30 January 2009

It is with mixed emotions that I pen my last report as President of the VLGA. Yesterday we held our last meeting of the current Board and we end our term with a collective feeling of pride and sadness; pride at the place the VLGA has achieved on the local government scene in Victoria, Australia and internationally; and sadness that this part of our personal journey is drawing to a close. We reflected on the evolution of the VLGA from an idea through to a mature, highly regarded organisation that is considered an essential part of our Local Government landscape.

The continuing growth and development of the organisation has seen many changes, yet the constant has been a commitment to the Vision, Mission and Values of the organisation; always the focus on strengthening democracy as a foundation for strong healthy communities.

Strengthening democracy means supporting Councillors. For example, we unashamedly picked up the baton for increased Councillor Remuneration and support when others were wary of the challenge; we won support from the State for Councillors learning and development programs, recognising that no one comes to this role fully prepared. We have established the Local Government
Leadership and Learning Centre, so that real experience and practical knowledge can be shared and that for the first time ever in Australia our learning can be accredited and carried forward into the other parts of our life.

Strengthening democracy means supporting real and ongoing dialogue between Councillors and their citizens, so that local government is a part of the community not apart from the community. VLGA vast experience in this area has resulted in changes in the Local Government Act entrenching this practice, it sees Councillors and community continually supported in finding new and real ways to talk and work together (eg. the “Let’s Talk” booklet), and has also lead to our involvement in governance and community activities in both Timor Leste and the Philippines. As always, global issues play out at the local level, and people look to Local Governments for leadership, security and a sense of connection. The impacts of the world economic situation will be very real for local communities and will call on the skill, capacity and leadership of Local Governments in unprecedented ways.

The VLGA’s unique role and our ‘value-add’ is now well acknowledged, as is our very real commitment to collaboration and cooperation. We have a track record of not being afraid to tackle the hard issues, we have built strong relationships with all political parties so that a fair and balanced approach to issues can be canvassed in frank and respectful ways. It is not only WHAT we do that attracts people, but HOW we do it. This is the hallmark of the VLGA.

We have a small yet strong organisation, financially stable, a passionate and committed staff team who are a joy to work with. I am very proud of the work the VLGA does in ‘Strengthening Democracy, Connecting Communities’ and have felt privileged to be part of its journey; nurturing the foundation that was built by those who went before and strengthening the legacy for those who come after.
The strong field of candidates contending the Board election is an indicator of the strength and attraction of our values driven organisation. I urge all members to vote in the election and to cast your votes wisely so that the VLGA mission can be realised.

Thanks for your friendship, your support and your shared commitment to local democracy.

Warm Regards

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