26 November 2012

VLGA President’s Message
I was delighted to meet so many of you at the VLGA's Essential Councillor Weekend.  We reached full capacity for the event and enjoyed several Masterclasses and the pleasure of one another’s company.  I observed that a number of you formed good connections with each other that will serve you well throughout the four-year council term.  Now that the event is over, at the VLGA we are preparing for our next major councillor development activity, the Essential Mayors’ Weekend on 17-19 January 2013.  There’s more information in our events section below.  On another note, the 19 November edition of the Herald Sun carried an article entitled, ‘Home owners get a rise out of council rates’.  In our letter to the editor in response we said that both the article and the editorial missed the point that councils get no extra revenue out of higher property valuations.  The rates revenue that a council receives is determined through its budget process.  The valuation process merely determines the amount each property will pay towards the total rates revenue.  An increase in the rate paid by an individual property that is higher than the overall increase in rates revenue happens because the valuation process has determined that that property’s value has increased more relative to other properties in the municipality.  The opposite occurs for properties where the value increases less.  It is also necessary to remember that all valuations, whether they are done by in-house valuers or contract valuers, have to be certified by the Victorian Valuer-General.  There is also an appeal process for property owners who believe that their valuations are wrong.  There is a legitimate discussion to be had about how to assist ratepayers who may be asset rich and cash poor, but this discussion is not assisted by media information which leads people to believe, erroneously, that councils benefit from valuation increases.  With the World Bank’s ‘Turn Up the Heat’ report warning that the planet is facing the prospect of 4?C of global warming by 2100 even if countries fulfil their current emissions pledges, the need for the local government sector to receive adequate funding for climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives is clear.  The need for increasing expenditure in these areas will undoubtedly put pressure on rate revenue.  Please don’t hesitate to email or give me a call on 0407 364 509 if there’s anything you wish to discuss.  Cheers. 
Cr Samantha Dunn

Keeping you up to date

What can my Council do for the 16 days of action?

Today is Day 2 in the VLGA’s 16 Days of Action, from the UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, or White Ribbon Day on 25 November (as we know it here) through to International Human Rights Day on 10 December.  To find out more on how your local government can take action on each of these 16 days, visit our website.

Federal reform in need of political attention?
VLGA members might have seen media reports last week about the release of results from the latest Constitutional Values Survey, conducted by Griffith University’s Centre for Governance and Public Policy.  The Survey was conducted in 2008, 2010 and most recently in October 2012.  According to Professor A J Brown, Australians have a higher level of concern over federal-state cooperation than citizens in either the United States (55%) or Canada (58%), when their opinion was last measured in 2010.  Most interesting are the results for local government that show a rise in support for local governments as the most effective level of government (up from 20% to 30%).  37% per cent of Australians believe that local governments need more power, and Prof Brown said that “this result, combined with the fact that local government rates today…as the most effective level of government, may give some small hope for the prospects of achieving constitutional recognition of local government.”  Several reform initiatives are recommended and a summary of the results of the Survey can be found here.

Why should local government be recognised in the Constitution?
Speaking of constitutional recognition, the ALGA has produced a 10-page booklet outlining why local government needs to be recognised.  The Case for Change has been distributed to all local governments in Australia.  The ALGA is seeking an amendment of Section 96 of the Constitution to include reference to local government, and maintains that this is the only way to protect direct federal funding for community services and infrastructure. 

Women mayors and deputy mayors – some data and a record!
A large number of councillors and officers have asked the VLGA to track statistics on women mayors and deputy mayors following the recent local government elections.  With nominations up by 6%, and numbers of women elected up by 17% compared to 2008, it’s not surprising that the number of women mayors has increased this year.  In fact, we have an all-time record for the State of Victoria – 30 of the 78 mayors (38%) for 2012-13 are women and so far we know that 15 are deputy mayors where that position exists.  The number of women mayors changes yearly and you can see more comparative annual data on our website.

Corruption watchdog closer to fruition
The new independent broad-based anti-corruption commission (IBAC) has recently taken significant steps closer to fruition in recent weeks with two Bills currently before the Victorian Parliament that give the Commission its powers and abolish the Office of Police Integrity.  The IBAC will have the power to investigate allegations of wrong doing by a range of public officers, including councillors.  The Whistleblower Protection Act will also be replaced.  We will provide further information and advice to the sector as it comes to hand and the IBAC commences.

Urban growth and community infrastructure pressures
Last week The Age covered a report funded by government and growth area councils on Planning for Community Infrastructure in Growth Areas, which outlines specific population triggers to guide the delivery of new services.  The media coverage and the report highlight the challenges of delivering community infrastructure as our city grows.  Failing to rise to this challenge has the potential to undermine the much-discussed liveability of Melbourne.

Draft Victorian Waste and Resource Recovery Policy – extension of time
Through feedback from stakeholders and local governments, the Department of Sustainability and Environment is providing an extension of time for stakeholders to lodge a submission to the draft Victorian Waste and Resource Recovery Policy.  The revised due date is Friday 7 December 2012.  To discuss the VLGA’s submission or provide feedback and views, contact our Senior Policy Officer Jieh-Yung Lo on 9349 7980 or via email.

White Ribbon Day congrats to Maribyrnong
How exciting to see Friday’s edition of The Age, which profiled the great work of the Maribyrnong City Council youth services team for White Ribbon Day – you can see the hip-hop video via this link.

Congratulations to Pyrenees

Congratulations to the Pyrenees Shire Council on its success as the National Winner (councils with populations 15,000 or less) in the Heart Foundation 2012 Healthy Community Awards.  Well done to all at Pyrenees on this fabulous national recognition.

Employment Opportunity

Victorian Local Sustainability Accord – Policy Officer

The Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) is recruiting a Policy Officer from local government to work with the DSE Accord policy team for twelve months to assist the development of the next phase of the Accord.  Through this opportunity the successful candidate will gain an appreciation of how State government works and how State policy is developed.  DSE will gain invaluable insight from a local government perspective as it works to refocus and refresh the Accord.

Events for your diary

VLGA Events

2012 VLGA Members’ Christmas ‘thank you and celebration’
Thursday 6 December, 6-8pm
60 Leicester St, Carlton

Our final VLGA gathering for 2012 will be held on Thursday 6 December.  Members are invited to join us for our end-of-year thank you and celebration with local government, community and government colleagues.  We will also present the 2012 John Jago Award for Good Governance.  Register here.

2013 VLGA Essential Mayors’ Weekend: Leading from the start of the new council term
17-19 January 2013

Peppers Moonah Links, Fingal, Mornington Peninsula
For the past decade, the VLGA has conducted our Essential Mayors’ Weekend.  Each year, mayors come together for an intensive three-day program.  The 2013 dinner speakers include The Hon Jeanette Powell, Minister for Local Government, and The Hon Richard Wynne, Shadow Minister.  There will also be opportunities for mayoral mentoring with experienced mayors from across the State.  This is a not-to-be-missed development event, which builds connections and relationships for the mayoral term.  The full program and registration details will follow very soon.  Comments from 2012 participants include:
I can't imagine getting much more value out of two days.”
As usual, excellent and relevant speakers.  Great interaction between speakers and Mayors.”
It gets better every year.”
To find out more contact Member Resources Officer Sarah Colgan on 9349 7983 or via email.

Other Events

Tipping Point: Engagement beyond the fridge magnet
Metropolitan Waste Management Group conference
5-6 March 2013
MCG, Melbourne

Waste and litter management is currently at a tipping point of change.  Social media, new technologies, population growth, urban expansion and the review of several key state and federal strategies and policies are pushing educators to develop new skills and explore new territory to engage and create valuable programs for their constituents.  Tipping Point will feature a range of keynote speakers, case studies, workshops and a day of site tours covering the following themes in relation to waste and litter management.  Registration information will be available soon.

Save the date – ALGWA Vic State Conference 2013

The ALGWA Vic branch State Conference will be held in the Shire of Strathbogie from Friday 24 to Sunday 26 May 2013.   Minister for Local Government, the Hon Jeanette Powell will open the Conference.  The full program is to be confirmed and further details will be available soon.  For more information contact ALGWA Vic via their website.

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