Monday 27th July, 2009

I would firstly like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you as the Interim President for the next month or so. The circumstances for my temporary position are outlined in previous correspondence, as well as in the enews posting below titled Interim President.

I was elected as VLGA Vice President in February this year and am Mayor of a medium sized rural shire; Baw Baw in Gippsland.

I am really looking forward to stepping into this role for the next few weeks and hope to keep the focus on many on the important issues before members at the moment such as lobbying Minister Wynne for a review of some of the more unworkable aspects of the Conflict of Interest Legislation.

It was good to catch up with many councillors recently at the Councillor Development Weekend in Creswick and congratulations to MAV for running this successful event.

VLGA Conflict Of Interest Update – Urgent Feedback By July 31st

Thank you to the many Councillors, CEOs, Officers and Community Members who have already provided us with feedback on the key concerns and suggested solutions that we have included in our Conflict Of Interest Update.

It is pleasing to see that the Shadow Spokesperson for Local Government, Jeanette Powell has joined with us in advocating for local governments and communities to be involved in a genuine consultation with the State Government. It is also pleasing to see that changes are not only seen as being necessary, but that the unintended consequences and adverse impacts on council governance are also recognised.

In case you have not read the Update, you have until July 31st to let us know your views. You can find the Update on the right hand side of the front page of our website at

VLGA Special Event: Affordable/Social Housing And Community Engagement: Are The Two Incompatible?

Affordable Housing is of increasing concern to all Victorian communities, as well as to local governments who often have to consider applications for affordable/social housing.

As we all know, the path to getting more affordable/social housing ‘on the ground’ can often be fraught with contentious community debates. This forum highlights the possibilities, challenges and successes of partnerships with local governments, and the factors that influence local community debates about affordable/social housing.

Where: Victorian Local Governance Association, 60 Leicester Street Carlton

When: Wednesday August 19th, 1.30-4.00pm

Afternoon Tea will be provided. Speaker Information is available via the VLGA's Upcoming

Events Calendar at Numbers limited, so please RSVP to (03) 9349 7999 or

Meeting our Zero Net Emissions Goals after the CPRS takes effect
A carbon accounting workshop for Local Governments. This workshop targets Councils with zero net carbon emissions commitments and aims to:

  • Update participants on the likely effects of the CPRS on current carbon accounting and how it may impact on achieving zero net emissions commitments.

  • Develop solutions on how we continue to account for voluntary action in a post-Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) era.

Jointly hosted by the MAV and the City of Port Phillip, this workshop is open to all Council officers, managers, senior policy advisors and Greenhouse Alliance coordinators involved in carbon emissions reduction strategies.


30th July, 2009, 10am – 2pm

South Melbourne Town Hall Theatrette, 208-220 Bank Street, South Melburne


Naomi Phillips at

For details of other events, go to our Upcoming Events Calendar on the right hand side of the front page of our website at

New Council Member – Whitehorse City Council
The Board would like to welcome our newest council member - Whitehorse City Council, taking our all-time high Council membership to 56! The VLGA continues to go from strength to strength, due to your support, and the hard work and dedication of our Board and Staff. We look forward to further extending our services and advocacy.
Following is some information on the Whitehorse City Council.

The City of Whitehorse is located just 15 kilometres east of Melbourne and covers an area of 64 square kilometres. The municipality is bounded by the City of Manningham to the north, the Cities of Maroondah and Knox to the east, the City of Monash to the south and the City of Boroondara to the west. Whitehorse’s suburbs include Blackburn, Blackburn North, Blackburn South, Box Hill, Box Hill North, Box Hill South, Burwood, Burwood East, Forest Hill, Mitcham, Mont Albert, Mont Albert North, Nunawading, Surrey Hills, Vermont and Vermont South.

Whitehorse has a population of approximately 151,000 residents with almost one-third born overseas. The 2006 Census data shows that more than 110 different languages are spoken by residents of the City. The most common languages other than English are Cantonese, Mandarin, Greek, Italian, Vietnamese, Hindi, German, Sinhalese, Korean, Indonesian and Arabic.

The City’s logo is modelled on the knight, which is one of the most powerful and flexible pieces in the game of chess. The significance of the white horse emanates from the historical and mythological representation of strength, courage and fertility. The symbol of the white horse in celtic mythology comes from the Goddess Epona (Gaul), Macha (Eire) and Rhiannon (Britain), each a guardian of good fortune ‘for monarch and tribe’. In astrology the white horse characterises freedom, strength and growth.

For further information go to

Mayors For Peace

Mayors for Peace, an international network of over 3000 local Councils hosted a colourful stall at the ALGA conference this year, with a focus on local initiatives around nuclear weapons abolition.

ALGA participants were invited to fold a paper crane at the stall to learn about Mayors for Peace upcoming activities and non-members were encouraged to join the 50 Councils already part of the network in Australia.

Pictured at ALGA: Cr Helen Relph, Macedon Ranges Shire & National Convener Mayors for Peace; Geoff Lake, ALGA President; Jessica Morrison, ICAN.

The network in Australia has had significant support this year by Macedon Ranges and Yarra City Councils, the VLGA and the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN).

Mayors for Peace is supporting Councils to host crane folding activities in August on the anniversaries of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

For more information, go to the bottom right hand side of the front page of our website at and look at VLGA Supported Networks.

Feel free to email or call me if you would like to discuss any issue.


Cr Ruth McGowan
Interim President

0431 664 693 or

Interim President

As of 23rd July, the VLGA's Interim President will be Mayor Ruth McGowan. This is due to the fact that theVLGA President, Cr Rose Iser has stood aside as VLGA President until the Greens have completed the pre-selection of their candidate for the State seat of Melbourne.

“While I am confident that I could effectively manage the two roles, I am conscious that there could be a perception of conflict of interest. The VLGA has a vital role in advocating to State Government on behalf of our members and I want to ensure that any such perceptions don’t weaken our capacity to effectively represent our members and the local government sector”, Cr Iser said.

Cr Iser stated that the VLGA now has 56 member councils which is its highest ever local government membership.

“We are currently conducting a number of important campaigns. We have also recently increased our staff numbers which will further improve our capacity to represent our members.”

Cr Iser said that should she be successful in gaining pre-selection, she would consider her position further at that time.

Mayor Ruth McGowan of Baw Baw Shire Council

In 2008 Ruth McGowan was re-elected as a North Ward councillor for the Baw Baw Shire Council, in Victoria's local government elections. In December Ruth was elected Mayor of the Baw Baw Shire for a 12 month term.

I believe we have three key challenges for Baw Baw Shire in 2009

· improving our community engagement efforts so people feel more connected to council's decision making.

· Working with our bushfire affected communities to assist people as they recover from the devastation of Black Saturday

· Improving the council's planning processes so that together, with our community, we can design a sustainable future in response to predicted population growth.

As Mayor it is a real privilege to work with my fellow councillors to look after the interests of Baw Baw shire residents and ratepayers.

I stood for the VLGA Board to improve representation from youth, women and rural communities. I believe that the VLGA has conducted ground-breaking work in helping connect communities and lobbying government on councillors issues. I look forward to strengthening these initiatives. As an organisation with limited resources, we need to drive innovative community involvement in our decision making.

Resource management is especially important during the current financial conditions and improving our record on sustainability. I believe my experience will assist the Board and my skills will complement those of other Board Members and staff. I will work to protect the role, independence and voice of Local Government and ensure the issues for rural councils are better reflected in Board decision making.

Phone: 0431 664 693


Monday 20th July 2009


Today I will be presenting the VLGA’s Submission to the Senate Inquiry into the Provision of Childcare. Our submission will be available on our website along with our Statement on Childcare that has been endorsed by at least 20 Councils. We encourage all Councillors to consider endorsing the Statement that was developed in 2008 after consultation with members. If you would like further information, please contact me or the VLGA office.

We also draw you attention to the consultations on the National Quality Agenda for Early Childhood Education and Care Consultation Regulation Impact Statement happening this week.

Treacy Conference Centre, 126 The Avenue, Parkville, Wednesday 22 July, 6-8:30pm and Friday 24 July, 10am-12:30pm.

Thursday July 23 1.30pm-4.00pm Bendigo Venue TBA.

See for a copy of the Impact Statement and how to make a submission.

Urban sprawl and growth corridors

Councils were again frustrated by the short window for submissions – this time to the Urban Growth Boundary Report due last week.

to view the submission made by the VLGA on our website.

Most of the affected Councils have expressed clear concerns about the sustainability of new communities without adequate infrastructure for transport, employment, community services and concerns about environmental impacts. The debate about urban consolidation, development along tram corridors and growth boundaries will continue and we ask:

  • How can we contribute to integrated planning of housing, employment, transport and services?
  • Does urban consolidation along tram corridors reflect good social planning?
  • How can we achieve sustainable growth that leads to liveable and just communities?

We welcome your comments and submissions to the Growth Area Authority.
Victorian Climate Change Green paper

The Victorian Government has released a Climate Change Green Paper. Feedback from individuals and organisations on the ideas put forward in the Green Paper can be made before Wednesday 30 September 2009. Please join us on Thursday 6th August 2009 at the VLGA for our Leading Edge Forum at which we will discuss responses to the Green Paper.

RSVP for this event: or phone 9349 7999.

Recognition of Poor Rooming Houses: A Good Start

The VLGA is pleased with the State Government’s announcement of Consumer Affairs Victoria inspectors to review the poor standards of rooming houses.

Although this is a good start, we believe it is unfortunate that local government has been overlooked and has not received additional resources to deal with this serious issue. The VLGA is currently consulting with its membership on this issue and feedback can be provided by contacting the office.

New Council Members

The Board would like to welcome our two newest council members – City of Greater Shepparton Council and Warrnambool City Council.

This takes our all-time high to 55 councils. We are very excited about extending our services and advocacy in a responsible manner relevant to our members.

Following is some information on both new council members.

City of Greater Shepparton Council

Located 200 kilometers north of Melbourne, the area covering 2,422 square kilometers is home to a population of approximately 60,400 residents.

The name Shepparton comes from a squatter called Sherbourne Sheppard who held the Tallygaroopna Station. The initial spelling was Sheppardtown or Sheppardton before coming to its present spelling when the town was surveyed.

For more information on the City of Greater Shepparton, visit

Warrnambool City Council

The word Warrnambool has been interpreted to mean many things including “and between two rivers”, “two swamps” or “ample water”.

The first settlers arrived in the 1840s. The town was surveyed in 1946 and established soon after. It was gazetted as a municipality in 1855 and became a borough in 1863. Warrnambool was declared a town in 1883 and a city in 1918.

The city, 260 kilometers south west of Melbourne, has a population of 31,000, and around 25,000 within the adjoining sub-region. The location, adjoining both protected and exposed coastline, and a strong maritime and built heritage, draws 700,000 tourists each year.

For more information on Warrnambool City, visit

Events and contacts

Leading Edge Forum, August 6th, 6.30pm at VLGA:

Dealing with uncertainty: what’s at stake for Community, Councillors and Councils.

RSVP for this event: or phone 9349 7999.

Contacts for:

Timor Leste Working Group –
Richard Brown, 0407 091 004,

Women’s Working Group –
Linda Bennett, 9349 7999,

Climate Change Working Group –
Heinz Kreuz, 0438 006 656,

Feel free to contact me or the VLGA office for more information.

Monday 13th July 2009

Harmony n. – agreement in feeling and opinion

Surrounded by the spirit of harmony captured at yesterday’s walk, perhaps we can reach some much sought after agreement between state and local governments with respect to planning call ins, urban growth boundaries, the importance of local government, conflict of interest regulation and issues such as climate change, pokies, rooming houses, public housing, public transport, indigenous funding, human rights ... it is a long list! We will keep talking and walking in pursuit of ‘harmony’ between all three tiers of government and community

Holding local government in high regard

Local Government in Victoria Report 2008

Local Government Victoria has released their 2008 Report on Local Government. There are some good results.

In his foreword, Minister Wynne states that “…the report focuses on Key Performance Indicators for local government – indicators agreed by the Victorian Government and councils. The key indicators on overall financial performance and asset management show pleasing trends of improving performance by councils.

“It is also encouraging that over the longer term, councils have improved the satisfaction ratings given by their community. Whilst there has been some plateauing of satisfaction ratings in recent years with slight declines for some service areas, the overall results continue to be positive.”

It is often challenging to convince everyone that as a sector we are improving. Take a look at the report as it explains why trust can be maintained in the level of government closest to our local communities. A copy can be found at

Trash or treasure?!

The article by Jason Dowling in last Tuesday’s Age newspaper, ‘They’re Rubbish’, has stirred some reactions.

The reputation of Councils has been damaged by recent events, and, frustratingly, the actions of a few reflect on all elected Councillors. However, rather than conclude that this leaves us at our ‘lowest ebb since amalgamations’, everyone in local government knows how hard we work and how difficult it can be to connect communities and councils and serve the diverse interests of all stakeholders.

Local governments are continuing to lead the way in delivering environmental sustainability, community services, community initiatives, public health and well-being projects, management of open space and much more.

The VLGA will continue to shine the spotlight on the efforts of the hard working, dedicated and ethical majority of Councillors, while seeking on-going reforms that improve decision-making and community engagement – particularly the protection of the right of local communities to have a real say in planning matters.

The only way we can counter colourful media comments, is to continue to inform our local communities of the good work the vast majority do.

Planning – there’s more

On Friday, the Planning Minister announced that Projects worth more than $371 million with the potential to create more than 612 jobs have been saved from costly planning delays, with the Brumby Labor Government’s third round of fast-tracking.”

Three applications awaiting decisions at VCAT have been called in and one planning scheme amendment has been fast-tracked (leaving us all wondering).

While the Minister justifies these latest call-ins as “removing unnecessary delays in the planning system”, calling in the projects from VCAT has also removed objectors’ rights to the appeal process.

A more equitable and transparent means of removing blockages could include requiring a priority listing at VCAT or providing extra resources to VCAT. If VCAT queues are truly seen as “unnecessary delays”, then let’s see the resources to fix this for all applications and maintain a robust planning system in which all applications – big or small – are subject to equal merit-based scrutiny.

VLGA Conflict of Interest Update – Urgent Feedback Sought

In the next few days, we will send you an update on Conflict of Interest outlining key concerns and suggested solutions to the legislative provisions introduced last November. Your feedback on this update is most welcome.

We have undertaken extensive consultation to reach the positions stated in this Update, including:

  • conducting two on-line surveys on Conflict Of Interest and Councillors as advisers to MPs (including 346 responses from Councillors and staff)
  • directly discussing the matter with 55 Councils visited as part of the VLGA Annual Tour
  • conducting a Leading Edge Forum (with 40 attendees)
  • meeting with representatives of Local Government Victoria (LGV), and
  • attending LGV Conflict of Interest forums conducted across Victoria

As we will be tabling our position in our meeting with Local Government Minister Richard Wynne, we’d appreciate any comments as soon as practicable.

VLGA News: CEO and events

Following the recent resignation of Rae Kingsbury (Perry) from the position of CEO, the Board will soon be recruiting a CEO. Many of you have asked about Rae and the VLGA continues to forward all of your messages.

Here are a few other matters discussed at the last Board meeting that you may be interested in finding out more about:

* Councillor John Jago Memorial Award for Governance

* Campaign for Safe Rooming Houses in Victoria

Feel free to contact me or the VLGA office for more information.

Monday 6th July, 2009

I am writing to you from the red dirt plains and white shores of Broome, where there could not be a more stark reminder of the diversity of Australian communities. I hope those of you also experiencing school holidays are finding local or far-flung adventures and opportunities for a break.

Board Vacancies Filled

As a result of the recent resignation for personal and business reasons of our former Ordinary Board Member Cr Janet Cropley, and our former Vice-President Damien Kingsbury, countbacks were conducted in May and June.

I would like to warmly welcome Cr Grace La Vella from Manningham and Kate Lempriere from our community membership to the Board. I would also like to congratulate that long-time VLGA identity Bill Penrose has been elected as our new community Vice-President.

For results of the May and June countbacks, click on the VLGA News menu option on the left hand side of our main webpage. For original results of the 5th February Board Election, go to

Our hard working Board continues to pursue benefits for all our members. We have been focused on delivering a positive financial result for the financial year just passed, as well as our 2009-2013 Strategic Plan and 2009-2010 Budget.

More news on these, as well as project and campaign updates will be sent to you in the coming weeks.

National General Assembly of Local Governments

The VLGA would like to acknowledge the hard work of ALGA, and of course it’s Victorian President, Cr Geoff Lake.

The main themes include Climate Change, Local Government Finances and Infrastructure.

I will be writing to you about some of the implications of many of the NGA resolutions next week, but if you would like to see some of the speeches go to

If you would like to see the final resolutions, go to

Ministerial Call-Ins: Guidelines and Co-operation Needed

In case you’ve not seen it, on Tuesday we called for specific action to be taken by the State Government to promote a true land use planning partnership with local communities and councils.

All Victorians share a vision of liveability, sustainability and affordability, but as we debate planning processes and reform, these key areas of agreement are at risk. We called on the Planning Minister to focus on areas of agreement and consultative processes to deliver planning outcomes we all can be proud of. It is easy to speak in rhetorical terms about an improved partnership, but in this Media Release we continue to push for some practical steps that can be taken.

A full copy of this and other recent Media Releases can be found on the left hand side of our website

Membership Renewals

Renewals are coming in from our individual and group members. We still need your ongoing support to stand up for local communities and democracy. If you have not received a reminder notice, please call the office on 03 9349 7999 for further information.

Events Calendar

Below is a reminder for the Harmony Walk, as well as a VLGA supported forum on business-community partnerships.

Harmony walk - Sunday, 12 July 2009 starting at 12.30 pm

Starting from Carlton Gardens, Melbourne through Melbourne CBD Finishing at Federation Square, Melbourne

Piecing It Together: local government’s role in business-community partnerships August 12, 2009

The VLGA together with Maribyrnong City Council is presenting a forum investigating Community-Business partnerships on Wed 12 August. The forum will have a particular focus of examining the role local government can play in supporting and assisting partnerships. The Keynote Speaker is Christine Nixon. Registrations are very healthy, and there are only a few dozen seats left, so book soon.

As part of the agenda there will be facilitated panel discussion with representatives from IBM, NAB, Volunteer West, Maribyrnong City Council, Strathmore Primary School, and Frank McGuire. Details, including the flier can be found on the right hand side of our main webpage at, or on our Events Calendar.

Other community and council events can be accessed from our Events Calendar on our main webpage at