CEO’s Message
This week’s message comes from me as the VLGA is currently in caretaker period with nominations for Board positions having opened last Thursday. As our President Cr Samantha Dunn is contesting the Board elections, I will act as the official spokesperson for the VLGA throughout the caretaker period. A number of people have contacted the VLGA about the fires in parts of Victoria and how best to assist. The social media traffic has been swift and comprehensive, and it’s clear that tools like Facebook and Twitter have been exceptionally helpful to communities in ensuring that information reaches people quickly. Our colleagues at Wellington Shire Council have asked me to extend this message to all readers, as their Recovery Line is being inundated with calls from all over the state from people offering help. To volunteer assistance, visit here. The best way to help people in Seaton, Glenmaggie and related areas is to make cash donations to the Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund. There has also been a large fire in the Alpine Shire around Harrietville in the past week, and in the last 48 hours another fire has developed and is threatening communities near Violet Town. Our thoughts are with colleagues in these areas as they manage their various challenges. Victorian local governments will now be turning their minds to how they can best assist communities in Queensland and northern New South Wales as they deal with the latest devastating floods. Thank you to all councillors and officers who have assisted in spreading the word about fire emergencies and recovery across the sector through their own networks – the power of our collective communications is impressive as is the wonderful community spirit.
Maree McPherson
Keeping you up to date
VLGA Board Elections
The VLGA Voters’ Roll closed on 18 December 2012, and nominations for Board positions for the February 2013-January 2015 term opened on 24 January 2013 at 9am. Nominations close this Thursday 31 January. Visit our website to see the Election Guide.
Councils urged to have their say on draft Ministerial rates guidelines
The VLGA is urging local governments to have their say on the Victorian Government’s draft Ministerial Guidelines for Differential Rates. You can download the draft guidelines; read the discussion paper; register to attend a public forum and make a submission online. Consultation ends at 5pm on Thursday 28 February 2013.
The draft guidelines require local governments to define the type or classes of land in accordance with specified categories including: farm land; urban farm land; residential land; primary production; commercial land; community service land; sport, heritage and cultural land; industrial land; extractive industrial land; infrastructure and utilities land; vacant land and retirement villages. It appears that differential rates that address social issues and land use issues will be inconsistent with these guidelines. As noted in other eNews bulletins, the VLGA is using our member survey and roundtable discussions to inform our submission on behalf of members, and our scheduled briefing with the Department in early February.
Minister discusses leadership challenges at VLGA Essential Mayor’s Weekend
Members will be interested to read Minister for Local Government Jeanette Powell’s media release regarding her speech at the VLGA Essential Mayors’ Weekend on 17 January.
Is Constitutional Recognition still on the 2013 agenda?
On 16 January the VLGA gave evidence to the Inquiry into Constitutional Recognition of Local Government Public Hearing, supporting financial recognition of local governments in the Constitution and noting our view that there are a number of pre-conditions to ensuring a successful referendum. The Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Recognition of Local Government last week released a preliminary report recommending that a financial recognition referendum be held at the same time as the 2013 federal election. The ALGA has welcomed the recommendations of the preliminary report and has noted “the dissenting report offered by the Committee's Coalition members shares ALGA's concerns about the time available to complete the steps identified in the Expert Panel report to ensure the best chances of a winnable referendum.” To view updates on the Joint Select Committee review process and the outcomes for local government, visit the ALGA website or follow the ALGA on Twitter by searching @ALGAcomms.
Info for rural councils - cyclist safety study in Baw Baw
Monash University’s Marilyn Johnson recently undertook a study in partnership with Baw Baw Shire Council, investigating the safety concerns of cyclists and drivers when travelling on the roads in the Shire. The study has been reported in this article in The Conversation and provides useful information for other rural shires with growing bicycle use.
Rural reactions to changing land use
A study into the social and economic impacts of rural land use change on local communities by Melbourne University’s Kathryn Williams, and Canberra University’s Jacki Schirmer, highlights the complexity faced by land-use planners and policy makers who are faced with making decisions in this area. The study looked at increases in cropping, dairying, grazing and plantation forestry in south western Victoria and south eastern South Australia that took place between 1991 and 2006 and studied related shifts in population and employment levels. The authors’ conclusions will be of interest to local governments trying to understand and manage the impact of changes in rural land use while also addressing any concerns expressed by residents.
Events for your diary
VLGA Events – Places are Filling Fast – Register Now!
‘Putting Together Your First Council Plan’ – almost at capacity – only a few places left
Thursday 14 February, 5.30-9pm
60 Leicester St, Carlton
As the key strategic document, the Council Plan guides the direction of the local government into the future. Developing the four-year Council Plan is a crucial opportunity for councillors to set strategy and determine the priorities for the organisation. This training will focus on assisting all councillors to maximise their input into the new Plan, how to monitor and evaluate progress, and how to work with their colleagues and the administration to deliver an effective Council Plan that reflects issues and priorities. Hear from experienced councillors and officers, learn about successful approaches to working with colleagues and have the opportunity to draw on the experience of others to prepare for the Council Plan process. Download the registration form here.
‘Being Deputy Mayor’
Thursday 21 February, 5.30-9pm
60 Leicester St, Carlton
The VLGA is offering our popular development session for those serving as Deputy Mayor in 2013. There is no uniform role for Deputy Mayors, and this can be particularly challenging. The session will include time to explore your individual needs and circumstances and those of your local government.
‘The Council – CEO Relationship: Managing Performance’
Wednesday 20 March 5.30-9pm
60 Leicester St, Carlton
Following this very successful Masterclass at the VLGA’s Essential Mayors’ Weekend, we are opening this session up to councillors. Council’s role includes appointing and managing the CEO. This discussion workshop and panel will explore why performance management is important, why councillors have a role in providing quality feedback and how both parties can benefit from a strong process. Download the flyer and registration form here.
Other Events
Food and planning: a New York perspective
Tuesday 5 February, 2-3.30pm
Cancer Council of Victoria, 100 Drummond St Carlton
VicHealth and Heart Foundation (VIC) invite local government planners, food and nutrition, and public health professionals to a seminar with a leading practitioner on the Food Retail Expansion to Support Health (FRESH) tax and zoning incentive initiative in New York City. Local case studies on the built environment and the food system will follow. With many communities experiencing difficulties with access to healthier food choices including fruit and vegetables, the built environment’s role in influencing health and wellbeing as well as development of chronic disease has become more prominent. Spaces are strictly limited and RSVP is essential by Tuesday 29 January via email.
Tipping Point: Engagement beyond the fridge magnet
Metropolitan Waste Management Group conference
5-6 March 2013
MCG, Melbourne
Waste and litter management is currently at a tipping point of change. Social media, new technologies, population growth, urban expansion and the review of several key state and federal strategies and policies are pushing educators to develop new skills and explore new territory to engage and create valuable programs for their constituents. To see more, visit here and to register, go here.
Save the date – Australian Local Government Women’s Association (ALGWA) Vic State Conference 2013
24-26 May 2013
Strathbogie Shire
The ALGWA Vic branch State Conference will be held in the Shire of Strathbogie. Minister for Local Government, the Hon Jeanette Powell, will open the Conference. The full program is to be confirmed and further details will be available soon. For more information contact ALGWA Vic via their website.
2013 Local Government Research Forum – call for papers
6-7 June 2013
University of Adelaide
The Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government will host the 2013 Local Government Researchers Forum. This event builds on the very successful national Local Government Researchers Forum held at UTS in December 2011 and state-based forums held in Perth and Brisbane.
21 January 2013
VLGA President’s Message
I wish to extend our thoughts on behalf of all at the VLGA to Mayor Scott Rosetti, councillors and officers at the Shire of Wellington, as they experience the ongoing impact of the fire in the Glenmaggie district. One life has been lost and more than 20 homes destroyed along with large numbers of stock, farm buildings and fences. The fire is also impacting the Shire of Baw Baw, and has burned more than 59,000 hectares at time of writing. We will all be thinking of you this week. On a happier note, I enjoyed seeing so many mayors last week at the VLGA’s Essential Mayors’ Weekend at Fingal on the Mornington Peninsula. We benefited from the insights of Minister for Local Government Jeanette Powell and Shadow Minister Richard Wynne. There were also high-quality masterclasses on leading the rates debate, governing with the council team, surviving and thriving, and managing CEO relationships and performance. We understand that the guidelines for differential rates, as discussed by Minister Powell on Thursday night, will be released by her today. Also last week, the VLGA gave evidence to the Inquiry into Constitutional Recognition of Local Government Public Hearing. The Joint Select Committee on the Constitutional Recognition of Local Government is exploring the possible consequences of changing the Australian Constitution to provide for the financial recognition of local government, following the findings of an independent expert panel. The Committee sought evidence about, and views on, the proposed amendment to Section 96 of the Constitution. In our evidence, we made several key points:
* we support the majority finding of the Expert Panel including amending section 96 of the Constitution to ensure financial recognition of local governments
* there are several pre-conditions to ensuring a successful referendum, namely bi-partisan support; significant support from governments at all levels; and most importantly, a large scale public campaign communicating to Australians information about financial recognition and what it means for them as citizens, ratepayers, and service users. This is the crucial element to ensure the success of a referendum.
The VLGA will make our submission by the due date 15 February 2013. Don’t forget to register for our councillor development sessions coming up in February: ‘Putting Together Your First Council Plan’, designed for both new and experienced councillors, and ‘Being Deputy Mayor’ are both detailed below in the VLGA Events section. I trust you all enjoy the week ahead and have successful Australia Day festivities in your local communities.
Cr Samantha Dunn
Keeping you up to date
VLGA Board Elections
The VLGA Voters’ Roll closed on 18 December 2012, and nominations for Board positions for the February 2013-January 2015 term will open on 24 January 2013 at 9am. Visit our website to see the Election Guide.
New powers for planning Minister?
According to an article in today’s Age newspaper, Minister for Planning Matthew Guy will gain new powers to approve planning decisions deemed to be economically significant to Victoria. The VLGA will be keen to see more news from the Minister’s department on this matter and the implications for local governments and their communities. Late last year, the Government released Securing Victoria’s Economy – Planning, Building, Delivering to outline 70 key economic reforms. Planning reform and land development are included in the document and we encourage all VLGA members to look at the sections on local government and planning.
Tool to assist people affected by disasters
Many VLGA members wonder what ‘tips’ might be available when speaking with people who have been directly impacted or deeply moved by their experiences of natural and other disasters. A helpful booklet developed by the Australian Psychological Society Ltd and Australian Red Cross can be found here.
Differential rates
Further to the item in last week’s eNews, we understand the Ministerial guidelines are due for release today and will provide the focus for the consultation over January and February. Thanks to the many local governments for their rapid responses to our survey on this issue. Our December roundtable and the survey will help us formulate the recommendations we will put forward in the government’s consultative process.
Human Rights reporting for local government
The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC) is preparing its 2012 report on the operation of the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities. Each year the VEOHRC asks local governments to report on how they are complying with the Charter through an online survey. You can find a link to the survey and information on the VLGA website here. Reports from local governments are due by Friday 15 March 2013.
State of the Environment Foundation Paper 1 – Climate Change
Late last year the Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability Victoria released the first foundation paper in the State of the Environment Report 2013. Victoria: the science, our people and the state of play can be downloaded here.
New mental health toolkit for Casey youth
The VLGA congratulates the Casey Youth Suicide Steering Committee on the launch of their Suicide Awareness Youth Focused ToolKit (SAYFT). The toolkit draws on a wide and diverse range of materials available on the topic and was developed to support young people, parents and professionals to access current, accurate and useful information about youth mental health.
Regional Australian infrastructure shortfall highlighted
Catalysing Local Infrastructure Renewal was launched by the Regional Australia Institute (RAI) in December. The report calls for the establishment of a new national organisation to tackle the shortfall in infrastructure investment and boost the regions’ capacity to contribute to national economic growth. It recommends the establishment of Local Infrastructure Australia as the most effective way of overcoming the backlog in local government infrastructure investment now estimated at between $12 and $15.5 billion.
Events for your diary
VLGA Events
‘Putting Together Your First Council Plan’
Thursday 14 February, 5.30-9pm
60 Leicester St, Carlton
As the key strategic document, the Council Plan guides the direction of the local government into the future. Developing the four-year Council Plan is a crucial opportunity for councillors to set strategy and determine the priorities for the organisation. This training will focus on assisting all councillors to maximise their input into the new Plan, how to monitor and evaluate progress, and how to work with their colleagues and the administration to deliver an effective Council Plan that reflects issues and priorities. Hear from experienced councillors and officers, learn about successful approaches to working with colleagues and have the opportunity to draw on the experience of others to prepare for the Council Plan process. Download the registration form here.
‘Being Deputy Mayor’
Thursday 21 February, 5.30-9pm
60 Leicester St, Carlton
The VLGA is offering our popular development session for those serving as Deputy Mayor in 2013. There is no uniform role for Deputy Mayors, and this can be particularly challenging. The session will include time to explore your individual needs and circumstances and those of your local government.
Other Events
Reinventing Community Organisations for a New Century – National Conference
Monday 25 March
Angliss Conference Centre, cnr King and Latrobe Sts, Melbourne
This conference will explore the process of corporatisation in community organisations and not-for-profits, and examine alternative directions for community organisations in the coming century. Community leaders and participants, community organisations and not-for-profits, service practitioners, researchers, policy makers, government staff and social entrepreneurs are warmly invited to participate. Expressions of interest are invited in presenting papers, workshops, and activity and strategy proposals. Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted by 31 January 2013. Click here to register or click here to express an interest in presenting a paper or other contribution.
Save the date – ALGWA Vic State Conference 2013
24-26 May 2013
Strathbogie Shire
The ALGWA Vic branch State Conference will be held in the Shire of Strathbogie. Minister for Local Government, the Hon Jeanette Powell, will open the Conference. The full program is to be confirmed and further details will be available soon. For more information contact ALGWA Vic via their website.
2013 Local Government Research Forum – call for papers
6-7 June 2013
University of Adelaide
The Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government will host the 2013 Local Government Researchers Forum. This event builds on the very successful national Local Government Researchers Forum held at UTS in December 2011 and state-based forums held in Perth and Brisbane.
The Australian Men’s Shed 5th National Conference
27-29 October 2013
Ballarat Lodge and Convention Centre
This Conference aims to promote the spread of Men’s Sheds throughout the nation and showcase the Australian Men's Shed movement across the world. This year will focus on sharing knowledge and providing practical support through the conference theme, Men's Sheds: A Sustainable Future. It will highlight the success that Men's Sheds have achieved and look to future growth and development.
I wish to extend our thoughts on behalf of all at the VLGA to Mayor Scott Rosetti, councillors and officers at the Shire of Wellington, as they experience the ongoing impact of the fire in the Glenmaggie district. One life has been lost and more than 20 homes destroyed along with large numbers of stock, farm buildings and fences. The fire is also impacting the Shire of Baw Baw, and has burned more than 59,000 hectares at time of writing. We will all be thinking of you this week. On a happier note, I enjoyed seeing so many mayors last week at the VLGA’s Essential Mayors’ Weekend at Fingal on the Mornington Peninsula. We benefited from the insights of Minister for Local Government Jeanette Powell and Shadow Minister Richard Wynne. There were also high-quality masterclasses on leading the rates debate, governing with the council team, surviving and thriving, and managing CEO relationships and performance. We understand that the guidelines for differential rates, as discussed by Minister Powell on Thursday night, will be released by her today. Also last week, the VLGA gave evidence to the Inquiry into Constitutional Recognition of Local Government Public Hearing. The Joint Select Committee on the Constitutional Recognition of Local Government is exploring the possible consequences of changing the Australian Constitution to provide for the financial recognition of local government, following the findings of an independent expert panel. The Committee sought evidence about, and views on, the proposed amendment to Section 96 of the Constitution. In our evidence, we made several key points:
* we support the majority finding of the Expert Panel including amending section 96 of the Constitution to ensure financial recognition of local governments
* there are several pre-conditions to ensuring a successful referendum, namely bi-partisan support; significant support from governments at all levels; and most importantly, a large scale public campaign communicating to Australians information about financial recognition and what it means for them as citizens, ratepayers, and service users. This is the crucial element to ensure the success of a referendum.
The VLGA will make our submission by the due date 15 February 2013. Don’t forget to register for our councillor development sessions coming up in February: ‘Putting Together Your First Council Plan’, designed for both new and experienced councillors, and ‘Being Deputy Mayor’ are both detailed below in the VLGA Events section. I trust you all enjoy the week ahead and have successful Australia Day festivities in your local communities.
Cr Samantha Dunn
Keeping you up to date
VLGA Board Elections
The VLGA Voters’ Roll closed on 18 December 2012, and nominations for Board positions for the February 2013-January 2015 term will open on 24 January 2013 at 9am. Visit our website to see the Election Guide.
New powers for planning Minister?
According to an article in today’s Age newspaper, Minister for Planning Matthew Guy will gain new powers to approve planning decisions deemed to be economically significant to Victoria. The VLGA will be keen to see more news from the Minister’s department on this matter and the implications for local governments and their communities. Late last year, the Government released Securing Victoria’s Economy – Planning, Building, Delivering to outline 70 key economic reforms. Planning reform and land development are included in the document and we encourage all VLGA members to look at the sections on local government and planning.
Tool to assist people affected by disasters
Many VLGA members wonder what ‘tips’ might be available when speaking with people who have been directly impacted or deeply moved by their experiences of natural and other disasters. A helpful booklet developed by the Australian Psychological Society Ltd and Australian Red Cross can be found here.
Differential rates
Further to the item in last week’s eNews, we understand the Ministerial guidelines are due for release today and will provide the focus for the consultation over January and February. Thanks to the many local governments for their rapid responses to our survey on this issue. Our December roundtable and the survey will help us formulate the recommendations we will put forward in the government’s consultative process.
Human Rights reporting for local government
The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC) is preparing its 2012 report on the operation of the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities. Each year the VEOHRC asks local governments to report on how they are complying with the Charter through an online survey. You can find a link to the survey and information on the VLGA website here. Reports from local governments are due by Friday 15 March 2013.
State of the Environment Foundation Paper 1 – Climate Change
Late last year the Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability Victoria released the first foundation paper in the State of the Environment Report 2013. Victoria: the science, our people and the state of play can be downloaded here.
New mental health toolkit for Casey youth
The VLGA congratulates the Casey Youth Suicide Steering Committee on the launch of their Suicide Awareness Youth Focused ToolKit (SAYFT). The toolkit draws on a wide and diverse range of materials available on the topic and was developed to support young people, parents and professionals to access current, accurate and useful information about youth mental health.
Regional Australian infrastructure shortfall highlighted
Catalysing Local Infrastructure Renewal was launched by the Regional Australia Institute (RAI) in December. The report calls for the establishment of a new national organisation to tackle the shortfall in infrastructure investment and boost the regions’ capacity to contribute to national economic growth. It recommends the establishment of Local Infrastructure Australia as the most effective way of overcoming the backlog in local government infrastructure investment now estimated at between $12 and $15.5 billion.
Events for your diary
VLGA Events
‘Putting Together Your First Council Plan’
Thursday 14 February, 5.30-9pm
60 Leicester St, Carlton
As the key strategic document, the Council Plan guides the direction of the local government into the future. Developing the four-year Council Plan is a crucial opportunity for councillors to set strategy and determine the priorities for the organisation. This training will focus on assisting all councillors to maximise their input into the new Plan, how to monitor and evaluate progress, and how to work with their colleagues and the administration to deliver an effective Council Plan that reflects issues and priorities. Hear from experienced councillors and officers, learn about successful approaches to working with colleagues and have the opportunity to draw on the experience of others to prepare for the Council Plan process. Download the registration form here.
‘Being Deputy Mayor’
Thursday 21 February, 5.30-9pm
60 Leicester St, Carlton
The VLGA is offering our popular development session for those serving as Deputy Mayor in 2013. There is no uniform role for Deputy Mayors, and this can be particularly challenging. The session will include time to explore your individual needs and circumstances and those of your local government.
Other Events
Reinventing Community Organisations for a New Century – National Conference
Monday 25 March
Angliss Conference Centre, cnr King and Latrobe Sts, Melbourne
This conference will explore the process of corporatisation in community organisations and not-for-profits, and examine alternative directions for community organisations in the coming century. Community leaders and participants, community organisations and not-for-profits, service practitioners, researchers, policy makers, government staff and social entrepreneurs are warmly invited to participate. Expressions of interest are invited in presenting papers, workshops, and activity and strategy proposals. Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted by 31 January 2013. Click here to register or click here to express an interest in presenting a paper or other contribution.
Save the date – ALGWA Vic State Conference 2013
24-26 May 2013
Strathbogie Shire
The ALGWA Vic branch State Conference will be held in the Shire of Strathbogie. Minister for Local Government, the Hon Jeanette Powell, will open the Conference. The full program is to be confirmed and further details will be available soon. For more information contact ALGWA Vic via their website.
2013 Local Government Research Forum – call for papers
6-7 June 2013
University of Adelaide
The Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government will host the 2013 Local Government Researchers Forum. This event builds on the very successful national Local Government Researchers Forum held at UTS in December 2011 and state-based forums held in Perth and Brisbane.
The Australian Men’s Shed 5th National Conference
27-29 October 2013
Ballarat Lodge and Convention Centre
This Conference aims to promote the spread of Men’s Sheds throughout the nation and showcase the Australian Men's Shed movement across the world. This year will focus on sharing knowledge and providing practical support through the conference theme, Men's Sheds: A Sustainable Future. It will highlight the success that Men's Sheds have achieved and look to future growth and development.
14 January 2013
VLGA President’s Message
It’s just a short note from me this week, as I continue my break for the school holidays, but I did want to take a moment to reflect on the fire disasters in Tasmania, NSW, Victoria and other parts of the nation in the last week. Interstate service clubs, government employees and local governments were very generous and supportive to Victoria in our 2009 rebuilding, and the thoughts of everyone at the VLGA are with our local government colleagues as they deal with fire emergencies. We especially send our thoughts to councillors and officers in Glenelg, Pyrenees, Ballarat, and the north-western metropolitan area for the challenges they have endured this past week – I know some of you have been actively fighting fires as well. Reflecting on past January editions of eNews we have mentioned either fires or floods each year. However, it’s not just fires that place our communities at risk in summer. Prior to the break we ran this story in eNews, and I think it’s worth repeating here given the recent hot weather. The Victorian Department of Health has published a series of communication resources and tools for display and distribution, and a telephone script template to assist staff when speaking with community members during the heat. Local government HACC workers are an important source of information and support for community members most at risk of heat-related illness and stress. I look forward to seeing many of you at the VLGA’s Essential Mayors’ Weekend on the Mornington Peninsula later this week – we can possibly still take a late registration so contact Member Relations Officer Chelsea Ayling on 9349 7983 or via email if you would like to take this spot! There are details below on other training events coming up in February that will be of interest to you. Putting together your first Council Plan and Being Deputy Mayor are designed to add to your capacity and experience and give you access to other people’s perspectives. Happy New Year, have a great week everyone, and stay safe.
Cr Samantha Dunn
Keeping you up to date
VLGA Board Elections
The VLGA Voters’ Roll closed on 18 December 2012, and nominations for Board positions for the February 2013-January 2015 term will open on 24 January 2013 at 9am. Visit our website to see the Election Guide.
Differential rates survey
In December the VLGA hosted a roundtable discussion with member local governments to explore the sector’s concerns. We understand the Ministerial guidelines will be released in draft form this week, and will provide the focus for the consultation over January and February. We have followed up with a survey which has been sent to CEOs of all local governments. The roundtable and survey will help us formulate the recommendations we will put forward in the government’s consultative process on the use of differential rates.
IBAC established
The Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) has been established to promote integrity and accountability across the Victorian public sector, including local government. IBAC has commenced its role to prevent public sector corruption and to educate the public sector and community at large about corruption and its ill effects. IBAC will have functions and powers to expose and investigate serious corrupt conduct by public bodies or officers, and police personnel misconduct. The VLGA is working with IBAC to hold an event for councillors in the first half of 2013. Other information will be circulated throughout the local government sector in the interim to explain IBAC’s role, how to make a complaint, and the broader integrity system. If you would like to be kept informed of developments at IBAC, visit the IBAC website and register your name and preferred email address and you will be added to the IBAC contact database.
Tips for secretaries of Victorian incorporated associations
PILCH Connect has produced a terrific guide to the new Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Vic) which came into effect on 26 November last year. This web link takes you to the guide and a range of other valuable resources. This is especially useful for the VLGA’s community organisation members and for those of you on committees of management.
Local government Youth Inclusion Grants announced
On 4 January, Minister for Youth Affairs Ryan Smith announced that nine regional and rural local governments will each receive a $30,000 Local Government Youth Inclusion Grant to actively engage and involve young people in their local community. Congratulations to Bass Coast, Baw Baw, Benalla, Central Goldfields, Glenelg, Horsham, Moorabool, Swan Hill and Wodonga on their successful applications.
Round One recipients announced for LIEEP
The Australian Government has announced funding of $39.8 million to Round One recipients of the $100 million Low Income Energy Efficiency Program (LIEEP). The funding will be used to trial ways of helping low income households to become energy smart. Up to 25,000 low income households are expected to benefit. The LIEEP is also designed to create new local job opportunities.
Tips for facilitating bike use for liveable cities
Many VLGA members are interested in international experiences in creating opportunities for increased bike use in their municipalities. This TED Talk Bicycle Culture by Design from Mikael Colville-Andersen at TEDxZurich is definitely worth watching.
Events for your diary
VLGA Events
‘Putting Together Your First Council Plan’
Thursday 14 February, 5.30-9pm
60 Leicester St, Carlton
As the key strategic document, the Council Plan guides the direction of the local government into the future. Developing the four-year Council Plan is a crucial opportunity for councillors to set strategy and determine the priorities for the organisation. This training will focus on assisting councillors to maximise their input into the new Plan, how to monitor and evaluate progress, and how to work with their colleagues and the administration to deliver an effective Council Plan that reflects issues and priorities. Hear from experienced councillors and officers, learn about successful approaches to working with colleagues and have the opportunity to draw on the experience of others to prepare for the Council Plan process. To register, download the registration form here.
‘Being Deputy Mayor’
Thursday 21 February, 5.30-9pm
60 Leicester St, Carlton
The VLGA is offering our popular development session for those serving as Deputy Mayor in 2013. There is no uniform role for Deputy Mayors, and this can be particularly challenging. The session will include time to explore your individual needs and circumstances and those of your local government.
Other Events
2013 Local Government Research Forum – call for papers
6 - 7 June 2013
University of Adelaide
The Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government will host the 2013 Local Government Researchers Forum. This event builds on the very successful national Local Government Researchers Forum held at UTS in December 2011 and state-based forums held in Perth and Brisbane.
The Australian Men’s Shed 5th National Conference
27-29 October 2013
Ballarat Lodge and Convention Centre
This Conference aims to promote the spread of Men’s Sheds throughout the nation and showcase the Australian Men's Shed movement across the world. This year will focus on sharing knowledge and providing practical support through the conference theme, Men's Sheds: A Sustainable Future. It will highlight the success that Men's Sheds have achieved and look to future growth and development.
It’s just a short note from me this week, as I continue my break for the school holidays, but I did want to take a moment to reflect on the fire disasters in Tasmania, NSW, Victoria and other parts of the nation in the last week. Interstate service clubs, government employees and local governments were very generous and supportive to Victoria in our 2009 rebuilding, and the thoughts of everyone at the VLGA are with our local government colleagues as they deal with fire emergencies. We especially send our thoughts to councillors and officers in Glenelg, Pyrenees, Ballarat, and the north-western metropolitan area for the challenges they have endured this past week – I know some of you have been actively fighting fires as well. Reflecting on past January editions of eNews we have mentioned either fires or floods each year. However, it’s not just fires that place our communities at risk in summer. Prior to the break we ran this story in eNews, and I think it’s worth repeating here given the recent hot weather. The Victorian Department of Health has published a series of communication resources and tools for display and distribution, and a telephone script template to assist staff when speaking with community members during the heat. Local government HACC workers are an important source of information and support for community members most at risk of heat-related illness and stress. I look forward to seeing many of you at the VLGA’s Essential Mayors’ Weekend on the Mornington Peninsula later this week – we can possibly still take a late registration so contact Member Relations Officer Chelsea Ayling on 9349 7983 or via email if you would like to take this spot! There are details below on other training events coming up in February that will be of interest to you. Putting together your first Council Plan and Being Deputy Mayor are designed to add to your capacity and experience and give you access to other people’s perspectives. Happy New Year, have a great week everyone, and stay safe.
Cr Samantha Dunn
Keeping you up to date
VLGA Board Elections
The VLGA Voters’ Roll closed on 18 December 2012, and nominations for Board positions for the February 2013-January 2015 term will open on 24 January 2013 at 9am. Visit our website to see the Election Guide.
Differential rates survey
In December the VLGA hosted a roundtable discussion with member local governments to explore the sector’s concerns. We understand the Ministerial guidelines will be released in draft form this week, and will provide the focus for the consultation over January and February. We have followed up with a survey which has been sent to CEOs of all local governments. The roundtable and survey will help us formulate the recommendations we will put forward in the government’s consultative process on the use of differential rates.
IBAC established
The Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) has been established to promote integrity and accountability across the Victorian public sector, including local government. IBAC has commenced its role to prevent public sector corruption and to educate the public sector and community at large about corruption and its ill effects. IBAC will have functions and powers to expose and investigate serious corrupt conduct by public bodies or officers, and police personnel misconduct. The VLGA is working with IBAC to hold an event for councillors in the first half of 2013. Other information will be circulated throughout the local government sector in the interim to explain IBAC’s role, how to make a complaint, and the broader integrity system. If you would like to be kept informed of developments at IBAC, visit the IBAC website and register your name and preferred email address and you will be added to the IBAC contact database.
Tips for secretaries of Victorian incorporated associations
PILCH Connect has produced a terrific guide to the new Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Vic) which came into effect on 26 November last year. This web link takes you to the guide and a range of other valuable resources. This is especially useful for the VLGA’s community organisation members and for those of you on committees of management.
Local government Youth Inclusion Grants announced
On 4 January, Minister for Youth Affairs Ryan Smith announced that nine regional and rural local governments will each receive a $30,000 Local Government Youth Inclusion Grant to actively engage and involve young people in their local community. Congratulations to Bass Coast, Baw Baw, Benalla, Central Goldfields, Glenelg, Horsham, Moorabool, Swan Hill and Wodonga on their successful applications.
Round One recipients announced for LIEEP
The Australian Government has announced funding of $39.8 million to Round One recipients of the $100 million Low Income Energy Efficiency Program (LIEEP). The funding will be used to trial ways of helping low income households to become energy smart. Up to 25,000 low income households are expected to benefit. The LIEEP is also designed to create new local job opportunities.
Tips for facilitating bike use for liveable cities
Many VLGA members are interested in international experiences in creating opportunities for increased bike use in their municipalities. This TED Talk Bicycle Culture by Design from Mikael Colville-Andersen at TEDxZurich is definitely worth watching.
Events for your diary
VLGA Events
‘Putting Together Your First Council Plan’
Thursday 14 February, 5.30-9pm
60 Leicester St, Carlton
As the key strategic document, the Council Plan guides the direction of the local government into the future. Developing the four-year Council Plan is a crucial opportunity for councillors to set strategy and determine the priorities for the organisation. This training will focus on assisting councillors to maximise their input into the new Plan, how to monitor and evaluate progress, and how to work with their colleagues and the administration to deliver an effective Council Plan that reflects issues and priorities. Hear from experienced councillors and officers, learn about successful approaches to working with colleagues and have the opportunity to draw on the experience of others to prepare for the Council Plan process. To register, download the registration form here.
‘Being Deputy Mayor’
Thursday 21 February, 5.30-9pm
60 Leicester St, Carlton
The VLGA is offering our popular development session for those serving as Deputy Mayor in 2013. There is no uniform role for Deputy Mayors, and this can be particularly challenging. The session will include time to explore your individual needs and circumstances and those of your local government.
Other Events
2013 Local Government Research Forum – call for papers
6 - 7 June 2013
University of Adelaide
The Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government will host the 2013 Local Government Researchers Forum. This event builds on the very successful national Local Government Researchers Forum held at UTS in December 2011 and state-based forums held in Perth and Brisbane.
The Australian Men’s Shed 5th National Conference
27-29 October 2013
Ballarat Lodge and Convention Centre
This Conference aims to promote the spread of Men’s Sheds throughout the nation and showcase the Australian Men's Shed movement across the world. This year will focus on sharing knowledge and providing practical support through the conference theme, Men's Sheds: A Sustainable Future. It will highlight the success that Men's Sheds have achieved and look to future growth and development.
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