Last week was a very big one – with ash clouds, delayed flights, bus trips, conferencing nationally and in Melbourne, and engaging with our elected representatives at the State and Federal levels. I started my days at the Australian Local Government Association’s National General Assembly (NGA) at the 60th birthday celebrations for the Australian Local Government Women’s Association at Old Parliament House in Canberra. It was wonderful to meet the Governor-General Quentin Bryce and to talk with ALGWA members and fri
Other discussions that took my interest included the national broadband network and, of course, climate change and instability with the implications for local governments across the nation. I congratulate all party leaders for their clear support for constitutional recognition of local government. The NGA session on this issue was a stand-out for me and I encourage all VLGA members to stay abreast of this issue and the proposed referendum. For further information about the NGA, see the news item below. Our CEO Maree McPherson and a number of members attended the Regional Co-operation and Development Forum last Sunday as the precursor to the NGA. It seems that the language of ‘localism’ and ‘regionalism’ are again featuring strongly in government policy, and a number of strong views emerged about the need for greater co-operation between Regional Development Australia committees and local councils. The 2011 State of the Regions report was also launched at the Forum.
At the Victorian Local Government Ministerial Forum last Thursday, hosted by The Hon Jeanette Powell, there were several positive announcements. Minister Powell spoke about both her portfolios of local government and indigenous affairs. She launched the Indigenous Partnership just forming between AAV, LGV, Reconciliation Victoria, the VLGA and the MAV. The Minister also noted the Ministerial-Mayors’ Advisory Panel, indicating there will be representation from inner metro, outer metro, interface, regional and rural councils on the Panel. The VLGA will advocate for strong representation on the Panel, possibly two representatives per council ‘type’, and a transparent selection process. The Ministerial Advisory Council for Public Libraries was also announced, with representation still to be finalised. The Minister acknowledged the success to date of the VLGA’s Think Women for Local Government 2012 project and the high level of interest from a large number of local governments across Victoria. I am personally delighted about our members’ and others’ engagement with this project and I extend my thanks. Planning Minister Hon Matthew Guy also addressed us on a number of matters including his desire to work with councils on a new model for signing off on Code Assess principles, and his review of planning documents from previous administrations including the 1969 Transport Plan for Melbourne and contemporising these for our current growth challenges. Transport Minister Terry Mulder and Sport and Recreation Minister Hugh Delahunty also spoke. Minister Mulder outlined the Government’s commitments to freight, roads and public transport initiatives across the State. Minister Delahunty focused on the very positive role of local governments in increasing participation in sport, recreation and events which enhance social well-being and health. There is a lot to do and a big agenda for the Victorian Government, and I look forward to continuing to take our members’ views to ministers over the months ahead as we assist them with their policy development for the future.
I enjoyed talking with so many of you in Canberra and on Thursday night in Melbourne. Please don’t hesitate to give me a call or drop me a line. If you’d like to contact me, call me on 0407 364 509 or drop me an email. Cheers.
Cr Samantha Dunn
Keeping you up to date
ALGA National General Assembly
As well as having a good presence at the 2011 National General Assembly, the VLGA was pleased to see some progress on some key challenges facing Victorian and many other local governments. With addresses from Prime Minister Julia Gillard, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, and Senator Bob Brown, as well as many other Ministers and Opposition Shadow Ministers, there was a sense that this 2011 NGA would mark a bit of a watershed for local governments. ALGA President Cr Genia McCaffery agreed that the challenge in strengthening the economic performance of regional Australia lies in the Federal Government working closely with local governments to ensure effective investment in a range of services, education and infrastructure. Cr McCaffery added that “the Prime Minister's address is a strong sign that the Australian Government recognises and values the role of local governments." Full copies of the ALGA Media Releases arising from the 2011 NGA are available online. Also of particular note was the keynote address by the Hon Simon Crean, where he announced the establishment of an Expert Panel to guide a national discussion to recognise local government in our Constitution by way of a referendum. Find further information on the Expert Panel including their Terms of Reference here. In other key announcements, climate change was also on the agenda with a recognition by the Federal Government that local governments are key partners in planning responses to the impacts of climate change on infrastructure – especially in coastal areas. The VLGA notes that a number of coastal local governments and the MAV in Victoria have been successful in receiving part of the $4.5 million funding announced by Climate Change Minister Greg Combet. Read more information on the 13 successful Coastal Adaptation Decision Pathways Project funding applications.
National Awards for Local Government
The VLGA congratulates the following local governments on winning National Awards for Local Government:
- Frankston City Council: National Award for Excellence and the Inspired Cities Award for the Frankston Student Discount Card Scheme (Splash Card)
- Manningham City Council: Promoting Reconciliation Award for the Manningham Reconciliation Week Program and Exhibition
- Moonee Valley City Council: Youth Engagement Award for The Sustainable Employment and Economic Development (SEED) Youth Project
And congratulations to Indigo Shire Council on winning the National Excellence Award, and Nillumbik Shire Council on the Best Promoter Award in the MobileMuster Local Government Awards.
VLGA Delegates’ Dinner
The VLGA held a dinner for its member council delegates last Wednesday 22 June. Despite the best attempts of a cold winters night and the ash cloud (given that a number of attendees were coming straight from Canberra) we had a successful and fun evening. Updates about VLGA activities, ALGA and the way in which the VLGA can engage its delegates were pursued both formally and informally. It was also another good opportunity for delegates and VLGA Board members to discuss key sector issues amongst themselves. Delegates’ dinners will be a regular part of the VLGA calendar so member council delegates should look out for the next dinner which will take place later in the year.
Planning for population growth and settlement: a changed approach?
It appears that the views of local governments will be given more weight in relation to how we will plan for population growth and settlement needs under the new State Government. In comments made in the media last week Planning Minister Hon Matthew Guy said he is pleased the Macedon Ranges Shire Council is taking steps to guide their region's population growth. In the past much more policy clout in this area was held by the State Government, but it appears that the new State Government is now asking councils to take more responsibility in this area. The VLGA will be meeting with the State Government in the next week to discuss ways in which local governments and communities can have a genuine say and involvement on these issues, so watch this space!
Big win for Central Goldfields Shire to tackle disadvantage
Members may have missed a remarkable article in The Sunday Age recently, but given the VLGA’s involvement in facilitating community workshops in Maryborough for their Go for Gold Project, we thought it was worth bringing this to your attention. Here is a brief excerpt of the article: “It's the most disadvantaged town in Victoria, but Maryborough is fighting back. The number 79 has a deep and powerful meaning in Maryborough, the heart of the Central Goldfields Shire in the state’s north-west. Victoria has 79 local government areas, and when you cast a ruler of disadvantage over them, a ranking emerges of best to worst. So it is that the shire and Maryborough, a town of almost 8000, has regularly come in at 79. The latest breakthrough has been winning $2.5 million in the last state budget for its "Go Goldfields" strategy, which targets change in the 0-19 years bracket, and includes money for early years speech pathology, literacy and support for parents.”… Read the full article at The Age online.
2011 Communities in Control conference papers now available
Just a quick note to let you know that a transcript of the Great Debate featuring our very own President Cr Samantha Dunn, who debated for the Affirmative (that local government is the best level of government to reform and assist communities), is now available. It was a very entertaining debate! Other papers from the 2011 Communities in Control conference are now loaded on the Our Community website. Papers are free to download and distribute, though please do quote the source as Communities in Control 2011 and provide the link to their website (
VLGA hosts Timor-Leste Foreign Minister
Close to 50 VLGA members, Friendship group representatives and Timorese community leaders attended a reception at the VLGA for H.E. Zacarias Albano da Costa Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. Minister da Costa expressed his thanks to the VLGA for the reception and also for the continuing VLGA support to East Timor. The Minister also thanked the representatives of the Friendship Groups for their ongoing support and assistance. This was also the first opportunity for VLGA friends to meet the Consul-General in Sydney Maria Jose de Jesus and the First Secretary from the Embassy in Canberra Elisa de Silva. Cr Dunn thanked the attendees for travelling significant distances to attend the reception and stated that the VLGA will continue its support into the future. The VLGA will join with the Australian Timor-Leste Friendship Network in attending the Presidential and Parliamentary elections in 2012 as observers but will not organise a separate delegation (see below). Cr Dunn said that the VLGA looked forward to assisting and supporting local government elections in the future in East Timor.
VLGA submission to the Review of the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006
As mentioned previously in this eNews, we would like to again thank our members for contributing to our submission which has been sent in and can be viewed on our website. VLGA participation in 2012 Timor-Leste National Election Observer Mission
The VLGA has had a long history of involvement with Timor-Leste, including supporting Australian local government friendship groups, organising conferences and forums on Timor-Leste, and participating in international observer missions to the 1999 referendum, and the elections in 2002 and 2007. The involvement by Australians in observing the elections is highly valued by the Timorese and, in 2007, the missions organised by the VLGA were the largest of any international non-government organisation. Following discussions with the Australia Timor-Leste Friendship Network, it has been decided that the observer missions for next year’s elections will be organised by them, with VLGA representatives participating as delegates. Accordingly, if your Council or friendship group is interested in observing the elections next year as volunteers, I would encourage you to submit an expression of interest with the Network – details on the VLGA website. The Presidential election is likely to be in March and the Parliamentary elections in late June. Meanwhile, the VLGA will continue to remain actively involved in supporting initiatives by local government and community groups involved in friendship relationships, with the Victorian Government’s program of training of Timor-Leste government officials and with the preparations for the election of Municipal Government in Timor-Leste, expected in 2013. For further information about arrangements for observing the upcoming elections, the VLGA’s involvement with Timor-Leste, or any other issue, go to our website or contact our Timor-Leste Project Officer, Gary Jungwirth via email or telephone (03) 9349 7986.
Banksia Awards now open
The Banksia Category Awards reflect the sustainability issues most relevant to Australia coming into the 21st century. Entries close 22 July – go online for categories, eligibilities, submission requirements, and other information.
Events for your diary
VLGA Events
VLGA July Leading Edge Forum
Local government: a reflection of our diverse communities?
Thursday 7 July, 6-9pm
VLGA, Carlton
True or false? Local government in Victoria is:
- An employer of choice for diverse applicants?
- A reflection of diverse communities?
- Responding to worsening skills gaps?
Other events
Conference: knowledge, attitudes and skills for Timor-Leste’s development – an opportunity for dialogue
Monday-Tuesday 4-5 JulyDili, Timor-Leste
There will be seven streams covered in this UNTL/Victoria University Conference but here is some detail from one of the streams – Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods. Agriculture is the most significant form of production currently taking place in Timor-Leste, yet farmers are the lowest status of professions in the country. At the last conference, Dr Rui Gomes of the UNDP showed on a map how the poorest regions of Timor-Leste are in fact the coffee growing areas, which export the most. This stream will look at how farming can again become a skilled and respected profession with knowledge and skills, and how a difference can be made to male and female farmers’ quality of life. It will also examine how the nutritional value and diversity of Timor's food supply can be improved by working on food preservation and food processing, and how new jobs can be created by the establishment of more direct links between producers and consumers of Timor's food. For more information and to register for the Conference, go to the Victoria University website.
Community Housing Federation of Victoria State Conference: From Acorn to Oak: creating the blueprint for the growth of community housing in Victoria
Tuesday 19 July, 8.45am-5.00pm Etihad Stadium, Victory Room
In the professional delivery of more than 5,000 homes over the last four years fuelled by $1billion in investment, institutional investors should have every confidence that the community housing sector is ready for a significant wave of private investment into the industry. But to earn that confidence, the community housing sector must have the structures in place to make its ‘product’ an asset that can be invested in. Further, the investment community must understand how they can deliver competitive shareholder returns while creating successful social outcomes for the community. This is the focus of CHFV Conference 2011 – a must-attend, one-day event for any stakeholder with an interest in successfully addressing Victoria’s housing affordability crisis. The conference will also feature the CHFV Conference Dinner from 7-10.30pm in Etihad Stadium’s Limelight Room, and provides a great opportunity to connect with colleagues and to meet new ones. Register immediately to secure the early bird rate!
VCOSS Taxi Forum
Wednesday 20 July, 11am-2pm
Etihad Stadium, Limelight Room (enter Gate 4)
Have your say on Victoria’s Taxi Services! Join Keynote Speaker Professor Allan Fels AO, Chair of the Victorian Taxi Industry Inquiry. The inquiry is looking at all aspects of the taxi industry, and aims to make changes that will lead to better quality services for taxi customers. The Inquiry knows that taxi services are especially important for people with different levels of mobility, including senior Victorians, users of mobility aids, and some people with disabilities who face challenges with driving or using public transport. A key focus is how the taxi system works for people who rely on taxis and identify ways to fix the current problems. This forum is being held by VCOSS to assist the Taxi Inquiry to hear the voices of taxi users. The Inquiry team wants to hear your views on the Multi-Purpose Taxi Program, Wheelchair Accessible Taxis, booking taxis, service from drivers, or anything else that affects you! Register online by Thursday 14 July.
Women Leading Change
Wednesday 20 July, 6pm
Grill 3182, Novotel, 16 The Esplanade, St Kilda
Ita Buttrose will be guest speaker at Good Shepherd Victoria’s annual women's event to celebrate the capabilities of women to achieve real change in society. Women Leading Change builds upon the success of Good Shepherd’s Audacious women's events and aims to highlight the achievements of women everywhere; not just the great and powerful, but also those battling to overcome disadvantage. Ms Buttrose, who through her own determination and success has set a positive example for so many women to excel in their chosen endeavours, will speak of her distinguished career in the context of Good Shepherd’s own important work supporting women and girls. Please consider joining Good Shepherd Youth & Family Service CEO Robyn Roberts and supporters from across business and the community to welcome Ms Buttrose as she explores her own journey leading change. Cost is $80 per ticket or $700 for group bookings of ten. Price includes drinks and canapés. To book please contact Kristen by phone 03 8412 7342 or email.
2011 Sustainable Cities and Clean Beaches Awards evening
Friday 29 July, 6.30-11pm
Members Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Club, Gate 2, MCG
Recognise and celebrate leaders in sustainability from urban and beach communities throughout Victoria at a gala evening at the Melbourne Cricket Club where sustainable Victorian food and beverages will be showcased in the Members Dining Room overlooking the city and MCG. Among the awards being presented on the night will be the Dame Phyllis Frost Award, Sustainable City of the Year and Clean Beach of the Year. For more information and to book online, go to the Keep Australia Beautiful web page.
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