Friday, 15 May 2009

Ombudsman’s Report

It has been a difficult week for local government in Victoria.  A new level of scrutiny of Councillors seems the outcome of the Ombudsman’s Reports last week.  We know there are a variety of views in the sector about the rules that should apply to Councillors. It is worth making the following points:

·    The alleged wrong-doing of a few should not tarnish the reputation of the hundreds of hard working councillors who conduct themselves with propriety and integrity

·    A hurried legislative response, without consultation with the sector, is unlikely to address root causes or provide long-term solutions for ensuring good governance, and

·    Resources are required for Local Government Victoria to ensure adequate training and support for Councillors and officers and capacity to respond to complaints regarding improper conduct.

We will continue to urge the Minister and his colleagues to consult with the local government sector prior to any legislative amendments that affect Councillors and their communities.

Current Campaigns - Conflicts of Interest

As you would be aware, the VLGA has been actively representing the sector’s concerns with the new Conflict of Interest provisions in the Local Government Act.  We have undertaken an on-line survey, conducted a Leading Edge Forum (LEF) and last week met with Local Government Victoria.

As a result, we have emailed PA’s to Councillors and CEOs with an update as well as a VLGA Good Governance Grab on getting help with conflict of interest.

I’d love to hear some views from our community members, as this issue has implications for how our local democracies function, and therefore the health of participation in local communities.

Copies of both of these documents are available on the left hand side of our website’s front page under Current Campaigns –

Members’ Planning Day

We need to hear from you by this coming Monday if you are planning to attend the VLGA Members’ Day on Saturday 23 May at the Box Hill Town Hall

The day is free for members and is an opportunity for new and experienced Councillors to meet with colleagues, share ideas and feel inspired about connecting and working with your communities. 

Christine Nixon will share her fascinating insights into local communities following her three months of work with the Bushfire recovery team.  Don’t miss this (free!) opportunity for meeting, sharing and learning.

VLGA Delegates

Are you the VLGA delegate for your Council?  If so, you will soon receive an update on VLGA activities, events and information about your role.  The VLGA thrives on the input of its members and we encourage all Council delegates, as well as individual members, to make the most of our willingness to hear from you, offer advice, pool your ideas and advocate on your behalf.

VicHealth Food Security Grant

Is the lack of access to locally provided food a major contributor to climate change and social disadvantage?

Well, as part of our groundbreaking projects and collaborations, the VLGA is delighted that our long-time supporter and project partner Trevor Budge has been successful in securing funding for a project that will look at the economic impacts of local food supplies.

To date, the weakest area of knowledge in this whole topic of localised food supplies is the economic significance and role of localised food supplies in all its dimensions. The economic importance of food is not widely known and documented at the local, regional or even wider level.

This new project will fit well with our own Food Security Research Project which was also commissioned by VicHealth to look at the land use implications of food security. Watch this space for more news.

Planning & Environment Act Review

We appreciate copies of many submissions being sent to us. We have submitted our response which can be found on the left hand side of our website’s front page under Current Campaigns –

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