Monday 21 February 2011

VLGA President’s Message
In my second week as the VLGA President, I am looking forward to our meeting with the Minister for Local Government, The Hon Jeanette Powell. Amongst a range of topics, I will be talking with the Minister regarding the needs of flood-affected local governments in rebuilding and developing new community infrastructure; cost-shifting; and growing local government responsibilities.

If you support more women for local government, I invite you to join our new Facebook group, More women for local government. The aim of the group is to encourage at least one woman candidate for every ward, riding or unsubdivided municipality across the State in the 2012 Victorian local government elections. The network is for potential women candidates and their supporters. The group will be moderated through the VLGA and will be for sharing resources and ideas, discussion and backing potential women candidates to find answers and support. It will be dynamic and informative, so whether you are an active participant or just keep an eye on things, we invite you to view and share the group with your Facebook contacts. This is the first of many initiatives which will emerge during the VLGA-led partnership, ‘Think women for local governments 2012’, funded by the Victorian Government and designed to gather support from local governments and community organisations for increasing the numbers and diversity of women candidates in the 2012 elections. Go here to see the Facebook page.
Cr Samantha Dunn, President

Keeping you up to date

Getting food and residents together
During the VicHealth-funded Food for All projects, participating local governments found a variety of reasons why people had poor access to healthy food, amongst them issues around transport, with people often finding it difficult to travel to where food is the most affordable. This has been confirmed in the recent Victorian Population Health Survey (2008) with 8% of adults saying that there was inadequate and unreliable public transport where they live and 28% saying where they live food is too expensive. Consequently programs and strategies which help connect people with affordable healthy food are a great way for local governments to have a positive impact on what people eat. Approaches such as good community transport, local or farmers markets, food delivery and a coordinated response to emergency food relief along with a variety of other strategies can all contribute to change. This week’s micro movie (running time 3mins 17sec) explains the importance of councils supporting these approaches and you can see a few of them in action to get inspired. For information about how the VLGA can support your council to adopt the Food for All 10 Ways for Local Government to act into your local government’s work, please contact Leah Galvin via email.

2011 Premier's Sustainability Awards
Register now for your final opportunity to hear how to prepare your entry for the 2011 Awards. An information session will be held at 2pm on Wednesday 9 March 2011, and will be presented by this year's judging provider, Arup. The session will cover:
* Award categories
* Benefits
* Eligibility
* Preparing your entry: What are the judges looking for?
* Entry process and helpful tips
* The judging process

Please note that this date replaces the previously advertised date of 14 March.
The session will be held at Sustainability Victoria, Level 28, 50 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne. If you would like to attend, please register by email.

‘100 Ideas to Help Engage Hard to Reach People’ resource online
Capire consulting has developed a booklet which documents 100 ideas for engaging with hard to reach groups: the bereaved, children, people with a disability, older people, homeless, indigenous, newly arrived and older migrants, and young people. The book includes tips regarding engagement tools, techniques and content, as well as ideas to raise awareness and attract participants. A pdf version of the book is available for downloading from the Capire website. Capire also offers training in engaging 'Hard to Reach' groups. Contact the Capire office on (03) 9285 9000 for more information.

Keep Australia Beautiful Victoria's 2011 Awards Program NOW OPEN
Entries are now open for the 2011 Keep Australia Beautiful Victoria Awards. The awards recognise and celebrate everyday actions taken by all Victorians to protect and enhance their environment, and include categories such as reducing waste, preserving heritage, and saving energy and water. Local governments, community groups, schools and individuals are all eligible to enter. Local governments will be particularly interested in the Community and Government Partnerships Award, and are eligible to enter all categories. Entries close on 8 April (Sustainable Cities and Clean Beaches) and 3 June (Tidy Towns – Sustainable Communities). To find out more about the awards, including an entry kit and application form, visit the KABV webpages or call 1300 363 744.

Events for your diary

VLGA Events & Training

March Leading Edge Forum: Affordable Housing and Local Government
Thursday 3 March, 6-9pm
VLGA, Carlton
With cost of living pressures featuring largely in both State and Federal elections, the community’s focus on affordable housing (including ownership, rental and affordable community housing) is stronger than ever.
Come along to our LEF to hear a range of speakers talking about inclusionary zoning, what local governments are doing in this policy space, and our respective roles and relationships with other levels of government. For more information and to register online visit the VLGA website.

Other Events

Meet the Garbage Warrior
Michael Reynolds, a world expert in Zero Carbon building and build Biotecture, as well as the internationally acclaimed ‘Garbage Warrior’, will present on Earthship Biotecture and The Art of Zero Carbon Living. See Michael’s film Garbage Warrior and website for his disaster recovery work in Haiti.

Event 1: Principles, Permits, Planning, Practicalities workshop
Thursday 24 February, 12-3pm
Michael will be presenting and demonstrating how to build making use of local recycled materials and deal with building and planning regulations. The workshop is aimed at local and State Government decision-makers, builders, engineers, owner-builders, planners, architects. Booking essential. Cost: $65 - $75. Enquiries and booking email, Tel 03 5309 2664,

Event 2: Garbage Warrior Public Talk
Thursday 24 February, 7-9pm
Daylesford Town Hall
Michael Reynolds will present on Earthship Biotecture and The Art of Zero Carbon Living. Michael is an engaging and knowledgeable speaker on building from local recycled materials, influencing policy and disaster recovery. Booking preferred – popular event. Cost: $10-$15. Enquiries and booking email, Tel 03 5309 2664,

National Seniors Forum
A workshop is being held by National Seniors Australia to canvass community views about improvements to aged care following the release of the Productivity Commission’s draft report. Go here for details of the workshop, which is scheduled for 3 March 2011 from 4-6pm at the Melbourne Town Hall Supper Room. RSVP via email or phone 9650 6144. For further information, contact Peter Matwijiw, General Manager Policy & Research at National Seniors Australia on 02 6230 4588.

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