Monday 30 August, 2010

This past week, we have continued our visits to councils with several metropolitan visits. Thank you to all councillors and officers who have made us so welcome and have given us such positive and useful feedback about the work of the VLGA. As noted later in this eNews, we are receiving regular contact from members about governance matters including the Local Government and Planning Legislation Amendment Bill 2010, and the Major Cases list of VCAT. We are keen to hear your views about these issues detailed below.

Last week Maree McPherson and I met with Minister for Planning Justin Madden MLC, and Maree met with Minister for Women's Affairs Maxine Morand MP. In both of these meetings we have been able to active
ly take up the issues you raise with us directly – on behalf of our membership. Regular meetings with a number of ministers affords us an opportunity to discuss the sector's views and put forward positions. More next week from me on the VLGA's work in this regard for the lead-up to the State Election in November.

VLGA Transport Program – local government visits now underway

The VLGA Transport Program is concluding at the end of 2010. We are currently arranging site visits to local governments
to discuss the transport issues facing you and ways we can help in a new program, starting in 2011. If you would like to arrange a meeting and have your issues included in our proposal for a new transport program, contact the Local Government Transport Facilitator at or on 0403 591 045.

Local Government and Planning Legislation Amendment Bill 2010

Members have corresponded with the VLGA about the above Bill which is currently at Second Reading Stage in the Legislati
ve Council. The VLGA has lobbied the Local Government Minister’s Office about ongoing concerns with the conflict of interest legislation. Although this Bill improves the legislation in a few minor ways, it also exacerbates long held concerns about over-regulation and heavy-handedness with its amended requirement that the CEO has to sign off all advertisements and notices, etc, during the election period (rather than just electoral material) and the extension of assemblies of councillors to cover advisory committees.

Local governments preventing violence against women
because they can
Local government conference presenters with Minister Morand
(Back row L-R: Andrew Day, Maribyrnong; Steve Crawcour, Strathbogie; Michael Ballock, Darebin; Daniel Kollmorgen, Banyule. Front row L-R: Lisa Armstrong-Rowe, Greater Geelong; Cr Colleen Furlanetto, Strathbogie; Minister Morand; Nicole Hunter, Knox; Leanne Carlon, Moreland; Tracey Blythe, Casey)

Last Thursday’s successful conference at the MCG showcased the level of energy, commitment, brain power and passion that many Victorian local governments, peak organisations, state government departments and bodies are bringing to this issue. Read more about the Local Government Networking & Capacity Building Project to Prevent Violence Against Women.
The VLGA applauds the announcement by The Hon Maxine Morand, Minister for Women’s Affairs, of a $150,000 project to mainstream the issue to local governments. Hosted by the MAV, the project will support regional prevention networks for local governments and health and community organisations across Victoria. The VLGA has foreseen and advocated for the potential of local governments to address this issue since the drafting of the 2002 Women's Safety Strategy. One example of this advocacy is our hosting of the GLOVE Project resources following the end of the GLOVE Project. The resources collected on this web page show where many of the great projects we heard about at the 26 August conference were originally ‘seeded’. It is very gratifying for the VLGA to see that our ongoing commitment since that time has contributed to the issue being championed right across the sector. A more detailed summary of the conference highlights will be on our website this week.

Delegation for Statutory Planning decisions in Major Cases Lists at VCAT
A member council has contacted the VLGA to express concerns about the impact of the creation of Major Cases Lists at VCAT. Concerns relate to the failure of the Major Cases process to recognise the rights of local governments to determine planning applications, and issues with the definition of major cases and the problems around the hearing process. The VLGA will be raising this issue with the Minister for Planning, the Attorney General and VCAT. We would appreciate hearing from any other member councils with their views. Please contact Ron Exiner on 9349 7999 or

Ageing in Victoria: A Plan for an age-friendly society 2010-2020
Recently the State Government launched a new 10-year plan to build age-friendly homes, workplaces and communities to ensure a high quality of life as we get older. The plan will see the Victorian Government: embed age-friendly practices in all areas of government activity; protect the rights of older people to age with dignity; and ensure our communities benefit from the experience, skills and wisdom within our older population. To read the plan, go here.

“Future smiles bright for 16 migrant women”
The VLGA congratulates the 16 migrant and refugee women who graduated from the PACE (Participation Advocacy Communication Engagement) community leadership course on Wednesday 25 August. The VLGA has been on the Advisory Committee for the PACE project undertaken by the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health with VMC funding. The graduation event was attended by Board Member Cr Rachel Powning on behalf of the VLGA. See The Age article here.

Has your local government joined the Women’s Charter 2010?
The Women’s Participation in Local Government Coalition is working to support local governments to adopt and implement the Women’s Charter in 2010. The Charter is supported by VLGA, MAV and WPILG. So far, 24 councils have endorsed the Charter’s principles and another seven will consider the resolution this month. Many are also in the process of identifying local champions and creating action plans to implement the three Charter principles of gender equity, diversity and support for women’s active citizenship. Joining the Charter Project by adopting and acting on the Charter will mean you can apply for the Women’s Charter Awards 2010. Applications for the 2010 Charter Awards close on 4 October 2010. A new Charter Award, the Sally Isaac young woman activist in community Award will open later this week. Go here for more information.

Watch this space

ESC’s Inquiry into Streamlining Local Government Regulation
Last Tuesday the ESC presented its final report of the Inquiry into Streamlining Local Government Regulation to the Treasurer. John Lenders MP is expected to publicly release the inquiry’s final report, and the Government’s response to it, within six months, at which time copies will be made available on the Commission’s website.

VLGA events for your diary

Mike Hill and Constitution review consultation LEF
This Thursday 2 September
VLGA, 60 Leicester St, Carlton
The VLGA is reviewing its constitution and we want your input. Come along this Thursday to our September LEF, gather with colleagues, hear from VLGA life member Mike Hill and have your say.

Mike Hill will speak about good governance and the future. We’ll also talk about our Constitution Review Issues Paper and provide members with the chance to ask questions and make comments. Mike has 18 years of close involvement with local governments, including periods as Mayor of Brunswick and of Moreland. He has a long-standing commitment to issues of sustainability and a history of involvement in materials and energy efficiency issues and programs. He has been Chair of EcoRecycle Victoria and a Director of Sustainable Energy Authority of Victoria. He is currently Chair of ECO-Buy and of the Moreland Energy Foundation, and Director Victorian Local Sustainability Advisory Committee, Director of Sustainability Victoria, Board Member of the EPA, and Co-Chair of the Natural Resources and Conservation League.

6pm Finger-food & refreshments
7pm LEF commences
Please register your attendance online by Monday 30 August.

Other events

Koori Stories and Song
18 September from 8pm
Northcote Town Hall Studio One, 189 High St, Northcote
The Darebin Music Feast, Songlines Aboriginal Music and the City of Darebin present an insight into aboriginality and its influence on songwriting in an entertaining and enlightening evening. For more information and to purchase your tickets go here.

Behaviour Change for Sustainability National Congress
11 & 12 October 2010, Sydney
A must-attend event for anyone involved in sustainability or interested in moving their organisation or community into a secure future. Join Barack Obama’s Chief Blogger, Sam Graham-Felsen, and learn how the 2008 Presidential campaign tapped into the power of social networks to build an unforseen force for change and how this can be applied to your sustainability work. Hear how the development of empathetic consciousness shapes and develops our society from world renowned economist and thinker, Jeremy Rifkin. Explore the complex relationships between psychology and global climate change with the Director of the Committee on the Human Dimensions of Climate Change, Paul C Stern. Don’t miss out on your chance to be part of this seminal event – places are limited and early-bird discount applies until 10 September 2010. To book your place go here, email or call 02 555 4203.

Cr Heinz Kreutz
0438 006 656 or

Monday 23 August, 2010

We know the end of winter is a tiring time of the year so we hope you are avoiding illness, keeping warm and taking care of yourself as we look forward to the fast-approaching spring.

I thought by now I might be able to comment on the results of the federal election, but given the suspended state of our political system, it remains unclear if we will be heading into spring or returning to winter, metaphorically speaking. Seriously though, I can’t remember the last time I saw such a negative response from the electorate – ca. 6% informal votes and neither of the two main parties being rewarded with a majority. The one learning I can take away from the weekend, though, is this: lack of clarity in policy messages and a focus on the pre-election polls will not always get you what you want, that’s for sure.

I would like to thank those of you who responded so encouragingly last week to our question about population growth and dominant discourses. I will collate the responses and post a summary on our website soon. As I foreshadowed last week, my colleague, VLGA Vice President Jeanette McCrae, who chairs our social housing advisory committee, has added a few comments.

Diverse and Affordable Housing Advisory Group
Chair, Vice President Cr Jeanette McRae
The VLGA’s Diverse and Affordable Housing Advisory Group is made up of a mix of public and community housing providers, developers, councillors, and officers, and includes representation from rural and regional areas including Wodonga. It encompasses representatives from crucial voices in the housing debate such as the Community Housing Federation of Victoria (CHFV), the Victorian Public Tenants Association (VPTA), and the newly-formed Eastern Affordable Housing Alliance.

The Advisory Group works to assist local governments, communities and housing providers build capacities to:
* improve housing diversity and affordability, particularly for low to middle income people;
* increase the supply of housing choices, in particular public and community housing, and ensure they are integrated in a reasonably diverse and supported local community;
* improve responses to homelessness;
* advocate for more State Government action on diverse and affordable housing, emphasising co-constructive approaches by communities, local governments, and State Government; and
* address social exclusion.

In 2010 the Diverse and Affordable Housing Advisory Group has undertaken the first local government survey on affordable housing strategies throughout Victoria in ten years. The survey collected responses from councillors, officers and community members from local government areas spanning the metropolitan, regional, rural, and interface mix. Respondents were asked to provide information on housing and affordable housing strategies within their local government, as well as on affordable housing priorities, training needs, community perceptions, and partnerships with other local governments or housing organisations. The results are currently being analysed and will provide an in-depth overview of what is happening in housing and affordable housing strategies across Victoria. The survey report will highlight innovative strategies, gaps in the field, and potential ways forward in local government engagement with affordable housing.

The Advisory Group is also compiling a ready-reference of housing networks throughout Victoria. This valuable resource will provide an easy-to-use tool for locating ‘who, what and where’ in the increasingly complex housing debate, and assist in the forming of strategic networks and partnerships.

The Advisory Group works in cooperation with the MAV’s Growth Councillor Reference Group, as well as the Housing and Local Government Network (HALGN) to provide synergistic and targeted strategies to advance affordable housing throughout Victoria. The MAV provided excellent support in the design of the VLGA’s Affordable Housing Survey. The VLGA plays a strong support role for HALGN meetings, where players from across the housing sector meet to discuss key, emerging, and urgent issues.

Gambling help now available online
The VLGA Local Government Working Group on Gambling heard from Simone Rodda from Turning Point last week with respect to the new Gambling Help Online website. The website has been in operation for seven months and delivers an online counselling service, referrals, and an email support program 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. See the website for yourself here and consider promoting this terrific resource in your community.

Multicultural Women’s Support Program
The Victorian Immigrant and Refugee Women’s Coalition is offering a series of sessions for self-care and peer support for multicultural women through the Multicultural Women’s Support Program on Friday afternoons at the Queen Victorian Women’s Centre. Go here for more information.

Friendship group workshop
VLGA Timor-Leste Project Officer Gary Jungwirth will travel to East Timor next week to attend a Friendship Group workshop to be held in Maubisse – a beautiful mountainous inland village about three hours south of Dili. The purpose of the workshop is to look at the future development of the friendship movement for the next five years. It is expected that President Ramos-Horta will open the workshop. VLGA Board Member Richard Brown, who chairs the VLGA Advisory Group on Timor-Leste, will also attend together with Advisory Group members Barbara Godfrey and Pat Vickers-Rich.

Gary and Richard will also be meeting with government officials from the Ministry of State Administration and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Australian Ambassador to East Timor, Members of Parliament, AVI and AusAID officials and others. We acknowledge the work of Rae Kingsbury and the Australian Timor-Leste Friendship Network in putting this workshop together and we are very pleased to be part of it.

Food for All
The VLGA is delivering a new project for VicHealth, Food for All, which will distribute resources including a tool kit to assist local governments to address local food security. Over the last five years VicHealth has funded projects in nine LGA’s and from the evaluation of those projects has developed a set of fact sheets and short movies which describe the strategies and approaches that worked successfully during the projects. The strategies used by local governments can be as diverse as: improving walkability of neighbourhoods so it is easy for people to walk to the shops; supporting local community kitchens by providing low cost or no cost kitchen facilities; protecting existing arable farmland from housing development to ensure our food is grown close to where we live; and maternal child health or community peer leaders conducting education sessions for parents of young children about healthy eating.

The kit demonstrates how local governments can provide leadership and support to other organisations and individuals in the community to act together using tried and tested strategies. We will be engaging in a variety of activities to promote the kit, including a series of free forums for local government workers to learn from the experts, and in-house direct support to local governments with a smaller workforce. For more information go here or call VLGA Food for All Project Officer, Leah Galvin, on (03) 9349 7999 or email

VLRC releases its Surveillance in Public Places: Final Report
The Victorian Law Reform Commission Surveillance in Public Places: Final Report responds to the growing use and sophistication of surveillance technologies. It provides recommendations to modernise surveillance laws and promote the responsible use of surveillance devices in public places. The report completes a two-stage inquiry into the widespread use of privacy-invasive technologies. The Commission’s Workplace Privacy: Final Report was the first stage and proposed the creation of workplace privacy legislation to regulate potentially privacy-invasive acts and practices in the workplace.

ALGWA 2010 Study Award
Permanent members of staff in Victorian local governments can now apply for the Australian Local Government Women’s Association’s study award of $1,000 to assist women working in Victorian local governments to further their education. Applications must be lodged by 6 September. For details and application form, go here.

Watch this space

Local governments answer the call to progress research on the impact of EGMs

Many would be aware that the VLGA has partnered with the University of Ballarat to conduct independent research on the impact of electronic gaming machines on communities. Thank you to the 31 councils so far that have responded to my letter sent to mayors and councillors in April and contributed significant funds to this important project. These contributions will ensure the research is independent of industry and government and delivers practical benefits to Victorian communities. This research is the first of its kind to examine the public health consequences of electronic gaming machines in a local area. The investigation will include: what effect the introduction of EGMs has on people’s feelings of safety in their community; family functioning; depression levels; demand for health and welfare support services; and feelings of wellbeing in the community. For more information, email or call (03) 9349 7921.

VLGA events for your diary

Mike Hill and Constitution review consultation at our next LEF
Thursday 2 September 2010
VLGA, 60 Leicester St, Carlton
The VLGA is reviewing its constitution and we want your input so come along to our September LEF, gather with colleagues, hear from VLGA life member Mike Hill and have your say. Mike Hill will speak about good governance and the future. We’ll also talk about our Issues Paper and provide members with the chance to ask questions and make comments.

Mike Hill has 18 years of close involvement with local governments, including periods as Mayor of Brunswick and of Moreland. He has a long-standing commitment to issues of sustainability and a history of involvement in materials and energy efficiency issues and programs. He has been Chair of EcoRecycle Victoria and a Director of Sustainable Energy Authority of Victoria. He is currently Chair of ECO-Buy, the Moreland Energy Foundation, and Victorian Local Sustainability Advisory Committee, Director of Sustainability Victoria, Board Member of the EPA, and Co-Chair of the Natural Resources and Conservation League.
Please register your attendance online by 30 August.

Other events

Local government leaders preventing violence against women conference
This Thursday 26 August, 10am-4.30pm
MCG, Melbourne
This Thursday local government leaders will discuss how local governments can prevent violence against women and foster safe and inclusive environments for all. For further information, or to register go here.

Planning for a bigger Melbourne
Wednesday 1 September, 6.30-8.30pm
St Michael’s Convention Centre
Rear 120 Collins St, Melbourne (near cnr Russell and Collins Sts)
The Australian Fabians will hold a forum on ‘Planning for a bigger Melbourne – delivering a more sustainable city’ where a range of topical questions will be discussed, including: how can planning for a changing Melbourne keep pace; how can it remain liveable and harmonious; and how can principles of sustainability be better incorporated into planning for Melbourne. Speakers will include: Michael Buxton, Assoc Professor Environment and Planning RMIT; Andrew McLeod, CEO Committee for Melbourne; and David Keenan, CEO Mitchell Shire Council. Go here for more information.

Cr Heinz Kreutz
0438 006 656 or

Monday 16 August, 2010

In the coming months, as we are getting closer to our state election advocacy campaign, I will endeavour to write introductions in which I will discuss a range of topics and issues our members are concerned about.

In this week’s eNews I would like to achieve two things.

Firstly, we would like to launch a new ‘question of the week’ segment where the VLGA poses a question to its members and asks for feedback. The intention is not necessarily to have a question every week, but as issues and opportunities arise.

Secondly, I would like to offer my views on what is often referred to as ‘dominant discourse’. I see a danger in that local communities are frequently being excluded from emerging public discourses, such as planning and population growth, two challenges which intersect in the term ‘densification’ – be it urban, metropolitan or regional.

This week’s question to kick off the debate is, “What do our members think about the population debate, an issue which has gained so much momentum in recent weeks?” The VLGA is unique in that it has such a strong and diverse membership – local government and community members, metropolitan, regional and country groups. There must be a very broad spectrum of views on the population question out there, so please let us know what you think. This will help us to further refine our State election advocacy campaign on behalf of our members.

Dominant discourse – what is it and why is this relevant to our sector?
‘Dominant discourse’ is a concept that has developed out of the work of communication theorists such as Michel Foucault and Stuart Hall. Within a given group – social, cultural, local, community, etc. – we share a set of spoken, written and behavioural expectations. Experts refer to these expectations as ‘dominant discourse’.

In Victoria and Melbourne in 2010, we live in interesting discursive times, and it has not gone unnoticed that recently in our political debate, serious efforts have been made by influential individuals and agencies to dominate the contested spaces of public discourse. Two striking examples have been planning and population growth. The two are, of course, inseparable themes. Population projections for Melbourne predict that we need to accommodate ca. 1,000,000 additional residents by 2025. This in turn has serious implications for the environment, urban densification, local planning and amenity.

The challenge we face, and hence my take on ‘dominant discourse’ in this week’s eNews, is about who controls the discourse about these pervasive issues and, by extension, who sets the agenda. From a local community and governance perspective, I am very concerned that our members are largely excluded from the debate by being subjected at State and Federal levels to (often unstated) assumptions, decisions and visions which are quite removed from the local context.

In the coming days and weeks, I will be writing more about this issue and the need for a higher value to be placed on local democracy, local decision-making and strategic local planning.

My reflections on ‘dominant discourse’ and external control of our agenda and our constituents’ agendas is therefore also a call to arms. We must actively remind our communities not to simply swallow the public rhetoric about the inevitable, but must continue to question and challenge. We must enter the public debate and help shape the dominant discourses that shape expectations and opinions. My pledge as president of the VLGA to our members is that I will endeavour to ensure that our communities are heard. To be effective I need your input, so please have a go at the ‘question of the week’ (see below) and let us know your thoughts.

Next week I will offer commentary about the vexed challenge of social housing and affordability. I will invite input from the VLGA’s Diverse and Affordable Housing Advisory Group and its chair, our Vice President, Cr Jeanette McRae.

New members – Bass Coast Shire Council & Australian Conservation Foundation
On behalf of the Board, I take this opportunity to welcome our new members Bass Coast Shire Council and the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF). We are delighted to have them join.

Victorian Local Government Charter Awards
VLGA is a signatory of and champion for the Victorian Local Government Women’s Charter, as are an increasing number of local governments – around 19 to date and growing by the week. The three principles of the Charter are gender equity, diversity and active citizenship. The Women’s Charter Project received funding from the Victorian Government to work with local governments to adopt the Victorian Local Government Women’s Charter and create 3 x 3 action plans (3 actions for each of the 3 principles) with the support of the Project consultant, Jenny Ashby. Adoption of the Charter and action plans will create the opportunity to enter the 2010 Charter Awards. Applications close 4 October 2010. For more information email or call (03) 9349 7904.

Public Place Recycling Training
The Packaging Stewardship Forum (PSF) of the Australian Food and Grocery Council in partnership with Sustainability Victoria is pleased to offer its highly regarded Public Place Recycling Training to Victorian waste and recycling service providers, State and local government officers. The training program focuses on the effective management of litter and recycling in public places. Consider attending to assist in the development of effective PPR systems and guide future grant applications. But be quick as spaces fill up quickly. For more information, go here.

Our Community getting councillors on board
Membership of Our Community is free and entitles you to receive information and resources including the regular email newsletter, Our Community Matters. Community groups can also promote themselves for free on the Our Community Directory of Organisations, sign up to receive online donations and access discounts for products - click here to join. An article in the most recent newsletter discussed new British research findings that community campaigns benefit greatly from the involvement of local councillors, and encourages community groups to proactively involve councillors in their campaign with some suggestions on how to do this effectively. It references a new publication from bassac and Urban Forum, Local Action Handy Guide for communities working with councillors. Go here to download the guide.

Tell us what you think

ESC’s Final Report
The Essential Services Commission has released its final report, Establishing a Victorian Local Government Services Report, which includes a range of recommendations. You can download this, the VLGA’s submission to the issues paper, the ESC’s most recent newsletters and its Further Consultation with Local Government and Other Stakeholders Final Report here. The Establishing a Victorian Local Government Services Report includes five key recommendations concerning: features of the Victorian Local Government Services Report; integration with council plans; implementation timelines; enabling legislation and other recommendations. Read the report here and tell us what you think by emailing me at or calling me on 0438 006 656.

Watch this space

Auditor General’s Report on Problem Gambling
You may have seen recent media coverage concerning the Auditor General’s review of the State Government’s Taking Action on Problem Gambling Strategy. It is encouraging to see two key findings which the VLGA and our Local Government Working Group on Gambling (LGWGOG) have been advocating for some time. These recommendations require the regulator (Victorian Commission for Gambling Regulation) to improve decision making by identifying principles on which net detriment can be assessed. They also require future social and economic impact assessments to include impacts not just across a whole local government area but also on communities within the LGA. This is a big win given the socio-economic profiles within a LGA can vary significantly, something the VLGA and LGWGOG have been highlighting for some time. You can see the Auditor General’s Report here. The next LGWGOG meeting is on 18 August from 9-11am at the VLGA. If you are interested in attending or want further information, contact us on 03 9349 7999 or email us at

VLGA events for your diary

Mike Hill and Constitution review consultation at our next LEF
Thursday 2 September 2010
VLGA, 60 Leicester St, Carlton
The VLGA is reviewing its constitution and we want your input so come along to our September LEF, gather with colleagues, hear from VLGA life member Mike Hill and have your say. Mike Hill will speak about good governance and the future. We’ll also talk about our Discussion Paper and provide members with the chance to ask question and make comments. Read our Discussion Paper, which will be available on our website following the Board meeting on 19 August or go here for more information. Register here.

Other events

Local government leaders preventing violence against women conference
Thursday 26 August, 10am-4.30pm
MCG, Melbourne
Local government leaders will come together to discuss how local governments can prevent violence against women and foster safe and inclusive environments for all. Mayors, their delegated councillors and other senior decision makers and officers who are critical contributors to actions on strategic plans are especially welcome. For further information, or to register go here. Please note: Showcase what your local government is doing to prevent violence against women by submitting some short paragraphs on a project(s) or initiative(s) that your local government has or is undertaking. As a result an A-Z booklet of PVAW activity for the delegate kits will be created. For more information email or call (03) 9349 7904. Deadline for contributions is 17 August.

2010 Victorian Planning Conference
2-3 September 2010
This year’s Victorian Planning Conference’s sessions, seminars and workshops will be complemented by the many networking opportunities and social events showcasing excellent local produce, including dinners at world renowned Brown Brothers and All Saints Wineries. PIA and VPELA are very pleased to announce the 2010 two-day program featuring The Hon. Justin Madden MLC, Minister for Planning, Professor Brian Howe AO, Former Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the Expert Advisory Panel of the COAG Reform Council, Hugh Mackay, Australian Psychologist, Social Researcher and Writer, Dr James Bradfield Moody, Executive Director of Development CSIRO and New Inventors judge, Stuart Morris, QC, Peter Andrews, Founder of Natural Sequence Farming, Cr Geoff Lake, President of ALGA, Elida Brereton, Former Principal of Camberwell High School (and Summer Heights High), and Ross Brown, CEO of Brown Brothers Wineries. The program also boasts a range of attention grabbing seminars covering a variety of innovative topics, and to spice things up, a topical and entertaining debate around a theme close to all of our hearts, ‘Planning is the Solution of the Future’. Download the conference brochure here. For more information please contact Melita Brown on (03) 9347 1900 or

2010 Tidy Towns – Sustainable Communities Awards Weekend
8-10 October 2010
Keep Australia Beautiful Victoria is pleased to announce the finalists of the 2010 Tidy Towns – Sustainable Communities Awards. More than 50 communities have shown their commitment to clean, sustainable living by entering the 2010 Keep Australia Beautiful Victoria Tidy Towns – Sustainable Communities Awards. See the full list of finalists here. Tickets are now on sale for the 2010 Tidy Towns – Sustainable Communities Awards Weekend. The weekend, from 8-10 October 2010 at Beechworth, offers an opportunity to meet with like-minded people in the sector. Go here for more details.

Cr Heinz Kreutz
0438 006 656 or

Monday 9 August, 2010

With recent attention on the use of social media to engage young people in the Federal Election campaign, I was enthusiastic to participate in the VLGA’s inaugural online Leading Edge Forum on Thursday night. A number of members and interested people logged in to watch ‘An Audience With’ CEO Maree McPherson and me between 7.00 and 8.00pm. The question and answer session was ably facilitated by Shannon Walker of Essential Media Communications and we had a chance to present our views on a range of matters of interest to the sector. We have received additional questions and comments since the webcast. This was a new initiative for the VLGA and in the coming months we will be examining new ways to reach out to our membership. Watch the web cast here.

Active Communities, Active Democracy Forum – this Wednesday!! RSVP TODAY!!
Don’t miss out on our forum, jointly hosted with the VEC, this Wednesday from 10am-2pm at the VLGA for councillors, council officers and community organisations working with CALD, Aboriginal, disability, youth and homeless communities to ensure all communities understand the electoral process and that people of all backgrounds have the opportunity to exercise their right to vote. We encourage you to circulate this invitation and invite your local community organisations to register their attendance. This is a free event, but bookings are essential for catering purposes. For more information and to register go here or email or call (03) 9349 7999.

Bushfires Royal Commission
There has already been significant media coverage of the cost to local governments of the Commission, for example here in The Age. The MAV’s CEO Rob Spence has also conducted some very good radio interviews over the last week or so, and the MAV’s leadership in ensuring that local governments are properly supported to respond to the range of recommendations is applauded. The VLGA remains actively interested in the learning from the Bushfires Royal Commission, and the implications for 'at-risk' communities. The way in which the peak bodies can assist local governments to prepare their local communities to be ready for natural and other disasters is of significant interest to us and we are currently exploring methodologies for resilience-building.

Smart meters, informed energy use
Smart Meters are here! Some households already have them installed and meters will be installed in all 2.2 million homes and 300,000 businesses across Victoria over the next 4 years. Meters will make us all aware of how we use energy, so this information is powerful (excuse my pun). They will be read every 30 minutes. Consumers can work out how best to reduce energy use and potentially reduce bills. Some will be able to do this more easily than other low to middle income Victorians, who will find it a push adjusting to increased energy bills and other impacts of climate change. The VLGA will continue to concentrate our efforts on these needs, and to build the capacity of members to play their part. Councillors and officers could start spreading the news that if Victorians are not satisfied with their new meter, the Energy and Water Ombudsman can help on Freecall 1800 500 509.

Watch this space

Climate change in my backyard: 20 fun projects for children to make a difference
Wilbur Worm, an environmental educator, has taken up residence on the front lawns at Parliament House Canberra to promote 20 fun projects children can undertake in their own backyards around the world. The 20 garden actions for children to do to meet the challenge of Climate Change have now been released as the first of a series of Little Green Books. This first addition is free to download here. Please pass the link onto friends, colleagues and anyone you know who would get some benefit from it.

VLGA events for your diary

Stay ahead of the pack and contribute to better local access to food

Friday 13 August, 9am-1pm or 2pm-5pm
Hume City Council, Broadmeadows
This DHS funded consultation provides an opportunity for whole-of-government and long term strategies to achieve the systemic and sustainable changes required to improve food security in an equitable way. The VLGA is conducting consultations with a number of key State Government agencies and local governments in the north and west metropolitan health region of DHS. Three focus groups each are being held in the Western region and the Northern region. For further information contact Dr Beverley Wood at or 03 9349 7999.

Mike Hill and Constitution review consultation at our next LEF
Thursday 2 September 2010
As you may be aware, the VLGA is reviewing its constitution in order to tidy up some existing ambiguities and set a solid platform for the future. We are devoting the September LEF to consulting with interested members. Mike Hill will speak about good governance and the future and we will follow by speaking to our Discussion Paper and provide members with the chance to ask question and make comments. The Discussion Paper will be on our website following the Board meeting on 19 August. Go here for more information.

Other events

Local government leaders preventing violence against women conference
Thursday 26 August, 10am-4.30pm
MCG, Melbourne
Local government leaders will come together to discuss how local governments can prevent violence against women and foster safe and inclusive environments for all. Mayors, their delegated councillors and other senior decision makers and officers who are critical contributors to actions on strategic plans are especially welcome. For further information, or to register go here.

Taste of Melbourne is returning this August
26-29 August 2010
The Royal Exhibition Building will again play host to Melbourne’s Premier Food and Wine event, Taste of Melbourne, held from Thursday 26 – Sunday 29 August 2010. Treat yourself to a delicious day out. Now established as a ‘must attend event’ by food and wine lovers from Australia and beyond, Taste of Melbourne allows attendees to sample up to 40 signature dishes prepared by chefs from Melbourne’s best and hatted restaurants. Meet chefs, learn from demonstrations and discover gourmet produce. For more information or to purchase tickets, go here. Special offer! Buy 2 Premium Tickets to Taste of Melbourne for $90 (save $20!) Premium Tickets include entry into Taste of Melbourne and 30 Crowns per ticket. Crowns are the currency used to purchase food and wine at Taste. Hurry – this offer ends 25 August!

2010 Victorian Planning Conference
2-3 September 2010, Wangaratta
This year’s Victorian Planning Conference’s sessions, seminars and workshops will be complemented by the many networking opportunities and social events showcasing the excellent local produce, including dinners at world renowned Brown Brothers and All Saints Wineries. PIA and VPELA are very pleased to announce the 2010 two day program featuring The Hon. Justin Madden MLC, Minister for Planning, Professor Brian Howe AO, Former Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the Expert Advisory Panel of the COAG Reform Council, Hugh Mackay, Australian Psychologist, Social Researcher and Writer, Dr James Bradfield Moody, Executive Director of Development CSIRO and New Inventors judge, Stuart Morris, QC, Peter Andrews, Founder of Natural Sequence Farming, Cr Geoff Lake, President of ALGA, Elida Brereton, Former Principal of Camberwell College, aka Summer Heights High, and Ross Brown, CEO of Brown Brothers Wineries. The program also boasts a range of attention grabbing seminars covering a variety of leading edge, innovative topics, and to spice things up a topical and entertaining debate around a theme close to all of our hearts, ‘Planning is the Solution of the Future’. Download the conference brochure here. For more information please contact Melita Brown on (03) 9347 1900 or

“If you wait for opportunities to occur, you will be one of the crowd”
Creative Innovation 2010
8-10 September 2010
Imagine if you could have a deep conversation with Edward de Bono, the originator of the term ‘Lateral Thinking’ and consultant to some of the world’s most successful organisations including Microsoft, Nokia, Ford, GM and IBM. Creative Innovation 2010 is your opportunity!
Innovating for the future: Creative Innovation 2010 is the place to learn from world changing innovators, futurists, inspired thinkers and curious souls gathered together in an interactive community. It’s a place to learn techniques and strategies unlock and share ideas, to imagine the future.
Imagine a conference that is out of the ordinary; that pushes the boundaries and brings together the latest thinking on creativity and innovation!
The event will:
1. Provide insights and techniques for developing personal and organizational creativity
2. Demonstrate strategies and processes for creating organizational performance, productivity and wellbeing
3. Showcase the world’s best practice solutions and ideas for the development of innovative futures for community, business and government
4. Bring together a diverse range of leaders and emerging talent to develop cross-disciplinary solutions that will make a difference in your life, organisation and community
Creative Innovation 2010, proudly presented by Creative Universe and ANZ, is inspired by thought platforms such as The TED conferences in Long Beach and Oxford bring together the world’s most fascinating thinkers and doers, who are challenged to give the talk of their lives (in 18 minutes). Hear from and think with over 35 world class speakers including Edward De Bono, Edward Luttwak (USA), Michael Rennie, David Rock, Jonathan West, Stephen Heppell (UK), Peter Shergold, Austin Williams (UK), Patrick McGorry, Gemma Sisia, Steve Vamos, Hugh Durrant-Whyte, Peter Farrell, Rufus Black, Hugh Morgan and more. Creative Innovation will be held on 8-10 September at the Melbourne Recital Centre and includes a 2-day conference, master classes, deep conversations and concerts.

Behaviour Change for Sustainability National Congress
11 & 12 October 2010
We know that people are increasingly aware of the need to change their behaviour, but why do they so often fail to actually do it?
A must-attend event for anyone involved in sustainability or interested in moving their organisation or community into a secure future. Join Barack Obama’s Chief Blogger, Sam Graham-Felsen and learn how the 2008 Presidential campaign tapped into the power of social networks to build an unforseen force for change and how this can be applied to your sustainability work. Hear how the development of empathetic consciousness shapes and develops our society from world renowned economist and thinker, Jeremy Rifkin.
Explore the complex relationships between psychology and global climate change with the Director of the Committee on the Human Dimensions of Climate Change, Paul C Stern.
This is NOT an ordinary sustainability conference. Local and international experts will help you turn your knowledge of sustainability issues into meaningful change. The format is different, the speakers are inspiring and the opportunities are boundless. Don’t miss out on your chance to be part of this seminal event – places are limited and Early Bird Discount Applies until 10th September 2010. To book your place go here, email or call 02 555 4203.

8th Annual Victorian Transport Infrastructure Summit 2010
13-14 October 2010
Rendezvous Hotel, 328 Flinders St, Melbourne
VLGA members are eligible for a 50% discount on the cost of the 8th Annual Victorian Infrastructure Summit 2010. Go here for more information, and to benefit from this special discount.

Cr Heinz Kreutz
0438 006 656 or

Monday 2 August, 2010

While at the federal level our ‘leaders’ seem preoccupied with beating each other up, it is good to see that our peak bodies are working together to meet the needs of local government. While I have kept myself busy in my own ward dealing with a couple of very urgent large-scale planning issues, three VLGA board members joined a number of councillors at the recent MAV Councillor Development Weekend in Creswick from Friday 23 to Sunday 25 July. The feedback was thoroughly positive. My colleagues enjoyed discussions on topical issues affecting the local government sector. In addition to the customary networking and time-out activities they also engaged in and enjoyed the skills and capability development sessions.

Our members will also be interested that the VLGA’s dialogue with the Committee for Melbourne is continuing. The CfM will release volume 2 of its Shaping Melbourne series on 5 August (see preview at Vol. 2 will look in more detail at the challenge of increasing density and its implications, for example, for community character. We hope that we, as a local government and community peak body, can be part of the dialogue about density. Our CEO, Maree McPherson, and I met with the CEO of the Committee for Melbourne last Friday and had an open and productive discussion about our expectations, and especially the need for local participation in any new urban planning governance model. We will continue to provide you with updates on how our discussions with the CfM evolve.

Ordinary leaders solve problems in ordinary ways; exceptional leaders solve problems in creative ways
A truck is stuck under a bridge and won’t budge. But you need to get it out in 5 minutes. You have 15 people, 45 metres of cable and a southerly breeze at your disposal. What do you do? Go here to find out the answer, or read more about the Creative Innovation Conference 2010.

REMINDER - Thursday 5 August: stay home, warm, and log on to our next webcast Leading Edge Forum from 7pm
As discussed in last week’s eNews, we will not be following the usual LEF format this coming Thursday. Instead, we will webcast ‘an audience with’ our CEO Maree McPherson and me about our plans for the next year. You can make comments and ask questions online while enjoying the comforts of your home. So rug up, save the following link to your desktop – and log on at 7pm sharp. If you have comments or questions in advance feel free to email me.

ESC final report, Pilot Report and Streamlining Review
Last month the Essential Services Commission submitted its final report to Ministers Holding and Wynne. This was publicly released last week - see the report here. The government has accepted the Commission’s recommendations and asked it to undertake the Streamlining Review as soon as possible. A Pilot Report will be submitted to ministers by January 2011 and planning for the Streamlining Review is underway. As a result, August will see the Commission undertaking a range of meetings with local governments to outline the Final Report recommendations, discuss implementation including the Pilot Report process, and share initial thoughts on the Streamlining Review which is in my view one of the most significant developments we all need to contribute to. The VLGA will continue to closely liaise with the ESC and we acknowledge their acceptance of a number of the VLGA’s recommendations we made following your feedback.

Walking as Transport
Presentations are now available from the Walking as Transport workshop, held on Wednesday 21 July. The workshop provided local government with a strategic view on walking as a transport mode and its place within sustainable transport networks. Go here to view the presentations and see other useful transport resources on our Thinking Transport website.

Victorian Climate Change White Paper released
Last Monday the Victorian Climate Change White Paper was released to widespread applause, setting an unconditional target of a minimum 20% cut in carbon emissions by 2020 (based on 2000 levels). While this falls short of the IPCC’s recommendation for developed countries, it’s significantly better than the policies of the federal government and opposition. The paper details 10 actions, many of which have positive implications directly relevant to local government which I think are worthy of mention. Action 1 includes legislation to allow the Climate Communities Program access to increased funding through the Sustainability Fund for further promotion of local actions and Climate Covenants with communities, regions, industry and other stakeholders. Action 2 includes the development of a new Gippsland Regional Plan and the creation of a Latrobe Valley Advantage Fund. Action 3 includes an increased investment in large-scale solar power to approximately 5% by 2020 which is expected to result in the construction of between five and ten large plants across northern Victoria, something these local governments and the VLGA have been advocating for. Action 6 includes the roll-out of new support services for farm businesses and communities to help them adjust to changing economic, industry and environmental conditions, a key transition support we have also been advocating for. Go here for details about funding or here to read the white paper in full.

Watch this space

Pokies entitlements – the bell rings for the second round
The first round of the State Government’s auction for pokies licenses post-2012 occurred some weeks ago, and the second round is just about to open. If you are interested in what can be a fairly complex area, our friends at Ferrier Hodgson have produced an easy-to-understand Pubs on Tap newsletter which outlines what the secondary entitlements process involves, and the implications. You can see the first Pubs on Tap newsletter here. The next meeting of our Local Government Working Group on Gambling will be held from 9am-11am on Wednesday 18 August at the VLGA. For more information and a copy of the agenda, contact the office on 03 9349 7999 or

VLGA events for your diary

Active Communities, Active Democracy: Everything you need to know about increasing voter participation in the 2010 November State Election
Wednesday 11 August 2010, 10am – 2.30pm
VLGA Office, 60 Leicester St Carlton
Hosted by the VLGA, in partnership with the VEC, this forum is for councillors, officers and community organisations working with CALD, Aboriginal, disability, youth and homeless communities. Ms Kathy Bell, CEO of the Heart Foundation (Victoria), will also present the Victorian winners of the Heart Foundation Local Government Awards for 2010. Go here for more information.

Stay ahead of the pack and contribute to better local access to food
This DHS funded consultation provides an opportunity for whole-of-government and long term strategies to achieve the systemic and sustainable changes required to improve food security in an equitable way. The VLGA is conducting consultations with a number of key State Government agencies and local governments in the north and west metropolitan health region of DHS. Three focus groups each will be held in the Western region and the Northern region. For further information contact Dr Beverley Wood at or 03 9349 7999.

Other events

8th Annual Victorian Transport Infrastructure Summit 2010
13-14 October 2010
Rendezvous Hotel, 328 Flinders St, Melbourne

VLGA members are eligible for a 50% discount on the cost of the 8th Annual Victorian Infrastructure Summit 2010. Go here for more information, and to benefit from this special discount.

Cr Heinz Kreutz
0438 006 656 or