4 July 2011

VLGA President’s Message
I am pleased to be able to advise members that the VLGA Board has adopted our Strategic Plan and Budget for 2011/12, following the excellent work of our Finance Officer and our Executive Management Team in pulling together a new Budget structure and incorporating key strategic areas into our costings. The Budget is underpinned by the following strategic goals:
  • To make resources available when required to address emerging priorities that are being identified by the Board
  • To maximise the resources allocated to delivering outcomes to members and stakeholders including extra resources being allocated to the programs we deliver to you – this means that our capacity to support our members and deliver our core business has been consolidated and extended
  • This Budget is not reliant on an unrealistic level of external funding. The more recent changeover of State Governments with uncertain funding priorities, as well as the current economic environment may result in fewer external project and grant funding possibilities.
A copy of the Strategic Plan with new activities for the coming 12 months will be available on our website shortly.

On a completely different issue, the current State Government has clearly been approving many more residential development applications that have been on the back-burner for some time, in line with their stated goal to increase the supply of housing and to increase affordability. Members have been sharing their concerns about the sharp increase in Ministerial Interventions with me. While most have been welcomed by the local governments concerned, I feel that the increased number of interventions needs to be tracked and better understood which we will endeavour to do. One potential line in the sand and in keeping with our pre-election ‘asks’ might be to ensure that prior to approvals being granted, local governments need to be given the opportunity to work collaboratively to settle outstanding issues of concern to us and many in our communities. We would like to hear your views about this issue and you can provide these to either myself or our CEO Maree McPherson via email or telephone (03) 9349 7901. Please don’t hesitate to give me a call on 0407 364 509 or drop me an email. Cheers.

Cr Samantha Dunn, President

Vale Kaele Way AM JP
On behalf of the VLGA Board, staff and members I extend our deep sympathy to Kaele’s family, friends, fellow ALGWA board members and the many colleagues who have served with Kaele on committees too many to name. Our thoughts are with you at this very sad time.

Kaele had great passion for local government, advancing women and community, and her energy and enthusiasm will be sorely missed. It gives great comfort to know that Kaele passed away surrounded by loved ones and in peace.

Keeping you up to date

Henry Review of Australia's Future Tax System: Implications for Local Government
The VLGA met last week with Professor Graham Sansom who is Director of the UTS Centre for Local Government and also the Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government (ACELG). We discussed a number of issues including the direct election of mayors as well as the financial sustainability of local government. Professor Sansom drew our attention to the fact that the ACELG has just published a new Working Paper called The Henry Review of Australia's Future Tax System: The Implications for Local Government. The Working Paper examines issues included in Australia's Future Tax System Review of 2010 (the 'Henry Review') that relate to local government, concluding that it would be unwise for us to plan for nothing more than minimal change. We highly recommend the Working Paper to members interested in financial sustainability, and it can be found on the ACELG website.

New date for 2012 Local Government Elections
Members may already be aware that last week legislation was introduced into our State Parliament to move the date for elections to 27 October 2012 (the fourth Saturday in October). The Local Government Amendment (Electoral Matters) Bill 2011 deals not only with the timing of elections but also associated matters such as election donation returns.

Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria – inaugural Walter Lippmann lecture
VLGA CEO Maree McPherson and Director Governance Ron Exiner attended this lecture on Wednesday 29 June. Walter Lippmann was a German-Jewish refugee who became a very strong force and advocate in the development of multiculturalism as a fundamental part of Australian society. Malcolm Fraser launched the lecture series with a powerful speech on refugee policy. He stated that he had thought the battle about racism and prejudice had been won, but believes now that each generation has to win its own battle. Tim Costello delivered the lecture and spoke about how social cohesion and diversity can be reconciled. He concluded that the essential paradox is that it is in diversity that we discover cohesion, in that diversity allows us all to be fully functional as individuals, to find our true identity and purpose in life and to become what we can become. This helps create a truly cohesive society, rather than one based on a false cohesion born out of conformity and fear. It was an inspiring night. We will continue to look to the ECCV for potential partnerships in our governance and community development work.

Significant ‘win’ for local governments and communities regarding amendments of plans and applications at VCAT
One of the more common land-use process annoyances expressed by local governments and communities is the late amendment of plans and applications during VCAT processes. While a recent change has not received a great deal of media attention, VLGA members will no doubt be interested to know that a new Practice Note adopted by VCAT comes into effect on 11 July. One of the considerations in Clause 9.1 of the new Practice Note is whether the amendment materially increases the scale or intensity of a proposal or introduces significant changes or new aspects that have not been considered by the responsible authority or decision-maker in the first instance. While retaining discretion in any circumstances, the tribunal will be less likely to substitute plans that materially increase the scale and/or intensity of a proposal or significantly modify the format of a proposed development. The new Practice Note has been initiated following feedback through the Transforming VCAT consultation processes. Concerns included that the 20-day time period was not sufficient to enable parties to review new plans or consider changes to applications including internal referrals within a council and reporting to Council. The new Practice Note will be trialled for a period of six months and then reviewed.

The local story on climate change: potential impacts and costs for Victoria and for local government
In this news item from the Moreland Energy Foundation Limited (MEFL), the question is posed as to whether people know what effect climate change will have in our own backyard? The Federal Government recently released a set of climate change fact sheets covering topics including the impacts on Victoria. In easy-to-understand terms, this two page document explains the localised effects of sea level rises, water scarcity, extreme heat and fire risk, health, flora and fauna, and agriculture. The VLGA remains concerned that the impact of a carbon price on local government services and activities has not been a topic of any detailed consideration in the current public or political debates. This may have the effect of placing even greater pressure on ratepayers, and we are hoping that after the current political wrangling is over, a more genuine discussion with both Federal and State Governments about the impact on local governments can happen.

Federal Government provides significant funds for healthy eating and exercise programs in seven Victorian local governments
It is encouraging to see even further evidence of direct program funding from the Federal Government to local government. Seven Victorian local governments including the Cardinia, Glenelg and Macedon Ranges Shire Councils, and the Cities of Greater Dandenong, Greater Shepparton, Maribyrnong and Warrnambool, have each received around $700,000 for new healthy eating and exercise programs as part of the $72 million Healthy Communities Initiative. The programs, including getting your hands dirty in a community garden and learning to cycle safely, are taking off around the country to help combat obesity. The central role of local governments in contributing to community health was strongly acknowledged at the launch by Federal Health Minister Nicola Roxon MP when she stated that “local governments are introducing innovative physical activity and healthy eating programs in their communities that have been proven to make a real difference. We know that preventive health measures work, that’s why we are encouraging people to adopt healthier lifestyles and combat obesity.” For more information on the grants and programs funded, go to the Department of Health and Ageing webpage.

State Government funds for Local Government to work with community to prevent violence against women
The Minister for Women’s Affairs, Mary Wooldridge MP, recently announced groups of local governments that will be funded (around $420,000 per group) via the Preventing Violence Against Women in Our Community Program. This initiative supports local governments to partner with community organisations to implement local programs that build respectful, equitable and non-violent communities. The groups of local governments who will work together include:
Cluster 1: Mount Alexander, Bendigo and Macedon Ranges
Cluster 2: Maribyrnong, Wyndham and Brimbank
Cluster 3: Knox, Maroondah and Yarra Ranges

These local government partnerships will receive funding over four years to achieve the Program goals for respectful relationships and gender equity. The VLGA congratulates all local governments who submitted for this project. We look forward to hearing about the successes and learnings the funded projects will contribute to our sector in this important work of building communities free of violence against women. For more information contact the Project Coordinator Sophie Gale at the MAV via email.

Auditor-General report on pokies and further research on problem gambling
Last week the Victorian Auditor-General released his report into last year’s auction of pokies licences highlighting concerns about the process and the outcome for Victorian taxpayers. The Auditor-General found that “the revenue obtained from the sale of the entitlements was around $3 billion less than the assessed fair market value of these assets. As a result of this very significant difference, the allocation largely failed to meet its intended financial outcome of capturing a greater share of the industry’s supernormal profits.” A full copy of the report can be found here.

Also last week, The Victorian Gambling Study: a longitudinal study of gambling and public health – Wave Two Findings was released. The study interviewed more than 5,000 Victorians over 12 months as part of an investigation aimed at gaining further understanding of the impact of problem gambling on the community. Longitudinal studies follow large numbers of individuals for many years. They are used to explore the causes of ill health in the special circumstances being investigated and are an efficient way to identify risk factors operating in a general population. The objectives of the Victorian Gambling Study include estimating the incidence (i.e. new cases) of problem gambling and understanding the transitions in and out of problem gambling, as well as the related risk factors and vulnerabilities. The release was met with concern by the Herald Sun who observed that “most problem gamblers play the pokies, gamble alone and suffer depression or anxiety” and that “gamblers were five times more likely to have depression than non-gamblers.” In other pokies news, the VLGA has asked our Local Government Minister Jeanette Powell MP to raise the issue of time allowed for local governments to assess applications with Gaming Minister Michael O’Brien MP and we are glad to report that Minister Powell has followed up our request.

New VicHealth Board announced
Close VLGA partners VicHealth have finally received confirmation of their new Board as a result of Health Minister the Hon David Davis MLC appointing eight new members to the board of the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation. The new board will continue to be led by Jane Fenton, who has been Chair of the organisation since 2006 and a Board member since 1999. Two other existing Board members, Peter Gordon and Belinda Duarte have also had their terms extended. Announcing the appointments, Minister Davis said that "VicHealth enjoys unique tri-partisan political support, which sets it apart from other organisations and gives it the opportunity to work with a variety of partners to tackle the big issues in health.”

Events for your diary

VLGA Events

VLGA July Leading Edge Forum
Local government: a reflection of our diverse communities?
Thursday 7 July, 6-9pm
VLGA, Carlton
True or false? Local government in Victoria is:
* An employer of choice for diverse applicants?
* A reflection of diverse communities?
* Responding to worsening skills gaps?
Come along to the July LEF and be at the leading edge of challenges and debates in our sector and communities. Hear about the latest research and case studies, and from a panel of peak body representatives. Guest Speaker is Professor Santina Bertone, Associate Dean Research, Swinburne University Faculty of Business and Enterprise. Santina, who has led the Workplace Studies Centre for over a decade, has published 87 articles on workforce, immigration and industrial relations. A longstanding executive member of the Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria, Santina held other community and government board roles, and was awarded the Centenary of Federation Medal in 2008. Download the flyer and register online here, or call the VLGA on (03) 9349 7999.

Other events

Community Housing Federation of Victoria State Conference: From Acorn to Oak: creating the blueprint for the growth of community housing in Victoria
Tuesday 19 July, 8.45am-5.00pm
Etihad Stadium, Victory Room
In the professional delivery of more than 5,000 homes over the last four years fuelled by $1billion in investment, institutional investors should have every confidence that the community housing sector is ready for a significant wave of private investment into the industry. But to earn that confidence, the community housing sector must have the structures in place to make its ‘product’ an asset that can be invested in. Further, the investment community must understand how they can deliver competitive shareholder returns while creating successful social outcomes for the community. This is the focus of CHFV Conference 2011 – a must-attend, one-day event for any stakeholder with an interest in successfully addressing Victoria’s housing affordability crisis. The conference will also feature the CHFV Conference Dinner from 7-10.30pm in Etihad Stadium’s Limelight Room, and provides a great opportunity to connect with colleagues and to meet new ones. Register online.

VCOSS Taxi Forum
Wednesday 20 July, 11am-2pm
Etihad Stadium, Limelight Room (enter Gate 4)
Have your say on Victoria’s Taxi Services! Join Keynote Speaker Professor Allan Fels AO, Chair of the Victorian Taxi Industry Inquiry. The inquiry is looking at all aspects of the taxi industry, and aims to make changes that will lead to better quality services for taxi customers. The Inquiry knows that taxi services are especially important for people with different levels of mobility, including senior Victorians, users of mobility aids, and some people with disabilities who face challenges with driving or using public transport. A key focus is how the taxi system works for people who rely on taxis and identify ways to fix the current problems. This forum is being held by VCOSS to assist the Taxi Inquiry to hear the voices of taxi users. The Inquiry team wants to hear your views on the Multi-Purpose Taxi Program, Wheelchair Accessible Taxis, booking taxis, service from drivers, or anything else that affects you! Register online by Thursday 14 July.

Women Leading Change
Wednesday 20 July, 6pm
Grill 3182, Novotel, 16 The Esplanade, St Kilda
Ita Buttrose will be guest speaker at Good Shepherd Victoria’s annual women's event to celebrate the capabilities of women to achieve real change in society. Women Leading Change builds upon the success of Good Shepherd’s Audacious women's events and aims to highlight the achievements of women everywhere; not just the great and powerful, but also those battling to overcome disadvantage. Ms Buttrose, who through her own determination and success has set a positive example for so many women to excel in their chosen endeavours, will speak of her distinguished career in the context of Good Shepherd’s own important work supporting women and girls. Join Good Shepherd Youth & Family Service CEO Robyn Roberts and supporters from across business and the community to welcome Ms Buttrose as she explores her own journey leading change. Cost is $80 per ticket or $700 for group bookings of ten. Price includes drinks and canapĂ©s. To book please contact Kristen by phone 03 8412 7342 or email.

Research Showcase: Victorian Centre for Climate Change Adaptation Research
21 July 2011, 4-6pm
Portico Room, Melbourne Town Hall
VCCCAR invites you to join us at their inaugural Research Showcase which will present outputs from the first round of VCCCAR funded climate adaptation research projects, introduce new research projects to commence in 2011 and launch a range of policy briefs, research reports and other resources for climate adaptation decision-makers. To RSVP call (03) 9035 8235 or email.

2011 Sustainable Cities and Clean Beaches Awards evening
Friday 29 July, 6.30-11pm
Members Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Club, Gate 2, MCG
Recognise and celebrate leaders in sustainability from urban and beach communities throughout Victoria at a gala evening at the Melbourne Cricket Club where sustainable Victorian food and beverages will be showcased in the Members Dining Room overlooking the city and MCG. Among the awards being presented on the night will be the Dame Phyllis Frost Award, Sustainable City of the Year and Clean Beach of the Year. For more information and to book online, go to the Keep Australia Beautiful web page.

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