VLGA President’s Message
The VLGA Board meets for the final time tomorrow in this Board’s term. We enter caretaker period for the Board on 24 January 2013 when nominations open for the February Board Elections. I have enjoyed working with this Board immensely and I wish to thank my Vice Presidents Cr Heinz Kreutz and Richard Brown, former councillor and Treasurer John Doull, and Board members Cr Luba Grigorovitch, Cr Collin Ross, Dr Clare Mouat, Bill Penrose and former councillor Christine Richards for their commitment, enthusiasm and excellent governance throughout this term – it has been a pleasure to serve the sector with you all. The VLGA Voters Roll closes tomorrow, and nominations for the Board elections open on 24 January. All member local governments and members received information packages some weeks ago about the closure of the roll and the elections; and we will be forwarding nomination information in January. I look forward to seeing many of you at the VLGA’s Essential Mayors’ Weekend on the Mornington Peninsula – registrations are already coming in fast so please make sure you book for this signature event in the VLGA calendar. There are details below on other training events coming up in February that will be of interest to you – Putting together your first Council Plan and Being Deputy Mayor are designed to add to your capacity and experience and give you access to other people’s perspectives. This is our final eNews bulletin for 2012, and we will be communicating with you again from mid-January. The year seems to have flown past for me, and I am sure for you too. I take this opportunity to wish you a very happy festive season. I trust you will have time with your loved ones, that you will stay safe, and that you have a chance to take some ‘time out’. From everyone at the VLGA, and from me, have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Cr Samantha Dunn
Keeping you up to date
Farewell to Ron Exiner – sort of…
After four years with the VLGA, Ron Exiner is leaving us this week as he retires from the Director Governance role. Ron has worked as a Policy Officer, and then as our Director Governance in this current stint with the VLGA. Many of you will know that Ron wrote the original Good Governance Guide, and largely developed the 2012 revised online version that was launched in October. Ron has been a source of governance and other advice for many councillors and officers within the sector and he will be missed by all of us very much. True to form, whilst Ron has ‘retired’ a few times, we have managed to retain him on contract to provide us with some specific work, including oversight of our research partnership with ACELG – so he isn’t really going far. We will take the opportunity to review our organisational structure and look at our needs on Ron’s departure. Thank you for your intellect, commitment, wit and loyalty, Ron – it’s been a joy to work with you.
Differential rates roundtable
On Thursday the VLGA hosted a roundtable discussion with member local governments to explore the sector’s concerns and help us formulate the recommendations we will put forward in the government’s consultative process on the use of differential rates. The Guidelines will be released in draft form in early 2013 and will provide the focus for the consultation over January and February. For more information contact our Director Policy Toby Archer by email.
VLGA Young Councillors Network up and running
Last week, the VLGA held an informal roundtable session with young councillors from across the State to discuss their experiences, ideas and initiatives to increase young peoples’ participation and interest in local government. The VLGA is keen to expand the network and to seek the participation and involvement of all young councillors during this term. If there are any other councillors under the age of 30 who would like to get involved in the network, contact our Senior Policy Officer Jieh-Yung Lo on 9349 7980 or via email.
Joint Select Committee on the Constitutional recognition of local government
The VLGA has commenced preparing our submission to the Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Recognition of Local Government. Submissions to the inquiry must be received by 15 February 2013.
Super Taskforce Report is out
The Superannuation Taskforce, established by the MAV to examine reforms to the Local Authorities Defined Benefits Superannuation Scheme managed by Vision Super, has released its report. Recommendations include those which the VLGA has advocated for to the Federal and State Governments, such as removing WorkCover liabilities, the 15 per cent contributions tax, and more frequent monitoring of the fund’s performance. The VLGA has also called for the return to an unfunded scheme.
2013 RGAW program funding for local governments – extension of time
Applications to the 2013 Responsible Gambling Awareness Week (RGAW) funding program have been extended until Monday 14 January 2013. The Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation (VRGF) will fund up to 12 local community initiatives offering up to $5,500 (incl. GST) to assist local governments. Email the VRGF for more information.
Listen here – 2012 Human Rights Oration
The 2012 Human Rights Oration was delivered on 11 December by Ron Merkel, QC. If you missed the event, you can listen to an audio of the Oration here.
Pokies reform
While we argued for mandatory pre-commitment technology to be introduced in Victoria in our various submissions, the VLGA acknowledges the Victorian Government is ahead of the nation with Minister Michael O'Brien’s statement last week that the Coalition “remains committed to requiring pre-commitment technology on all gaming machines in Victoria in 2015-2016”. You can read more in this article from The Age from 14 December 2012.
Tools for heatwave management
The Victorian Department of Health has published a series of communication resources and tools for display and distribution, and a telephone script template to assist staff when speaking with community members during the heat. Local government HACC workers are an important source of information and support for community members most at risk of heat-related illness and stress.
Skills and resources for home based businesses
Councillors and officers often look for good resources for their local small businesses. The Australian Government’s new HomeBiz Connect can connect businesses and start-ups to a range of low-cost and no-cost business advisory services. Register to attend one of the capital city-based events across Australia from February to May 2013.
Honouring Women in Moreland Awards 2013
This year, the City of Moreland has introduced a new award category for women 30 years of age and under. The closing date for nominations is Monday 25 February 2013. Nomination forms and guidelines can be obtained from the Council’s website or by telephoning 9240 1111.
Events for your diary
VLGA Events
2013 VLGA Essential Mayors’ Weekend: Leading from the start of the new council term
17-19 January 2013
Peppers Moonah Links, Fingal, Mornington Peninsula
For the past decade, the VLGA has conducted our Essential Mayors’ Weekend. Each year, mayors come together for an intensive three-day program. The 2013 dinner speakers include The Hon Jeanette Powell, Minister for Local Government, and The Hon Richard Wynne, Shadow Minister. There will also be opportunities for mayoral mentoring with experienced mayors from across the State. This is a not-to-be-missed development event, which builds connections and relationships for the mayoral term. Comments from 2012 participants include:
“I can't imagine getting much more value out of two days.”
“As usual, excellent and relevant speakers. Great interaction between speakers and Mayors.”
“It gets better every year.”
To find out more contact Member Resources Officer Sarah Colgan on 9349 7983 or via email.
‘Putting Together Your First Council Plan’
Thursday 14 February, 5.30-9pm
60 Leicester St, Carlton
As the key strategic document, the Council Plan guides the direction of the council into the future. Developing the four-year Council Plan is a crucial opportunity for you as a councillor to set strategy and determine the priorities for the organisation. This training will focus on assisting councillors to maximise your input into the new Plan, how to monitor and evaluate progress, and how to work with your councillor colleagues and the administration to deliver an effective Council Plan that reflects your issues and priorities. You will hear from experienced councillors and officers, learn about successful approaches to working with your colleagues and have the opportunity to draw on the experience of others to prepare you for the Council Plan process. To register, contact the VLGA on (03) 9349 7999 or via email.
‘Being Deputy Mayor’
Thursday 21 February, 5.30-9pm
60 Leicester St, Carlton
The VLGA is offering our popular development session for those serving as Deputy Mayor in 2013. There is no uniform role for Deputy Mayors, and this can be particularly challenging. The session will include time to explore your individual needs and circumstances and those of your council.
Other Events
3rd National Sustainable Food Summit
20 & 21 March 2013
This event attracts delegates with interests across the food supply chain, including primary producers, manufacturers, retail brands, and members of the business, government, education, public health, community and not-for-profit sectors. It is the largest and most diverse gathering of practitioners interested in the sustainability of our food system. Find out more here.
2013 Local Government Research Forum – call for papers
6 - 7 June 2013
University of Adelaide
The Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government will host the 2013 Local Government Researchers Forum. This event builds on the very successful national Local Government Researchers Forum held at UTS in December 2011 and state-based forums held in Perth and Brisbane.
10 December 2012
VLGA President’s Message
Congratulations to the winners of the 2012 VLGA John Jago Award – the City of Manningham for its Generation 2030 Community Plan. The award was presented at our Christmas function for members and friends on Thursday evening. Other finalists presented with Highly Commended certificates were the Mornington Peninsula Shire Council and the City of Whitehorse for their Plan Peninsula and Audit Committee Charter Review respectively. Our external judges found it difficult to pick one winner out of these terrific entries and, of course, the real winner is good governance. Congratulations! On 3 December, Parliamentary Secretary for Local Government, David Morris MP, Chair of the Ministerial Advisory Council on Public Libraries, released the Tomorrow’s Library Stage One Report to Minister Powell. In our submission to the Stage One consultation, the VLGA emphasised the importance of providing adequate and sustainable funding for library services over the longer term. We argued that public libraries are the most commonly used community service in Victoria. Libraries provide story-times for children, English classes for migrants, computer and internet training, DVDs and CDs, linkages to adult, community and further education, and many more services. Despite the vital importance of public libraries, Victoria continues to have a low level of per capita expenditure on libraries and ongoing funding remains on an unsustainable footing. We welcome the Stage One Report and the intent expressed within it; however, we remain concerned that funding decisions by the Victorian Government may create a further gap in operational costs that local governments will be forced to meet. We are therefore appreciative of the Minister’s commitment to develop a genuinely co-operative partnership between the Victorian Government and the local government sector. We look forward to the Stage Two consultations, which will be focused on funding options. While on this topic, I extend the VLGA Board’s sincere thanks to former councillor Mandi Stewart from the Horsham Rural City Council who was the VLGA’s elected representative on the Ministerial Advisory Council until she retired from Council in October – thanks so much Mandi. Today is Human Rights Day and the start of Human Rights Week. We have been running our VLGA’s 16 Days of Action again this year to assist local governments think about how to take action from the UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, or White Ribbon Day (as we know it here), on 25 November through to International Human Rights Day today. It is also the 20th anniversary of ‘The Redfern Speech’ – when former Prime Minister Paul Keating launched the International Year of the World’s Indigenous Peoples at Redfern in Sydney. You can watch the speech today here. Please don’t hesitate to email or give me a call on 0407 364 509 if there’s anything you wish to discuss. Cheers.
Cr Samantha Dunn
Keeping you up to date
Call for EOIs – plus, Accord gets new name
On 30 November the Parliamentary Secretary for Sustainability and Environment, Donna Petrovich MP, released the out-going Victorian Local Sustainability Advisory Committee's report Victorian Local Sustainability Accord 2010-2012 Program Achievements. The Minister for Environment and Climate Change Ryan Smith has also announced a new name for the Victorian Local Sustainability Accord (of which the VLGA is a partner) – the Victorian Adaptation and Sustainability Partnership. Minister Smith is calling for Expressions of Interest for a new Ministerial Advisory Committee to oversee the Partnership including new Terms of Reference. You can see the report, Terms of Reference and Expressions of Interest documentation here.
Performance reporting in local government
The Victorian Government is developing a performance reporting framework for local governments based on recommendations by the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office and work undertaken by the Essential Services Commission. Local Government Victoria has released a Directions Paper which provides an overview of the key features of the new performance reporting framework and the process for implementation. LGV will be conducting an online discussion forum and formal submissions will be sought in April and May 2013.
Differential rates consultation commences
Last week, the Minister for Local Government announced the consultation program to develop the new ministerial guidelines for the use of differential rates. Minister Powell has established a Differential Rates Ministerial Council chaired by David Morris, Parliamentary Secretary for Local Government.
How can local governments minimise the impacts of alcohol in communities?
We know that many member councillors are concerned about alcohol use in their local communities. Here are two really interesting initiatives. febfast 2013 is an opportunity for people to take a break from alcohol after the festive season while raising funds to enable young people to recover from serious alcohol and drug-related issues. YSAS runs febfast as an annual campaign. The febfast website opens for team registrations today. Another interesting program is Hello Sunday Morning – a space for any individual to take responsibility and change their drinking behaviour.
Collaborative Procurement - EOIsLocal Government Victoria (LGV) is seeking expressions of interest from groups of local governments to undertake a collaborative procurement process. For further information visit the LGV website.
Advice services for NFPs – ACNC is launched
The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) is Australia’s first national, independent regulator for the not-for-profit sector. This follows years of advocacy for a dedicated regulator from peak bodies within the sector and key stakeholders. The ACNC is now responsible for regulating registered charities, and the Australian Government's intent is to eventually encompass the broader NFP sector as well. Advice Services are now available on 13 ACNC (13 22 62) via email.
Winners! Fire Awareness Awards 2012
The VLGA congratulates the City of Greater Shepparton and the Alpine Shire Council on their success at the 2012 Fire Awareness Awards. Shepparton picked up the Community – Aged/Disability award, and Alpine won the Government and Municipal category. For a full list of award winners go here.
Events for your diary
VLGA Events
2013 VLGA Essential Mayors’ Weekend: Leading from the start of the new council term
17-19 January 2013
Peppers Moonah Links, Fingal, Mornington Peninsula
For the past decade, the VLGA has conducted our Essential Mayors’ Weekend. Each year, mayors come together for an intensive three-day program. The 2013 dinner speakers include The Hon Jeanette Powell, Minister for Local Government, and The Hon Richard Wynne, Shadow Minister. There will also be opportunities for mayoral mentoring with experienced mayors from across the State. This is a not-to-be-missed development event, which builds connections and relationships for the mayoral term. Comments from 2012 participants include:
“I can't imagine getting much more value out of two days.”
“As usual, excellent and relevant speakers. Great interaction between speakers and Mayors.”
“It gets better every year.”
To find out more, contact Member Resources Officer Sarah Colgan on 9349 7983 or via email.
‘Being Deputy Mayor’
Thursday 21 February 2013, 5.30-9pm
60 Leicester St, Carlton
The VLGA is offering our popular development session for those serving as Deputy Mayor in 2013. There is no uniform role for Deputy Mayors, and this can be particularly challenging. The session will include time to explore your individual needs and circumstances and those of your council. Download the flyer and registration form here.
Congratulations to the winners of the 2012 VLGA John Jago Award – the City of Manningham for its Generation 2030 Community Plan. The award was presented at our Christmas function for members and friends on Thursday evening. Other finalists presented with Highly Commended certificates were the Mornington Peninsula Shire Council and the City of Whitehorse for their Plan Peninsula and Audit Committee Charter Review respectively. Our external judges found it difficult to pick one winner out of these terrific entries and, of course, the real winner is good governance. Congratulations! On 3 December, Parliamentary Secretary for Local Government, David Morris MP, Chair of the Ministerial Advisory Council on Public Libraries, released the Tomorrow’s Library Stage One Report to Minister Powell. In our submission to the Stage One consultation, the VLGA emphasised the importance of providing adequate and sustainable funding for library services over the longer term. We argued that public libraries are the most commonly used community service in Victoria. Libraries provide story-times for children, English classes for migrants, computer and internet training, DVDs and CDs, linkages to adult, community and further education, and many more services. Despite the vital importance of public libraries, Victoria continues to have a low level of per capita expenditure on libraries and ongoing funding remains on an unsustainable footing. We welcome the Stage One Report and the intent expressed within it; however, we remain concerned that funding decisions by the Victorian Government may create a further gap in operational costs that local governments will be forced to meet. We are therefore appreciative of the Minister’s commitment to develop a genuinely co-operative partnership between the Victorian Government and the local government sector. We look forward to the Stage Two consultations, which will be focused on funding options. While on this topic, I extend the VLGA Board’s sincere thanks to former councillor Mandi Stewart from the Horsham Rural City Council who was the VLGA’s elected representative on the Ministerial Advisory Council until she retired from Council in October – thanks so much Mandi. Today is Human Rights Day and the start of Human Rights Week. We have been running our VLGA’s 16 Days of Action again this year to assist local governments think about how to take action from the UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, or White Ribbon Day (as we know it here), on 25 November through to International Human Rights Day today. It is also the 20th anniversary of ‘The Redfern Speech’ – when former Prime Minister Paul Keating launched the International Year of the World’s Indigenous Peoples at Redfern in Sydney. You can watch the speech today here. Please don’t hesitate to email or give me a call on 0407 364 509 if there’s anything you wish to discuss. Cheers.
Cr Samantha Dunn
Keeping you up to date
Call for EOIs – plus, Accord gets new name
On 30 November the Parliamentary Secretary for Sustainability and Environment, Donna Petrovich MP, released the out-going Victorian Local Sustainability Advisory Committee's report Victorian Local Sustainability Accord 2010-2012 Program Achievements. The Minister for Environment and Climate Change Ryan Smith has also announced a new name for the Victorian Local Sustainability Accord (of which the VLGA is a partner) – the Victorian Adaptation and Sustainability Partnership. Minister Smith is calling for Expressions of Interest for a new Ministerial Advisory Committee to oversee the Partnership including new Terms of Reference. You can see the report, Terms of Reference and Expressions of Interest documentation here.
Performance reporting in local government
The Victorian Government is developing a performance reporting framework for local governments based on recommendations by the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office and work undertaken by the Essential Services Commission. Local Government Victoria has released a Directions Paper which provides an overview of the key features of the new performance reporting framework and the process for implementation. LGV will be conducting an online discussion forum and formal submissions will be sought in April and May 2013.
Differential rates consultation commences
Last week, the Minister for Local Government announced the consultation program to develop the new ministerial guidelines for the use of differential rates. Minister Powell has established a Differential Rates Ministerial Council chaired by David Morris, Parliamentary Secretary for Local Government.
How can local governments minimise the impacts of alcohol in communities?
We know that many member councillors are concerned about alcohol use in their local communities. Here are two really interesting initiatives. febfast 2013 is an opportunity for people to take a break from alcohol after the festive season while raising funds to enable young people to recover from serious alcohol and drug-related issues. YSAS runs febfast as an annual campaign. The febfast website opens for team registrations today. Another interesting program is Hello Sunday Morning – a space for any individual to take responsibility and change their drinking behaviour.
Collaborative Procurement - EOIsLocal Government Victoria (LGV) is seeking expressions of interest from groups of local governments to undertake a collaborative procurement process. For further information visit the LGV website.
Advice services for NFPs – ACNC is launched
The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) is Australia’s first national, independent regulator for the not-for-profit sector. This follows years of advocacy for a dedicated regulator from peak bodies within the sector and key stakeholders. The ACNC is now responsible for regulating registered charities, and the Australian Government's intent is to eventually encompass the broader NFP sector as well. Advice Services are now available on 13 ACNC (13 22 62) via email.
Winners! Fire Awareness Awards 2012
The VLGA congratulates the City of Greater Shepparton and the Alpine Shire Council on their success at the 2012 Fire Awareness Awards. Shepparton picked up the Community – Aged/Disability award, and Alpine won the Government and Municipal category. For a full list of award winners go here.
Events for your diary
VLGA Events
2013 VLGA Essential Mayors’ Weekend: Leading from the start of the new council term
17-19 January 2013
Peppers Moonah Links, Fingal, Mornington Peninsula
For the past decade, the VLGA has conducted our Essential Mayors’ Weekend. Each year, mayors come together for an intensive three-day program. The 2013 dinner speakers include The Hon Jeanette Powell, Minister for Local Government, and The Hon Richard Wynne, Shadow Minister. There will also be opportunities for mayoral mentoring with experienced mayors from across the State. This is a not-to-be-missed development event, which builds connections and relationships for the mayoral term. Comments from 2012 participants include:
“I can't imagine getting much more value out of two days.”
“As usual, excellent and relevant speakers. Great interaction between speakers and Mayors.”
“It gets better every year.”
To find out more, contact Member Resources Officer Sarah Colgan on 9349 7983 or via email.
‘Being Deputy Mayor’
Thursday 21 February 2013, 5.30-9pm
60 Leicester St, Carlton
The VLGA is offering our popular development session for those serving as Deputy Mayor in 2013. There is no uniform role for Deputy Mayors, and this can be particularly challenging. The session will include time to explore your individual needs and circumstances and those of your council. Download the flyer and registration form here.
3 December 2012
VLGA President’s Message
On behalf of everyone at the VLGA, I congratulate the inductees to the 2012 Victorian Indigenous Honour Roll and their families. The inductees were named at a function in Melbourne on Thursday night by the Premier of Victoria, The Hon Ted Baillieu, and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, The Hon Jeanette Powell. The Premier introduced the Honour Roll in February this year, honouring an election commitment, and inducted twenty outstanding Indigenous Victorians to the nation’s first-ever Indigenous Honour Roll. The new inductees join the inaugural people on this significant and historical record. Last Tuesday I joined current and past councillors and officers at an ALGWA Victoria luncheon at the Camberwell Civic Centre for their annual bursary award for a woman employee in local government. The 2012 winner is Samantha Dureau, Team Leader – Community and Corporate Planning, City of Whittlesea. Samantha is undertaking a Master of Business Administration at LaTrobe University. The ALGWA study award is awarded annually in memory of Marie Wallace OAM JP. Congratulations Samantha! Congratulations also to Moyne Shire Council and the people of Port Fairy – the town has been awarded the prestigious international LivCom award for the most liveable town with a population under 20,000. The United Nations-endorsed award was given to Moyne Shire’s Mayor Jim Doukas, Chief Executive David Madden and community representative Margaret Watt last Monday. Today is International Day of People with a Disability. I know many of you will be attending events in your communities to acknowledge the day. Please don’t hesitate to email or give me a call on 0407 364 509 if there’s anything you wish to discuss. I have taken a number of calls recently from new councillors with queries about how things work, and I am happy to help out or to refer you to a VLGA staff member for assistance if needed. Cheers.
Cr Samantha Dunn
Keeping you up to date
Pokies audio technology banned
The VLGA welcomes the Victorian Gaming Minister’s announcement yesterday that isolation audio technology on gaming machines has been banned for the next decade. The Hon Michael O’Brien said that the ban on earphones attached to pokies was made for the next ten years because they isolate gamblers and undermine responsible gambling practices. Other news of interest to VLGA members is that, according to a report on ABC radio today, there has been a $62 million drop in poker machine spending in Victoria, following a ban on ATMs in gaming venues. The VLGA has supported both of these initiatives in our past submissions to the Victorian Government.
Challenges and opportunities of managing urban growth
Last Wednesday the VLGA hosted Felix Dodds at a conversation roundtable with representatives from growth area local governments. Felix is the author of several books, his latest being Only One Earth, and he discussed the challenges facing growth area local governments and the ways in which they might work collectively on various possible solutions as a strategic alliance. People interested in hearing more about the session or joining a discussion list can contact Senior Policy Officer Jieh-Yung Lo by email. Members in growth areas might also like to read this excellent opinion piece which featured in the National Times newspaper, by the CEO of Whittlesea, David Turnbull.
What can my Council do for the 16 days of action?
Today is Day 9 in the VLGA’s 16 Days of Action, from the UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, or White Ribbon Day (as we know it here), on 25 November through to International Human Rights Day on 10 December. To find out more on how your local government can take action for the days ahead, visit our website.
Victorian Government joins national push on violence
The VLGA supports the Victorian Coalition Government’s announcement last Thursday of their intent to join the Commonwealth and other states and territories in funding a new National Centre of Excellence to reduce violence against women. Minister for Women’s Affairs Mary Wooldridge advises that the Centre will be operating from 1 January 2013, and will develop a national research agenda to improve policy and service delivery in the prevention of violence against women across Australia. The Victorian Coalition Government will contribute more than $1 million over three years towards the Centre.
New state-wide smoking laws being debated
The Victorian Greens’ MP Colleen Hartland introduced a Private Members Bill to Parliament last week for state-wide bans on smoking in outdoor dining areas. A number of local governments in Victoria have taken initiatives to introduce local laws to support various outdoor smoking bans. This Bill is designed to bring Victoria in line with existing and new smoking laws currently operating in other states and territories. Watch this space.
Census on the Australian local government workforce
The Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government (ACELG) has co-ordinated a pilot local government workforce census with eight local governments across the country, with the full Australian Local Government Workforce and Employment Census for all 565 councils commencing last week. The census is the most ambitious local government data collection exercise undertaken so far in Australia. The opportunities offered by the collection of a national local government workforce dataset are significant, and will underpin a range of employment strategies nationally, as well forming the basis for funding for local government based training.
Advancing local government leadership
Ron Exiner, the VLGA’s Director Governance attended the ACELG Advancing Local Government Leadership Roundtable on 28 November. ACELG is looking for coordination and cross-fertilisation amongst the various leadership programs and courses that are developing in and around the sector. The VLGA’s interest is ensuring that the content is informed by the nature of the local government sector, how it does and should operate, and ensuring that there are programs that meet councillors’ needs as well as those of officers.
Funding for Neighbourhood Houses announced
On Wednesday, Minister for Community Services Mary Wooldridge announced that Neighbourhood Houses across Victoria will receive almost $700,000 in funding from the Victorian Coalition Government. Forty-five Neighbourhood Houses and Neighbourhood House Networks will receive funding through the Creating Modernised and Inclusive Neighbourhood Houses program.
New Regional Competitiveness Index on the way
The Regional Australia Institute (RAI) is undertaking a comprehensive assessment of the global competitiveness of Australia's regions. The assessment will consider the competitiveness of regions in terms of governance, services, infrastructure, people and the economy. RAI is now seeking advice and input from users of this work as we move towards an initial release of the index in early 2013. Please take some time to review the document and send RAI any input you might have via email.
App for livable housing
On 27 November, Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Carers, Jan McLucas, launched the Livable Housing Design Guidelines with a new iPhone and iPad application to be developed with the help of $60,000 in Australian Government funding. The Livable Housing Design Guidelines help guide the residential and building industry and all levels of government to build homes that are easier to enter, safer to move around in and more cost effective to adapt when life circumstances change. Under these guidelines there are three performance ratings: Silver, Gold and Platinum, with Platinum the highest level. For further information on Livable Housing Australia and the Livable Housing Design Guidelines go here.
Victorian Women’s Governance Scholarships – applications open
Minister Wooldridge has announced that applications for the Victorian Women's Governance Scholarships are now open. In a joint initiative of the Victorian Government and the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD), 34 scholarships for women will be offered, providing the opportunity to attend the Company Directors Course. Scholarship recipients also receive complimentary twelve months membership of the AICD. Only women who are current board members of not-for-profit organisations that are in receipt of Victorian State Government funding will be considered. Applications close at 5pm on Friday 11 January 2013.
Events for your diary
VLGA Events
2012 VLGA Members’ Christmas ‘thank you and celebration’
Thursday 6 December, 6-8pm
60 Leicester St, Carlton
Our final VLGA gathering for 2012 will be held on Thursday 6 December. Members are invited to join us for our end-of-year thank you and celebration with local government, community and government colleagues. We will also present the 2012 John Jago Award for Good Governance. Register online today!
2013 VLGA Essential Mayors’ Weekend: Leading from the start of the new council term
17-19 January 2013
Peppers Moonah Links, Fingal, Mornington Peninsula
For the past decade, the VLGA has conducted our Essential Mayors’ Weekend. Each year, mayors come together for an intensive three-day program. The 2013 dinner speakers include The Hon Jeanette Powell, Minister for Local Government, and The Hon Richard Wynne, Shadow Minister. There will also be opportunities for mayoral mentoring with experienced mayors from across the State. This is a not-to-be-missed development event, which builds connections and relationships for the mayoral term. The full program and registration details will follow very soon. Comments from 2012 participants include:
“I can't imagine getting much more value out of two days.”
“As usual, excellent and relevant speakers. Great interaction between speakers and Mayors.”
“It gets better every year.”
To find out more contact Member Resources Officer Sarah Colgan on 9349 7983 or via email.
Employment Opportunity
Victorian Local Sustainability Accord – Policy Officer
The Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) is recruiting a Policy Officer from local government to work with the DSE Accord policy team for twelve months to assist the development of the next phase of the Accord. Through this opportunity the successful candidate will gain an appreciation of how State government works and how State policy is developed. DSE will gain invaluable insight from a local government perspective as it works to refocus and refresh the Accord.
Other Events
Tipping Point: Engagement beyond the fridge magnet
Metropolitan Waste Management Group conference
5-6 March 2013
MCG, Melbourne
Waste and litter management is currently at a tipping point of change. Social media, new technologies, population growth, urban expansion and the review of several key state and federal strategies and policies are pushing educators to develop new skills and explore new territory to engage and create valuable programs for their constituents. Tipping Point will feature a range of keynote speakers, case studies, workshops and a day of site tours covering the following themes in relation to waste and litter management. Registration information will be available soon.
Save the date – ALGWA Vic State Conference 2013
The ALGWA Vic branch State Conference will be held in the Shire of Strathbogie from Friday 24 to Sunday 26 May 2013. Minister for Local Government, the Hon Jeanette Powell, will open the Conference. The full program is to be confirmed and further details will be available soon. For more information contact ALGWA Vic via their website.
On behalf of everyone at the VLGA, I congratulate the inductees to the 2012 Victorian Indigenous Honour Roll and their families. The inductees were named at a function in Melbourne on Thursday night by the Premier of Victoria, The Hon Ted Baillieu, and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, The Hon Jeanette Powell. The Premier introduced the Honour Roll in February this year, honouring an election commitment, and inducted twenty outstanding Indigenous Victorians to the nation’s first-ever Indigenous Honour Roll. The new inductees join the inaugural people on this significant and historical record. Last Tuesday I joined current and past councillors and officers at an ALGWA Victoria luncheon at the Camberwell Civic Centre for their annual bursary award for a woman employee in local government. The 2012 winner is Samantha Dureau, Team Leader – Community and Corporate Planning, City of Whittlesea. Samantha is undertaking a Master of Business Administration at LaTrobe University. The ALGWA study award is awarded annually in memory of Marie Wallace OAM JP. Congratulations Samantha! Congratulations also to Moyne Shire Council and the people of Port Fairy – the town has been awarded the prestigious international LivCom award for the most liveable town with a population under 20,000. The United Nations-endorsed award was given to Moyne Shire’s Mayor Jim Doukas, Chief Executive David Madden and community representative Margaret Watt last Monday. Today is International Day of People with a Disability. I know many of you will be attending events in your communities to acknowledge the day. Please don’t hesitate to email or give me a call on 0407 364 509 if there’s anything you wish to discuss. I have taken a number of calls recently from new councillors with queries about how things work, and I am happy to help out or to refer you to a VLGA staff member for assistance if needed. Cheers.
Cr Samantha Dunn
Keeping you up to date
Pokies audio technology banned
The VLGA welcomes the Victorian Gaming Minister’s announcement yesterday that isolation audio technology on gaming machines has been banned for the next decade. The Hon Michael O’Brien said that the ban on earphones attached to pokies was made for the next ten years because they isolate gamblers and undermine responsible gambling practices. Other news of interest to VLGA members is that, according to a report on ABC radio today, there has been a $62 million drop in poker machine spending in Victoria, following a ban on ATMs in gaming venues. The VLGA has supported both of these initiatives in our past submissions to the Victorian Government.
Challenges and opportunities of managing urban growth
Last Wednesday the VLGA hosted Felix Dodds at a conversation roundtable with representatives from growth area local governments. Felix is the author of several books, his latest being Only One Earth, and he discussed the challenges facing growth area local governments and the ways in which they might work collectively on various possible solutions as a strategic alliance. People interested in hearing more about the session or joining a discussion list can contact Senior Policy Officer Jieh-Yung Lo by email. Members in growth areas might also like to read this excellent opinion piece which featured in the National Times newspaper, by the CEO of Whittlesea, David Turnbull.
What can my Council do for the 16 days of action?
Today is Day 9 in the VLGA’s 16 Days of Action, from the UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, or White Ribbon Day (as we know it here), on 25 November through to International Human Rights Day on 10 December. To find out more on how your local government can take action for the days ahead, visit our website.
Victorian Government joins national push on violence
The VLGA supports the Victorian Coalition Government’s announcement last Thursday of their intent to join the Commonwealth and other states and territories in funding a new National Centre of Excellence to reduce violence against women. Minister for Women’s Affairs Mary Wooldridge advises that the Centre will be operating from 1 January 2013, and will develop a national research agenda to improve policy and service delivery in the prevention of violence against women across Australia. The Victorian Coalition Government will contribute more than $1 million over three years towards the Centre.
New state-wide smoking laws being debated
The Victorian Greens’ MP Colleen Hartland introduced a Private Members Bill to Parliament last week for state-wide bans on smoking in outdoor dining areas. A number of local governments in Victoria have taken initiatives to introduce local laws to support various outdoor smoking bans. This Bill is designed to bring Victoria in line with existing and new smoking laws currently operating in other states and territories. Watch this space.
Census on the Australian local government workforce
The Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government (ACELG) has co-ordinated a pilot local government workforce census with eight local governments across the country, with the full Australian Local Government Workforce and Employment Census for all 565 councils commencing last week. The census is the most ambitious local government data collection exercise undertaken so far in Australia. The opportunities offered by the collection of a national local government workforce dataset are significant, and will underpin a range of employment strategies nationally, as well forming the basis for funding for local government based training.
Advancing local government leadership
Ron Exiner, the VLGA’s Director Governance attended the ACELG Advancing Local Government Leadership Roundtable on 28 November. ACELG is looking for coordination and cross-fertilisation amongst the various leadership programs and courses that are developing in and around the sector. The VLGA’s interest is ensuring that the content is informed by the nature of the local government sector, how it does and should operate, and ensuring that there are programs that meet councillors’ needs as well as those of officers.
Funding for Neighbourhood Houses announced
On Wednesday, Minister for Community Services Mary Wooldridge announced that Neighbourhood Houses across Victoria will receive almost $700,000 in funding from the Victorian Coalition Government. Forty-five Neighbourhood Houses and Neighbourhood House Networks will receive funding through the Creating Modernised and Inclusive Neighbourhood Houses program.
New Regional Competitiveness Index on the way
The Regional Australia Institute (RAI) is undertaking a comprehensive assessment of the global competitiveness of Australia's regions. The assessment will consider the competitiveness of regions in terms of governance, services, infrastructure, people and the economy. RAI is now seeking advice and input from users of this work as we move towards an initial release of the index in early 2013. Please take some time to review the document and send RAI any input you might have via email.
App for livable housing
On 27 November, Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Carers, Jan McLucas, launched the Livable Housing Design Guidelines with a new iPhone and iPad application to be developed with the help of $60,000 in Australian Government funding. The Livable Housing Design Guidelines help guide the residential and building industry and all levels of government to build homes that are easier to enter, safer to move around in and more cost effective to adapt when life circumstances change. Under these guidelines there are three performance ratings: Silver, Gold and Platinum, with Platinum the highest level. For further information on Livable Housing Australia and the Livable Housing Design Guidelines go here.
Victorian Women’s Governance Scholarships – applications open
Minister Wooldridge has announced that applications for the Victorian Women's Governance Scholarships are now open. In a joint initiative of the Victorian Government and the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD), 34 scholarships for women will be offered, providing the opportunity to attend the Company Directors Course. Scholarship recipients also receive complimentary twelve months membership of the AICD. Only women who are current board members of not-for-profit organisations that are in receipt of Victorian State Government funding will be considered. Applications close at 5pm on Friday 11 January 2013.
Events for your diary
VLGA Events
2012 VLGA Members’ Christmas ‘thank you and celebration’
Thursday 6 December, 6-8pm
60 Leicester St, Carlton
Our final VLGA gathering for 2012 will be held on Thursday 6 December. Members are invited to join us for our end-of-year thank you and celebration with local government, community and government colleagues. We will also present the 2012 John Jago Award for Good Governance. Register online today!
2013 VLGA Essential Mayors’ Weekend: Leading from the start of the new council term
17-19 January 2013
Peppers Moonah Links, Fingal, Mornington Peninsula
For the past decade, the VLGA has conducted our Essential Mayors’ Weekend. Each year, mayors come together for an intensive three-day program. The 2013 dinner speakers include The Hon Jeanette Powell, Minister for Local Government, and The Hon Richard Wynne, Shadow Minister. There will also be opportunities for mayoral mentoring with experienced mayors from across the State. This is a not-to-be-missed development event, which builds connections and relationships for the mayoral term. The full program and registration details will follow very soon. Comments from 2012 participants include:
“I can't imagine getting much more value out of two days.”
“As usual, excellent and relevant speakers. Great interaction between speakers and Mayors.”
“It gets better every year.”
To find out more contact Member Resources Officer Sarah Colgan on 9349 7983 or via email.
Employment Opportunity
Victorian Local Sustainability Accord – Policy Officer
The Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) is recruiting a Policy Officer from local government to work with the DSE Accord policy team for twelve months to assist the development of the next phase of the Accord. Through this opportunity the successful candidate will gain an appreciation of how State government works and how State policy is developed. DSE will gain invaluable insight from a local government perspective as it works to refocus and refresh the Accord.
Other Events
Tipping Point: Engagement beyond the fridge magnet
Metropolitan Waste Management Group conference
5-6 March 2013
MCG, Melbourne
Waste and litter management is currently at a tipping point of change. Social media, new technologies, population growth, urban expansion and the review of several key state and federal strategies and policies are pushing educators to develop new skills and explore new territory to engage and create valuable programs for their constituents. Tipping Point will feature a range of keynote speakers, case studies, workshops and a day of site tours covering the following themes in relation to waste and litter management. Registration information will be available soon.
Save the date – ALGWA Vic State Conference 2013
The ALGWA Vic branch State Conference will be held in the Shire of Strathbogie from Friday 24 to Sunday 26 May 2013. Minister for Local Government, the Hon Jeanette Powell, will open the Conference. The full program is to be confirmed and further details will be available soon. For more information contact ALGWA Vic via their website.
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