Monday 22 February, 2010

What do we mean by consultation? Whether it is about wind farms, clearways, planning call-ins or landfill levies, as local governments and communities, we expect to be consulted. ‘Consultation’ includes being told that a proposal is being considered, being asked for our views, and knowing that our views have been given serious consideration in decision making. Do we get this process right for our communities? As local governments, we know consultation with local communities is critical – and we sure know when no-one has asked us!

Your Opinions: Clearways

Last week, two metro councils resolved to challenge a decision of the State Government to extend Clearways times. Here are some comments from Cr Jackie Fristacky, councillor at the City of Yarra and Chair of the Metropolitan Transport Forum (MTF) to explain the situation:

“The Cities of Yarra and Stonnington have both resolved to challenge decisions by the Roads Minister and VicRoads to extend clearways times to 10am and from 3pm and 4pm on arterial roads through shopping strips.

This challenge is to the Supreme Court on errors of law by the Minister and VicRoads in the decision making process under the requirements of the Road Management Act 2004. The Minister directed VicRoads to implement new Clearway times on High Street (Stonnington) and Victoria Street (Yarra) from 22 February 2010. The VicRoads challenge relates to decisions made by it in 2008.”

The Mayor of Stonnington, Tim Smith, explains:

"Since federation debate has raged about what it means to be quintessentially Australian. One of those defining qualities must surely be our unwavering support for the little man or woman. And it is that value that underpins the City of Stonnington’s fight against extended clearway hours...

...Following the announcement the City of Stonnington immediately commissioned an impact study by independent economic experts Spiller Gibbons Swan. They estimated that, under this proposal, High Street traders alone stood to lose $6 million a year. If that was not enough to galvanise the City of Stonnington’s opposition, we were further convinced by Yarra Trams data, which clearly showed that travel time savings over the 6km between St Kilda Road and Tooronga Road, Malvern would be as little as three minutes debunking any myths that this proposal would address traffic congestion.

We are now, with the City of Yarra, issuing Supreme Court proceedings against VicRoads seeking to have this dreadful policy annulled. Central to our argument is the complete lack of regard the Government and VicRoads has shown for local interests in rolling out this policy. The Government announced its plan for extended clearway hours by press release in April 2008, in June 2008 it called for submissions from interested parties. Calling for submissions after a policy announcement could not be interpreted as genuine consultation in anyone’s books."

See Mayor Tim Smith's full piece here.

We welcome your comments on this issue.

Public Transport Survey: What moves you, what moves your vote?

I am now the Deputy Chair of the MTF which is running an online survey about Public Transport. The VLGA and 18 local governments are members of the MTF which is politically independent and exists solely to work for better public transport. In 2009 the Metropolitan Transport Forum (MTF) developed a public transport advocacy strategy which resolved to make a submission to the state transport budget and develop community advocacy for public transport using the pt4me2 website.

Visit to have your say about Melbourne's public transport. The results will be presented to all the major political parties in May. Results will also be sorted into postcodes and the data will be available for local governments. Already we've had almost 2000 responses, but we're hoping for more!

Community respondents are asked to comment on:
* Best and worst features of Melbourne’s public transport
* Train, tram and bus issues
* Local transport issues within regions of Melbourne
* Survey for under-18’s who are very dependent on public transport

Local governments are being invited to support the project by publicising the website within their municipalities via their numerous local networks. There are a number of council tools available on the website. Local governments are encouraged to participate and queries can be directed to Susie Strain, Executive Officer, Metropolitan Transport Forum at

Public Housing Inquiry

In conjunction with our presentation at the Family and Community Development Committee Inquiry into Public Housing we issued a media release drawing on the views of members. Please find the release on our website here.

Landfill Levy

There seem to be mixed messages regarding the proposal to set new landfill levies. The 2010 Statement of Government Intentions set out that:
“In 2010 the Government will set new landfill levies in order to encourage the recovery of valuable material and new products from Victoria’s waste. The details of this reform will be included in the Government’s Jobs for the Future Strategy. The higher levies will make new recycling ventures more viable and expand employment in the recycling and materials processing industries. This will reduce Victoria’s reliance on landfills and our exposure to the environmental problems caused by waste... The revenues from the new levies will be reinvested in the industry and through the Sustainability Fund in related environmental programs.”

Friday’s Herald Sun reported that levies of $50 would be reinvested into eight new waste facilities with capacity to manage compost and better recycling facilities. Minister Jennings appeared to back away from a cost burden on residents:

“Environment Minister Gavin Jennings said the research would help the state government and councils make informed decisions about waste disposal. While new waste technologies could create significant jobs and investment in the future, as well (as) helping divert waste from landfill, the government would not support excessive additional costs to households to implement it.”

Funding streams for improved waste technologies is likely to continue to be an issue during 2010. What are your views?

Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission Training Calendar
The Commission has put forward its calendar of training events to help groups and individuals to build more inclusive workplaces. See the Commission's website or contact Jane Lewis on 03 9023 3400 or

Multicultural Commission Festival and Events funding available now

Apply now for Community grants in support of Victoria’s culturally and linguistically diverse communities. The grants aim to strengthen local capacity. See the VMC website for more information.

Other funding at DPCD website

You can find other funding and grants opportunities and announcements at The Department of Planning and Community Development’s website. On the site at the moment you will find: Premier's Community Volunteering Awards now open, Positive Body Image Small Grants now open. Also check Grants@DPCD Home.


Vindaloo Against Violence

Wednesday 24 February

Show your support for the Indian community and signal that violence against any member of our society is not acceptable. Let the Indian community – and all immigrant communities – know that they are welcome and entitled to feel safe here. Dine at your local Indian restaurant on 24 February. Register now.

Liveable and Just Toolkit Launch

In response to the outcomes and recommendations of climate change workshops conducted across Victoria, the Liveable & Just Toolkit has been developed to assist councils to integrate social and equity issues into efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

Melbourne launch

Tuesday 2 March, 9.30am-12noon

VLGA rear meeting rooms, 60 Leicester Street, Carlton 3053
Register for the Melbourne launch

Regional launch

Tuesday 9 March, 10.30am-1pm

Mansfield Shire Council, 33 Highett Street, Mansfield 3722
Register for the Regional launch at Mansfield

Leading Edge Forum: 2010 State & Federal Elections: will you be heard or drowned out?

Thursday 4 March

VLGA, 60 Leicester St, Carlton

The March Leading Edge Forum on the topic of the 2010 State & Federal Elections: will you be heard or drowned out? is being held on Thursday 4 March.


Thursday 4 March
60 Leicester St, Carlton

6.30pm Finger-food and refreshments

7pm LEF commences

Registrations for LEFs can now be made via our website
and current LEF information can be found here.

Celebrate International Women’s Day and show solidarity with international students

Friday 5 March, 11.30am-2.00pm

State Library, Swanston Street to march to Parliament

The Victorian Immigrant and Refugee Women’s Coalition is celebrating this year’s International Women’s Day with a March for Harmony led by female international students. Everyone is invited to show their solidarity with international students.

Female international students have a different story to tell about their life in this country. This is their day, the day they can be heard and acknowledged for the optimism, resilience and talent they bring to this country. There will be a colourful march of hundreds of women around the Melbourne CBD.

Clean Up Australia Day
Sunday 7 March
Check out the Clean Up Australia website to find cleanup sites in your area.

Women’s Planning Network – International Women’s Day breakfast

Wednesday 10 March, 7.30-9am

Parliament House, Spring Street, Melbourne

This year’s breakfast will be held at Parliament House with Jenny Mikakos, MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Planning as special guest speaker and also includes the presentation of the 2010 Rising Star Scholarship.
Cost: WPN Members and Students: $25; Non Members: $30 Places are limited so please obtain a registration form by emailing or calling 9347 4622 by Friday 5 March.

Sally Isaac International Women’s Day breakfast

Wednesday 10 March, 7.30-9am

Reading Room, Fitzroy Library

The City of Yarra will host an International Women’s Day breakfast in Fitzroy Library’s Reading Room on Wednesday 10 March. The event celebrates Sally’s memory and her legacy. It marks the enormous contribution that many women make to public life and their community.
The event will also raise funds for the Sally Isaac Memorial Scholarship Fund, established by family and friends of Sally, to create educational opportunities for young women who make a significant contribution to a range of disciplines. Check our website for more details.

Local Government Planning for a Sustainable Future

Monday 15 March

Quay West Melbourne, 26 Southgate Avenue, Southgate

Presented by Peter Aughton, this workshop will introduce local government decision makers to practical and participative planning tools that can be readily applied in their communities.

Contact Jill Moor on 9835 8900 or
or see here on our website for the flyer and registration form.

National Ride2School Day

Wednesday 17 March

Put this date in your diary and be part of the action on National Ride2School Day on Wednesday 17 March, 2010.
To see the active travel rates amongst students in your council for Term 4, 2009, see the Ride2School website. Happy Riding!

WomenCan! Conference (ALGWA)
18-19 March 2010
City of Melbourne, Yarra Room, Melbourne Town Hall
This year’s Australian Local Government Women’s Association conference has some wonderful, inspiring speakers attracting a fantastic response from people wishing to attend both the dinner on Thursday 18 March and conference on Friday 19 March, in this, the Year of Women in Local Government. ALGWA has designed the conference to appeal to both elected members and employees within the Local Government sector as women work towards furthering themselves in their careers and address gender equity issues. The conference aims to inspire women professionally and celebrate successes of women in all area of leadership.

Speakers include Professor Graham Sansom, Mary Barry, CEO of SES Victoria, Marcia Griffin, a past recipient of the Telstra Women of the Year and founder of Griffin & Row, Melissa Fyfe, state political writer for the Melbourne Age, Melissa Wealands, President of the Women’s Planning Network, and Senator Judith Troeth. For a further list of speakers, to view the program or to register, visit


Cr Rose Iser

VLGA President

0414 959 427

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