To those of you who lost loved ones, homes, beautiful environments on Saturday 7 February 2009, the VLGA Board and staff convey our thoughts and deepest sympathy as you recall the events of 12 months ago.
In 'Your Opinions' this week, Mayor Ken King, Nillumbik, writes about his community’s recovery.
Your Opinions: Reflections on Black Saturday - Nillumbik
Thursday 4 February 2010 and the rain falls steadily on the iron roof, the paddocks are green, the dams full. December saw the hay cutters busy, their metronome clunking as the bales are ejected, the vineyards and orchards are netted against bird attack. So, so different to early February 2009. This welcome appearance of normality is a thin veil for the sadness that remains in our community.
Twenty-two percent of Nillumbik burned, 41 lives lost and 135 homes destroyed or damaged and many other outbuildings destroyed across the areas of Strathewen, St Andrews, Arthurs Creek and Christmas Hills. Families and communities ravaged, fauna and flora obliterated, February 7 2009 has changed Nillumbik forever.
Read Mayor Ken King’s full piece on the VLGA website.
Councils working for community safety
When Mayor Peter Beales spoke at the VLGA Essential Mayors’ Weekend 2010, he spoke passionately of the difficulties faced by Murrindindi Shire during 2009. He also spoke of the extraordinary commitment of councillors to their communities and the ongoing and extensive efforts of council staff to deliver services to the fire ravaged community.
The discussion that followed outlined key issues for councils and communities as we strive to improve our disaster preparedness:
* Local governments are underestimated in their capacity to deliver services for their community and respond to crisis situations
* New responsibilities passed to local governments such as responding to heatwaves and providing places of last resort require adequate funding – current rate and grant funding streams cannot absorb new responsibilities
* Co-ordination with emergency services is required at the policy level involving councillors as well as at the operational level for urban, rural and peri-urban/interface councils
These key issues require ongoing advocacy.
We are pleased to report that the Accident Compensation Bill was passed by the Lower House last week with the support of both the Government and the Opposition. The Bill removes the exclusion of councillors from the WorkCover scheme. Implementation is delayed under the Bill until July 2010 to allow for the necessary guidelines to be developed.
See Hansard. You can also access the Accident Compensation Amendment Bill 2009 here
ASU Campaign
The Australian Services Union is undertaking a campaign against the Local Government Investigations and Compliance Inspectorate (set up under s.223 Local Government Act). The LGI can investigate ‘any person’ including council workers, family, friends or the general community. Inspectors are directly appointed by the Minister and are not subject to the Public Administration Act. A person must not refuse a requirement of an inspector (maximum penalty 2 years imprisonment).
Do we require the LGI with such unfettered powers? Can other existing mechanisms of regulation (Code of Conduct Panel, Ombudsman, Conflict of Interest laws, investigations by LGV), when properly enforced, ensure good governance? Forward your thoughts about this to me at
Planning and Environment Act Review
Submissions on the Draft Bill are due this Friday 12 February. The VLGA Submission will be available for viewing early this week. If councils have not had their Ordinary Council meetings prior to 12 February, arrangements can be made with DPCD to make submissions by 26 February.
Social Housing
At the Essential Mayors’ weekend, Minister Wynne was quizzed on the justification for social housing projects circumventing council consultation processes. We collected the thoughts of Mayors present at the weekend and have summarised the main concerns (a copy of the summary is available on our website).
The VLGA Affordable Housing Working Group will continue to refine our advocacy position and strategy on this issue. The VLGA has been invited to present to the Family and Community Development Committee Inquiry into Public Housing on 17 February.
Conflict of Interest Review
Feedback on the VLGA Conflict of Interest Review submission – due Friday 12 February. You can access the VLGA Draft Submission via our website
The submission includes a comparison of Conflict of Interest laws across all Australian states and an analysis of how other states deal with common problems.
Essential Services Commission Inquiry
Many councillors, council staff and community members learnt more about the Inquiry into Performance Monitoring of Local Governments at the VLGA’s Leading Edge Forum last week. Any queries or comments on this issue can be directed to or Andrew Chow at the Essential Services Commission at Help to ensure that any framework that is introduced is fair, useful and effective in driving improvement in areas valuable to communities.
VLGA Training Needs Assessment Survey
VLGA Training would appreciate if you would participate in a short confidential online Training Needs Assessment Survey designed for councillors, council staff and community members.
Your participation in this online survey will assist VLGA Training to continue to provide responsive learning and development options that help to build our capacity to work together for the benefit of our local communities.
The online survey should take you around 10 minutes from start to finish, and can be accessed here
As a special thankyou for completing this survey we offer you the opportunity to go into the draw for 2 nights accommodation at the Hotel Windsor in Melbourne. This survey closes on Wednesday 17 February.
Please contact VLGA Training on 1300 797 713 or if you require any further information.
Working group meeting times
Women’s Policy Working Group: Thursday 11 February, 12.30-2pm at the VLGA
Local Government Working Group on Gambling: Wednesday 17 Feb, 9-11am at the VLGA
Timor-Leste Working Group: Thursday 11 February, 5-7pm at the VLGA
Launch the Transition Decade
Sunday 14 February, 12pm
Melbourne Town Hall
Speakers include: Professor David de Kretser, A.C, The Governor of Victoria; Professor Rob Adams AM, Director Design & Urban Environment, City of Melbourne; Senator Christine Milne,
Deputy Leader of the Australian Greens; Uncle Bob Randall, Yankunytjatjara Elder and Traditional Owner of Uluru.
"This could be the most important climate action event of the year" David Spratt is co-author of Climate Code Red
Sustainable Living Festival
6-21 February
The Sustainable Living Festival has expanded its program with a range of new local events. Visit local sustainability events in your town, suburb or street, or join in the Festival’s Main Event at Federation Square, Melbourne. Find full program details here
Timor-Leste Forum - 'Preparing for Municipal Government in Timor-Leste'
Tuesday 16 February, 5.00-8.30pm
VLGA rear meeting rooms, 60 Leicester St, Carlton
The VLGA's Timor-Leste Working Group is hosting a forum on Tuesday 16 February, Preparing for Municipal Government in Timor-Leste. This forum is of particular interest to our local government members and our friendship groups. Speakers from the Victorian Government, the MAV and the VLGA will contribute to the discussion about the transition to local government and how our local governments and friendship groups can assist. It is also intended to have a telephone hook up with a senior Timor-Leste Government representative to provide an update on progress towards decentralisation.
Please RSVP to or phone (03) 9349 7999.
For those unable to attend in person the VLGA has created a UStream Show for the forum. You can access UStream here or here.
All you need to do is follow the links above and it will allow you to watch and chat (contribute) via UStream. There is also a Facebook event page containing all the necessary information and sent to all Facebook friends.
Transport for Sustainable Cities
Thursday 18 February, 3-4.30pm
BMW Edge, Federation Square
Professor Ross Garnaut and Greg Hunt MP, Shadow Minister for Climate Action, Environment and Water present their visions for sustainable transport. Hosted by Metropolitan Transport Forum, commentary by Kelvin Thomson MP, Federal member for Wills.
Event free, no RSVP required. See the Thinking Transport website for details.
Liveable and Just Toolkit Launch
In response to the outcomes and recommendations of climate change workshops conducted across Victoria, the Liveable & Just Toolkit has been developed to assist councils to integrate social and equity issues into efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
Melbourne launch
Tuesday 2 March, 9.30am-12noon
VLGA rear meeting rooms, 60 Leicester Street, Carlton 3053
Register here
Regional launch
Tuesday 9 March, 10.30am-1pm
Mansfield Shire Council, 33 Highett Street, Mansfield 3722
Register here
Sally Isaac International Women’s Day breakfast
Wednesday 10 March
Reading Room, Fitzroy Library
The City of Yarra will host an International Women’s Day breakfast in Fitzroy Library’s Reading Room on Wednesday 10 March. The event celebrates Sally’s memory and her legacy. It marks the enormous contribution that many women make to public life and their community. The event will also raise funds for the Sally Isaac Memorial Scholarship Fund, established by family and friends of Sally, to create educational opportunities for young women who make a significant contribution to a range of disciplines. See our website for more details.
Cr Rose Iser
VLGA President
0414 959 427
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