Tuesday 16th June 2009

Refugee Week provides an opportunity to celebrate the cultural diversity of our communities and continue discussions on human rights and our Victorian Charter. Enjoy your local events and discussions.

On a related theme, the VLGA this week celebrated the graduation of 30 Overseas Qualified Professionals (see picture below), many of whom have found employment in local government through a placement program run by the VLGA.

Representatives from Hindmarsh Shire and Melbourne City Council joined the VLGA in celebrating the employment of planners, IT professionals and engineers across Victoria.

3 Liveable & Just Workshops Remain
There are only 3 workshops left designed for Councillors, CEOs, Strategic Planners, Sustainability Officers, Community Officers and Community Planners. Liveable & Just is a VLGA project to improve the capacity of local governments to respond to climate change in ways which are healthy, just & sustainable. It is being run in partnership with the Brotherhood of St Laurence and the Department of Sustainability and Environment, and is funded by the Victorian Local Sustainability Accord.

Mornington Peninsula – 22 June, 9am – 1pm
Venue: Community Centre, Currawong Street, Mornington

Wangaratta – 24 June, 9am – 1pm
Venue: Committee Rm 1, Level 1, Wangaratta Government Centre, Corner Ford & Ovens Streets, Wangaratta

VLGA, Carlton – 30 June, 9am – 1pm
Venue: Meeting room 1 & 2, Ground Floor, 60 Leicester St, Carlton

Please RSVP: Phone: 9349 7999 or Email: vlga@vlga.org.au For further information, please contact Stacey Bloomfield on (03) 9349 7943

Media Release: Don’t Rush New Legislation & Rules
You may have already seen my Media Release from yesterday. The VLGA is calling on the State Government to pursue the priority of fixing the current Conflict of Interest rules that were introduced in late November last year.

Clearly Councillors – and especially rural Councillors – are struggling with the current rules so let’s have a real partnership to find means of effectively addressing the minority of cases of bad behaviour. If you want to see a copy of the Media Release you can access it from the left hand side of our website front page at http://www.vlga.org.au/

Upcoming Events: Launch of ‘Under Pressure: Costs of living, financial hardship and emergency relief in Victoria’
Speaking of our website, did you notice our new feature of an Events Calendar on the right hand side just under the link to this enews?

The Victorian Council of Social Service will host the Federal Minister for Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs Jenny Macklin MP on Friday June 26 from 9.30am-11.00am. If you are interested in this launch, go to http://www.vlga.org.au/ and click on our Events Calendar to download the flier.

Individual and Group Memberships Due
Our valued individual and group members would have received an email from our Acting CEO this morning reminding you that it is membership renewal time once again. Our success over the last 12 months is in large part due to your continuing support.

I am excited to be leading a new Board who have adopted a new priority to engage more effectively with you and include you in more of our work.

We need your ongoing support, as this makes us stronger, connected and relevant.

If you have any queries or ideas, feel free to contact me.

Cr Rose Iser
VLGA President
0414 959 427

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