VLGA President’s Message
It was great to see so many of you at the National General Assembly last week in Canberra. What struck me this year was the large number of councillors who were either fresh out of their local government elections or heading for them later this year as we are in Victoria, and I enjoyed meeting people from other states. While we were there, some significant challenges emerged for the sector. The outcome of the High Court decision on the Commonwealth chaplaincy program (the Williams case) has brought the possibility that the key Roads to Recovery program may be vulnerable to constitutional challenge. If you haven't seen the ALGA's media release on this matter I strongly suggest you read it and seek further information within your Council. The VLGA believes that the Williams case provides a catalyst for renewed effort by the local government sector and the Commonwealth Government to ensure the Australian Constitution recognises local government. While the High Court decision strengthens the case for constitutional recognition, it remains far from certain that the Commonwealth government will proceed with a referendum. If we are serious as a sector about constitutional recognition of local government, we need to capitalise on the strategic implications of this decision – the ALGA needs to continue communicating with the Australian public about financial recognition, about what it means for them as citizens and ratepayers, and what this decision means longer term. Our communities need certainty about funding programs that provide them with critical infrastructure and they need to comprehend the importance of local government if we are to secure a 'yes' vote in the proposed referendum. Referenda only succeed with mass and bi-partisan support. As the level of government closest to the people, we are best placed to convince people that local government is important and that constitutional recognition is crucial. Local governments need to take this matter directly to their communities, to supplement the ALGA and MAV leadership on this issue. Passivity in our sector can only lead to failure. This means that on a nationally coordinated basis, local governments must lead a national conversation about the importance of constitutional recognition. The VLGA Board is a strong supporter of constitutional recognition of local government. The other significant matter last week was the introduction to the Victorian Parliament of the Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bill 2012. This legislation deals with a large range of issues including differential rates. The VLGA believes that local governments must be empowered to work with their communities to take leadership on important issues and delivering crucial services. We have more to say on this below. Please don’t hesitate to email or give me a call on 0407 364 509 if there’s anything you wish to discuss. Cheers.
Cr Samantha Dunn, President
Keeping you up to date
Victorian Government to change local government
The Victorian Parliament is currently considering the Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bill 2012. The Bill proposes a number of changes, including campaign donation disclosure, conflict of interest and councillor conduct hearings. Some brief detail is provided in the Minister for Local Government’s media release on the Bill. The VLGA is particularly concerned about the proposal to change the process for councils to implement differential rates, and you can see our media release online. The changes will allow the Local Government Minister to implement new guidelines for differential rates and provide the Minister the power to prevent councils from implementing differential rates. We welcome the six-month consultation process for the development of the guidelines. We will be working with the Victorian Government, VLGA members and community leaders to ensure that the new guidelines continue to allow councils to address defined objectives by implementing differential rates and associated policies and programs. The VLGA will also be seeking the views of councillors and local governments on the content and implications of the Bill. For further information or to provide the VLGA with your views on the Bill, please contact Toby Archer, Director Policy, on 9349 7902 or via email.
Census updates and other statistics about Victorian communities
Census 2011 profiles of all Victorian municipalities, and profiles of indigenous residents, are now available via the VLGA website. Further Census updates, including profiles of Victorian townships and suburbs, spoken languages, birthplaces, educational outcomes and other issues, as well as maps, will become available over the next two months. This is part of a collaborative project between the VLGA and the City of Greater Dandenong, to provide up-to-date, user-friendly statistical information about all Victorian municipalities. In addition to 2011 Census findings, the website features information about social, health and economic conditions; housing; cultural diversity and settlement; employment and education; gambling, crime, transport and young people. For access, click on the Resources menu on the VLGA homepage, then select Social Statistics about Victorian Communities.
Electoral regulation changes
All election candidates need to be aware that there have been some recent changes to the Local Government Act Electoral regulations. Amendments to the regulations change the deadlines for the submission of candidate statements for postal voting, and the lodgement of how to vote cards for attendance voting among other matters. Visit our Candidate Resources page to find material on the election, campaigning and other local government information.
More funding for recycling
The VLGA is pleased to see that last week, Minister for Environment and Climate Change Ryan Smith announced an additional $11.5million towards improved recycling infrastructure and programs. This brings to more than $25million the total of recent investments of landfill levy announced by the Government since the Sustainability Victoria review.
Food security and the metropolitan planning strategy
In the VLGA’s view, previous metropolitan strategies have given little consideration to planning for food security Melbourne and beyond. A recent series of reports and maps in The Age highlighted the importance of planning for food; see here and here. The Victorian Parliament Environment and Planning References Committee Inquiry into Environmental Design and Public Health in Victoria recently emphasised this in its recommendation that, “the Melbourne Metropolitan Strategy includes measures to identify and protect valuable agricultural land in peri-urban Melbourne”. You can make your views known about the importance of planning for food and to keep informed about the strategy’s development by subscribing to the Planning Strategy newsletter for updates.
Rights in focus
The Rights in Focus: Local government and the Charter Report document is now available online. You can download the main Charter report as well as the local government report.
VLGA to host Thriving Neighbourhoods session
The VLGA will host a special session at the international Thriving Neighbourhoods 2012, to be held in Melbourne on 12-14 November. As a conference supporter, VLGA members are entitled to significant discounts: up to $260 off the full registration fee, and further discount on early bird registration.
Events for your diary
VLGA Events
Resilient Cities Workshop
Thursday 5 July, 3-5pm
60 Leicester St, Carlton
The VLGA and the Victorian Local Sustainability Accord invite you to a workshop to review and discuss information gathered to date for the Resilient Neighbourhoods: Integrated Approaches to Urban Change project. This free two-hour workshop has been designed for councillors, sustainability officers, statutory and strategic planners, corporate planners and community engagement officers. Registration is essential – RSVP via email or phone (03) 9349 7999.
July Leading Edge Forum – Resilient Cities: What ingredients are needed to support sustainable urban change?
Thursday 5 July, 6-9pm
60 Leicester St, Carlton
We invite you to join us for this practical and informative Leading Edge Forum which will look at how local governments can facilitate sustainable urban change and help build resilient communities for the future. Featuring presentations from three diverse speakers, the forum will share current best practice approaches in integration, community engagement and sustainable development. Register online or phone (03) 9349 7999.
VLGA Facebook updates this week
Don’t forget to visit the VLGA Facebook page to stay up-to-date with VLGA news and activities. Read VLGA CEO Maree McPherson’s posts from the National General Assembly of Local Government. Link through to VLGA President Samantha Dunn’s article in the Local Government Focus newspaper and the new VLGA Social Statistics webpage to view current social, health and economic indicators for your community. Follow the VLGA Facebook page for links to hints, tips and resources as we move toward the October local government elections.
Other Events
15th International Riversymposium
8-11 October
Registrations are now open for the 15th International Riversymposium, to be held for the first time in Melbourne in October 2012. This year’s event will look at Rivers in a Rapidly Urbanising World and will explore the intricately linked pressures on rivers as our urban population grows. For more information and to register, please visit www.riversymposium.com. Earlybird registrations close 11 July.
VLGA President’s Message
Last week we were on the road again, with the VLGA visiting the Greater Shepparton City Council to support their efforts to attract a diverse range of candidates for the local government elections in October. I will see many of you in Canberra from today at the National General Assembly of Local Government and I look forward to talking with you and sharing ideas while we are there. Please don’t hesitate to email or give me a call on 0407 364 509 if there’s anything you wish to discuss. Cheers.
Cr Samantha Dunn, President
Keeping you up to date
Urban Growth Boundary changes announced
Victorian Planning Minister Matthew Guy last week released the Growth Corridor Plans (GCP), the approval of six Precinct Structure Plans and announced the completion of the Logistical Inclusions review of Melbourne’s Urban Growth Boundary (UGB). As part of the GCP, the VLGA advocated for the need for the Victorian Government to develop with local government an infrastructure timing, delivery and funding strategy for growth areas, the inclusion of principles into the GCP such as food security, affordable housing, integrated water management and transport planning and a more effective link between land use planning and health and wellbeing. In the outer suburbs, communities face ongoing difficulties due to inadequate transport options, inaccessible built environments, infrastructure and the lack of employment and volunteer opportunities. The VLGA will continue to place a strong emphasis on advocating for a principled and integrated basis for strategic planning at a state and regional level.
Green light funding and more from CEEP
Last week Federal Minister for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Greg Combet and Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Mark Dreyfus announced the successful grant recipients from Round One of the Community Energy Efficiency Program (CEEP). A number of Victorian local governments were successful with applications to assist with bulk street light changeovers, and with other community facility projects.
More funds for local government waste recovery
Victorian Minister for Environment and Climate Change, Ryan Smith announced the second round of grants under the $5.5 million Metropolitan Local Government Waste and Resource Recovery Fund last Thursday. Funding totalling $1.68 million is being provided to 14 local governments to help deliver projects to cut waste to landfill.
Councils and carbon
With the commencement of a price on carbon imminent, many councillors, local governments and community members are eager to understand the impacts on our sector. Carbon tax liabilities will be incurred through the operation and use of landfills by local governments, which produce significant emissions. The Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Mark Dreyfus released this media release in May providing some clarity. The government has also released a fact sheet relating to landfills and carbon pricing which indicates landfill operators have the option of charging for future emissions liabilities up front when the waste is deposited. The Metropolitan Waste Management Group (MWMG) is advising local governments to prepare their 2012/13 budgets assuming the cost of emissions will be included in landfill gate fees from 1 July 2012. The five major landfill operators servicing metropolitan Melbourne have all indicated a carbon price will be applied for waste deposited from 1 July 2012. The MWMG is holding meetings for local governments to help prepare for the introduction of the carbon price from 1 July 2012.
Local governments helping communities – local action for a low carbon future
A discussion paper by the Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government (ACELG) has revealed that the federal government’s Clean Energy Plan can reach further into residential and business communities by working with the local government’s key strengths. The paper, Local Action for a Low Carbon Future (June 2012), was prepared by the ACELG and the Council of Capital Cities Lord Mayors (CCCLM) to identify ways for the Federal Government to work more closely with local government in bringing about Australia’s move to a low carbon future. One of the key messages from the paper is that local government can complement, supplement and amplify the actions of other levels of government in Australia’s transition to a low carbon future. Local councils can and do generate emissions reductions through more far-reaching actions such as working with private sector partners; community awareness and education, and innovative urban planning and environmental design.
Local approaches to community safety and crime prevention
The Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee of the Victorian Parliament has tabled the Final Report of the Inquiry into Locally Based Approaches to Community Safety and Crime Prevention. The report takes up many of the issued raised by the VLGA in submissions and evidence provided to the Committee. The VLGA made a submission to the inquiry based on a survey of members. Our survey found there is considerable diversity in local government responses to local community safety issues, with councils working closely with their communities and local police, often with very low levels of funding. (The survey is available on request via email). Along with several councillors and officers, the VLGA was subsequently invited to provide evidence at Committee hearings in June 2011. The report acknowledges the leadership that local governments have taken in promoting community safety and wellbeing, and that community safety and crime prevention are best addressed at the local community level. The report makes 36 recommendations, including the development of a Victorian Crime Prevention and Community Safety Framework. The committee recommends a significant expansion of local government responsibilities relating to crime prevention. The VLGA will continue to provide news and analysis on the implementation of these recommendations.
CHURP Research Project – Survey released
The Centre for Housing, Urban and Regional Planning (CHURP) from the University of Adelaide is working in partnership with the Australian Local Government Association on The Role of Local Government in Addressing Homelessness project. The project explores the role local governments currently play in addressing homelessness, and scoping the part they could play in the future. Research findings will inform a final report and handbook of best practice for the sector. To engage local governments around Australia, CHURP has prepared a survey to collect data on local government activity in homelessness and housing. For more information contact Felicity Prance on (08) 8313 4750 or via email. The Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) has funded the project.
The Heart Foundation’s healthy catering program expands into local government
The Heart Foundation recognises that local governments play a vital role in creating healthier communities, and do this through measures such as providing and managing facilities and environments that support physical activity; supporting smoke-free environments; and undertaking initiatives that increase access to affordable nutritious foods. The Heart Foundation has been active in promoting healthy eating, through measures such as advocating to government on key public health nutrition initiatives, and developing and disseminating resources and guidelines on healthy fats, salt, antioxidants and healthy catering. Given this, the Heart Foundation (Victoria) is seeking to use their expertise to further expand this work, in particular, to support local governments to develop and implement healthy catering/ healthy eating policies. This includes an understanding of existing policies and the information, support or assistance local governments might like. The Heart Foundation will shortly be asking for local governments to complete a survey on healthy catering. Please look out for this survey and for more information contact Rita Alvaro, Nutrition Officer on (03) 9321 1510 or via email.
The Robin Clark Memorial Awards
Celebrate excellence; the Robin Clark Memorial Awards incorporating Aboriginal Carer of the Year Award are the pinnacle achievement within the child, youth and family sector. Who do you know who should be nominated? The Awards have been running for 11 years and were initiated by the Victorian State Government in memory of Robin Dennis Clark (1936-2001), a widely respected, inspirational leader in this field. The award nominees are nominated by peers and members of the community, recognising the sometimes unseen effort and hard work of people who improve the lives of vulnerable children and their families.
Reminder – International WaterCentre (IWC) Scholarships
Last chance to apply for Water Leadership Program Scholarships - the deadline is 30 June 2012. The Master of Integrated Water Management Scholarships applications are due by 1 August 2012.
Events for your diary
VLGA Events
Resilient Cities Workshop
Thursday 5 July, 3-5pm
60 Leicester St, Carlton
The VLGA and the Victorian Local Sustainability Accord invite you to a workshop to review and discuss information gathered to date for the 'Resilient Neighbourhoods: Integrated Approaches to Urban Change' project. This free two hour workshop has been specifically designed for councillors; sustainability officers; statutory and strategic planners; corporate planners and community engagement officers. RSVP via email or phone (03) 9349 7999.
July Leading Edge Forum: Resilient Cities: What ingredients are needed to support sustainable urban change?
Thursday 5 July, 6-9pm
60 Leicester St, Carlton
We invite you to join us for this practical and informative Leading Edge Forum which will look at how local governments can facilitate sustainable urban change and help build resilient communities for the future. Featuring presentations from three diverse speakers, the forum will share current best practice approaches in integration, community engagement and sustainable development. RSVP online or phone (03) 9349 7999.
Other Events
UNAA Business & Human Rights Workshop 4
Corporate Human Rights Due Diligence: Tracking and communicating human rights performance
Thursday 12 July, 9am-1pm
Hosted by Allens, 101 Collins St, Melbourne
This workshop, part of a series, invites professionals from diverse backgrounds wanting to learn more about business and human rights and how to apply the UN Guiding Principles in practice. The workshops build capacity to monitor and manage corporate human rights impacts and risks, and provide practical guidance on how to integrate human rights considerations into everyday business practices. Register by 5pm, Friday 6 July.
Save the date!
National Youth Disability Conference
24 & 25 September
Jasper Hotel, Melbourne
The National Youth Disability Conference will bring together young people with disabilities from across Australia, peak bodies and representative organisations to:
* Identify priority national issues faced by young Australians with disabilities and develop clear actions in relation to these.
* Strengthen the voice of young Australians with disabilities.
* Provide opportunities for service providers and peak bodies to respond more effectively to the needs of young Australians with disabilities.

VLGA President’s Message
The VLGA’s thoughts are with everyone in Latrobe, Wellington and East Gippsland dealing with the flooding last week, and with the clean-up operations. There is never a dull moment in local government, and one of us somewhere in the State is dealing with an operation of this scale much of the time. On Tuesday, I had the honour of presiding over the Think women for local government 2012 media launch at Parliament House with Ministers Mary Wooldridge and Jeanette Powell. It was a terrific launch and along with the Ministers we heard from Cr Stefanie Perri, Mayor of Monash, Cr Diane Blackwood, Mayor of Baw Baw, and Cr Sue McMillan, former Mayor of Knox. You can see us in the picture above. View Minister Powell’s media release for the event here. There is also a great story from Cr Yvonne Jennings from Swan Hill on page 19 in the Autumn-Winter edition of the Rural Women’s Network magazine. On Thursday night the VLGA hosted our Reconciliation Week Leading Edge Forum; From little things…stories from the sector which can be viewed on web cast. It was a great event attracting many members and friends and I enjoyed seeing you there. Finally, our CEO Maree McPherson and I met with Public Transport Victoria’s Chair and Chief Executive Ian Dobbs to discuss the role of local government in advocacy for better public transport and infrastructure. I hope you had a relaxing long weekend. Please don’t hesitate to email or give me a call on 0407 364 509. Cheers.
Cr Samantha Dunn, President
Keeping you up to date
2012 Queen's Birthday Honours
The VLGA congratulates all our members and friends who received recognition in the Queen's Birthday Honours yesterday. We congratulate current councillors who received Orders of Australia, Mary Fraser of Towong and Jean Wise of Yarriambiack, and Public Service Medal recipient Latrobe City CEO Paul Buckley. We also congratulate VLGA community chapter member and former Mayor of Northcote, David Redfearn OAM, and our friend Mary Crooks AO. Former local government councillors to be recognised in yesterday's Honours with Orders of Australia include Russell Bate (Mansfield); Peter Byrne (Mildura); Bruce Campbell (Bass Coast); Gerard Petrie (Kew); Gil Sheppard (East Gippsland); and Kristin Stegley (Bayside). Former Horsham Rural City Council CEO Kerryn Shade was also awarded a PSM. Well done to all of you! If VLGA members know of anyone else who was honoured that we haven't yet heard about, please let us know.
Election preparation advice from the Inspectorate
We noted that in last week’s Local Government Investigations and Compliance Inspectorate newsletter, the Inspectorate has already commenced preparations for the local government elections being held in October. Chief Municipal Inspector David Wolf said that “even if someone isn’t elected, there are significant obligations that must be met to ensure an open and transparent election process”. Part 3 of the Local Government Act stipulates the requirements of candidates and councils during election periods.
Shepparton leads election outreach to the community
Congratulations to the City of Greater Shepparton – not only are they hosting their Think More Women for Local Government Information Session tomorrow night, but on 20 June they will host a special Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Council Election Information Session, and on 27 June, another special Aboriginal Community Council Election Information Session. These initiatives demonstrate outreach to the diverse communities within Shepparton and surrounds, and include a co-operative effort with councillors from other municipalities. Well done!
Don’t forget the survey!
Don’t forget: your local government was recently asked to complete the Victorian Local Government Aboriginal Engagement and Reconciliation Survey by the Hon Jeanette Powell, Minister for Local Government and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs. The survey was emailed by Local Government Victoria, and needs to be submitted by 22 June, so if your local government hasn’t yet responded, it’s time!
Sally Isaac Memorial Scholarship Fund
Applications for the Sally Isaac Memorial Scholarship Fund Award are now open. This year the $10,000 award has been broadened with applications open to all women aged 35 years and under who have demonstrated achievements in improving community life in the following areas: Local government; Social justice; Aboriginal affairs and Reconciliation; Arts and music; Community health; Culturally and linguistically diverse communities; Urban planning; or the Environment. The award is being facilitated through LG Pro with the winner announced at the LG Pro's annual Women's Network Dinner to be held on Thursday 26 July. Applicants must be Australian citizens or permanent residents of Australia. The successful recipient will use the scholarship to further her education by undertaking a component of a relevant tertiary course within Australia or at an overseas educational institution.
More on planning Melbourne’s future
The Victorian government is preparing a new Metropolitan Planning Strategy to manage growth and change. The strategy will cover a number of areas, including housing, people, transport, economic growth, environmental protection and infrastructure. Fact Sheets and Online Forums are now available online and ready for you to have your say. To find out more, visit the Plan Melbourne website or log on to Twitter or YouTube.
More on planning Victoria’s coasts
As reported in the media last week, Minister for Planning Matthew Guy, released a response to the Coastal Climate Change Advisory Committee report on land use planning mechanisms to address the coastal impacts of climate change. The response is intended to provide opportunities for councils and communities to familiarise themselves with its recommendations prior to state planning policy changes later this month.
More on planning permit applications
In a busy week, the Minister for Planning also introduced into parliament legislation which will enable the fast-track assessment of applications for minor subdivisions, building fences, managing vegetation, erecting a pergola, development in a flood risk area and erecting small advertising signs in a residential zone. Local councils and communities will no doubt be eager to understand how this process will work. The VLGA will provide further analysis once the legislation is available.
Federal funding for heating costs
Last Wednesday, the President of the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA), Mayor Genia McCaffery welcomed the Australian Government’s commitment to provide a one-off grant to support local communities with heating costs. Mark Dreyfus, Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, said $24 million will be used to establish a Local Government Energy Efficiency Program to help local councils install solar or heat pump hot water systems in community facilities. Mayor McCaffery said “the funding allocation available to each council will be dependent on size and while the guidelines are still being finalised as part of consultations in developing the Program, it’s understood that small and rural councils can apply for $25,000; medium and regional councils can apply for $40,000; and metropolitan and large regional councils can apply for $73,000”.
Events for your diary
VLGA Events
July Leading Edge Forum: Resilient Cities: What ingredients are needed to support sustainable urban change?
Thursday 5 July, 6-9pm
60 Leicester St, Carlton
We invite you to join us for this practical and informative Leading Edge Forum which will look at how local governments can facilitate sustainable urban change and help build resilient communities for the future. Featuring presentations from three diverse speakers, the forum will share current best practice approaches in integration, community engagement and sustainable development. RSVP online or phone (03) 9349 7999.
Other Events
UNAA Business & Human Rights Workshop 3
Corporate Human Rights Due Diligence: Assessment and integration of human rights impacts
Thursday 21 June, 9am-1pm
Hosted by Allens, 101 Collins St, Melbourne
This workshop, part of a series, invites professionals from diverse backgrounds wanting to learn more about business and human rights and how to apply the UN Guiding Principles in practice. The workshops build capacity to monitor and manage corporate human rights impacts and risks, and provide practical guidance on how to integrate human rights considerations into everyday business practices. Registration is essential by 15 June. More information and online registration here.
Place School Masterclass 2012; Creating great and resilient communities for turbulent times
Friday 22 June
DLA Piper, Level 21, 140 William St Melbourne
Village Well and the Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES), a UK organisation for local economic development and local governance, are coming together to present an exciting and vital Masterclass in Melbourne, Adelaide and Canberra. Email Village Well for more information or phone (03) 9032 3415.
VLGA President’s Message
Welcome to winter! Last Thursday, the VLGA met with Local Government Minister Jeanette Powell. We discussed the State Budget and the Green Light program, the Fire Services Levy and the Landfill Levy, the Minister’s decision to extend administration at Brimbank, and the need for more clarity around the development of the IBAC and where local government investigations will sit. Another important advocacy issue for the VLGA right now is the reform of the Victorian vocational education sector. A number of our members have contacted me about this matter and you can see more in an article below. On Wednesday afternoon, the VLGA hosted a Community Members Forum for our community chapter members. A large group enjoyed the facilitation of Mary Crooks from the Victorian Women’s Trust and we heard from Andrea Cook, a PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne, working on an ARC-funded research project on children’s independent mobility and active citizenship. We gained terrific insights into the things our members like most about the VLGA – such as our ‘agility’ in policy debate, our communication style and the diversity of our membership. We also learned some useful things about what you want to see more of and I feel we can capture those things quite quickly and easily. Thanks for all your contributions! Finally, before I sign off this week, I wanted to share with you a lovely story about Victoria’s Child Safety Commissioner, Bernie Geary, who spoke at the VLGA’s 2011 Annual General Meeting. Good on you Bernie – we really appreciate what you do for our community. I look forward to seeing you soon. Please don’t hesitate to email or give me a call on 0407 364 509. Cheers.
Cr Samantha Dunn, President
Keeping you up to date
TAFE reforms concern local governments
A number of VLGA members have expressed strong concerns about the economic, social and educational implications of the reforms to TAFEs on their municipalities. The VLGA is aware of four local governments thus far that have resolved to advocate to the Victorian Government about the funding cuts to vocational education. Strong support has also come from the MAV State Council. A public meeting is being held in the Melbourne Town Hall on 20 June at 12 noon and we encourage concerned councillors to attend. The VLGA Board will also be considering this issue at their June meeting. This useful article, Victorian TAFE chaos: a lesson in how not to reform vocational education, from The Conversation, by Leesa Wheelahan, Associate Professor at the LH Martin Institute, University of Melbourne is worth a read.
Regulating dangerous consumptions: challenges for the new Victorian Gambling and Alcohol Regulator
Last Tuesday, our CEO Maree McPherson joined a panel at the Regulating Dangerous Consumptions forum hosted by Deakin University. Maree spoke about the VLGA’s Local Government Working Group on Gambling (LGWGOG); the need for Victorians to see gambling as a public health issue like tobacco and alcohol consumption; and the concerns of many local governments about the impacts of increasing numbers of gaming machines being permitted by the Commission in vulnerable communities.
Online gambling review
The Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy released an interim report on the review of the Interactive Gambling Act 2001 last week. The report recommended the liberalisation of some online gambling and the introduction of a new regulatory system focused on harm minimisation. The VLGA, with support from LGWGOG, will be drafting a response to the interim report. To support the VLGA submission, we welcome ideas, recommendations, feedback and relevant case studies from your individual local governments and community groups. We believe the more feedback and case studies we receive, the stronger and more effective our submission will be. To submit comments and feedback, please contact VLGA Senior Policy Officer Jieh-Yung Lo via email or phone (03) 9349 7980 by COB Tuesday 12 June 2012.
Big Society?
The Centre for Policy Development has released an important report entitled Big Society and Australia by Dr James Whelan and colleagues. The report examines the consequences of initiatives introduced in the UK by the Cameron government which target the public sector. The findings and the implications for Australia are explored. The authors point to increasing interest in the ‘Big Society’ approach amongst Australian politicians. The VLGA is interested to hear members’ views on this topic.
Greater Shepparton hosts forum for women candidates
Congratulations to Greater Shepparton City Council and their Women’s Charter Alliance Advisory Committee which has initiated a local event to encourage potential women candidates. The event is one element of Greater Shepparton’s action plan to implement the Victorian Local Government Women’s Charter. The Think More Women for Local Government Information Session is on Wednesday 13 June 2012, from 6.45pm at the Council offices. Speakers include Cr Colleen Furlanetto of Strathbogie Shire, Mayor Alex Monk of Moira Shire and the Member for Shepparton and Minister for Local Government Jeanette Powell.
Discover, explore & experience Hume!
Congratulations to Hume City Council and the tourism team on their Discover Your Own Backyard video featuring some of their local tourism attractions and residents. Great initiative!
Premier’s Sustainability Awards open
Entries are now open for the 10th anniversary year of the Premier’s Sustainability Awards. The Awards are an excellent opportunity for local governments to receive public recognition for innovation and leadership in sustainability and to encourage local communities to be recognised. Information sessions about the Awards and the application process will be held on Wednesday 13 June. To register your attendance email your name, organisation and preferred email address. You can download an entry kit from the Premier's Sustainability Awards website. Submissions close at 2pm on 13 July 2012. For further information contact James Selth on (03) 9668 5509 or via email.
Community initiatives to tackle Indigenous family violence
The VLGA congratulates the Victorian Government and Minister for Community Services, the Hon Mary Wooldridge on her announcement on Friday of $650,000 funding for the Community Initiative Fund grants for the Indigenous Family Violence Strategy. A full list of the successful projects can be found with the Minister’s media release online.
Reporting racism: what you say matters
The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC) is running the Reporting racism: what you say matters survey which aims to learn about experiences of racism and racial and religious vilification in Victoria. This will help identify actions and solutions we can all take to help address racism and vilification. VEOHRC says it is important they capture as many experiences as they can and urge people to take the survey. You are not required to disclose your identity in order to fill in the survey. You can fill in the survey by going online and you can also download a hard copy of survey. This project has been developed in response to stakeholder feedback, research and complaints data and will inform VEOHRC’s input into the National Anti-Racism Strategy.
Environmental Design and Health
The Victorian Parliamentary Standing Committee on Environment and Planning tabled its report on Environmental Design and Public Health in Victoria on 24 May 2012. The report explores compelling evidence linking public health challenges to the planning and design of our urban environments and emphasises the importance of considering health in the design of our communities.
Events for your diary
VLGA Events
June Leading Edge Forum: 'From little things... Stories from the sector'
Thursday 7 June, 6-9pm
60 Leicester St, Carlton
In partnership with co-host Reconciliation Victoria, we invite you to join us for this Reconciliation Week Leading Edge Forum, featuring representatives from three local governments who will share their stories of inspiring reconciliation projects in their communities. RSVP online or phone (03) 9349 7999.
Other Events
Problem Gambling in the EMR: Addressing the social risk factors in our community
Thursday 7 June, 9am-12noon
Monash Civic Centre, 293 Springvale Road, Glen Waverley
The Inner East Primary Care Partnership invites you to find out about the emerging trends of gambling within the Eastern Metropolitan Region (EMR), prevention initiatives at a local level, early intervention, and treatment options and services. This forum is open to HACC services, education services, youth and family services, health promotion and social planners within local government, gamblers help services, community health services and anyone working within the EMR who has an interest in problem gambling prevention. See the Inner East PCP website for flyer and registration details.
Plans that Work
Wednesday 13 June, 4pm for 4.15pm start
Seminar Room 1, State Library of Victoria, Latrobe St, Melbourne
There’s a lot of cynicism around today about the effectiveness of urban planning. Many would have us believe that planning rarely achieves its objectives and usually results in nothing more than a tangle of red tape. This seminar will look at plans that made, and promise to make, a difference to quality of life, prosperity and environmental sustainability. RSVP via email or call Rebecca Stroud on (03) 8616 0331.
UNAA Business & Human Rights Workshop 3
Corporate Human Rights Due Diligence: Assessment and integration of human rights impacts
Thursday 21 June, 9am-1pm
Hosted by Allens, 101 Collins St, Melbourne
This workshop, part of a series, invites professionals from diverse backgrounds wanting to learn more about business and human rights and how to apply the UN Guiding Principles in practice. The workshops build capacity to monitor and manage corporate human rights impacts and risks, and provide practical guidance on how to integrate human rights considerations into everyday business practices. Registration is essential by 15 June. More information and online registration here.
Place School Masterclass 2012
Friday 22 June, time TBA
Venue TBA
Village Well and the Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES), a UK organisation for local economic development and local governance, are coming together to present an exciting and vital Masterclass in Melbourne, Adelaide and Canberra. Email Village Well for more information or phone (03) 9032 3415.