successful campaigning and what you need to do between now and Election Day.
There will be two opportunities to attend this training program – either Saturday 21 April or Saturday 28 April. Note that the program is identical for both days.

Pokies Assessments: a ‘how to’ short course
Everything you ever wanted to know about assessing the social and other impacts of pokies, and the context and history of pokies. This is the most comprehensive training program ever put together in Victoria and includes practical case studies, tools and guides to assist local governments with understanding and undertaking gaming and planning processes. Designed for statutory and strategic planners, social and community planners, social researchers, health professionals and consultants, as well as councillors, this short course includes a comprehensive, ‘step by step’ Training Manual. There will be two opportunities to attend this full-day training program (please choose one) – either Monday 30 April or Thursday 3 May.

Inquiry into the prevention and treatment of problem gambling

The VLGA has submitted to the Joint Select Committee on Gambling Reform’s Inquiry into the prevention and treatment of problem gambling, and you can download our submission and others from the Parliamentary website. The major recommendations made in the VLGA’s submission included that the Federal Government:
* commit to addressing primary prevention methods and invests money for measures to prevent problem gambling, with a focus on particularly social connectedness, community strengthening and providing alternatives. * consider gaming machine product safety improvements and gaming venue regulations. * explore issues of underage gambling, marketing and online gambling liberalisation in full before decisions are made on how to proceed in this area. Online gambling is of concern to the VLGA and we note that there is growing commentary on this issue. This article, Rise in online gambling puts punters at risk, from The Conversation by Editor Justin Norrie may be of interest to members.

Observer Mission to Timor-Leste for Presidential Elections

VLGA Vice President Richard Brown (also Chair of the VLGA Timor-Leste Advisory Group) and Gary Jungwirth, Timor-Leste Project Officer, were among the International Observers attending the first round of the Presidential election in Timor-Leste. Richard and Gary were part of the Australian Timor-Leste Friendship Network group. Among other local government representatives were Mayor Henry McLaughlin and Gaynor Atkins from the Shire of Macedon Ranges and Cr Alison Clarke from the City of Yarra. Many friendship groups were also represented. The overall impression of the election is that they were well organised and free and fair. There will be a second round election this week between the top two candidates from the first round; namely Lu-Olo President of the Fretilin Party and Taur Matan Rual former head of the Military. The incumbent President, José Ramos-Horta, was third in the ballot and so his presidential term will conclude in May. The VLGA looks forward to forming a close working relationship with the new President. Many friendship groups will also be attending as observers for the Parliamentary elections that will be held on 7 July.

Aboriginal Heritage Act Review – feedback wanted

Since September 2011, Aboriginal Affairs Victoria has been leading a Review of the Aboriginal Heritage Act (2006). There has been widespread consultation with over 80 submissions to the review so far. A social and economic impact assessment of the Act has also been prepared. An Issues and Options Paper has been developed in response to key issues raised in the review so far. As a response, the VLGA will be drafting a submission to the review and would like to invite contributions and feedback from members and stakeholders. To submit comments and feedback, contact Jieh-Yung Lo on 9349 7980 or via email. Responses to the issues and options paper will be accepted until 24 May 2012.

Funding support for biochar facility in Melbourne

The VLGA welcomes news that the Victorian Government has offered PacPyro $4.5 million to develop a commercial scale biochar and bio-energy facility in Melbourne. This exciting technology has the potential to be carbon negative, and could be used to divert municipal green waste away from landfill, thereby reducing methane production.

New NFP compliance support centre website

The new Not for Profit Compliance Support Centre website is now live. The website is designed to assist not-for-profit organisations and will save time spent searching for information about compliance and licensing requirements. The website provides a single entry point for all regulatory information, licences, forms and related support materials. The Victorian Government's Office for the Community Sector consulted with 160 community organisations about the content and tested the website for relevance.

Ballarat leads the way with Community Charter on Prevention of Violence against Women
The City of Ballarat has developed a Community Charter on Prevention of Violence against Women in partnership with Ballarat Police, Women's Health Grampians, and a substantial list of other local groups. The Charter will be launched in May. For more information see this article in the Ballarat Courier.

Equity and Inclusion Policy launched at Darebin

As part of Harmony Day on 21 March 2012, the City of Darebin launched its first Equity and Inclusion Policy. The policy consolidates the City of Darebin’s work in the areas of access and equity for elderly citizens, women, multicultural communities, aboriginal and people with disabilities. The Equity and Inclusion Policy is an overarching policy which is operationalised through a number of action plans that will be finalised in the course of 2012. The policy has a rights-based approach and will be embedded in the City of Darebin’s policy and program development processes through the implementation of an Equity and Inclusion Planning and Audit tool.

Events for your diary

VLGA Events

Campaign Training: Essential campaigning for local government elections
Saturday 21 or Saturday 28 April, 9am-5pm
60L meeting rooms, 60 Leicester St, Carlton

This full-day training program has been specifically designed for anybody considering standing for election in October 2012. Everything you need to know about successful campaigning, including:

* Communications basics and beyond – strategies to assert your points of difference

* Media basics and beyond – what the media and voters want to know

* Preferences and voting

* Tips for 150-word candidate statements

* Street stalls and doorknocking
* What you need to do between now and Election Day
There will be two opportunities to attend this training program – either Saturday 21 April or Saturday 28 April at the VLGA. Note that the program is identical for both days.

Pokies Assessments: a ‘how to’ short course
Monday 30 April or Thursday 3 May, 9.30am-4pm

60L meeting rooms, 60 Leicester St, Carlton

Everything you ever wanted to know about assessing the social and other impacts of pokies, and the context and history of pokies. This is the most comprehensive training program ever put together in Victoria and includes:

* Practical case studies, tools and guides

* Local Government Initiatives Marketplace – talk to people who’ve achieved results

* Gaming and planning processes

* Understanding community wellbeing

Designed for statutory and strategic planners, social and community planners, social researchers, health professionals and consultants, as well as councillors, this short course includes a comprehensive, ‘step by step’ Training Manual. There will be two opportunities to attend this full-day training program – either Monday 30 April or Thursday 3 May at the VLGA. Download the flyer, program and registration form from the VLGA website.

Leading Edge Forum – Adapting to new environments: opportunities to improve food security, agriculture and jobs growth in a region
Thursday 3 May, 6-9pm
Nambur Wariga Meeting Room, Latrobe City Council HQ, 141 Commercial Road, Morwell
We invite you to join us in the City of Latrobe to learn how the Gippsland region is generating employment in the food industry, feeding the nation, and forecasting for the future. Hear from speakers including Dr Robert Faggian, Future Farming Research Division, DPI; Derek Robertson, Traralgon Factory Manager, Brancourts P/L; and Howard Vella, Manufacturing Manager – Morwell, from Lion. RSVP online by Monday 30 April or phone (03) 9349 7999.

Other Events

CEDA Transport Series: The role of rail in Australia's transport future
Friday 20 April
Park Hyatt, 1 Parliament Square, Melbourne

The first of CEDA's 2012 Transport series will address rail as a key component of the transport sector and address why it will substantially contribute to Australia's long-term productivity and economic performance. More information is available on the CEDA website, and you can register online.

Growers and Eaters 2012: Cultivating an appetite for a resilient future

Monday 23 April

Gravel Hill Salvation Army Complex, 65-71 Mundy Street, Bendigo

Cultivating Community is running this day-long event on resilient communities and food systems. It includes a session on how people can work with local governments to get local food projects off the ground. Go online for program and registration details.

‘Making Culture Count’ Conference

2-4 May 2012


The Cultural Development Network hosts the Making Culture Count: Rethinking Measures of Cultural Vitality, Well-being and Citizenship Conference, at the Woodward Conference Centre, University of Melbourne. The conference will feature 62 presenters from six Australian states and territories and eight other countries across Europe, Asia- Pacific and the Americas. Speakers will represent universities, government departments from four different countries, local governments, foundations, arts and community organisations as well as several independent artists and researchers. There is also a Pre-Conference Local Government Workshop: Measuring Cultural Vitality, and a Pre-Conference Postgraduate Masterclass.

Non-profit Masterclass in Advanced Strategy, Risk and Governance – in the South-West
Monday 14 May
Lady Bay Resort, 2 Pertobe Rd, Warrnambool
Leading-edge strategies and tactics for non-profit executives and Board members.
Do you have new Board members who would benefit from the latest in strategic thinking and governance practices? Would your Board benefit from renewal of energy to facilitate them to be even more strategic? Would you like the latest and most powerful strategies to get your Board truly engaged and making the decisions that create the future for the community you serve? Steven Bowman, a leading international adviser in corporate and non-profit conscious leadership, is presenting an intensive one-day Masterclass that will shake long-held beliefs about strategy, risk and governance. CEOs, senior executives, Chairs and Board members should not miss this event. Registrants will receive a free copy of the non-profit e-book, The Conscious Chief Executive. Enquiries to Allan Bassett or Richard Zerbe at Community Southwest on (03) 5559 1032 or by email.

Alternative Futures Conference

21-24 May

Newcastle, NSW

Convened over three days in Newcastle City Precinct, NSW, the conference will deliver an exciting multidisciplinary event addressing climate and risk, land use planning, biodiversity conservation, liveable communities and urban design, and feature some of the leading thinkers and innovators from across Australia and overseas addressing many of the challenges facing regional Australia’s future planning and development. For more information contact Steve Wilson via email.

4th Annual Victorian Transport Infrastructure Conference

28-29 May

Melbourne Convention Exhibition Centre

Victoria is experiencing an infrastructure backlog to meet growing economic and community needs. The State Government has begun planning and investment to address the backlog and realise Victoria's potential. This conference will discuss the prioritisation, planning and delivery of critical transport infrastructure in Victoria.

7th National Housing Conference

Wednesday 30 October – Friday 2 November

Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre

The biennial National Housing Conference is recognised as an event of national significance and seen as a vital opportunity to showcase ideas in housing research, policy and practice. The 7th National Housing Conference will be held in Brisbane from Wednesday 30 October until lunchtime on Friday 2 November 2012. It will be preceded on Tuesday 29 October with a series of full and half-day optional site tours, followed by the official Conference Welcome Reception in the late afternoon. The Conference theme, People-Place-Productivity, is contemporary and focuses on areas of keen interest for Queensland, as well as nationally and internationally. The theme allows for a variety of session streams, topics and speakers. To find out more and to register go here.

10 April 2012

VLGA President’s Message
Just a brief message from me this week, in this post-Easter bulletin. We wish all Australia’s Young People a fantastic National Youth Week, Friday 13 to Sunday 22 April. Many local governments will be hosting or facilitating activities. To find out more see the Youth Central website. Last week in my message I referred to an article where you can download Capire’s community engagement toolkit – well, we accidentally missed it last week, so it’s in this edition! I trust you all had a safe and restful break with your loved ones. I am taking a short ‘time out’ for the school holidays and will be harder to catch for the next few days, and I look forward to seeing you about the place at various events in the next few weeks. In the meantime, don’t hesitate to give me a call on 0407 364 509, or drop me a line via email. Cheers.

Cr Samantha Dunn, President

Keeping you up to date

2012 Local Government Elections – resources from the VLGA

With the elections coming up in October, the VLGA has developed a special section of our website with a range of resources. In the months leading up to October, we will actively keep you informed with relevant and current information. Visit our one-stop-shop webpage including regular eBulletins, training session information and good governance grabs to keep abreast of key topics that inform the local government election process.

Campaign Training: Essential campaigning for local government elections
Saturday 21 OR Saturday 28 April, 9am-5pm
60L meeting rooms, 60 Leicester St, Carlton

This full-day training program has been specifically designed for anybody considering standing for election in October 2012. Everything you need to know about successful campaigning, including:

* Communications basics and beyond – strategies to assert your points of difference

* Media basics and beyond – what the media and voters want to know
* Preferences and voting

* Tips for 150-word candidate statements

* Street stalls and doorknocking

* What you need to do between now and Election Day

There will be two opportunities to attend this training program (please choose one) – either Saturday 21 April or Saturday 28 April at the VLGA. Note that the program is identical for both days. Please note that applications for free training places close on Wednesday 11 April.

Think Aboriginal women for local government 2012 and beyond

On 26 April, the Darebin City Council and the Darebin Women’s Advisory Committee, with support from the VLGA and the Think women for local government 2012 project, are running a forum for Aboriginal women who are interested in local government. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women from around the State are invited to attend. In support of the initiative, the VLGA has undertaken a campaign to raise $15,000 to make a professional film of the event. This resource aims to inspire and inform ATSI women and girls about the potential of their participation in local government in 2012 and beyond. We are delighted that several local governments have already responded with offers to contribute funds for the filming, despite the very short notice about this opportunity. Our thanks go to Darebin, Yarra Ranges, Boroondara, Wellington, South Gippsland, Shepparton, and Glenelg for their generous support. The Horsham Rural City Council has come up with an excellent idea and they are looking to sponsor women from their community to attend the forum at Darebin. Other local governments might be interested to do something similar. Please contact CEO Maree McPherson via email if you are interested in finding out more or wish to discuss a contribution.

More and more think women for local government 2012

On 28 March, Boroondara hosted a successful and well attended Think women for local government 2012 regional forum, ably facilitated by Liana Thompson and opened by Mayor Heinz Kreutz. This forum received positive feedback and some Facebook comment, including about the value of the information imparted by the panel – Mayors Rachel Powning (Port Phillip) and Stefanie Perri (Monash), and Cr Coral Ross (Boroondara). Maroondah City Council just completed a successful month of activities including an International Women's Day breakfast where Maroondah women councillors spoke about why we need more women to stand. Other highlights during the month were a spot on 98.1FM Eastern Radio, a booth at Eastern Women in Business Forum and Expo. Women were invited to attend a Council meeting followed by the women councillors sharing their experiences behind the scenes. The month was capped off with a cocktail function. Cr Nora Lamont said, “See, we really can make a difference.” VLGA thanks Boroondara and Maroondah City Councils for hosting these important events.

Community Works Program Grants – first round funding open

Minister for Planning, Matthew Guy has recently announced the first round funding of the Community Works Program. Grants up to $200,000 are available for physical infrastructure projects including streets, walkways, playground fences, bike paths, bridges, open space, plazas, squares, transportation hubs, gateways, parks, waterfronts and natural features. The Minister stated that the $6.9 million program for local councils would help stimulate investment through key infrastructure projects and the creation of jobs. Applications for round one close on 17 May 2012. For a copy of the guidelines, visit the DPCD website.

National Anti-Racism Strategy – Discussion Paper
The Australian Human Rights Commission has issued a Discussion Paper which seeks views on the development of a National Anti-Racism Strategy for Australia. Submissions are due by Friday 11 May 2012. You can also access an online survey. In addition the Commission will be holding a limited number of public consultations around the country.

Are you a local government or contractor collecting hard waste? Here’s how to do it safely…

WorkSafe has produced a handbook for workplaces on the safe collection of hard waste. The handbook provides employers, contractors and councils working in the waste collection industry with information on how to safely collect domestic hard waste and bundled green waste.

Capire’s Inclusive Community Engagement Toolkit

The Inclusive Community Engagement Toolkit puts Capire's 100 ideas to engage hard to reach people into practice. It has been designed to prompt people to think about the barriers that prevent or deter people participating in engagement activities and ways to breakdown or overcome these barriers. In every engagement program there will be people who will find it difficult to participate due to individual circumstances. An inclusive community engagement approach is about recognising these circumstances and designing an approach to help address barriers to participation. The toolkit has been developed based on Capire's recent experiences and learnings.

Calling all schools – invitation to youth forums to discuss responsible gambling

Your school is invited to participate in a number of important youth forums as part of a state-wide student well-being initiative during Responsible Gambling Awareness Week (RGAW). As a means of prevention and early intervention, young people are a particular focus of RGAW in 2012. The forums aim to give a voice to young people, which will inform future communication and community education strategies on gambling. Forums will be held in Melbourne (15 May), Geelong (17 May) and Bendigo (18 May). The VLGA encourages members and stakeholders to circulate the details of the forums to your networks and contacts. For further information contact Judy Somes, Events Manager at the Department of Justice via email.

Make public transport accessible for everybody

The All Aboard Action Network is a collaborative initiative between accessibility advocates, community sector organisations and local government to raise concerns about the level of access provided by Victoria’s public transport system. The campaign launch is on Tuesday, 17 April. For more information contact Llewellyn at VCOSS via email or call (03) 9654 5050.

Australian Rural Roads Group calls for complete reform of road funding

The Australian Rural Roads Group has taken a delegation to Canberra as part of its national campaign for complete reform of road funding and management, which has formal support of the independent infrastructure advisory group, Infrastructure Australia. The group’s Chair John Coulton, Mayor of Gwydir in NSW, said the group’s latest report was about “taking the money issue off the table” and focussing on “the terrible system of road management and reporting across the country”. The latest ARRG report is titled Australia’s Road Infrastructure Is In Crisis (But For Once, The Answer Isn’t More Money) and you can download a copy from the ARRG’s website.

Release of approved strategic management plan for Mullum Mullum Park

Minister for Environment and Climate Change, Ryan Smith has released the Mullum Mullum Park Strategic Management Plan which can be accessed via the Parks Victoria website. Mullum Mullum Park is an important wildlife corridor in Melbourne’s east. This is a great park for cyclists and walkers, with the 1.6km Eastlink Trail running through the park and linking to Melbourne’s wider trail network.

Connect For: improving outcomes for vulnerable young people – EOIs now open

Expressions of Interest are now open for Connect For: improving outcomes for vulnerable young people conference to be held on 25 and 26 June 2012 at the Melbourne Park Function Centre, Batman Avenue, Melbourne. The conference is a response to children and young people experiencing barriers to accessing opportunities to learning and development. It is designed for those working in education, youth support, health, housing, justice services, and police.

Events for your diary

VLGA Events
Campaign Training: Essential campaigning for local government elections
Saturday 21 OR Saturday 28 April, 9am-5pm
60L meeting rooms, 60 Leicester St, Carlton

This full-day training program has been specifically designed for anybody considering standing for election in October 2012. Everything you need to know about successful campaigning, including:

* Communications basics and beyond – strategies to assert your points of difference

* Media basics and beyond – what the media and voters want to know

* Preferences and voting

* Tips for 150-word candidate statements

* Street stalls and doorknocking

* What you need to do between now and Election Day

There will be two opportunities to attend this training program (please choose one) – either Saturday 21 April or Saturday 28 April at the VLGA. Note that the program is identical for both days.

Pokies Assessments: a ‘how to’ short course

Monday 30 April OR Thursday 3 May

60L meeting rooms, 60 Leicester St, Carlton

Everything you ever wanted to know about assessing the social and other impacts of pokies, and the context and history of pokies. This is the most comprehensive training program ever put together in Victoria and includes:

* Practical case studies, tools and guides

* Local Government Initiatives Marketplace – talk to people who’ve achieved results

* Gaming and planning processes

* Understanding community wellbeing
Designed for statutory and strategic planners, social and community planners, social researchers, health professionals and consultants, as well as councillors, this short course includes a comprehensive 120-page ‘step by step’ Training Manual. There will be two opportunities to attend this full-day training program (please choose one) – either Monday 30 April or Thursday 3 May at the VLGA. Cost is $245 VLGA Members and project contributors, $275 for non-members. Download the flyer, program and registration form from the VLGA website.

Leading Edge Forum – Adapting to new environments: opportunities to improve food security, agriculture and jobs growth in a region
Thursday 3 May, 6-9pm
Nambur Wariga Meeting Room, Latrobe City Council Headquarters, 141 Commercial Road, Morwell

We invite you to join us in the City of Latrobe to learn how the Gippsland region is generating employment in the food industry, feeding the nation, and forecasting for the future. Hear from speakers including Dr Robert Faggian, Future Farming Research Division, DPI on the Gippsland Region Climate Change Adaptation Project; and Derek Robertson, Traralgon Factory Manager, Brancourts P/L on relocating food production. RSVP online by Monday 30 April or phone (03) 9349 7999.

Other Events

ALGWA Conference & AGM

19-20 April

Manningham Function Centre, 699 Doncaster Road, Doncaster

ALGWA's Annual State Conference will commence with a reception and dinner, followed by a jam-packed agenda, concluding with the AGM. For further details download the conference brochure and registration form.

VIRWC Women’s Leadership Course
19 April-21 June

Darebin Intercultural Centre, 59a Roseberry Ave, Preston

Last opportunity – don’t miss this. Victorian Immigrant and Refugee Women’s Coalition (VIRWC) is offering free leadership training for women of CALD communities in Hume, Darebin and Moreland. There are still a few vacancies for women from Darebin and Moreland. See flyer for application details. VIRWC has many years of experience in this work and their courses are highly valued by women who have experienced them.
For more information and application form, please contact Jeanette Hourani on 0412 160 418 or Nazia Wasif on 0413 550 335 or visit the VIRWC website.

CEDA Transport Series: The role of rail in Australia's transport future

Friday 20 April

Park Hyatt, 1 Parliament Square, Melbourne

The first of CEDA's 2012 Transport series will address rail as a key component of the transport sector and address why it will substantially contribute to Australia's long-term productivity and economic performance. More information is available on the CEDA website, and you can register online.

‘Making Culture Count’ Conference

2-4 May 2012

The Cultural Development Network hosts the Making Culture Count: Rethinking Measures of Cultural Vitality, Well-being and Citizenship Conference, at the Woodward Conference Centre, University of Melbourne. The conference will feature 62 presenters from six Australian states and territories and eight other countries across Europe, Asia- Pacific and the Americas. Speakers will represent universities, government departments from four different countries, local governments, foundations, arts and community organisations as well as several independent artists and researchers. There is also a Pre-Conference Local Government Workshop: Measuring Cultural Vitality, and a Pre-Conference Postgraduate Masterclass.

Nonprofit Masterclass in Advanced Strategy, Risk and Governance – in the South-West

Monday 14 May

Lady Bay Resort, 2 Pertobe Rd, Warrnambool

Leading-edge strategies and tactics for non-profit executives and Board members. Do you have new Board members who would benefit from the latest in strategic thinking and governance practices? Would your Board benefit from renewal of energy to facilitate them to be even more strategic? Would you like the latest and most powerful strategies to get your Board truly engaged and making the decisions that create the future for the community you serve? Steven Bowman, a leading international adviser in corporate and non-profit conscious leadership, is presenting an intensive one-day Master class that will shake long-held beliefs about strategy, risk and governance. CEOs, senior executives, Chairs and Board members should not miss this event. Registrants will receive a free copy of the non-profit e-book, The Conscious Chief Executive. Enquiries to Allan Bassett or Richard Zerbe at Community Southwest on (03) 5559 1032 or via email.

Alternative Futures Conference
21-24 May

Newcastle, NSW

Convened over three days in Newcastle City Precinct, NSW, the conference will deliver an exciting multidisciplinary event addressing climate and risk, land use planning, biodiversity conservation, liveable communities and urban design, and feature some of the leading thinkers and innovators from across Australia and overseas addressing many of the challenges facing regional Australia’s future planning and development. For more information contact Steve Wilson via email.

4th Annual Victorian Transport Infrastructure Conference

28-29 May

Melbourne Convention Exhibition Centre

Victoria is experiencing an infrastructure backlog to meet growing economic and community needs. The State Government has begun planning and investment to address the backlog and realise Victoria's potential. This conference will discuss the prioritisation, planning and delivery of critical transport infrastructure in Victoria.