6 October 2008

In order to genuinely value your time and energy, we are streamlining email communication with our members and supporters. You will notice a few changes over the coming weeks, including (and I can hear you cheer!) fewer and briefer emails.

From this coming Friday, the more detailed Weekly Announcement Updates will be replaced by the President’s e-news. I know that many of you value our weekly update which includes Events, Submissions, and Issues Of Interest, so this will still be available via a link rather than providing all the details in my weekly e-news. This way you get to decide what you want to read!

If you still wish to unsubscribe please see the bottom of this email.

Future editions of President’s e-news will be briefer. For obvious reasons this edition needs to be a little longer.

Positive news of CEO Rae Perry

The VLGA continues to receive good wishes from many people, and Rae’s family have authorised the following welcome update.

“Following almost two weeks in a coma and scans showing that she had suffered extensive and permanent brain damage, Rae Perry has recently become conscious and, in the past few days, begun to attempt to speak. One week ago the Royal Melbourne Hospital's senior neurosurgeon said it would be a 'miracle' if Rae spoke again - five days later that miracle occurred.

The very good news is that, with speech, Rae will be able to embark on meaningful rehabilitation. However, Rae does continue to have a major injury and while the extent of her rehabilitation remains unknown, it is clear that it will at best be a long and probably difficult process.

It was earlier said that if the prayers and best wishes of Rae's many friends could make a difference, then Rae stood the best possible chance. An enormous weight of goodwill has clearly been on Rae's side”.

Just today we have received the welcome news that Rae will be relocated to a rehabilitation hospital.

Our Staff

I am pleased to announce that Cr Darren Ray has accepted the Board’s invite to take on the challenging role of Acting CEO. We know that he will continue to build the strong staff team and work ethic that Rae established. In Rae’s absence – the work of the VLGA goes on, it’s one of the ways we pay tribute to her strong leadership of the organisation. Our staff and Board have been magnificent through this time, each and every person has stepped up and are working hard to make sure the work of the VLGA continues. It reminds me what a privilege it is to be part of a values laden organisation like the VLGA.

Valuing The Views Of Our Members and Supporters

One of the most consistent features of the VLGA is that we genuinely value your feedback. Our online surveys have proved to be very popular over the past twelve months, and I invite you to take the time to participate by sharing your views on the following topics.

Online Community Housing Survey

In conjunction with the City of Port Phillip, the VLGA is hosting an online survey to identify lessons and practical strategies that will better equip us all to respond when there is opposition to new community housing proposals.

This survey is aimed at Local Government Councillors and Staff.

Strengthening Community Organisations Online Surveys

To date Local Governments have had limited involvement in the development of the State Government’s Strengthening Community Organisation’s Action Plan. Yet we are key players in contributing to and strengthening the community sector.

The VLGA is seeking the views of Local Governments and community organisations about the Action Plan, what works and what gets in the way of good working relationships.

The online Survey for Local Government Councillors and Staff can be accessed here.

While the survey relevant to Community Organisations/volunteers can be accessed here.

2008 Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting was held last Thursday night with more than 60 people in attendance. – it was a night of generous sharing of support and spirit that has been a marker of the VLGA since its inception. We were honored to host Life Members Don Chambers, Mike Hill and Julie Hansen; Mayors and Councillors, individual and community group members and Local Government staff – in short all chapters of our membership came to value this occasion and each other.

We were also delighted to host the Shadow Minister for Local Government and Member for Shepparton Hon Jeanette Powell MLA.

Our Annual Report was presented.

This is a fairly large pdf file so it will take some time to download, alternatively if you would like a printed copy, let us know.

Election Support and Candidates Workshops

There’s little time left to make a quick impact on voters. Our Candidates Workshops will provide you with campaign collateral and tips to ensure quick campaigns can be effective. I know that both returning and intending councilors want the best possible governance in our sector – being well informed to hit the ground running gets us all off to a good start.

For information on these Workshops, as well as other elections support and advice, go to our website.

Warm regards,


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