Now that most of us are well into our second cycle of council meetings, many of us are probably reflecting on our workloads, and some of the issues that take up most of our time. Clearly land-use planning is still of concern to many of us and our communities. And I note that new Minister Matthew Guy was quoted in The Sunday Age as saying he was concerned that councils were being bypassed, and that residents needed a clear understanding about how their neighbourhoods would change – both issues the VLGA campaigned on in the lead-up to the State Election. Last Thursday we held the first of a series of Special Members Forums to hear what members think we should be doing to ensure that the Baillieu-Ryan Government delivers on their commitments to genuinely involve local governments and communities in land-use planning decisions affecting you. It was wonderful to see a cross-section of CEOs, directors and managers as well as mayors and councillors, and the discussions made for a fascinating afternoon. It was also good to hear from Essential Media Communications’ David Imber, who provided a briefing on the focus groups we conducted with communities across the state in the lead-up to the last State Election. Two clear messages came from this first forum, including that our communities often do not know ‘who is who in the zoo’ or what they can do to be genuinely involved in decisions affecting them. The actions identified will guide the VLGA in working with our members to see what we can do as a sector, rather than waiting for the Baillieu-Ryan Government to provide all the answers. I’d love to hear your views on this topic, so feel free to call me on 0407 364 509 or drop me an email. Watch this space for future forums and action plans: there’s plenty going on. I look forward to seeing you around the traps. Cheers.
Cr Samantha Dunn, President
Keeping you up to date
VLGA six monthly members report
We have emailed and mailed our six monthly members report to all members with highlights of our activities. The VLGA produces these reports so that members are aware of the major activities of the VLGA over the past half year and to invite members to provide feedback. You can read a copy of the report via our website, and to provide feedback contact Ron Exiner, Director Governance, via email or (03) 9349 7999, or you can contact Sarah Colgan, our Member Resources Officer, via email or (03) 9349 7983.
Revised Conflict of Interest Guide for councillors
Last week we wrote to mayors, CEOs and councillors about this important issue. Given the VLGA's strong advocacy on this issue, it is important to say that we believe the revised guide is overall, an improved version, and we appreciate the fact that it is a shorter document. We are particularly pleased to see that the advice we gave to the sector in May 2009 in one of our Good Governance Grabs, that councillors can seek advice from their CEO or other experienced officers, has been confirmed in the revised Guide. If you have any specific comments, contact Barbara Bennett via email or phone (03) 9349 7901. We would also be happy to take your verbal feedback which you can provide by calling our policy and governance staff on (03) 9349 7999. If you have not yet seen the revised guide draft, you can download it from our website. Once the revised guide has been finalised, the VLGA will continue to lobby for additional support such as training and case studies to be provided to councillors to help you balance your roles and duty to participate.
Regional Scholarship Funding for the Melbourne Colloquium
The VLGA encourages rural and regional front-line and mid-level managers to apply for an $8,000 subsidised scholarship for the Australian Applied Management Colloquium. The successful rural and regional scholarship application will award the recipient with an $8,000 subsidy to assist with their participation in the Colloquium. A successful organisational scholarship application will award an organisation with several scholarship places. The Australian Applied Management Colloquium, under the guidance of the National Advisory Board, is a six-month management training program which focuses on the interpersonal and inter-behavioural concepts of management theory. Apply for regional scholarship funding, read the Colloquium prospectus, or for more information contact Nick Williams at Australian Applied Management via email or phone 1300 138 037.
2011 World Environment Day Awards
If your local government or community organisation has a project worthy of acknowledgement, the World Environment Day Awards are held annually in support of UN World Environment Day on 5 June. Nominations are now open nationally and close on Friday 6 May. Businesses, local governments, community organisations, individuals, schools and the media are invited to nominate in a number of Award categories. For more information on the awards, go here. This National Awards Program recognises those from all Australian sectors who display innovation and dedication in their work to protect, manage or restore the environment. In recent years, the World Environment Day Awards have showcased some of the most important and exciting environmental projects in Australia. The Awards program encourages environmental leadership and promotes awareness of environmental issues on a global scale. The Association is pleased to announce a new award this year, the Peter Szental Award for Sustainability Entrepreneurship. This Award recognises businesses that have been outstanding in commercialising new sustainability solutions, demonstrating new business models and influencing mainstream thinking. Winners will be announced at an Awards Presentation Dinner on Friday 3 June. For entry forms and further details go here.
Events for your diary
VLGA Events
“Beyond being Mayor”
Wednesday 6 April, 6-8.30pm (incl. light meal)
VLGA, Carlton
The VLGA is pleased to be offering a new development session, aimed at those whose year or more as Mayor concluded late in 2010. If you are a relatively recent ex-Mayor, Beyond Being Mayor will support you in the transition to ordinary councillor status, whether you chose to step down or not. The intention, in fact, is to provide a forum for any former Mayor to share experiences, whether it has been an easy transition or a challenging one, or a bit of both. By including a mix of mayors with different experiences, it is expected that attendees will learn from and support each other. Please join us if you are able to. The session will include a panel discussion with those who have preceded you on the same path, as well as time to reflect on your own needs and new opportunities, in an atmosphere of peer support. For a registration form, click here, and for further information contact Philip Schier via email.
VLGA April Leading Edge Forum
Community consultation: improving outcomes by listening to stakeholders
Thursday 7 April, 6-9.00pm
VLGA, Carlton
This LEF will feature a number of speakers from academia, local government and other organisations with experience in community involvement in planning who will provide insights into the value of consultation, optimal methods of engagement, and some best practice case studies. Topics and speakers include:
* The governance perspective: where does community consultation fit?
Kimbra White, President, IAP2 Australasia
* Consultation within land-use planning
Ruth Davies, Chapter Chairperson, PIA
* Academic perspectives and research of consultation
Dr Crystal Legacy, Coordinator, ‘Cities: From Local to Global’, University of Melbourne, and
* Community engagement in decision making: the St Kilda Festival Review
Cr Frank O’Connor, City of Port Phillip
Download the flyer and register online here, or call the VLGA office on (03) 9349 7999.
Other events
2nd National Affordable Housing Exchange
Thursday 14 April 2011, Sydney
In 2010 CHFA (Community Housing Federation of Australia) hosted the inaugural National Affordable Housing Exchange. In 2011 CHFA will proudly host the 2nd National Affordable Housing Exchange to be held at the Australian Technology Park in Sydney. The CHFA National Affordable Housing Exchange aims to respond to the current policy and funding backdrop by providing delegates with an opportunity to network with housing professionals, gain news skills and directly meet potential partners and suppliers from industry, government, and the community sector.
The exchange consists primarily of three components:
1. A series of ‘master class’ style workshops on relevant areas of interest to increase participants’ knowledge and expertise in a particular area. In particular the Exchange will examine the impact on the sector post stimulus and what opportunities exist for leveraging private investment.
2. Plenary sessions featuring presentations by prominent members of the housing industry on relevant housing issues; and
3. An expo/marketplace featuring housing-related businesses, suppliers, and industry represent-atives working in the affordable housing space.
For further information on the 2011 National Affordable Housing Exchange please visit the event website.