21 March 2011

VLGA President’s Message
Since becoming President a month ago, it has been a delight to visit and speak with councillors, staff and community members to hear what issues are concerning you. We would like to thank Hobsons Bay and Melton for their hospitality and insights gained during our Annual Tour visits last week. As a responsive and agile peak body, we pride ourselves on gathering intelligence from our members and the sector more widely, and using the feedback we get to inform the research, advocacy and leadership positions we take. Two imminent events will reinforce our responsiveness, and I encourage you to participate and to influence our agenda. The first event is a Special Members Forum this coming Thursday where we will hear what actions our members think we should take to ensure that the Baillieu-Ryan Government deliver on their commitments to more genuinely involve local governments and communities in land-use planning decisions affecting you. I have no doubt that the feedback we get will inform our meeting with Planning Minister Matthew Guy in a week’s time. If you need more information or to RSVP call us on (03) 9349 7999. The second event is our April Leading Edge Forum on Thursday 7 April from 6pm, Community consultation: improving outcomes by listening to stakeholders. Come along and network with members and friends. We are delighted to host a number of speakers from academia, local government and other organisations with experience in community involvement in planning who will provide insights into the value of consultation, optimal methods of engagement, and some best practice case studies. For more information and to register go here or call us on (03) 9349 7999.

Another rewarding part of being your President is that I get the opportunity to see even more wonderful community contributions and to join the celebrations of such wonderful community spirit. Last week our CEO Maree McPherson and I attended an induction ceremony for 20 new recipients at the National Gallery of Victoria as a part of International Women’s Day activities. The Minister for Women's Affairs, Mary Wooldridge, congratulated the inductees who came from right across Victoria, noting “the Victorian Honour Roll of Women is so important as it acknowledges and celebrates the achievements of inspirational women in Victoria and ensures that the legacy of these women is recorded and passed on to future generations.” Many of the inductees are known to, or have worked with the VLGA over the years, in particular human rights and equal opportunity champion Dr Diane Sisely. We congratulate all the inductees whose amazing stories can be found here.

I look forward to seeing you around the traps. Cheers.
Cr Samantha Dunn, President

Keeping you up to date

The Melbourne Awards – funny, fashionable, and calling for nominations
What makes Melbourne such a great place to live, work and visit? Some would say it’s our fascination with sport, others would note our eclectic architecture, or fabulous fashion. Perhaps it’s due to Melbourne’s love of a good cultural festival. For the past eight years, the Melbourne Awards have been recognising groups and individuals for their contribution in making Melbourne a thriving city and an exciting place to live. The prestigious Awards program is again open for nominations in 2010. Past winners include the Melbourne International Comedy Festival, The Melbourne Cricket Club, the L’Oreal Melbourne Fashion Festival, and Australian of the Year, Professor Patrick McGorry. Nominations are open until Friday 14 May 2010. The Awards will culminate at a ceremony on Saturday 28 August at Melbourne Town Hall, where all award winners will be recognised before Melbourne Day.
See nomination and entry information, or for further information, contact Danielle Buller on (03) 8643 1626 or via email.

Another member consults community on smoke-free policies in public areas
In past editions of this eNews, as well as a Leading Edge Forum late last year (view the webcast) we’ve been providing members with updates on who is doing what in this policy area. Following the lead of Monash, Frankston, Surf Coast and others, Yarra City Council has voted to begin consulting their community about whether to pass a new local law to ban smoking in some public areas. Mayor Alison Clarke says the consultation will include newsletters and online questionnaires, and that she is keen to see smoking banned in playgrounds, but says other areas could be affected as well. It’s not always easy to stay ahead of the public debates on health issues, but there are some wonderful resources developed by Quit Victoria and the Heart Foundation specifically for local governments. The resources will help you decide if and how you want to respond to this issue to suit your local needs.

Win even more grants – advanced grant writing seminars by Our Community
The VLGA recommends a number of training programs provided by Our Community including this advanced grant writing seminar to be held this coming Friday. As this is an advanced grants session participants must have either completed a prior grant training session or be actively involved in grant writing for their organisation. The seminar will assume a sound grant writing capacity. For more information and to register go here.

Healthy Communities Initiative and the Life! program
Through the National Partnership Agreement on Preventive Health, the Australian Government is providing $71.8 million over four years from 2009-10 to support Local Government Areas (LGAs) in delivering effective community-based physical activity and healthy eating programs, as well as developing a range of local policies that support healthy lifestyle behaviours. One of the eleven initiatives as part of the Prevention NP is the Healthy Communities Initiative which includes the Life! program. Keep an eye out for funding to be available from later this year to LGAs to increase the number of adults engaged in physical activity and healthy eating programs (predominantly those not in the paid workforce).

Events for your diary

VLGA Events

Human Rights Workshops in South-West Victoria
Tuesday 29 March
Portland – 9.30am-12pm
Hamilton – 2.30pm-5pm
Human Rights are for everyone, but are there barriers or impediments to being involved for people in rural and regional areas?
How can regional and rural communities in Victoria best influence policy on Human Rights?
How can local communities be engaged on Human Rights issues?

The VLGA and the Australian Centre for Human Rights education at RMIT are conducting two more workshops in the south-west region to discuss these questions and related issues.
If you are a local councillor or officer, a member of a local organisation or an interested and concerned citizen, this workshop will be of interest to you.

See the workshop flyer for more information. To indicate your attendance please contact Gary Jungwirth via email or phone the VLGA on 03 9349 7999.

VLGA Training

New Councillor Induction Session
Saturday 26 March, 9.30am-2pm
VLGA, Carlton
The VLGA is offering an induction session for new councillors. The primary focus is on councillors who have been or will be elected to the vacancies created by former councillors being elected to State parliament last November, however all councillors elected since the last local government election are welcome.

Session topics to be covered include:
* The many roles of a councillor
* Principles of good governance
* Councillor-staff and other relationships and team building
* Being the new person in an established group
* Decision-making in local government
* Relevant legislation, e.g. conflict of interest and 'Winky Pop', etc.

Registration fees are $100 per attendee for councillors of member councils and $200 for councillors of non-member councils. Registrations can be made by completing a registration form. For further information contact Ron Exiner, Director Governance, via email.

“Beyond being Mayor: coping with limelight deprivation syndrome”
Wednesday 6 April, 6-8.30pm (incl. light meal)
VLGA, Carlton
The VLGA is pleased to be offering a new development session, aimed at those whose year or more as Mayor concluded late in 2010. If you are a relatively recent ex-Mayor, Beyond Being Mayor: Coping with Limelight Deprivation Syndrome will support you in the transition to ordinary councillor status, whether you chose to step down or not. The session will include a panel discussion with those who have preceded you on the same path, as well as time to reflect on your own needs and new opportunities, in an atmosphere of peer support. For a registration form, click here, and for further information contact Philip Schier via email.

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