Tuesday 21 December, 2010

Season’s Greetings & VLGA office hours
This is our last eNews for 2010, and yes, it is mercifully short. The eNews will resume in the second week of January as we gear up for the VLGA Board Elections (see below). On behalf of the Board, our CEO Maree McPherson and all the talented VLGA staff, I’d like to extend the season’s greetings to all of our members, friends and supporters. Stay safe, remember it’s a great time to spend time with your family and friends, and also to show kindness towards those less well-off in our communities. The VLGA office will close at 5pm this Thursday 23 December, and will re-open on Tuesday 4 January 2011.

A year of much change, with more to come?
As we all contemplate what the recent State Election will mean for a new partnership between the Coalition and local government, it’s fascinating to see debate raging in the UK about the new policy directions of the Coalition Government there. Whoever thought that our challenges concerning funding and cost-shifting are unique might be interested in some bed-time reading over the holiday break. The UK Institute for Public Policy Research’s (IPPR) response to the recent Localism Bill in the UK welcomes the decentralisation of key powers to councils and communities but says that the Bill represents a cosmetic commitment to localism as it does not deliver new funding streams that give local people more control over how their taxes are spent. See the whole article and more information about the UK Localism Bill here.

VLGA Board Election Voters’ Roll closes at 5pm tomorrow, Wednesday 22 December
Nominations will open at 9am on Friday 21 January, and close at 5pm on Friday 28 January. You can download the Nomination Form here. If you have any queries about your membership status, please contact Member Resources Officer Sarah Colgan by email or telephone (03) 9349 7983. See the Election Guide here, more information about the role of President here, and more information about the role of Board Members here. If you would like to talk to me about the elections and the Board, give me a call on 0438 006 656.

VLGA Events

2011 Essential Mayors’ Weekend
27-29 January 2011
Peppers The Sands Resort, Torquay
For more information go here.

Cr Heinz Kreutz
Email or 0438 006 656

Monday 13 December, 2010

My Bit
As the year draws to an end, it’s time to reflect. For me, and after nearly nine years in local government, 2010 has one of the busiest and most rewarding years so far. My experience has been greatly enhanced by the VLGA presidentship. It has been an absolute privilege to represent the organisation across such a broad spectrum of organisations, communities and initiatives. In recent weeks, during my many interactions with ministers, advisors, local government management and CEOs and, of course, our members, I have been overwhelmed with praise for how the VLGA has performed in 2010. There exists a strong recognition and acceptance now of the fact that we are effective, relevant, agile and flexible. In particular, people seem to appreciate our ability to deal with difficult and complex challenges constructively without unnecessarily politicising issues. We all know, especially in a year with two elections, that this has not always been easy. Our members are outspoken and diverse, their needs and expectations manifold.

Our achievements of 2010 have enabled me to learn and understand local governments more deeply than ever before, and appreciate the sector even more as a result. So it is with some regret that after exploring every possible angle, and with a full-time job and a new set of challenges at work next year, I simply do not have the privilege to nominate for president. I would not be able to do justice to the portfolio, and this would be unfair to the VLGA staff and irresponsible towards our members. I am still considering my options for one of the other board positions and will make a decision soon. While this fills me personally with a sense of achievement and satisfaction, my inability to nominate for the president’s role for the 2011-2013 term is to me personally very disappointing. In the meantime, I would ask you to exercise the opportunity to either nominate for, and/or elect the new board with care and circumspection. The VLGA has never been stronger, and the new leadership team will play a crucial role in maintaining direction and momentum.

A heartfelt thanks to you all, good luck and a very happy Christmas.

Mayors … and more mayors
As expected, there is a higher than usual number of new mayors in the third year of the electoral cycle. More local governments have made two-year appointments, and the debate about directly elected mayors is heating up. So I doubt this will be the last time the VLGA will be talking with members about mayoral issues. We’ve had unprecedented interest in next year’s Essential Mayors Weekend from 27-29 January 2011, and we’ve posted the Draft Program and Registration Form here. It’s a fantastic program with plenty of time for mayors to make important networks that will last a long time. Recognising that smaller shires have limited budgets, we are offering four reduced-price registrations ($500 off), and mayors can contact our CEO Maree McPherson to discuss this further on (03) 9349 7901. For further administration and registration information, contact Sarah Colgan, Member Resources Officer by email or (03) 9349 7983.

Democracy on the internet
I’ve said before, one of my pet topics is that webcast technology should be used more often to let residents in our local communities know what governments are up to. Local governments and community organisations are ahead of the game. I was personally disappointed by the lack of policy discussions webcast during the recent State Election. The VCOSS webcast 3 days before the election is a wonderful exception. Mental Health, Women's Affairs and Community Services Minister Mary Wooldridge, Education Minister Martin Dixon, and Housing, Children and Early Childhood Development Minister Wendy Lovell talked about A Fairer Victoria; children and families; community sector sustainability; housing affordability, education, services and disability support, law and order; and the cost of living.

VLGA Board Elections
If you have any queries about your membership status, please contact Member Resources Officer Sarah Colgan by email or telephone (03) 9349 7983. See the Election Guide here, more information about the role of President here, as well as more information about the role of Board Members here. Nominations open at 9am on Friday 21 January, and close at 5pm on Friday 28 January. You can download the Nomination Form here. If you would like to talk to me about the elections and the Board, give me a call on 0438 006 656.

Can Premier Ted Baillieu reduce your energy bills?
Another one of my pet topics is the impact of climate change on our energy bills, especially for low income Victorians who are less able to take the hits. In a tenuous link with my previous pet topic, see the Moreland Energy Foundation’s blog which answers some complex questions in a simple way, including what's driving prices up; what can Ted Baillieu do; and what can you do to reduce your energy costs?


Victorian Young Planners (PIA Victoria) Christmas Croquet Tournament
This coming Wednesday 15 December 2010, 6-9pm
Brunswick Mallet Sports Club
For more information go here.

Cr Heinz Kreutz
Email or 0438 006 656

Monday 6 December, 2010

End-of-year drinks and John Jago Good Governance Award
It was wonderful to see many of you at our end of year drinks last Thursday. There is an enormous amount of goodwill around the VLGA, and we thank you all for your support during the year. We also announced the Inaugural Winner of the VLGA’s John Jago Good Governance Award.

The John Jago Good Governance Award is awarded to a VLGA member local government or community organisation whose governance and leadership practices have led to improved public participation in decision-making. John became involved with the VLGA in 1994 and was the Association’s President from 1998 to 2000, and this Award exemplifies the values and traits exhibited by Cr John Jago in his work with communities and local governments. Three finalists vied for the award, with the winner receiving an Indigenous glass trophy and a $500 cheque. Highly commended finalists included Manningham for their Civic Precinct Community Hub, and Banyule for their Greensborough Project. The winner was Port Phillip for their St Kilda Festival Review. All three nominations were very close, and we will soon be uploading these onto our website, as well as a wonderful speech about good governance and John Jago from VLGA Life Member Mike Hill.

New MPs bring a strong local government flavour to parliament
At the time of writing this eNews, it is interesting to note that seven out of 13 new Members of Parliament come from local government backgrounds, including Donna Bauer (Liberal MP for Carrum from Kingston), Anthony Carbines (Labor MP for Ivanhoe from Banyule), Jane Garrett (Labor MP for Brunswick from Yarra City), Andrew Katos (Liberal MP for South Barwon from Geelong), Tim McCurdy (Nationals MP for Murray Valley from Moira), Clem Newton-Brown (Liberal MP for Prahran formerly from Melbourne), and Lorraine Wreford (Liberal MP for Mordialloc from Casey). That’s just under 54% with local government backgrounds. The VLGA has talked with most of these former councillors about our member’s views on what changes need to occur (see below). We believe that they will be strong advocates for local government given their connections and understanding, so we look forward to working with them. We understand that by-elections will be held in Banyule, Casey and Yarra City, with countbacks in Geelong and Kingston and that all will be finalised by the end of March next year. We look forward to welcoming these new councillors then.

Working with the new State Government
The VLGA has a proud history and strong record of consulting with and representing the interests of its members to both government bodies and other organisations. The VLGA has maintained excellent relationships with the Liberal and National Parties whilst in opposition, and looks forward to continuing such relationships with the new State Government. The VLGA approach in representing its members is to engage with the Victorian Government and establish a regular dialogue on the key local government and community issues of concern to its membership.

We especially congratulate Jeannette Powell on her appointment as Minister for Local Government, and we look forward to meeting with her shortly, and look forward to the opportunity to work constructively with her and her colleagues. We also acknowledge the work and commitment of the outgoing Minister for Local Government Richard Wynne and the Brumby Government.

The VLGA called for a new approach to the ways that governments work together and with our communities, as you can see here, and we will continue to work hard on behalf of our members to see more local solutions to local challenges. So, our preparations over the coming weeks for meetings with new Ministers, and shadow spokespersons, will of course focus on some ‘non-negotiable’ asks we have been pressing for on behalf of our members for some time. Key among these ‘asks’ are:
* simplification and clarification of conflict of interest legislation
* promoting and building good governance capacities
* adequate funding of local community infrastructure
* a deepening partnership with and respect of local democracy
* improving community participation in decision-making – especially planning
* giving local governments more power to address amenity impacts of take-away alcohol,
* improving community resilience to cope with change of all kinds including the climate, population growth, water and public transport
* social justice and human rights plans
* increasing housing affordability, and
* reducing the harms of pokies.

As we have also discussed in recent editions of my eNews, there are many promises made by the Coalition Government affecting local governments worthy of support and monitoring to ensure they happen. We are particularly excited about our involvement in proposals such as the Whelan Report into the financial sustainability of rural local governments; the Ministerial Mayors Advisory Panel and other ideas that will hopefully progress the issues of roles and responsibilities and cost-shifting in meaningful ways. These are big debates and issues, so the VLGA will need to continue to be ready, agile and positive to ensure that the wishes of our members are realised.

VLGA Board Elections
By now members should have received formal notice of the Board Elections from our CEO and Returning Officer Maree McPherson. The election for VLGA Board and President for the 2011-13 term will be held in February 2011. This election, which is being held under the VLGA’s recently revised Constitution, consists of a poll for the President (who is directly elected) and for eight ordinary Board members. Please note that the Voters' Roll closes at 5pm on Wednesday 22 December 2010 – if you have any queries about your membership status, please contact Member Resources Officer Sarah Colgan by email or telephone (03) 9349 7983.

Voting in the election will commence at 9am on Thursday 3 February, and closes at 5pm on Thursday 10 February. See the VLGA Board Election Guide 2011 for further details about the election process. Councillors of VLGA member councils are eligible to stand for the office of President. More information about the role is contained in the VLGA President candidate information document. Of the eight ordinary Board member positions, five must be councillors of VLGA member councils and three must be from other categories of membership. You can read more about the role of Board members in the VLGA Ordinary Board member candidate information document. Nominations for both President and ordinary Board members open at 9am on Friday 21 January, and close at 5pm on Friday 28 January. Download the VLGA Board Election 2011 nomination form for more details and to nominate for the Board.

ALGA welcomes Draft National Road Safety Strategy
Cr Genia McCaffery, President of the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA), last week welcomed the consultation draft of the National Road Safety Strategy 2011-20, which aims to reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries on Australian roads by at least 30% annually. Local governments are collectively responsible for over 650,000 kilometres or 80% of all roads in Australia and local government welcomes the greater emphasis on local roads in the draft strategy.

Cr McCaffery therefore urges everyone to examine the draft strategy from their own perspectives and provide feedback by asking the questions: How will this work in my community? Is it practical? Are there alternative approaches to achieve the same or better result? How will these initiatives be paid for? The draft strategy and details on how to lodge feedback can be found on the Department of Infrastructure and Transport website.

Check out Day 12 in the ‘16 days of action to prevent violence against women’
Watch the changing flag on our website front page over the ‘16 days of action’ featuring a new daily action to focus on the need to prevent violence against women, and make a difference in your community. For more information contact Linda Bennett on email or call (03) 9349 7904.

2011 Essential Mayor’s Weekend
As local governments decide on the new Mayor for the next 12 months, we would like you to keep in mind that the 2011 Essential Mayor’s Weekend has been booked for 12pm (midday) Thursday 27 January until 3pm Saturday 29 January. This will take place at Peppers the Sands Resort, Torquay. The aims of this weekend are to enable Mayors to:
• Build networks and support with other Mayors
• Survive and then thrive during the Mayoral year
• Maintain and strengthen key relationships with CEOs and Councillors, and
• Receive in-depth governance, team building and conflict resolution skills.

Please mention this not-to-be-missed event to your new or continuing Mayor, and for further information, contact Director Policy & Public Affairs, Darren Ray via email or telephone (03) 9349 7902.

Other events

2010 Human Rights Week panel discussion: shining a light on human rights: the charter in action
This coming Wednesday 8 December 2010, 12-1pm
Melbourne, Telstra Theatrette
Julian Burnside AO QC, and James Farrell, Manager of the Public Interest Law Clearing House Homeless Persons’ Legal Clinic. For more information go here.

Cr Heinz Kreutz
0438 006 656 or email

Monday 29 November, 2010

Beyond the State Election
It’s too premature to be making any definitive analysis about the outcomes of Saturday’s State Election, so watch this space in future editions of my eNews for this analysis. During the State Election the VLGA campaigned on a number of issues of concern to our members. Central to this was the importance and role of local governments, and our call for a new approach to a partnership which was supported by all major parties and discussed in last week’s eNews. Whoever is declared the winner, we feel we have built a strong base to pursue these concerns. Other concerns included assisting local communities cope with change; funding for physical and community infrastructure; affordable housing; and giving local communities more say about pokies. As we said during the campaign, we believe there is a clear case for the next State Government to build a stronger partnership with local governments and communities across these and other policy areas. This is definitely the case in the planning, population and change debates we need to have together. It is becoming clear that more councillors will be elected to the State Parliament this time around, and this can only bode well for a new partnership with local government. We congratulate you all, including those who were not successful, and we applaud your preparedness to continue to serve your local communities in so many ways. The VLGA will ensure that a future partnership is built on equal participation and respect, and that our member’s interests are protected.

VCAT Red Dot Decision: just who has standing to be heard as an objector?
This Red Dot Decision is an important one, due to the finding of who has standing to be heard under Sections 33B(1) and 33B(2) of the Environment Protection Act 1970. In a landmark case, VCAT’s Deputy President Helen Gibson has clarified the circumstances under which objectors can claim to have standing to be heard on an application before it. While the merits of whether somebody will have standing will still be assessed on an individual basis, this Red Dot Decision provides some clarification of interest not only to local governments but also local communities. For more information and to read the decision, go here.

Australian Centre for Excellence in Local Government newsletter now online
The VLGA have been meeting with the ACELG on a range of issues, and we are delighted to inform members that they are now providing updates on their activities via their new newsletter, Excellence in Brief.

Food for All – influencing land use and the built environment to improve access to healthy food
You may not have seen one of VicHealth’s Food for All micro-movies in this eNews recently, so it is timely to re-start them given the focus of the last week or so on the link between land use planning, population growth and sustainable agricultural land. Local governments have a number of mechanisms available to support food security initiatives by influencing the local, built and natural environments. Strong community consultation including awareness-raising of the local barriers to accessing healthy food will also result in the obvious link between land use planning and food security being drawn. Zoning of land, walking and cycling, infrastructure planning, health and social impact assessment, and the preservation of arable farm land are all examples of strategies identified during the Food for All programs that you can explore. This latest micro-movie of only three minutes outlines the importance of adopting this approach. Please note that when you use this link there is now also an opportunity to give feedback about the micro-movies and to see Food for All information sheets. If you would like further information about the Food for All Project please contact our Project Officer, Leah Galvin, via email or call (03) 9349 7999.

Check out Day 5: taking one simple action during the ‘16 days of action to prevent violence against women’
Watch the changing flag on our website front page over the ‘16 days of action’. Between White Ribbon Day on 25 November featuring events that focused on the need to prevent violence against women, to International Human Rights Day on 10 December, our website features a new daily local government action you could take to make a difference for your community. For more information email Linda Bennett or call (03) 9349 7904.

VLGA events for your diary

VLGA Members’ End-of-Year Function
Thursday 2 December, 6.30-8.30pm
More information and register here or call (03) 9349 7999.

Other events

2010 Kemsley Oration
Thursday 2 December, 6pm
Melbourne, Kelvin Club
Vision of Planning for an Achievable, Sustainable and Liveable Melbourne
The 2010 Oration will be delivered by Mr Paul Ramadge, Editor-in-Chief at The Age. Supported by Deakin University. For more information, go here.

2010 Human Rights Week panel discussion: shining a light on human rights – the charter in action
Wednesday 8 December 2010, 12-1pm
Melbourne, Telstra Theatrette
Julian Burnside AO QC and James Farrell, Manager of the Public Interest Law Clearing House Homeless Persons’ Legal Clinic. For more information go here.

Cr Heinz Kreutz
0438 006 656 or email

Sunday 21 November, 2010

Major parties respond to VLGA calls for a new approach to intergovernmental relationships and community involvement
All four major parties have responded to our calls for improved intergovernmental governance and community partnerships, including our Communities, Governments and Change Summit.

Before I outline responses to our State Election Bulletin of 9 November, it’s instructive to remember where we have come from. Local governments have been subjected to massive structural, governance and regulatory reforms over the last 16 years, and these changes are being felt in all local communities. Voting patterns of the last few years reflect an expectation by local communities to be better informed about, and involved in, the changes affecting them. Intergovernmental relationships are therefore critical, and it is pleasing to see all four major parties are responding constructively to our calls.

Future reforms are as certain as changes in our local communities are inevitable. We believe there is also a palpable shift in attitudes. An invitation has been extended so that local governments and sector peak bodies including the VLGA, MAV and LGPro can bring our capacities to the table to work with the next State Government and Parliament. As I said in Bendigo a couple of months ago, we are ready to address unfished business such as our respective roles and responsibilities, as well as funding for local community services and public infrastructure, but we can only do this together.

Judging by the responses from the four major parties to our call for a new approach to intergovernmental relationships and community involvement in changes affecting them, there are reasons for optimism.

It is pleasing to see the Coalition support our proposition to address these issues, including a partnership to clarify the roles and responsibilities of each tier of government. The Coalition has committed to establishing a Ministerial-Mayors Advisory Panel. In the Coalition’s Media Release, Jeanette Powell highlighted shared concerns about protecting local democracy; cost-shifting; greater consultation between the State Government and local governments; and the pressure to choose between increased rates, reduced vital community services or deteriorating infrastructure. The Coalition has also announced they would hold local government elections six weeks earlier, as we’ve lobbied for. On a completely different issue, we would like to welcome the Coalition’s announcement to set up a Problem Gambling Foundation, which the VLGA and our Local Government Working Group on Gambling have been advocating for the last three years. For other relevant announcements from the Coalition, go here.

Premier John Brumby acknowledged the pressure to choose between increased rates, reduced vital community services or deteriorating infrastructure early in the campaign, and the VLGA is determined that this challenge is publicly discussed and analysed, and solutions found. Local Government Minister Richard Wynne confirmed that ongoing dialogue with the local government sector would continue through events such as the Local Government Ministerial Forum; meetings with groups of local governments including the Interface Councils, Regional Cities, and Small Towns; and also the recently established Victorian Council of Regional Governments. Regular meetings will continue to be held with peak bodies to tackle issues confronting local governments. Labor has also committed to engage with the VLGA on our 9 November proposals, and to discuss these with the sector at the next Local Government Ministerial forum to be held in the first half of 2011. Other relevant announcements from Labor affecting local governments can be seen here.

The Greens have offered full support to the VLGA’s Communities, Government and Change Summit, adding that they strongly support a greater devolution of power, and increased funding to local governments. In relation to planning challenges, they responded that they are dedicated to a new and improved dialogue between developers, the broader community and state and local governments.

The VLGA will continue to advocate for our members’ desire to see an improved partnership emerge, and for us to tackle some of the big challenges associated with change. At the very heart of this will be the need for the VLGA and our members to strenuously defend the importance of the principle of subsidiarity, as we’ve discussed previously.

Speaking of change, it’s important to repeat our calls for a future public inquiry to consider the barriers and opportunities to consult local communities in planning and other important issues affecting them. We believe we have articulated a strong case for this to happen in the next term of government. It is worth noting that the Coalition has agreed to a metropolitan planning and development audit linked to infrastructure capacity issues and community service needs; new planning referral authorities to assist with local planning decisions; and also allowing regional local governments to alter land use within farming zones. Labor has already announced measures to improve regional planning via Regional Strategic Plans and investments included in their Regional Blueprint welcomed by the sector in mid-June this year.

As we have said before, local governments are uniquely placed to advocate for and drive the sort of change that voters are wanting. Like the local communities we represent, we deal with the consequences of big-picture policy decisions taken by others, without the resources to do so. The VLGA will work with our members over the next term of government and beyond to ensure greater local input in decision-making.

Whoever wins the State Election, it is clear that there is an appetite among the four major parties to address the key challenges the VLGA has been speaking about. Taking stock and preparing our communities for change must be the key focus over the next four years. We stand ready to work with the next State Government and Parliament to keep a key focus on local communities and the critical role local governments play.

New animation to show local population trends in LGAs
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has produced an exciting new way to see the population history of each local government area. The Population Pyramid is an animated graphic of the change over time in the age and sex population distribution of local areas. It includes statistics from 1986 to 2009. The Population Pyramid allows you to select Victoria or any of the State's local government areas.

White Ribbon Day – eliminating violence against women
A reminder to our members to take part in events over the coming week, including the Geelong event at Skilled Stadium on 23 November which will see a large human white ribbon formed on the oval. See more information on the Geelong event here. And for events taking place in your community, go here.

VLGA events for your diary

CASPN Conference: After Sorry, What Next? Local government connecting with Aboriginal communities
Wednesday 24 November, 9.00am-5.00pm
More information and register here.

VLGA End-of-year Members' Function
Thursday 2 December, 6.30-8.30pm
VLGA members can RSVP for the function here or call (03) 9349 7999.

Other events

mecu Ltd Community Land Trusts: an information session
Monday 22 November, 10-11.30am
VLGA, Carlton
For more information and to register go here.

Providing Bus Priority – Dr Nick Hounsell (UK)
1-3pm, Thursday 25 November
More information, including an agenda, available on the VLGA's Thinking Transport website.

ALGWA National Conference
Thursday 25 – Saturday 27 November
North Ryde, NSW
More information and register here.

Cr Heinz Kreutz
0438 006 656 or heinz@vlga.org.au

Monday 15 November, 2010

I’d like to thank members for your positive feedback to our 2010 State Election Bulletin sent out last week. We have called on all major parties to commit prior to 27 November to convene a Communities, Governments and Change Summit to be held in the first year of the next term. Following the Summit, we would like the next Parliament to conduct a public inquiry on:

* the roles and responsibilities of all levels of government
* how local impacts of change can be better planned for
* regulatory burdens facing local governments, and
* barriers and opportunities to better involve and consult local communities in planning and other important issues that have a large affect on them.

If you’ve not read the State Election Bulletin you can find it here. On another note, I hope to see you this Thursday at our Special General Meeting (SGM) at 7.30pm to consider changes to our Constitution, following our special forum on smoking in public places which starts at 5.30pm. Register online for the SGM here, and register for the Smoking in Public Places forum here or call the VLGA office on (03) 9349 7999.

State Election Updates

As I have said before, the VLGA is actively supporting the MAV’s Call to Parties, and in particular their planning and decision-making recommendations. These are shared by the VLGA as discussed in our Planning Local Communities Together Kit sent to members. As noted by the MAV, the Victorian Greens have prioritised the restoration of planning decision making to local governments and communities. They also support a reduction in local government regulation through a whole-of-government review, as well as mandatory Regulatory Impact Statements. View the full Greens response, and see their Urban and Land Use Planning policy. The sector is now looking to all major parties for their responses to our shared concerns over the next two weeks. In the meantime you can see the Labor Party's policies here, the Liberal Party’s policies here, and the National Party’s policies here.

Today I would like to concentrate on two policy areas where we believe the major parties need to go that step further in the next two weeks to benefit local communities and local governments. These include making pokies and online gambling safe, as well as affordable housing.

Making pokies and online gambling safe
Our Local Government Working Group on Gambling (LGWGOG) today launched our 2010 State Election Platform: addressing the local impacts of gambling and supporting communities to have their say. We are calling on major parties to make pokies and online gambling safe, and to return decision-making on pokies applications to local communities.

Local governments and communities experience the impacts of homelessness, debt, bankruptcy, poverty, cost-of-living pressures, family breakdown and violence, mental illness, and crime every day. Yet debates about pokies and online gambling losses are stuck in a time-warp. Industry strenuously defends free markets, arguing that the impacts of gambling are individual rather than community problems. If we look objectively at the impacts of problem gambling, it is impossible to separate the individual costs from family and community impacts. To see the 18 recommendations included in the Platform, the Launch Speech by LGWGOG Chair Felicity Leahy, and the full Media Release go here.

Affordable Housing
I was pleased to see Housing Minister Richard Wynne announce plans for a $475 million stock transfer of 1,500 properties to Victoria’s Housing Associations. As the VLGA’s Diverse and Affordable Housing Advisory Group member, the Community Housing Federation of Victoria, observed late last week, this sends the strongest possible signal to the community housing sector that it has an integral role to play in beating the housing affordability crisis. Labor and the Greens are clearly articulating policies the VLGA and our members have been calling for. I hope the Liberal and National Parties make further announcements to grow the supply of all forms of affordable housing, which is more than a simple market response. In early December our Diverse and Affordable Housing Advisory Group will launch a plan for State and local government collaboration to address the housing affordability crisis.

New ALGA President – Cr Genia McCaffery
For only the second time in its history (the first being former VLGA CEO, Rae Perry), the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) elected a woman President, Cr Genia McCaffery, at its annual general meeting held in Canberra last week. The Mayor of North Sydney, Cr Genia McCaffery was previously President of the Local Government Association of New South Wales for six years and has been a Director of ALGA since June 2006. Cr McCaffery said that it was an exciting time to be heading the national body which represents Australia's 565 councils. Along with the ongoing work on constitutional recognition and infrastructure funding, Cr McCaffery said that she hoped to address planning and natural resources management during her time as President. Cr McCaffery also paid tribute to her predecessor as ALGA President, Cr Geoff Lake – he has been an energetic and hard-working advocate for local government, and in his two years as President achieved much for Australia's communities. On behalf of members, I would also like to acknowledge Cr Lake’s efforts, and congratulate Cr McCaffery and others elected to the ALGA executive. We look forward to working with ALGA in the future. To see more information, including ALGA’s priorities over the next year, go here.

VLGA advocacy on the Transport Integration Act
As members may be aware, the new Transport Integration Act commenced on 1 July 2010. The new Act brings together the transport portfolio – including ports and marine – under the one statute for the first time in Victoria’s history and replaces the Transport Act 1983 as Victoria’s primary transport legislation. The Act makes it clear that the transport system needs to be sustainable – in economic terms, in environmental terms and in social terms – establishing transport as a ‘triple bottom line’ issue. The new Act requires all transport agencies – including DOT, Director of Public Transport, VicRoads, VicTrack, V/Line, the Port of Melbourne Corporation, the Victorian Regional Channels Authority and the Linking Melbourne Authority – to work together toward the common goal of an integrated and sustainable transport system. The new Act also focuses on linkage to integrated transport outcomes. Accordingly the legislation recognises the critical role land-use agencies play in securing triple bottom line outcomes for transport across Victoria. It also means that land-use agencies that make transport-related decisions need to take account of the policy framework in the new Act when making decisions that impact on the transport system. These agencies include the Department of Planning and Community Development, local governments, the Growth Areas Authority and Parks Victoria.

The VLGA is represented on the Interface Bodies Working Group. This group represents primary interface bodies and provides a forum for discussion and open exchange of expertise and information to address and resolve matters arising from the implementation of the new framework. The TIA Significant Impact Final Working Draft is currently with the Interface Bodies to trial, prior to the Working Group reconvening in February 2011 to present further comment. In the interim comment on the Significant Impact Final Working Draft is sought from the Working Group. If you have a specific interest in this area and wish to provide comment please contact our CEO, Maree McPherson via email or on (03) 9349 7901.

White Ribbon Day – eliminating violence against women
Thank you to members for bringing their White Ribbon Day (25 November) events to our attention as a result of last week’s eNews. It is great to see local government and community momentum build over the last few years. Both Greater Geelong and Strathbogie are supporting regional events which use imagination and creativity to highlight action on this very serious community issue. The Geelong event on 23 November will see participants form a large human white ribbon on the oval at Skilled Stadium. Guest speakers, entertainment and a sausage sizzle will also form part of the event. For more information on the Geelong event, go here.

Strathbogie will host a White Ribbon event in Euroa as part of the Great Victorian Bike Ride with over 5000 riders and support teams. They will also participate in a concert in Nagambie with Shannon Noll at Mitchelton Wines on 1 December. For more information about Strathbogie events email Cr Colleen Furlanetto or phone 0427 537 522. For more information on events taking place in your community go here, or let us know about your event by emailing the details to the VLGA.

VLGA events for your diary

Special Forum: Local Government Smoke-Free Policies in Outdoor Areas
Thursday 18 November, 5.30pm
VLGA Carlton
More information and register here.

VLGA Special General Meeting (Constitution)
Thursday 18 November, 7.30pm
VLGA Carlton
Draft Constitution here.

CASPN Conference: After Sorry, What Next? Local government connecting with Aboriginal communities
Wednesday 24 November, 9.00am-5.00pm
Northcote Town Hall
More information and register here.

Other events

Providing Bus Priority - Dr Nick Hounsell (UK)
Thursday 25 November, 1-3pm
Department of Transport Theatrette, 5th Floor, 121 Exhibition Street, Melbourne
Dr Nick Hounsell (University of Southampton) and Professor Graham Currie (Monash University) will present this workshop on Optimisation of Public Transport Priority Initiatives, using Bus Priority in London as a case study. Further information, including an agenda, is available on the VLGA's Thinking Transport website.

ALGWA National Conference
Thursday 25 – Saturday 27 November
North Ryde, NSW
More information and register here.

Cr Heinz Kreutz
0438 006 656 or heinz@vlga.org.au

Monday 8 November, 2010

It was a pleasure to see many of you at our AGM last Thursday. Our guest speaker, Whitehorse CEO Noelene Duff, was incredibly well received as were her reflections on her role as an Ambassador for the Year of Women in Local Government 2010. If you were unable to make the meeting but would like to see our Annual Report, go here. Don’t forget our Special General Meeting which is on Thursday week, 18 November at 7.30pm, where we will consider changes to our Constitution.

State Election Kit sent to members
It is a coincidence that today is World Town Planning Day, which celebrates the enormous contribution that urban and regional planners make to the community through the creation of better places for people to live, work and play. The Planning Institute of Australia has issued a Media Release and Fact Sheet for your information.

Member local governments (through your CEOs, PAs, Mayors and Delegates) and all other members were sent our Planning Local Communities Together Kit on Friday. The Kit is informed not only by our Annual Tour visits, but also some key advocacy campaigns we have been involved in including VCAT Reforms, and the Planning and Environment Act Review.

This Kit forms part of the VLGA’s State Election activity, and is formulated as a member service. The purpose of the Kit is to advise members of key results from research and other VLGA discussions on planning issues and how these inform:
* a Basic 6-Step Approach to State Election Campaigning on planning and community participation, and
* a medium-term campaign to work with members, the community and the next State Government.

The Kit will also be supplemented by other statements and policies released by the VLGA during the State Election, as well as other media articles of relevance to local communities. To stay up-to-date with our State Election information and coverage go here. For more information, contact us via email at vlga@vlga.org.au or on (03) 9349 7999.

Early reminder – VLGA Board Election
The bi-annual election for the VLGA President and Board will be taking place in February 2011. Detailed information about the election will be published early in December. This will include key dates and candidate information statements. Members are reminded that no fees must be owing at the time the Voters Roll closes (5pm, 22 December 2010) if they wish to stand and/or vote. Organisation members (local governments, community groups and organisations) have all been contacted recently to ensure that their delegate and representative details are up to date. Councillors have also been reminded that they must submit the form indicating formal support to the VLGA’s Vision, Mission and Values (if they have not previously done so), if they wish to exercise their individual right to participate. If you have any queries at this stage, please contact Ron Exiner, Director Governance, on 0417 392 078 or at ron@vlga.org.au.

Smoking in public areas: do we want to be at the leading edge of important policy debates?
There is little doubt that the issue of smoking in public places is attracting more community interest. More than three-quarters of Victorians believe smoking should not be allowed in outdoor areas where children are present, according to Heart Foundation Chief Executive Officer Kathy Bell. Seven out of ten disapprove of smoking in outdoor areas. Mayors, councillors and senior staff will need to stay aware of the developments in this public health area, and we encourage you to attend our special forum on 18 November at 5.30pm in Carlton (see VLGA Events below for more information). Quit Executive Director Fiona Sharkie said bans were vital in helping continue to drive down smoking rates in the state. A whole-of-state approach to this policy issue would be desirable. But in the meantime, come along and hear the opportunities and pitfalls experienced by Monash, Frankston and Surf Coast who have all taken different approaches. For more information and to register go here.

White Ribbon Day
Kicking off with a Melbourne Town Hall Luncheon on White Ribbon Day (Thursday 25 November), White Ribbon supporters will come together to focus on eliminating violence against women. Speaking at this event will be Michael Kaufman, one of the Canadian founders of the White Ribbon Day Campaign, and Michael Flood, a leading academic who works with engaging men to change attitudes and behaviours about violence against women. Tickets for the luncheon are $150. For more information or to buy a ticket, email rsvp@whiteribbon.org.au.

Many of our other members are holding White Ribbon Day events including a Women in Local Government Charity Golf Day at the Growling Frog Golf Club in Yan Yean on 24 November. Put on by Whittlesea City Council, supported by Whitehorse and Boroondara City Councils and other partners, this event includes a luncheon, show-bags, prizes, comedian Rachael Berger, and plenty of opportunities to network. To register your team, please contact Sarah Davies on (03) 9217 2447 or email sarah.davies@whittlesea.vic.gov.au. This fundraising event is limited to 120 participants, so get in early to avoid disappointment! For more information on White Ribbon events taking place in other parts of Victoria go here, or let us know about your event by emailing details to vlga@vlga.org.au.

Mayors and councillors contributing even more to local communities
As if our elected mayors and councillors don’t work hard enough for their communities already, some are also making contributions through local sporting and other organisations – in their spare time. We’ve decided to highlight these efforts when local communities and organisations recognise them. First cab off the rank is Darebin Mayor, Cr Vince Fontana, who was recognised for his leadership in another field when he was recently awarded AFL Victoria’s Youth Coach of the Year Award for the Northern Region. The award covers the Under-13 to Under-19 category.

AFL Victoria's Northern Community Development Manager, Phiv Demetriou, said Cr Fontana had shown great dedication to his team and has spent a lot of time working with them to develop them as players as well as individuals. He has been actively involved in implementing an education program to encourage social responsibility on issues such as drink driving, drugs and alcohol, binge drinking, respect for women and the importance of the role of women in football. If you would like to send us examples of how community and other organisations have formally recognised the efforts of mayors and councillors, email these to our Director Policy & Public Affairs, Darren Ray, at darren@vlga.org.au or on (03) 9349 7902.

Using local government powers to address food security locally
Despite the absence of another Food for All mini movie from last week’s shorter ‘Melbourne Cup’ edition, it is timely that this week’s mini movie addresses a topical issue we are all grappling with during the state election. That is, what powers can we exercise locally to help us cope with problems that often result from policy and market forces driven by other levels of government? So, how can local governments use our regulatory and fiscal controls to increase the amount of healthy food available in our local communities? This mini movie highlights various ways that local government can use our own regulatory powers. The mini movie runs for only three minutes and includes some successful strategies ranging from encouraging the sale of food at local markets or van sales; encouraging and supporting food rescue to minimise waste; and applying rate incentives for healthy food retailers.

Maryborough Food for All project workshop
The Food for All projects have demonstrated there are 10 key ways for local government to act and outlining these is an important part of the workshops rolling out across Victoria. The first workshop will be held in Maryborough, hosted by Central Goldfields Shire Council on 25 November 2010. To learn more about the workshops and other Food for All Project activities contact Leah Galvin via email at leah@vlga.org.au or (03) 9349 7999.

VLGA events for your diary

Special Forum: Local Government Smoke-Free Policies in Outdoor Areas
Thursday 18 November, 5.30pm
VLGA, Carlton
More information and register here.

VLGA Special General Meeting (Constitution)
Thursday 18 November, 7.30pm
VLGA, Carlton
Draft Constitution here.

CASPN Conference: After Sorry, What Next? Local government connecting with Aboriginal communities
Wednesday 24 November, 9.00am-5.00pm
Northcote Town Hall
More information and register here.

Other events

Women on boards: what you need to know
Mondays 8 & 15 November
Swan Hill
More information and register here.

Moving Australian Cities – Tackling Urban Congestion
Thursday 11 November
More information and register here.

Delivering the Victorian Transport Plan – the partnership imperative
Friday 12 November 2010
More information here.

Housing Bus Tour
Saturday 13 November, 9am-12.30pm
More information here.

Mornington Peninsula Interfaith Festival
Sunday 14 November, 10am-6pm.
More information, program, and flyer here.

White Ribbon Day Events
Starting on 25 November, for information on other Victorian events go here.

ALGWA National Conference
Thursday 25 – Saturday 27 November
North Ryde, NSW
More information and register here.

Cr Heinz Kreutz
0438 006 656 or heinz@vlga.org.au

Monday 1 November, 2010

As I sit watching much needed rain soak in, I realise many of you will also be taking time out over the next few days. It will be nice to see many of you at our AGM this coming Thursday to reflect together on some key achievements and challenges of the previous year. Join us and our Guest Speaker, Whitehorse CEO Noelene Duff, by registering here or calling (03) 9349 7999.

‘New deal’ for local communities and local governments
In the last month or so the VLGA has called for ‘a new deal’ for local communities and their local governments, see Bendigo speech and media release. Last week on morning radio, the Premier acknowledged rating and other pressures in communities across the state. I am confident the Whelan Report and other advocacy the VLGA is supporting will not be buried, especially now that all major parties have accepted there is a problem. With jobs, health, education, crime and public transport likely to dominate the next four weeks, it is unlikely that local government will be offered a detailed reform package. But I am not depressed about this. More than at any time since amalgamation, the VLGA, members and other peaks are well placed to demand the next state government and parliament ‘put local governments and people front and centre’. For the next state government to expect local governments to deliver on key policy objectives, they must first commit to and resource a proper collaborative partnership – and not just on paper. We will say more about this in the next few days.

Planning Local Communities Together State Election Kit
As promised, and fresh from the Melbourne Cup public holiday, members will receive their Planning Local Communities Together Kit. This will focus on key messages and strategies they can campaign on during the State Election, and beyond. The Kit is informed by valuable community feedback the VLGA has gathered, including:
* Resident views on the planning and development
* Resident awareness of the various players and the extent of their roles,
* Resident ideas and opportunities to increase their role and involvement in planning.

For more information, contact our CEO Maree McPherson at maree@vlga.org.au or on (03) 9349 7999.

John Jago Good Governance Award
Members received information last week for the inaugural John Jago Good Governance Award. I know it can take time for councillors and interested staff to see this information, so if you haven’t heard about it talk with your CEO. For more information, contact VLGA Director Governance, Ron Exiner, at ron@vlga.org.au or on (03) 9349 7999.

VLGA events for your diary

VLGA Annual General Meeting
Thursday 4 November, 6-9pm
VLGA Carlton
Join us for finger-food and refreshments from 6pm, with the Annual General Meeting to commence at 7pm. Following the AGM, we will hear from Noelene Duff, Whitehorse CEO, about the Year of Women in Local Government and her role as YoWiLG ambassador.
Register your attendance here.

Special Forum: Local Government Smoke-Free Policies in Outdoor Areas
Thursday 18 November, 5.30pm
VLGA Carlton
More information and register here.

VLGA Special General Meeting (Constitution)
Thursday 18 November, 7.30pm
Draft Constitution here.

CASPN Conference: After Sorry, What Next? Local government connecting with Aboriginal communities
Wednesday 24 November, 9.00am-5.00pm
More information and register here.

Other events

Barwon Safe Parties Symposium
Thursday 4 – Friday 5 November
More information and to register, go here.

Women on boards: what you need to know
Mondays 8 & 15 November
Swan Hill
More information and register here.

Moving Australian Cities – Tackling Urban Congestion
Thursday 11 November
More information and register here.

Delivering the Victorian Transport Plan – the partnership imperative
Friday 12 November 2010
More information here.

Housing Bus Tour
Saturday 13 November, 9am-12.30pm
More information here.

ALGWA National Conference
Monday 25 – Wednesday 27 November
Macquarie Park, NSW
More information and register here.

Cr Heinz Kreutz
0438 006 656 or heinz@vlga.org.au

Monday 25 October, 2010

There is a lot of news to share with members this week, so please excuse the length of this eNews! I wanted to remind you of three important upcoming events at the outset: our AGM on Thursday 4 November, where we will hear from Whitehorse CEO Noelene Duff about progress of the 2010 Year of Women in Local Government.

I wanted to draw your attention to our Special Forum: Local Government Smoke-Free Policies in Outdoor Areas on 18 November as this is fast becoming a very topical issue we may need to get our heads around. We will also hold a Special General Meeting on 18 November to vote on amendments to our Constitution. You can read more about these events at the bottom of this eNews.

And finally, the much anticipated After Sorry, What Next? Local government connecting with Aboriginal communities
CASPN Conference on 24 November. For more details, please see listings in VLGA Events below.

VLGA to lead $200,000 project to increase number of women councillors in 2012
I am delighted to be able to advise that after discussions with the State Government, the Minister for Women’s Affairs Maxine Morand last week announced that $200,000 would be provided for the three-year project to be led by the VLGA, to actively encourage and support more women to run as candidates in the local government elections. More information will follow, but our first step will be to talk and listen, then develop a plan for a strong partnership with other stakeholder groups and partners. See the State Government’s Media Release here. Learn more about the VLGA’s work in women’s policy here, and see statistics for women councillors and mayors from 2000-2009 here.

Change of date: Special General Meeting to adopt new Constitution
We need to postpone the SGM that was previously sch
eduled for 4 November until 7pm Thursday 18 November. Please see further details below in the VLGA Events section.

Mayors on Bikes

Mayors, councillors, local government officers, community group and Victoria Police members braved the ele
ments to experience the benefits and challenges of cycling at Mayors on Bikes 2010 last Wednesday. Twenty-one participants were guided by Chris Hui of the City of Boroondara along the Gardiner’s Creek trail, showcasing ways infrastructure had been upgraded to make cycling easier, safer and more pleasurable.

A presentation demonstrating these improvements is now available on the VLGA’s Thinking Transport website here. For more information contact our Local Government Transport Facilitator Gordon Young at gordon@vlga.org.au or (03) 9349 7943.

Food for All – setting a good example

This week’s mini movie is about why it’s important to model good food access in local government-run activities, facilities and programs. Viewing the two-and-a-half minute mini movie will inform you about the VicHealth Food for All approach which recommends local governments model ways of supporting healthy choices and raise the profile of healthy food access through your own work. Examples of successful approaches include ensuring all kitchens in buildings you own are registered for community use to encourage cooking programs; healthy catering at community events and internal meetings; and supporting your workforce to make healthy choices for themselves by running shopping tours. There are a multitude of low cost and no cost ideas to consider. For more information about the VLGA Food for All Project, please contact Leah Galvin at leah@vlga.org.au.

Responsible Gambling Advocacy Centre website now live

A key area of the VLGA’s past advocacy was to see the formation of the RGAC as the consumer’s voice on gambling issues. It is encouraging that their website is now live and can be found at www.responsiblegambling.org.au. The VLGA and our Local Government Working Group on Gambling (LGWGOG) are listed under peak bodies and interest and advocacy groups (plus local government) respectively. The local government section on the left navigation tab is a wonderful resource. This has direct links to local government planning scheme amendments on gaming and gambling policies (scroll down). The research tab includes data and statistics and recent research. The Centre is continuing to develop content and is particularly interested in model surveys, documents and baseline data that may assist a number of geographic areas. Where possible, the website links to original sources like VCAT or High Court decisions.

Don’t forget – Local Government Human Rights Survey

The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission would appreciate the participation of local governments in its Local Government Human Rights Survey by no later than 28 October. Take the online survey here.

Watch this space

John Jago Good Governance Award
Members will receive a package this week for the inaugural John Jago Good Governance Award. This will be awarded to a VLGA member local government or community group (or groupings) whose governance and leadership practices have led to improved public participation in decision-making during 2010. Relevant projects to be considered will include innovative and collaborative public participation practices that have:

* positively influenced your decision-making, and

* involved genuine community participation in decision-making, and

* led to wider organisational improvements in good governance and leadership.
For more information, contact VLGA Director Governance Ron Exiner at ron@vlga.org.au or (03) 9349 7999.

VLGA events for your diary

VLGA Annual General Meeting

Thursday 4 November, from 7pm
VLGA, 60 Leicester St, Carlton
Guest speaker, Whitehorse CEO Noelene Duff, about progress of the 2010 Year of Women in Local Government. We invite you to join us for finger-food and refreshments from 6pm. Please register your attendance here or RSVP to vlga@vlga.org.au.

Special Forum: Local Government Smoke-Free Policies in Outdoor Areas
Thursday 18 November, 5.30-7pm, followed by nibbles and refreshments from 7pm
VLGA, 60 Leicester St, Carlton
A panel of speakers will share their experiences and knowledge including Heart Foundation CEO Kathy Bell, Quit Victoria Executive Director Fiona Sharkie, Monash City Council Mayor Cr Charlotte Baines, Surf Coast Shire Council Mayor Cr Libby Coker and Frankston City Council Mayor Cr Christine Richards. For more information or to register your attendance by no later than 8 November, go here.

NEW DATE: Thursday 18 November 2010

VLGA Special General Meeting

VLGA, 60 Leicester St, Carlton

At its meeting on 7 October 2010, the Board approved the revised draft Constitution (Rules and Statement of Purpose) and resolved to put it to a members’ vote at a Special General Meeting. The original meeting date was scheduled for 4 November 2010. However that date has now been changed to 18 November 2010 to ensure that the notice of the meeting complies with the requirements under the Act. We look forward to seeing you there.

The revised draft Constitution can be accessed here. If you would like a hard copy sent to you, please call the VLGA on (03) 9349 7999. Members are encouraged to contact Ron Exiner, Director Governance on 0417 392 078 or ron@vlga.org.au if you have any queries.

CASPN Conference: After Sorry, What Next? Local government connecting with Aboriginal communities
Wednesday 24 November, 9.00am-5.00pm
Northcote Town Hall

Join a fabulous mix of participants who will provide indigenous, local government and community perspectives. The day is focussed not only on what’s happening on the ground but what needs to happen to move forward. A practical day where you will also get plenty of opportunity to interact, discuss and test your ideas or others presented on the day. While numbers are limited, the conference is aimed at:

* Local Government Social Planners & Policy Makers; Strategic Planners; Statutory Planners; Health Planners; Economic Development Officers; Community Development Workers; Parks and Conservation Officers; Local Councillors; Arts & Culture Officers
* Community Organisations & Indigenous Organisations, and

* Rural, metro and city practitioners are welcome.

The Conference will be preceded by a special screening of Our Generation on Tuesday 23 November at 7pm, and followed on the Wednesday by the Koorie Night Market from 6pm with lots of stalls and entertainment. Further information including program and registration form here.

Other events

Women on boards: what you need to know

Monday 8 November & Monday 15 November, 9am-12.30pm

Swan Hill

This two day program will give you an introduction to the personal and professional skills you need to know to be a knowledgeable, confident, successful and effective Board / Committee Member. For more information and to register go here.

Moving Australian Cities – Tackling Urban Congestion

Thursday 11 November, 8.30am-2pm

Hilton on the Park, 192 Wellington Parade, Melbourne

The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) has agreed that all states are to put in place their ‘Cities Plans’ by January 2012. Join Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA) members and guests to explore policy actions needed to tackle urban congestion; road pricing; prioritisation of road or public transport investment for policy makers – and more. For more information and to register go here.

Delivering the Victorian Transport Plan – the partnership imperative

Friday 12 November 2010, 10am-3pm

Manningham Function Centre, Doncaster

Councillors, CEOs and Directors of Engineering are encouraged to register for this complimentary Roads Australia-VicRoads Local Government Forum that will provide an opportunity for local governments and VicRoads to exchange perspectives on the delivery of the Victorian Transport Plan and road related programs, and identity opportunities for enhancing stakeholder relationships. Go here for more information.

Housing Bus Tour

Saturday 13 November, 9am-12.30pm
From Jasper Hotel, 489 Elizabeth St (pick up / drop off)
Join YWCA Victoria on a Housing Bus Tour of YWCA Victoria managed properties, including a tour of Richmond house, a YWCA Victoria / Social Housing Victoria owned and operated 67 room women only rooming house. For more information, go here.

Cr Heinz Kreutz


0438 006 656 or heinz@vlga.org.au